Dennis Roseman
Office: B1J MLH
Note: the "B" means "Basement"
Do NOT expect me to be in 1J MLH.
Room 1J MLH is on the first floor---
the Basement is one floor below the first floor.
Paper Mail
Dennis Roseman
Department of Mathematics
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1419
voice: (319)-335-0779
messages (Dept. Math.): (319)-335-0714 fax (Dept. Math.):
Research Interests:
In Brief:
Graphics Gallery:
Click on the graphic or the caption below it.
In addition we have some test annimations. NOTE: If these load or run too slow
for you try the alternate versions.
We welcome feedback during this testing phase.
Some Recent Publications:
- Projections of Codimension Two Embeddings, Knots in Hellas '98, Ed. Gordon,
Jones, et. al., Series on Knots and Everything, Vol 24, World Scientific (2000).
- Exploring Low dimensional Objects in High Dimensional Spaces, Mathematical
Visualization, algorithms, Applications and Numerics, Ed K. Polthi
er, H-C. Hege, Springer Verlag. pp 281-291, Springer Verlag (1998)
- Reidemeister-type Moves for Surfaces in Four Space, Knot Theory, Ed. V.F.R.Jones,
J. Kania-Bartoszynska, V.Turaev, J.H.Przytycki , P.Traczyk , Banach Center
Publications, Vol. 42 (1998)
- Wiener's thought on the computer as an aid in visualizing higher dimensional
forms, AMS Proc. of Symp. in Appl. Math., Vol.52, pp. 441-471, (1997)
- What Should a Surface in 4-space Look Like ?, Visualization and Mathematics,
Ed K. Polthier, H-C. Hege, Springer Verlag pp. 67-82 (1997)
- Design of a Mathematician's Drawing Program, Computer Graphics Using Object-Oriented
Programming, Ed. S. Cunningham, J. Brown, N. Craghill and M. Fong, pp. 279-296.
, John Wiley & Sons. (1992)
- Spinning knots about submanifolds; spinning knots about projections of
knots, Topology and its Applications. V. 31, 225-241, (1989)
Viewing Knotted Spheres in 4-space, (8 mins) (1992).
Twisting and Turning in 4 Dimensions, (19 mins) (1993).
- Unraveling in 4 Dimensions, (18 mins) (1994). Click
here for clip
Hew , a viewer for geometric objects in 4 and 5 dimensional space (1996)
Teaching Interests:
- Elementary Topology (Prentice-Hall)
Use of computers in undergraduate mathematics
Visualization for undergraduate mathematics
Visualization in mathematics, arts and science
Personal Interests:
- Folk music, particularly American and Irish---tenor banjo and concertina
- Polka music
- Dixieland banjo
- Organic and heritage gardening
These pages last modified: June 20 2002 so it is clearly in need of major revision.
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