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Journal Papers:
- B. Wu, F. Wang, and W. Han, The virtual element method for a contact problem with wear
and unilateral constraint, to appear in Applied Numerical Mathematics.
- W. Han and M. Sofonea, Analysis and control of a general elliptic quasivariational-hemivariational
inequality, to appear in the special issue ``Set-valued Analysis, Vector and Set Optimization, and
Variational Inequalities'' of Minimax Theory and its Applications, Vol. 9 (2024) (invited contribution).
- W. Wang, X.-L. Cheng, and W. Han, Stability analysis and optimal control of a stationary
Navier-Stokes hemivariational inequality with numerical approximation,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Volume 44 (2024), 2309-2326.
- W. Han and F. Jing, Numerical analysis of a steady Oseen flow problem with frictional type
boundary conditions, in Nonsmooth Problems with Applications in Mechanics, eds. S. Migorski
and M. Sofonea, Banach Center Publications, Volume 127 (2024), 147-165.
- W. Han and Y. Yao,
On well-posedness of Navier-Stokes variational inequalities,
Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 155 (2024), article number 109121.
- M. Ling, W. Xiao, and W. Han,
Numerical analysis of a history-dependent mixed hemivariational-variational ineqaulity in contact problems,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 166 (2024), 65-76.
- W. Han, H. Qiu, and L. Mei,
On a Stokes hemivariational inequality for incompressible fluid flows with damping,
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 79 (2024), article number 104131.
- F. Jing, W. Han, K. Takahito, and W. Yan,
On finite volume methods for a Navier-Stokes variational inequality,
Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 98 (2024), article number 31.
- W. Han, F. Jing, and Y. Yao,
Stabilized mixed finite element methods for a Navier--Stokes hemivariational inequality,
BIT Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 63 (2023), article number 46.
- W. Han,
On a new class of mixed hemivariational-variational inequalities,
Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists: Series on Mathematics and its Applications,
Vol. 15 (2023), 331-352 (invited contribution).
- S. Zeng, S. Migorski, and W. Han,
A new class of fractional differential hemivariational inequalities with application to an incompressible
Navier-Stokes system coupled with a fractional diffusion equation,
Izvestiya: Mathematics, Vol. 87 (2023), 326-361.
- W. Han and M. Nashed,
On variational-hemivariational inequalities in Banach spaces,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (CNSNS), Vol. 124 (2023), 107309.
- W. Han, M. Ling, and F. Wang,
Numerical solution of an H(curl)-elliptic hemivariational inequality,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 43 (2023), 976-1000.
- L. Ding and W. Han,
Morozov's discrepancy principle for $\alpha\ell_1-\beta\ell_2$ sparsity regularization,
Inverse Problems and Imaging, Vol. 17 (2023), 157-179.
- X. Guo, W. Han, and J. Ren,
Design of a prediction system based on the dynamical feed-forward neural network,
Science China: Information Sciences, Vol. 66 (2023), 112102:1-112102:17.
- W. Han and M. Sofonea,
Numerical analysis of a general elliptic variational-hemivariational inequality,
in the special issue ``Variational and Hemivariational Inequalities with Applications'' of
Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis, Vol. 6 (2022), 517-534 (invited contribution).
- M. Ling, W. Han, and S. Zeng,
A pressure projection stabilized mixed finite element method for a Stokes hemivariational inequality,
Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 92 (2022), article number 13.
- Y. Qian, F. Wang, Y. Zhang, and W. Han,
A mixed discontinuous Galerkin method for an unsteady incompressible Darcy equation,
Applicable Analysis, Vol. 101 (2022), 1176-1198.
- W. Han and A. Matei,
Well-posedness of a general class of elliptic mixed hemivariational-variational inequalities,
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 66 (2022), 103553.
- F. Feng, W. Han, and J. Huang,
A nonconforming virtual element method for a fourth-order hemivariational inequality in
Kirchhoff plate problem, Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 90 (2022), article number 89.
- B. Wu, F. Wang, and W. Han,
Virtual element method for a frictional contact problem with normal compliance,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (CNSNS) (invited contribution), Vol. 107 (2022), 106125.
- M. Sofonea and W. Han,
Minimization arguments in analysis of variational-hemivartiational inequalities,
Zeitschrift f\"{u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP), Vol. 73 (2022), article number 6.
- W. Han and A. Matei,
Minimax principles for elliptic mixed hemivariational-variational inequalities,
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 64 (2022), 103448.
