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Project papers
Information on Midterm 1
Practice problems for Midterm 1 This year there
will not be a question like question 3 on Midterm 1. Solutions to
practice problems are on last year's web page
Midterm 1 solutions
Information on Midterm 2
Practice problems for Midterm 2 Solutions to
practice problems are on last year's web page
Midterm 2 solutions
Midterm 2 curve
Information on Midterm 3
Practice problems for Midterm 3 Solutions to
practice problems are on last year's web page
Note: Regression could appear on this year's midterm 3. See an example on
the practice problems for the final exam.
Flowcharts from review lecture
Midterm 3 solutions
Information on Final exam
Practice problems for Final exam
Homework 1, due 01/30/17 (changed from 01/27/17)
Homework 2, due 02/03/17
Homework 3, due 02/10/17
Homework 4, due 02/17/17
Homework 5, due 02/27/17 Note: due Mon., not Fri.
Homework 6, due 03/08/17 Note: due Wed., not Fri.
Homework 7, due 03/24/17 Note: For problem 15.22,
just give the numeric value of your z statistic. It is not one of the
multiple choice solutions.
Homework 8, due 03/29/17 Note: due Wed., not Fri.
Homework 9, due 04/10/17 Note: due Mon.
Homework 10, due 04/19/17 Note: due Wed.
Homework 11, due 04/26/17 Note: due Wed.
Lab 1 01/27/17
Lab 2 02/03/17
Lab 3 02/17/17
Lab 4 02/24/17
Lab 5 03/10/17
Lab 6 03/24/17
Lab 7 04/07/17
Lab 7 solutions
Lab 8 04/14/17
Lab 9 04/21/17
Lab 9 solutions
Lecture 1 01/18/17
Lecture 2 01/20/17
Lecture 3 01/23/17
Lecture 5 01/25/17 Lecture 4 is moved to next week.
Lecture 6 01/30/17 - 02/01/17
Lecture 4 02/06/17 Now we'll go back and pick up Lecture 4 and the first part of Lecture 5.
Figures for Lecture 4
Lecture 7 02/08/17
Lecture 8 02/13/16
The Lung Health Study (goes with Lecture 8)
Lecture 9 02/20/17
Lecture 10 02/27/17
Lecture 11 03/01/17
Figure to go with Lecture 11 03/01/17
Lecture 12 03/03/17
Lecture 13 03/06/17
Standard normal and t
Lecture 14 03/08/17
Lecture 15 03/08/17
Lecture 16 03/20/17
Lecture 17 03/22/17
Lecture 18 03/27/17
Lecture 19 03/29/17
Lecture 20 04/03/17
Lecture 21 04/05/17
Lecture 22 04/10/17
Lecture 23 04/17/17
Lecture 24 04/19/17
SAS to go with Lecture 24 04/19/17