
You will submit your homework as an R Markdown (.Rmd) file by committing to your git repository and pushing to GitLab. We will knit this file to produce the .html output file (you do not need to submit the .html, but you should make sure that it can be produced successfully).

We will review both your .Rmd file and the .html file. To receive full credit:

Take possession of your GitLab repository in the course group on the UIowa GitLab server.

Create a new folder called HW1 in your repository. Use exactly this spelling with upper case letters. You can do this in the RStudio IDE, with R’s dir.create function, or using a shell.

In this folder, create a new Rmarkdown file called hw1.Rmd. Again use exactly this spelling. RStudio will give you a template, or you can use the one available here. Commit your new file to your repository. (If you are using git in a shell you will need to use git add before git commit).

In this file present your answers to the following problems. Your presentation should follow the pattern and guidelines in the class template file.

1. Average Waiting Time Between Eruptions

Using the faithful data set compute the average waiting time between eruptions of the Old Faithful geyser. Report your result in the a sentence of the form

with X replaced by the correct value computed with inline code in your .Rmd file. Make sure to use proper markup to have Old Faithful in italics and faithful rendered as code (in a fixed width font with a gray backround).

2. First Four Eruption Durations

Compute the first four eruption durations in the faithful data sets. Use a code chunk that shows both the code and the results as produced by R. Don’t forget to include a sentence explaining what you are showing.

3. First Five Records of the Eruptions Data

Using the head() function to compute the first five rows of the faithful data frame and show the result as a nicely formatted table. In this case your report should show only the table, not the code that produces it. You can start with this code chunk:

```{r, echo = FALSE}
d <-data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 3), y = c(4, 5, 6))
kbl <- knitr::kable(d, format = "html")
kableExtra::kable_styling(kbl, full_width = FALSE)

4. Histogram of Eruption Durations

Use the hist() function to create a histogram of the eruption durations in the faithful data set. (?help and example(hist) may be useful). Describe any interesting features of the distribution that you notice.

Create an HTML File and Commit Your Work

You can create an HTML file in RStudio using the Knit tab on the editor window. You can also use the R command


with your working directory set to HW1.

Commit your changes to your hw1.Rmd file to your local git repository. You do not heed to commit your HTML file.

Submit your work by pushing your local repository changes to your remote repository on the UI GitLab site. After doing this, it is a good idea to check your repository on the UI GitLab site to make sure everything has been submitted successfully