- W. Xu, C. Wang, M. He, W. Chen, W. Han, and Z. Huang,
Numerical analysis of doubly-history dependent variational inequalities in contact mechanics,
Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering (invited contribution),
Vol. 2021 (2021), article number 24.
- M. Ling and W. Han,
Well-posedness analysis of a stationary Navier-Stokes hemivariational inequality,
Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering (invited contribution), Vol. 2021 (2021), article number 22.
- W. Han, C. Song, F. Wang, and J. Gao,
Numerical analysis of the diffusive-viscous wave equation,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 102 (2021), 54-64.
- W. Han, K. Czuprynski, and F. Jing, Mixed finite element method
for a hemivariational inequality of stationary Navier-Stokes equations,
Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 89 (2021), article number 8.
- F. Feng, W. Han, and J. Huang,
The virtual element method for an obstacle problem of a Kirchhoff plate,
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (CNSNS) (invited contribution), Vol. 103 (2021), Article 106008.
- M. Ling and W. Han,
Minimization principle in study of a Stokes hemivariational inequality,
Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 121 (2021), article number 107401.
- W. Han, A revisit of elliptic variational-hemivariational inequalities,
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization, Vol. 42 (2021), 371-395.
- W. Han and C. Wang,
Numerical analysis of a parabolic hemivariational inequality for semipermeable media,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 389 (2021), article number 113326.
- S. Migorski, W. Han, and S. Zeng,
A new class of hyperbolic variational-hemivariational inequalities driven by nonlinear evolution equations,
European Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 32 (2021), 59-88.
- F. Wang, B. Wu, and W. Han,
The virtual element method for general elliptic hemivariational inequalities,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 389 (2021), article number 113330.
- F. Feng, W. Han, and J. Huang,
Virtual element method for elliptic hemivariational inequalities with a convex constraint,
Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 14 (2021), 589-612.
- L. He, W. Han, and F. Wang,
On a family of discontinuous Galerkin fully-discrete schemes for the wave equation,
Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 40 (2021), article number 56.
- L. He, W. Han, F. Wang, and W. Cai,
Unconditional stability and optimal error estimates of DG methods for wave equation,
Applicable Analysis, Vol. 100 (2021), 1143-1157.
- W. Xu, Z. Huang, W. Han, W. Chen, and C. Wang, Numerical
approximation of an electro-elastic frictional contact problem modeled by hemivariational inequality,
Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 39 (2020), No.\ 4, Paper No.\ 265, 23 pp.
- W. Han, Singular perturbations of variational-hemivariational
inequalities, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 52 (2020), 1549-1566.
- S. Wang, W. Xu, W. Han, and W. Chen,
Numerical analysis of history-dependent variational-hemivariational inequalities,
Science China: Mathematics, Vol. 63 (2020), 2207-2232.
- W. Han, M. Jureczka, and A. Ochal, Numerical studies of
a hemivariational inequality for a viscoelastic contact problem with damage,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 377 (2020), 112886.
- D. Han, W. Han, S. Migorski, and J. Zhao,
Convergence analysis of numerical solutions for optimal control of variational-hemivariational
inequalities, Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 105 (2020), 106327.
- W. Han, Minimization principles for elliptic
hemivariational inequalities, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications,
Vol. 54 (2020), 103114.
- F. Jing, W. Han, Y. Zhang, and W. Yan, Analysis of an
a posteriori error estimator for a variational inequality governed by the Stokes equations,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 372 (2020), 112721.
- D. Han, W. Han, M. Jureczka, and A. Ochal, Numerical analysis
of a contact problem with wear,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 79 (2020), 2942-2951.
- H. Xuan, X. Cheng, W. Han, and Q. Xiao, Numerical analysis
of a dynamic contact problem with history-dependent operators,
Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications, Vol. 13 (2020), 569-594.
- F. Wang, M. Ling, W. Han, and F. Jing, Adaptive discontinuous
Galerkin methods for solving anincompressible Stokes flow problem with slip boundary condition
of frictional type,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 371 (2020), 112700.
- C. Fang and W. Han,
Stability analysis and optimal control of a stationary Stokes hemivariational inequality,
Evolution Equations and Control Theory (invited contribution), Vol. 9 (2020), 995-1008.
- C. Fang, K. Czuprynski, W. Han, X.L. Cheng, and X. Dai,
Finite element method for a stationary Stokes hemivariational inequality with
slip boundary condition, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 40 (2020), 2696-2716.
- M. Ling, F. Wang, and W. Han,
The nonconforming Virtual Element Method for a stationary Stokes hemivariational inequality
with slip boundary condition, Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 85 (2020), article number 56.
