22M:033 (MATH:2550) Engineering Math III: Matrix Algebra Fall 2014

Section 0001: 10:30A - 11:20A MW 101 BCSB

Section 0121: 12:30P - 1:20P MW 118 MLH

Instructor:  Dr. Isabel Darcy                  Office:B1H MLH                     Phone: 335- 0778
Email: idarcybiomath+33 AT gmail.com or isabel-darcy AT uiowa.edu           
Tentative Office Hours: MW 9:40 - 10:00am, 11:40 - 12:20, W 1:40pm - 2:40pm+, and by appt.
Note: + means I will be also available directly after the office hour, normally for as long as needed.

Click here for rest of syllabus including grading scheme

WebWork instructions (pdf), (doc format without comments).

TENTATIVE CLASS SCHEDULE-ALL DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE (click on date/section for pdf file of corresponding class material):

FINAL exam info.
  • Saturday, Dec 13, 3:15pm - 5:15 pm iin 118 MLH,
  • Wednesday Dec 17, 1:00pm - 2:50 pm in 118 MLH,
  • Wednesday Dec 17, 6:00pm - 7:50 pm in 118 MLH,
  • and then move to
  • Wednesday Dec 17 8:00pm - 8:50pm in B13 MLH
  • ScheduleHW/Announcements
    Week 1
    8/25  1.1, 1.2: Systems of Linear Equations, Row Reduction, and Echelon Forms ,     echelon practice NOT homework:
    Practice Quiz 1: 1.1, 1.2     +   Answers
    Echelon practice     +   answers
    8/27 1.3: Vector Equations,   ex,   ex 1ex 2
    Week 2
    9/1   Holiday: Labor Day HW 1(due date: Thursday 9/4 )
    9/3 1.3: Vector Equations
    Week 3
    9/8 1.4: The Matrix Equation Ax = b (No W drop date) HW 2 (due date Wed 9/10, beginning of class)

    HW 3 (due date Thursday 9/11)

    9/10 1.5: Solution Sets of Linear Systems
    Youtube lecture: Solving homogeneous equations: Ax = 0 Putting answer in parametric vector form 18:27 minute video, pptx, pdf
    Week 4
    9/15 1.7: Linear Independence HW 4 (due date Thursday 9/18)
    9/17 2.1: Matrix Operations
    Week 5
    9/22 Review HW 5 (due date Thursday 9/25)
    Review session Tuesday 9/23, 11:00am - 12:45pm in 427 EPB
    9/24 Exam 1: Chapter 1, Answers for form A, B, C, D
    Week 6
    9/29 2.2: The Inverse of a Matrix

    10/1 2.3: Characterizations of Invertible Matrices
    Week 7
    10/6 2.8: Subspaces of Rn, 2.9 (p. 155 - 157): Dimension and Rank,    
    Youtube lecture: A quick example calculating the column space and the nullspace of a matrix 6:32 minute video, pptx, pdf
    HW 6 (due date Thursday 10/9)
    10/8 2.9: Dimension and Rank,
    Week 8
    10/13 3.1, 3.2: Determinants HW 7 (due date Friday 10/17)
    Quiz 1 (due date Sunday 10/19)
    Quiz 1 Answers
    10/15 3.2: Properties of Determinants
    Week 9
    10/20 3.3: Cramer's Rule, Volume, and Linear Transformations  HW 8 (due date Thursday 10/23)
    Quiz 2 (due date Saturday 10/25 will open tomorrow)
    10/22 5.1, 5.2: Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues and the Characteristic Equation, Review
    Week 10
    10/27 Multiple choice exam 2 (cumulative) form A, B, C, D, Answers form A, B, C, D,
    10/29 5.2: Characteristic Equation
    Week 11
    11/3 5.3: Diagonalization (Drop Deadline) Due 11/6: eigen0 and Eigen1
    11/5 5.3: Diagonalization,
    Week 12
    11/10 6.1: Inner Product, Length, and Orthogonality Due 11/10: Eigen2
    11/12 6.2, 6.3, 6.4: Orthogonal Projections and the Gram-Schmidt Process
    Week 13
    11/17 6.4: Gram-Schmidt Process Quizzes:
    due date Thursday 11/20: Eigen3, Diagonalization1,
    due date Friday 11/21: Diagonalization2, RequiredQuizReviewForExam3
    HW 9 (due date Friday 11/21)
    11/19 7.1: Diagonalization of Symmetric Matrices
    ***** Thanksgiving break *****
    Week 14
    12/1 Review HW 10 (due date Monday 12/1)
    HW 11 (due date Thursday 12/4)
    RequiredQuizReviewForExam3Part2 (due date Thursday 12/4)

    Exam 3 info

    12/3 Exam 3: Ch 5, 6, and 7.1, form A, B, C, D, Answers form A, B, C, D,
    Week 15
    12/8 7.2: Quadratic Forms HW 12 (due date Thursday 12/11)
    ShortRequiredFinalQuiz (due date Thursday 12/11)

    Quiz/HW replacements due Sunday night 11:59pm for the wiki and Monday by 2pm for the lecture note reviews.

    Optional problems: MediumOptionalReviewforFinal and LongOptionalReviewforFinal

    12/10 7.2 ?? Review,FINAL EXAM INFO
    Final Exam Week
    12/18 Final Exam Thursday 12/18, 12:30p - 02:30p
    Form C, Form D,
    Location: LR1 VAN

    Final Exam info

    Note: In order to cover all the material needed for your engineering course, we have a very tight schedule. The schedule actually only allows for 2 review days and 2 exams. In order to squeeze time for an extra exam, I have created some youtube lectures. We will also have a series of youtube lectures during the 11th week of class when I will be in Mexico giving lectures on applications of topological data analysis. I will be available online to answer any questions, and a sub will be available during class times to provide additional help.

    Resources for Students:

    Math Tutorial Lab: 125 MLH
    Engineering Tutoring Center: 3124 SC

    You will find links to my old exams on my older websites for this course: Spring 2014

    Old exams from a 3 unit course I taught in 2002 covering more material:

    MIDTERM #1 (Ch. 1, 2, 3.1 - 3.2, 9.9 from an old edition of Lay) , MIDTERM #1 answers

    Problems we have covered so far this semester on old Midterm 1: 1, 5, 7, 12bcde

    Review Exam 2,   Exam 2 Answers (pdf),   Exam 2 Answers (ps - better fonts?)

    Problem set #1:   Old midterm,     Problem set #1 ANSWERS:

    Exam 3,   Exam 3 answers (pdf file),   Exam 3 answers (ps file, better fonts?)

    ??  Final Exam   Final Exam answers (pdf)