
The University of Iowa's DEC PDP-8

Restoration Log

Part of the UI-8 pages
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science



This is a chronological log of the progress restoring the University of Iowa's PDP-8 computer. Entries are added at the end as work progresses. Click on any thumbnail image to see full-sized image.

Jan 31, 2023, More R-Series logic probes

Bug 64: After a long hiatus forced on us by the COVID-19 epidemic, the retrocomputer lab was reopened during the fall of 2022. We went over many of the same ssues covered in previous years, verifying that memory didn't seem to be working and renewing our suspicion that there might be a problem with the memory strobe signal.

  thumbnail image  
Three probes
Bug 65: In doing that, we realized that we really needed more logic probes, so we set out to manufacture two more, using the design documented on Dec. 6, 2018. As with our previous probes, we packaged them in dry-erase marker bodies. The new probes all behave just like the Dec. 2018 one, differing only in the color of the caps on the markers.

In the photo

Doug Jones built one probe while Elle Goodrich and Samuel Nicklaus built the other, learning to solder and doing some logic debugging in the process, locating inadvertent cold solder joints, forgotten connections and solder bridges.

Oct 9, 2024, Clock debugging

Bug 64: The instructions for setting the memory read and inhibit currents ask that this be measured relative to the BT2A timing signal, so we used a scope to look for the BT2A timing signal on pin MD30U, which is the output of a W640 pulse amplifier. See drawing BS-D-8M-0-16 In/Out buffers on pages 10-53 and 10-54 of the Maintenance Manual (F-87 2-66). We got a flat line on the output of this pulse amplifier, so we traced back to its input, T2A on MF36H. This traces back to PF1H.

Looking at drawing BS-D-8P-0-9 Timing, Keys, Switches, and Run Control on pages 10-41 and 10-42 of the Maintenance Manual, we traced T2A to PB36M, shown on the schematic as the output of an R603 pulse amplifier. In fact, it is an S603, a board with different resistor values but the same layout. Again, it was a flat line. The input, on PB36K, however, was good. From this, we concluded that the S603 was bad.

Oct 21, 2024, R603 reverse engineer and repair

  thumbnail image of scope output  
R603 board layout
Bug 64: The schematic for the S603 is given in drawing RS-B-S603 Pulse Amplifier on page 10-26 of the Maintenance Manual (F-87 2-66). We reverse engineered this drawing to relate the part numbers to the board layout, as shown to the right.

Going over the board with a voltmeter, checking the diodes, we found that D13 was shorted, conducting equally well forward and reverse. Replacing this diode gave us a clock signal where we expected it.

Oct 28, 2024, Clock debugging

Bug 64: We used a scope to check the memory timing waveforms shown in Figure 4-5 on page 4-11 of the Maintenance Manual (F-87 2-66). The T1 and T2B waveworms looked like reasonably good 100ns pulses, but the MEMORY START waveform, which should also have been a 100ns pulse, was a distorted square wave.

This led us back to drawing BS-D-8P-0-9 Timing, Keys, Switches, and Run Control on pages 10-41 and 10-42 of the Maintenance Manual. There, the master clock drives a flipflop called TG that produces a square wave from which T1, T1E, T2A, T2B, and T2E are derived using R602 and R603 pulse amplifiers. MEMORY START is derived, through an additional R603 pulse amplifier, from T2B.

  thumbnail image of scope output  
Clock and MEM START waveforms
Using a scope to examine TG, T2A, T2B and T2E as well as MEM START, we immediately conclued that the pulse amplifier producing MEM START must be defective. This is an R603 at location PB36, the same board we had repaired on Oct. 21, although a different pulse amplifier on that board. Looking at the waveform for MEM START, it is apparent that, just as the 100ns pulse begins to cut off, it abruptly turn on again. Also, there is an unexpected voltage rise in the prelude to the pulse.

Note, we got a PicoScope 2206B 50Mhz 2-channel USB oscilloscope. The image here is a composite of 4 screen-shots of this scope, all with TG as input to channel 1, used to trigger the scope while channel 2 is used for the other signal being measured.

Oct 29, 2024, Reverse engineer table design

  Table plans  
Table plans
Bug 5: To verify that the MEM START signal is correct, we pulled the We compared the measurements we obtained from the Computer History Museum non Sep. 27, 2019 with measurements taken from the photo of the original table for this PDP8 (Horton, Dick; et. al. A Report to the President: Computing at the University of Iowa: Study and Recommendations. 1966. 116 pages. University of Iowa Archives, cataloged section, call no. FOLIO QA76.9.C55 I57 1966) and measurements from the photo on page 9 of PDP-8: A High Speed Digital Computer (F-81 3/65). This comparison confirmed that the gull-wing table for the rack-mount PDP-8 had the same dimensions as the front part of the gull-wing table for the table-top PDP-8. This, plus the construction details obtained from the Living Computer Museum on Mar. 26, 2015 allowed us to create detailed plans for reproducing the original table.

