You may replace up to 2 quiz grades and 1 HW grade with reviews of linear algebra resources. You may turn in/upload your reviews any time during the semester, but no later than Sunday Dec 14 for the wiki and Monday by 2pm for the lecture note reviews). These reviews can be in one of two different formats (if you have ideas for a different type of review, please let me know):
1.) Review my lecture notes. Click on the date for the class notes. Print out the class notes for one lecture. Write notes on this print-out denoting what you like and what you would recommend changing. Please also identify any parts that you find confusing. You may also include links to additional helpful information on the web. You may turn in a paper copy of your review to me anytime during the semester. Each lecture review will replace up to 1 quiz or 1HW, depending on the depth of the review. If you would like the review to replace a HW grade, please clearly indicate this on your review.
2.) Find a helpful resourse on the web. Place information about this resource on our course wiki under the appropriate heading (section or chapter depending on how specific or general it is). Include the link to the resource. Briefly describe the resource and explain how it is helpful. When determining what to include in your description, think about what would be helpful to you and your classmates in order to determine if they would like to check out this resource. Too wordy can be distracting so you only want to include what is helpful. Be brief.
I have listed some possible resources below, BUT
NOTE: Most of the references listed below are NOT suitable for this course. We will only cover some (but not all) of the basics. Many of the references below, for example, cover linear transformations and may assume that knowledge in later sections. Unfortunately, we do not have time to cover linear transformations. However, there are still some sections and/or examples that you may find helpful. If you find something helpful, post the link on our course blog.
Wikibooks: Linear Algebra
An Introduction to Mathematical Discourse
MIT linear algebra 2010, Prof. Strang
MIT linear algebra 2011, Prof. Strang
Khan Academy
Khan Academy Youtube
SOS Mathematics: Matrix Algebra
Linear Algebra by David Cherney, Tom Denton and Andrew Waldron
Algebra by Jim Hefferon ,
Answers ,
Any linear algebra source. Note that you can download e-books on linear algebra by using the
UI library's advanced search and selecting E-book format