- L. Ding and W. Han,
A projected gradient method for $\alpha\ell_1-\beta\ell_2$ sparsity regularization,
Inverse Problems, Vol. 36 (2020), 125012 (30pp).
- R.F. Gong, P. Yu, Q. Jin, X.-L. Cheng, and W. Han,
Solving a nonlinear inverse Robin problem through a linear Cauchy problem,
Applicable Analysis, Vol. 99 (2020), 2093-2114.
- W. Han and M. Sofonea,
Convergence of penalty based numerical methods for variational inequalities
and hemivariational inequalities, Numer. Math., Vol. 142 (2019), 917--940.
- W. Han and M. Sofonea,
Numerical analysis of hemivariational inequalities in contact mechanics,
Acta Numerica, Vol. 28 (2019), 175--286.
- D. Han and W. Han,
Numerical analysis of an evolutionary variational-hemivariational inequality with
application to a dynamic contact problem,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 358 (2019), 163--178.
- W. Han and Y. Li,
Stability analysis of stationary variational and hemivariational inequalities with applications,
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 50 (2019), 171--191.
- M. Barboteu, W. Han, and S. Migorski,
On numerical approximation of a variational--hemivariational inequality modeling contact problems
for locking, Computers and Mathematics with Applications (invited contribution), Vol. 77 (2019), 2894--2905.
- W. Xu, Z. Huang, W. Han, W. Chen, and C. Wang,
Numerical analysis of history-dependent hemivariational inequalities and applications to
viscoelastic contact problems with normal penetration,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 77 (2019), 2596--2607.
- W. Han, S. Migorski, and M. Sofonea,
On penalty method for unilateral contact problem with non-monotone contact condition,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 356 (2019), 293--301.
- W. Han and S. Zeng,
On convergence of numerical methods for variational-hemivariational
inequalities under minimal solution regularity,
Applied Mathematics Letters, Vol. 93 (2019), 105--110.
- W. Han, Z. Huang, C. Wang, and W. Xu,
Numerical analysis of elliptic hemivariational inequalities for semipermeable media,
Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 37 (2019), 543--560.
- W. Xu, Z. Huang, W. Han, W. Chen, and C. Wang,
Numerical analysis of history-dependent variational-hemivariational inequalities with applications in contact mechanics,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 351 (2019), 364--377.
- F. Feng, W. Han, and J. Huang,
Virtual element method for elliptic hemivariational inequalities,
Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 81 (2019), 2388--2412.
- F. Feng, W. Han, and J. Huang,
Virtual element methods for elliptic variational inequalities
of the second kind, Journal of Scientific Computing,
Vol. 80 (2019), 60--80.
- F. Wang and W. Han,
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving a hyperbolic variational inequality,
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Vol. 35 (2019), 894--915.
- W. Han, L. He, and F. Wang,
Optimal order error estimates for discontinuous Galerkin methods for the wave equation,
Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 78 (2019), 121--144.
- F. Wang, T. Zhang, and W. Han,
$C^0$ discontinuous Galerkin methods for a Kirchhoff plate contact
problem, Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 37 (2019), 184--200.
- F. Wang and W. Han,
Reliable and efficient a posteriori error estimates of DG methods for a simplified frictional contact problem,
International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling, Vol. 16 (2019), 49--62.
- L. Ding and W. Han,
Sparsity regularization with $\alpha\ell_1-\beta\ell_2$ constraints,
Inverse Problems, Vol. 35 (2019), 125009 (26pp).
- W. Han, M. Sofonea, and D. Danan,
Numerical analysis of stationary variational-hemivariational inequalities,
Numer. Math., Vol. 139 (2018), 563--592.
- M. Sofonea, S. Migorski, and W. Han,
A penalty method for history-dependent variational-hemivariational inequalities,
Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 75 (2018), 2561--2573.
- W. Han, Numerical analysis of stationary
variational-hemivariational inequalities with applications in contact mechanics,
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids (invited contribution), Vol. 23 (2018), 279--293,
special issue on Inequality Problems in Contact Mechanics.
- W. Xiao, F. Wang, and W. Han,
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving a frictional contact
problem with normal compliance, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization,
Vol. 39 (2018), 1248--1264.
- F. Jing, W. Han, W. Yan, and F. Wang,
Discontinuous Galerkin finite element methods for a
stationary Navier-Stokes problem with a nonlinear slip boundary condition of friction type,
Journal of Scientific Computing, Vol. 76 (2018), 888--912.
