Voting and Elections

by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

This material is based, in part, upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. CNS-052431 (ACCURATE) from October 2005 onward

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or the University of Iowa.




Tutorials and Collections



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Press Coverage

Other Sources of Information

Web Sites


Non Governmental Organizations

Voting Machine and Voting Software Vendors (alphabetical)

The usual disclaimer: Inclusion in this list does not constitute an endorsement. If your favorite vendor is not listed, drop me a line and I'll include it.




Build your arcane vocabulary: Psephology is the study of political elections.

As of Jan 16, 2006, Google found 1,300 links to this collection of material from outside the University of Iowa, this compares to 372 on Nov 8, 2004, and 279 on Dec 15, 2003.

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