Text Book: An Introduction to Numerical Analysis, second edition, by K. Atkinson. Available from IMU Bookstore or Iowa Book and Supply. For other sources for purchasing books, often at a lower cost, click here. In some cases, you can get a book at a significantly lower price than locally, provided you are willing to wait for it to be mailed to you.
CLASS ACCOUNT: The class account is at
Merely use the cd command to move to that subdirectory.
"The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers." - Richard Hamming
I include this quote to indicate that I want something more than pages of output when assigning problems requiring computing. Comment on your output and on the process by which it was produced. Discuss the numerical method used in light of the output you produce. Using carefully chosen graphs is often a good means of giving additional insight.
To condense and print two postscript pages on a single regular sized sheet
of paper, use the command
psnup -pletter -nup 2 input_file.ps
This produces a new postscript file, and it can then
be printed using your usual print command for such files.