- R.F. Gong, X.L. Cheng, and W. Han,
A homotopy method for bioluminescence tomography,
Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering, Vol. 26 (2018), 398--421.
- W. Han, M. Sofonea, and M. Barboteu,
Numerical analysis of elliptic hemivariational inequalities ,
SIAM J. Numer. Anal., Vol. 55 (2017), 640--663.
- M. Barboteu, K. Bartosz, and W. Han,
Numerical Analysis of an Evolutionary Variational--Hemivariational Inequality
with Application in Contact Mechanics,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 318 (2017), 882--897.
- W. Han, S. Migorski, and M. Sofonea,
Analysis of a General Dynamic History-dependent Variational-Hemivariational Inequality,
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 36 (2017), 69--88.
- J. Gao, B. Zhang, W. Han, J. Peng, and Z. Xu,
A new approach for extracting the amplitude spectrum of the seismic wavelet from the seismic traces,
Inverse Problems, Vol. 33 (2017), 085005 (16pp). Highlight paper of the journal in 2017.
- R.F. Gong, X.L. Cheng, and W. Han,
A coupled complex boundary method for an inverse conductivity
problem with one measurement, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 96 (2017), 869--885.
- J. Tang, B. Han, W. Han, B. Bi, and L. Li,
Mixed total variation and $L^1$ regularization method for optical tomography based on radiative transfer equation,
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Vol. 2017 (2017), Article ID 2953560, 15 pages.
- W. Han, F. Long, W.X. Cong, X. Intes, and G. Wang,
Radiative transfer with delta-Eddington-type phase functions,
Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 300 (2017), 70--78.
- C. Fang and W. Han, Well-posedness and optimal control
of a hemivariational inequality for nonstationary Stokes fluid flow,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, Vol. 36 (2016), 5369--5386.
- C. Fang, W. Han, S. Migorski, and M. Sofonea,
A class of hemivariational inequalities for nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations,
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, Vol. 31 (2016), 257--276.
- X.L. Cheng, R.F. Gong, and W. Han,
A coupled complex boundary method for the Cauchy problem,
Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering, Vol. 24 (2016), 1510--1527.
- R.F. Gong, J. Eichholz, X.L. Cheng, and W. Han,
Analysis of a numerical method for radiative transfer based bioluminescence tomography,
special issue on medical imaging, Journal of Computational Mathematics (invited contribution), Vol. 34 (2016), 648--670.
- C. Wang, Q. Sheng, and W. Han,
A discrete-ordinate discontinuous-streamline diffusion method for the radiative transfer equation,
Communications in Computational Physics (CiCP), Vol. 20 (2016), 1443--1465.
- Q. Sheng, C. Wang, and W. Han,
An optimal cascadic multigrid method for the radiative transfer equation,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 303 (2016), 189--205.
- R.F. Gong, X.L. Cheng, and W. Han,
A new coupled complex boundary method for bioluminescence tomography,
Communications in Computational Physics (CiCP), Vol. 19 (2016), 226--250.
- M. Sofonea, W. Han, and S. Migorski,
Numerical analysis of history-dependent variational–hemivariational inequalities with
applications to contact problems, European Journal of Applied Mathematics,
Vol. 26 (2015), 427--452.
- M. Barboteu, K. Bartosz, W. Han, and T. Janiczko,
Numerical analysis of a hyperbolic hemivariational inequality
arising in dynamic contact, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 53
(2015), 527--550.
- F. Wang, W. Han, J. Eichholz, and X.-L. Cheng,
A posteriori error estimates for discontinuous Galerkin methods of obstacle problems,
Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications (invited contribution), Vol. 22 (2015), 664--679.
- X.L. Cheng, R.F. Gong, and W. Han,
A new Kohn-Vogelius type formulation for inverse source problems,
Inverse Problems and Imaging, Vol. 9 (2015), 1051--1067.
- W. Han, A Posteriori Error Analysis in Radiative
Transfer, Applicable Analysis, Vol. 94 (2015), 2517--2534.
- B. Bi, B. Han, W. Han, J. Tang, and L. Li,
Image reconstruction for diffuse optical tomography based on radiative transfer equation ,
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Vol. 2015 (2015), Article ID 286161, 23 pages.
- W. Han, S. Migorski, and M. Sofonea,
A class of variational-hemivariational inequalities with applications to elastic contact
problems, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 46 (2014), 3891--3912.
