Unless stated otherwise in the assignment, homework is to be submitted by pushing your work to your GitLab repository in the course group.

Homework is due by 5PM on the listed due date. Late homework will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and in accordance with University policies.

Assignment Due Date Notes
HW1 Wednesday, January 29 HW1 notes
HW2 Friday, February 7 HW2 notes
HW3 Monday, February 17 HW3 notes
HW4 Wednesday, February 26 HW4 notes
HW5 Friday, March 7 HW5 notes
HW6 Friday, March 28
Project Due Date
Proposal Monday, March 24
Project Friday, May 9

Homework Assessment

Assessment will be based on overall reproducibility and writing quality of the assignment and on the quality of solutions to the individual problems. Relative weightings will vary from assignment to assignment. To receive full credit your work needs to meet these criteria: