Introduction |
1MapleWorkSheets.mws 2MapleNumerics.mws 3MapleSymbolics.mws 4MapleGraphics.mws 5MapleLists.mws |
Calculus with Computers |
Linear Functions with CAS Derivatives as Limits by CAS |
LinearIntro.nb or .mws DerivLimit.nb or .mws |
Using Calculus to Model Epidemics |
The First S-I-R Epidemic Model A Second Computation with Lists Euler's Recursion vs. CAS's CAS Solution of S-I-R Equations Limits for S-I-R & the Invariant |
FirstSIR.nb or .mws SecondSIR.nb or .mws ThirdSIR.nb or .mws SIRsolver.nb or .mws EpidemicRoots.nb or .mws |
Linearity vs. Local Linearity |
Microscopic Zooming Zooming into the Tangent Gap Weierstrass' Function |
or .mws SecantGapZ.nb or .mws Weierstrass.nb or .mws |
Differential Equations and Derivatives |
Euler's Approximation for IVPs | EulerApprox.nb or .mws |
Symbolic Increments |
The Symbolic Microscope in 1-D Symbolic Increments of Functions Function Limits for Derivatives Exponentials and Percent Growth |
or .mws SymbIncr.nb or .mws DfctLimit.nb or .mws PercentGth.nb or .mws |
Symbolic Differentiation |
Computing with Your Own Rules Symbolic Differentiation with CAS Check Differentiation with CAS The Symbolic Microscope in 1-D The Tangent to the Graph |
DiffRules.nb or .mws DfDx.nb or .mws HomeWkCk.nb or .mws Micro1D.nb or .mws Tangents.nb or .mws |
Related Rates and Implicit Derivatives |
Symbolic Differentiation with CAS Implicit Derivative and Tangent |
DfDx.nb or .mws ImplicitDeriv.nb or .mws |
The Natural Log and Exponential |
Exact Solution of y'=k y |
or .mws |
Graphs and the Derivative |
Derivatives, Shape Tables, and Computer Plots | Graph2D.nb or .mws |
Velocity, Acceleration, and Calculus |
Acceleration and Gravity | Gravity.nb or .mws |
Maxima and Minima in One Variable |
Proof of The Extreme Value Thm Exact and Approximate Solution |
ExtremeValue.nb or .mws SolveEqns.nb or .mws |
Basic Integration |
Sums.nb or .mws ConeVol.nb or .mws IntegrAprx.nb or .mws |
Symbolic Integration |
Symbolic Integration with CAS | SymbolicIntegr.nb or .mws |
Applications of Integration |
Arc Length of Curves Surface Area of a Torus Area Between Curves Area of a Parabolic Antenna |
ArcLength.nb or .mws DonutIcing.nb or .mws AreaBetween.nb or .mws AntennaArea.nb or .mws |
Chapter 15 Basic Vector Geometry |
Position Vectors and Length Vector Sums, Tips to Tails Scalar Multiplication of Vectors Free Vectors, Displacements Angles, Lengths The Vector Cross Product An Algebraic-Geometric Lexicon |
PositVec.nb or .mws VectSum.nb or .mws ScalarMult.nb or .mws DisplVect.nb or .mws AnglPerp.nb or .mws CrossProd.nb or .mws AlgGeoLx.nb or .mws |
Chapter 16 Parametric Curves |
Parametric Equations for a Line Parametric Equations for a Circle Classic Parametric Curves in 2-D Curves in Polar Coordinates Parametric Curves in 3-D Velocity and Tangents |
ParamLine.nb or .mws Circles.nb or .mws ClassicCrvs.nb or .mws PolarCrvs.nb or .mws Param3D.nb or .mws PrmVelTan.nb or .mws |
Chapter 17 Graphs in Several Variables |
Slices of Surfaces Basic Graphs in 3-D Graphs of Surfaces by Slices Explicit, Implicit Lines and Planes Plane Through Three Points Contour Plots of Linear Functions Contours and Horizontal Slices Explicit Plots for Problem 17.6 Contour Plots for Problem 17.6 |
SurfaceFlyBy.nb or .mws BasicGrfs3D.nb or .mws SurfSlices.nb or .mws PlaneLines.nb or .mws ThreePoints.nb or .mws LinearContours.nb or .mws ContourSlices.nb or .mws ExplicitSurfaces.nb or .mws ContourPlots.nb or .mws |
Chapter 18 Differentiation in Several Variables |
A Microscope for 3D Graphs Zooming to a Tangent Partial and Total Derivatives The Normal and Tangent The Gradient of a Function Review Uses of Partial Derivatives |
Micro3D.nb or .mws Zoom3D.nb or .mws PartialD.nb or .mws SurfNorm.nb or .mws Grad.nb or .mws DiffReview.nb or .mws |
Several Variable Optimization |
Partial Information for Max-Min Max-min Examples using CAS |
MxMnThy.nb or .mws SvVarMxMn.nb or .mws |
Discrete Dynamical Systems |
A First Look at Discrete Systems Dynamical Systems and Cobwebs |
FstDscrDySy.nb or .mws CobWeb.nb or .mws |
Chapter 21 Continuous Dynamical Systems in 1-D |
Exact Solution of Percentage Rapid Exponential Growth Accurate Numerical Solution One Dimensional Flow Euler's Approximation Euler's Approximation Compared |
ExpEquns.nb or .mws ExpGth.nb or .mws AccDEsol.nb or .mws Flow1D.nb or .mws EulerApprox.nb or .mws EULERexact.nb or .mws |
Chapter 22 Continuous Dynamical Systems in 2-D |
Direction Fields in 2-D Flows in 2-D Views of Solutions of 2-D ODEs Accurate Numerical Solution Flows in 3-D |
DirField.nb or .mws Flow2D.nb or .mws SolnViews.nb or .mws AccDEsol.nb or .mws Flow3D.nb or .mws |
Chapter 23 Linear Dynamical Systems |
Equilibria of Linear ODEs in 2-D Computation of Local Stability Linear Flows in 2-D |
LinearEquilibria.nb or .mws LocalStability.nb or .mws Flow2D.nb or .mws |
Chapter 25 Geometric Series |
Basic Examples of Series The Geometric Series Series for the Classical Functions Power, Fourier, and Other Series Weierstrass' Function |
BasicSeries.nb or .mws GeomSeries.nb or .mws ClassicalSeries.nb or .mws FourierSeries.nb or .mws Weierstrass.nb or .mws |
Chapter 26 Power Series |
Series for the Classical Functions A Series for the Absolute Value Formal Taylor Series The Binomial Series Specific Infinite Sums Series for Hyperbolic Functions Series for Bessel Functions |
ClassicalSeries.nb or .mws AbsSeries.nb or .mws FormalTSeries.nb or .mws BinomialSeries.nb or .mws SomeSums.nb or .mws CoshSeries.nb or .mws BesselSeries.nb or .mws |
Chapter 27 The Edge of Convergence |
Slowly Convergent Series | SlowSeries.nb or .mws |
High School Review with Computing |
Polynomials with Mathematica Defining Functions with CSAs Laws of Exponents Rapid Exponential Growth Slow Logarithmic Growth Translation and Scaling a Parabola |
Polynomials.nb or .mws Functions.nb or .mws ExpRules.nb or .mws ExpGth.nb or .mws LogGth.nb or .mws SlideSquash.nb or .mws |
Complex Numbers |
Complex Arithmetic with CASs | CmplxNrs.nb or .mws |