- K. Kazmi, M. Barboteu, W. Han, and M. Sofonea,
Numerical analysis of history-dependent quasivariational inequalities with applications in
contact mechanics, ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Vol. 48 (2014), 919--942.
- F. Wang, W. Han, and X.-L. Cheng,
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving a quasistatic contact
problem, Numer. Math., Vol. 126 (2014), 771--800.
- X.L. Cheng, R.F. Gong, W. Han, and X. Zheng,
A novel coupled complex boundary method for inverse source problems,
Inverse Problems, Vol. 30 (2014), 055002 (20 pp).
- R.F. Gong, X.L. Cheng, and W. Han,
A fast solver for an inverse problem arising in bioluminescence tomography,
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 267 (2014), 228--243.
- W. Han, R.F. Gong, and X.L. Cheng, A general framework for integration of
bioluminescence tomography and diffuse optical tomography,
Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering, Vol. 22 (2014), 458--482.
- M. Barboteu, K. Kazmi, M. Sofonea, and W. Han, Analysis of a dynamic electro-elastic
problem, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), Vol. 93 (2013), 612--632.
- M. Sofonea, W. Han, and M. Barboteu, Analysis of a viscoelastic contact problem with
multivalued normal compliance and unilateral constraint,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 264 (2013), 12--22.
- F. Wang and W. Han,
Another view for a posteriori error estimates for variational inequalities of the second kind,
Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 72 (2013), 225--233.
- J. Tang, W. Han, and B. Han,
A theoretical study for RTE based parameter identification problems,
Inverse Problems, Vol. 29 (2013), 095002 (18pp).
- Q. Sheng and W. Han,
Well-posedness of the Fokker-Planck Equation in a Scattering Process ,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 406 (2013), 531--536.
- W. Han, R.F. Gong, and X.L. Cheng,
A general framework for integration of bioluminescence tomography and diffuse optical
tomography , Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 22 (2013), 458--482.
- W. Han, Y. Li, Q. Sheng, and J. Tang,
A numerical method for generalized Fokker-Planck equations ,
Contemporary Mathematics (invited contribution), Vol. 586 (2013), 171-179, AMS.
- W. Han, J. Eichholz, and Q. Sheng,
Theory of Differential Approximations of Radiative Transfer Equation ,
in G.A. Anastassiou and O. Duman (eds.), Advances in Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory (invited contribution),
Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 41, 2013.
- M. Sofonea, K. Kazmi, M. Barboteu, and W. Han, Analysis and numerical solution
of a piezoelectric frictional contact problem,
Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 36 (2012), 4483--4501.
- W. Han, J. Eichholz, and G. Wang,
On a family of differential approximations of the radiative transfer equation ,
J. Math. Chem., Vol. 50 (2012), 689--702.
- F. Wang, W. Han, and X.-L. Cheng,
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving the Signorini problem,
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 31 (2011), 1754--1772.
- W. Han, J. Eichholz, X.-L. Cheng, and G. Wang,
A theoretical framework of x-ray dark-field tomography ,
SIAM J. Applied Math., Vol. 71 (2011), 1557--1577.
- W. Han, J. Eichholz, J. Huang, and J. Lu, RTE based bioluminescence tomography: a theoretical study,
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 19 (2011), 435--459.
- F. Wang, W. Han, and X.-L. Cheng,
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving elliptic variational
inequalities, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, Vol. 48 (2010), 708--733.
- J. Huang, X. Huang, and W. Han,
A new $C^0$ discontinuous Galerkin method for Kirchhoff plates,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 199 (2010), 1446--1454.
- W. Han, J. Huang, and J. A. Eichholz,
Discrete-ordinate discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving the radiative transfer equation,
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 32 (2010), 477--497.
- R.F. Gong, G. Wang, X.L. Cheng, and W. Han, A novel approach for studies of multispectral bioluminescence tomography,
Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 115 (2010), 553--583.
- R.F. Gong, X.L. Cheng, and W. Han,
Bioluminescence tomography for media with spatially varying refractive index,
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, Vol. 18 (2010), 295--312.
- R.F. Gong, X.L. Cheng, and W. Han, Theoretical analysis and
numerical realization of bioluminescence tomography, special issue on
Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory, Journal
of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics, Vol. 8 (2010), 504--527.
- W. Han, H. Yu, and G. Wang,
A total variation minimization theorem for compressed sensing based tomography,
International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Vol. 2009 (2009),
Article ID 125871. doi:10.1155/2009/125871.
