Probability and Statistics for Engineering and Physical Sciences (STAT:2020, Bognar)


H1 (Due 9/6): 2.22, 2.28, 2.30, 2.34, 2.38, 2.40, 2.42, 2.47, h1.pdf

H2 (Due 9/13): 2.56, 2.69, 2.89, 2.92, 2.93(a), h2.pdf

H3 (Due 9/20): 2.76, 2.80, 2.95, 2.99, 2.120, 2.124

H4 (Due 9/27): 3.1, 3.2, 3.8, 3.12, h4.2020.pdf

H5 (Due 10/4): 4.2, 4.4, 4.7, 4.34, 4.35**, 5.8, 5.12, 5.15, 5.26(a)
** = Find variance using (a) the definition $Var(X)=E[(X-\mu)^2]$, and (b) the computational formula $Var(X)=E(X^2)-[E(X)]^2$

H6 (Due 10/11): 5.30, 5.32, 5.38, 5.49, 5.50, 5.54, 5.56**, 5.58**, 5.63, 5.92
** = Assume Poisson assumptions hold

H7 (Due 10/18): 3.14, 3.18, 3.36, 4.14, 4.50, 6.1(a), 6.55, 6.66
** This HW is due the day of exam --- all of these topics are on exam.

H8 (Due 10/25):
In textbook: 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.12, 6.14, 4.57, 4.58
In 1, 2 (a thru d)

H9 (Due 11/1):
In 2 (e thru g), 3, 4
In hw.prop.error.pdf: 1, 2

H10 (Due 11/8):
In textbook: 8.23, 8.24, 8.25, 8.26
In hw.prop.error.pdf: 3, 4
In h10.2020.pdf: All problems

H11 (Due 11/15):
In textbook: 1.14(a,b), 1.18(a,b), 9.2($\sigma=40$), 9.3($\sigma=0.0015$), 9.4(a only)($s=6.9$), 9.6, 9.10($s=7.8$), 9.12($s=15$),

H12 (Due 11/22):
In hw-z-test.pdf: All problems
In hw.t.test.pdf: All problems

H🙂 (Due 11/28):
Eat yum-yums

H13 (Due 12/6):
In textbook: 10.34 (Answer the following only: (a) Test $H_0: \mu_1-\mu_2=8$ vs $H_a:\mu_1-\mu_2<8$ at the $\alpha=0.05$ significance level using a 3-step test, (b) approximate the $p-$value for the test.), 10.36 (Answer the following only: (a) Test $H_0: \mu_1=\mu_2$ vs $H_a:\mu_1 \ne \mu_2$ at the $\alpha=0.05$ significance level using a 3-step test, (b) approximate the $p-$value for the test, (c) find a 95% CI for $\mu_1-\mu_2$.)
In hw.2mu.pdf: All problems
Do your SPOT survey: ICON --> Student Tools --> SPOT


Exam 1: e1.summary.2020.f24.txt

Exam 2: e2.summary.2020.f24.txt

Exam 3: e3.summary.2020.f24.txt

Probability Distribution Applets

Discrete Distributions
Continuous Distributions
Statistical Inference

Course Links


Simple Regression Notes

Statistics Tutorial Lab

Negative Binomial & Pascal's Triangle

Statistical Tables (Z, t, and chi-square tables)

Propagation of Error Example

Old Faithful Dataset

R Project Homepage

CLT.die.fair.pdf, CLT.die.loaded.pdf

Teaching Assistants

Anh Nguyen (PhD candidate, Statistics), email
Office: 267 SH, Office Hours: 3:30-5:00 Wednesday, 9:30-11:00 Thursday

A11: 7:30-8:20 Tuesday (31 SH)
A12: 7:30-8:20 Thursday (31 SH)
A13: 8:30-9:20 Tuesday (31 SH)
A14: 8:30-9:20 Thursday (31 SH)

Katie Fox (MS candidate, Actuarial Science), email
Office: 223 SH, Office Hours: 10:25-10:55 TuTh, 12:20-1:20 TuTh

A15: 9:30-10:20 Tuesday (51 SH)
A16: 9:30-10:20 Thursday (51 SH)
A17: 11:00-11:50 Tuesday (60 SH)
A18: 11:00-11:50 Thursday (60 SH)

Contact Information

Office: 358 SH
Office Hours: 10:30-Noon W, 1:30-3:00 Th