
Course Readings


[HR] Logic in Computer Science, by Michael Huth and Mark Ryan. Cambridge University Press, 2004 (2nd edition).

Articles and Lectures

[Gen] M. Genesereth, Introduction Chapter. Computational Logic course notes, 2009.
[KV] P. Kolaitis and M. Vardi, Logic as The Calculus of Computer Science. NSF/CISE Workshop on The Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science, 2001.
[Var] M. Vardi, A brief history of Logic. Course notes, 2003.
[Via] V. Vianu, Logic as a Query Language--from Frege to XML. NSF/CISE Workshop on The Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science, 2001.
[Vor] A. Voronkov, CNF and Clausal Form. Logic in Computer Science course notes, 2009.

Complementary Class Notes

[N1] Rewrite rules for CNF conversion.
[N2] An abstract DPLL procedure.
[N3] A rule-based algorithm for CTL model checking.


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