- X.P. Lian, X.L. Cheng, and W. Han,
Two algorithms for two-phase Stefan type problems,
Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ., Vol. 24 (2009), 298-308.
- W. Han, H. Shen, K. Kazmi, W.X. Cong, and G. Wang,
Studies of a mathematical model for temperature-modulated bioluminescence tomography,
Applicable Analysis, Vol. 88 (2009), 193--213. DOI: 10.1080/00036810802713834.
- X.L. Cheng, R.F. Gong, and W. Han,
Numerical approximation of bioluminescence tomography based on a new formulation,
Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Vol. 63 (2009), 121--133.
- W. Han, W.X. Cong, K. Kazmi, and G. Wang,
An integrated solution and analysis of bioluminescence tomography and diffuse optical tomography,
a special issue of Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 25 (2008), 639--656.
- W. Han and G. Wang, Bioluminescence tomography:
biomedical background, mathematical theory, and numerical approximation,
Journal of Computational Mathematics (invited contribution), Vol. 26 (2008), 324--335.
- X.L. Cheng, R.F. Gong, and W. Han,
A new general mathematical framework for bioluminescence
tomography, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 197 (2008), 524--535.
- Y. Chen, J. Huang, and W. Han, Function reconstruction from noisy local averages,
Inverse Problems 24 (2008), 025003, 14 pages.
- J. Lu, J. Qian, and W. Han, Discrete gradient method in solid mechanics, International
Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 74 (2008), 619--641.
- W. Han, M. Sofonea, and K. Kazmi, A frictionless contact problem for electro-elastic-visco-plastic materials,
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 196 (2007), 3915--3926.
- W. Han and M. Sofonea, On a dynamic contact problem for elastic-visco-plastic materials,
Applied Numerical Mathematics, Vol. 57 (2007), 498--509.
DOI (digital object identifier) information: 10.1016/j.apnum.2006.07.003.
- W. Han, K. Kazmi, W.X. Cong, and G. Wang,
Bioluminescence tomography with optimized optical
parameters , Inverse Problems, Vol. 23 (2007), 1215--1228.
- W. Han and G. Wang,
Theoretical and numerical analysis on multispectral
bioluminescence tomography ,
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 72 (2007), 67--85.
- W. Han, J. Huang, K. Kazmi, and Y. Chen, A numerical method for a Cauchy problem
for elliptic partial differential equations, Inverse Problems, Vol. 23 (2007), 2401--2415.
- W. Han, D.-Y. Hua, and L.-H. Wang, Nonconforming finite element methods for a clamped plate with elastic unilateral obstacle,
special issue of Journal of Integral Equations and Applications honoring Ken Atkinson, Vol. 18 (2006), 267--284.
- V. Bostan and W. Han, A posteriori error analysis for a contact problem with
friction, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 195 (2006), 1252--1274.
- W. Han, W.X. Cong, and G. Wang,
Mathematical study and numerical simulation of multispectral
bioluminescence tomography , International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Vol. 2006 (2006),
- W. Han, W.X. Cong, and G. Wang,
Mathematical theory and numerical analysis of
bioluminescence tomography ,
Inverse Problems, Vol. 22 (2006), 1659--1675. Highlight paper of the journal in 2006.
- M. Campo, J. Fern\'andez, W. Han, and M. Sofonea, A dynamic
viscoelastic contact problem with normal compliance and damage,
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Vol. 42 (2005), 1--24.
- W. Han and K. Kazmi, Internal approximation of obstacle problems,
special issue of Bull. Math. Soc. Sc. Math. Roumanie, Vol. 48 (2005), No. 2, 199--210.
- V. Bostan, W. Han, and B.D. Reddy, A posteriori error estimation and
adaptive solution of elliptic variational inequalities of the second kind,
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- W. Han and W.K. Liu, Flexible piecewise approximations based on partition of unity,
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- V. Bostan and W. Han, Recovery-based error estimation and adaptive solution of
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- O. Chau, J. Fern\'andez, W. Han, and M. Sofonea, Variational and numerical
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- X. Cheng and W. Han,
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- M. Barboteu, W. Han, and M. Sofonea, A frictionless contact problem for viscoelastic materials,
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- W. Han, L. Kuttler, M. Shillor, and M. Sofonea, Elastic beam in adhesive
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- W. Han and X. Meng, On a meshfree method for singular problems,
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- J. Fernandez, W. Han, M. Sofonea, and J. Viano, Variational and
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- O. Chau, W. Han, and M. Sofonea, Analysis and approximation of a
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