MATH:7450 (22M:305) Topics in Topology

Topological Data Analysis

Spring 2017 Section 0001: 9:30A - 10:45A TTh 113 MLH

Instructor:  Dr. Isabel K. Darcy
Department of Mathematics and AMCS
University of Iowa
Office:B1H MLH
Phone: 335- 0778
Email: isabel-darcy AT
Office hours: Tuesdays/Thursday 8:50 - 9:15am, 12:30 - 1:35pm and by appointment.

Click here for syllabus

Tentative Schedule
Week 1
1/17 Professor Gunnar Carlsson Introduces Topological Data Analysis, Mapper slides , worksheet , , , ,
1/19 Meet in B5 MLH: Lab 1 files , slides
FYI: scikit-learn clustering
Week 2
1/24 More TDA mapper slides , , ,
1/26 Meet in B5 MLH: Lab 2
Week 3
1/31 Mapper/Persistent Homology , , ,
2/2 Persistent homology, place cells
Week 4
2/7 Persistent Homology/Place cells , , ,
2/9 Persistent homology, image analysis
Week 5
2/14 Image analysis, Barcodes, Persistent diagrams, Noise, stability
2/16 Stability, Detecting periodicity
Week 5
2/21 Software, TDA , Perseus, JavaPlex , Iris data set, databasics.r
2/23 Multidimensional persistence
Week 7
2/28Meet in B5 MLH
3/2 Applications
Week 8
3/7 Topology of Viral Evolution
3/9 Topology of Viral Evolution, Ethics
*****Spring Break March 12 - 19****
Week 9
3/21 computing PH, sparsified Rips
3/23 slides , Dey's Computing persistence for simplicial maps with application to data sparsification 2014
Week 10
3/28 Cohomology and circular coordinates
3/30 annotations
Week 11
4/4 categories, interval modules, etc.
Week 12
4/11 Michael Robinson's Sheaves
4/13 Michael Robinson's Sheaf Cohomology and its Interpretation
Week 13
4/18 slides for Justin Curry's Topological data analysis and cosheaves
4/20 Curry's cosheaves
Topo-Geometric Filtration Scheme for Geometric Active Contours and Level Sets: Application to Cerebrovascular Segmentation, Molina-Abril, Frangi; Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention MICCAI 2014
Persistent Homology Analysis of Brain Artery Trees1 Bendich, Marron, Miller, Pieloch, Skwerer, Ann Appl Stat. 2016
The accumulated persistence function, a new useful functional summary statistic for topological data analysis, with a view to brain artery trees and spatial point process applications, Biscio, Moller, arXiv (Submitted on 2 Nov 2016)
Biscio's slides
Week 14
4/25 PCA, Sweave file, Brain arteries
4/27 Trees (neurons and arteries)
Week 15
5/2 The Human Connectome
5/4 The Directed Connectome