Cesare Tinelli's Research
Selected Talks
Designing a Fast and Trustworthy String Solver. MOSCA 2023, July 2023. Invited Talk.
From Counter-Model-based Quantifier Instantiation to Quantifier Elimination in SMT. CADE-27, April 2019. Invited Talk.
An Overview of Satisfiability Modulo Theories and Applications. ETAPS 2019, April 2019. Invited Tutorial.
Contract-based Compositional Verification of Infinite-State Reactive Systems. VSTTE 2018, July 2018. Invited Talk.
Designing Extensible Theory Solvers. FroCoS 2017, Sep 2017. Invited Talk.
SMT-based Model Checking. STRESS Summer School 2014, October 2014. Lecture talk.
SMT-based Unbounded Model Checking with IC3 and Approximate QE. ENS Paris and CEA, July 2014. Invited talk.
Foundations of Lazy SMT and DPLL(T). SAT/SMT Summer School 2012, June 2012. Lecture talk.
SMT-based Model Checking. NFM 2012, April 2012. Keynote talk.
The SMT-LIB Initiative. SAT/SMT Summer School 2011, June 2011. Lecture talk with David Cok.
SMT-based Model Checking. Summer School on Formal Techniques 2011, May, 2011. Invited talk.
The SMT-LIB Initiative and the Rise of SMT. HVC'10, October 2010. HVC award acceptance talk.
Combined Satisfiability Modulo Parametric Theories. Intel Strategic CAD Labs, Portland, OR. October 2007.
Trends and Challenges in Satisfiability Modulo Theories. DISPROVING'07 and VERIFY'07. July 2007. Keynote talk.
An Abstract Framework for Satisfiability Modulo Theories. TABLEAUX'07. July 2007. Invited talk.
The Impact of Craig's Interpolation Theorem in Computer Science. Interpolations: A conference in honor of William Craig. May 2007. Invited talk.
Theory and Practice of Decision Procedures for Combinations of Theories. Part I: Theory and Part II: Practice. CAV'05. July 2005. Invited Tutorial with Clark Barrett.
Formalizing DPLL-based Solvers for Propositional Satisfiability and Satisfiability Modulo Theories. Microsoft Research, Cambridge, England. July 2005. Invited talk.
DPLL-based Checkers for Satisfiability Modulo (Multiple) Theories. Carnegie Mellon University. October 2004. Invited talk.