Fall 2018
The University of Iowa
The College of Liberal Arts and
Department of Mathematics
Fundamental Properties of Spaces and
Functions I
MATH 3770: 0AAA: 9:30A - 10:20A MWF 213 MLH
Section 0A01: 9:30A - 10:20A Th 464 PH
Section 0A04: 8:30A - 9:20A Th 103 SH
Office location and hours: B20F MLH; Mon,
Wed, Thu 10:30-12:00 and by appointment
Phone: 319-335-0774
E-mail: oguz-durumeric@uiowa.edu
FINAL EXAM Thursday, December 13, 2018 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM 106 GILH
December 11 2018 Review Session notes
MIDTERM DATES: September 28 and November 2
QUIZ DATES: September 6, September 20, October 11, October 25, November 15, November 29.
Old Exams
Solutions to Exams Fall 2018
Midterm 2 There were two versions of the test, but Problems 1, 2 and 4 were identical. In Problem 5, the questions were rearranged. All solutions are in one file.