Oct 30, 2024, Memory timing waveforms are correct

Bug 64: Our work on Oct 28 led us to drawing BS-D-8M-0-15 Sense Amps, Inhibit Drivers and Memory Control, on pages 10-51 and 10-52 of the Maintenance Manual (F-87 2-66). This showed us that there is no wire in the CPU carrying the MEM START pulse because that pulse is tied directly to the 1 output of the READ flipflop, a B204 board in slot MD16.

According to the datasheet for the B204 in the Digital Logic Handbook (1967), "each flip-flop may be individually set by grounding the 0 output and may be cleared by grounding the 1 output." As a result, wiring MEM START to an output of the flipflop means that the leading edge of the MEM START pulse will set the flopflop which will then hold MEM START high until the flipflop is reset.

  thumbnail image of scope output  
To verify that the MEM START signal is correct, we pulled the B204 board from slot MD16 and then looked at pin PB36T. As shown here, the result is a clean 100ns pulse, followed by some echoes from the long line it is driving. Compare this with the MEM START signal measured on Oct 28.

With the B204 board back in place, the waveform on the MEM START line becomes the READ signal. To verify that the B204 flip-flop in slot MD16J was behaving correctly, we looked at the inverse READ signal on pin MD16J. Looking at the traces to the left, it is easy to see that the middle READ trace is effectively the maximum of MEM START and the inverse of READ.

The bottommost READ trace here is the output of the bus driver in slot MC16. The output of this bus driver is also READ and comparison of the two READ traces shows that the bus driver cleans up the signal at the cost of a slight delay. Note that the bus driver used on our machine is not an R650 as shown in drawing BS-D-8M-0-15. Instead, it is a B684 dual bus driver. The B684 bus driver has its output on pin D, while the R650 has its output on pin J.

  thumbnail image of scope output  
Figure 4-5, as measured
We measured all of the waveforms shown in Figure 4-5 on page 4-11 of the Maintenance Manual (F-87 2-66), although for READ, INHIBIT, and WRITE, we measured their inverses. All of these signals look essentially correct, although MEM DONE, like MEM START, has significant low-frequency wobble. MEM STROBE overshoots zero at the end of the pulse, exactly as shown in Figure 10-2 on page 4-11 of the Maintenance Manual.

The MEM STROBE pulse is specified as a 40ns pulse in Figure 4-5, and measures almost exactly that long. As measured, MEM START and MEM DONE look identical, although Figure 4-5 tells us that MEM START should be a 100ns pulse while MEM DONE should be 70ns. Both are close fits to the description of a 100ns pulse in Figure 10-3 on page 4-11 of the Maintenance Manual.

Conclusion: The memory timing is good.

Nov 4, 2024, Memory current settings

Bug 64:
  thumbnail image of scope output  
Inhibit and R/W currents
We began following the instructions in the PDP-8 Memory Tuning Procedure (also available here). The measurements shown here relative to the BT2A clock signal show:

The BT2A pulse is about 410ns long. According to drawing BS-D-8M-0-16 In/Out Buffers on pages 10-53 and 10-54 of Maintenance Manual (F-87 2-66), this is derived from BT2, which should be a short pulse, 70ns to 100ns long. BT2A is the output of the W640 pulse output converter in slot MD30. Accoring to the datasheet for the W640, it converts a 70ns or longer input pulse to a 400ns output pulse. The datasheet also warns, concerning the output "pulse transformer backswing at the end of each pulse. When the load is light, this transformer recovery spike approaches the amplitude of the pulse itself." This exactly matches what we see in the scope trace.

Conclusion: Aside from questions of current amplitude, which is off by a small amount, the memory INHIBIT, READ and WRITE pulses all look good.

Nov 13, 2024, Memory tuning

Bug 64: We followed the instructions in the PDP-8 Memory Tuning Procedure (also available here) for setting the inhibit current to 310mA (it had been 330mA) (page 7), the R/W pulse amplitude to 330mA (it had been 320mA) (page 8), the second-stage clamp to 7.2V (it had been lower) (page 9), and the slice voltage to 7.2V (it had been higher) (page 12).

This did not fix the memory, so we took the time to investigate how data from the sense amplifiers reaches the memory buffer register MB. What we found is that the 0→MB signal directly clears the MB register at the start of each read cycle, and then each sense amplifier sends a set pulse (if needed) to the corresponding bit of MB in response to MEMORY STROBE. The data paths in question proceed from drawing BS-D-8M-0-15 Sense Amps, Inhibit Drivers and Memory Control, on pages 10-51 and 10-52 of the Maintenance Manual (F-87 2-66) to drawing BS-D-8P-0-5 MB Register and Control on pages 10-35 and 10-36 of the manual.

  thumbnail image of scope output  
Memory Strobe and 0→MB
The 0→MB signal to clear the MB register comes from pin PC20U, the output of an R602 pulse amplifier. Looking at the relative timing of MEMORY STROBE and 0→MB, we were surprised to see that 0→MB pulses have a long decay time. So, we checked the switching threshold of the reset line on the MB register; looking at drawing RS-D-R211 MA, MB, PC, on pages 10-17 and 10-18 of the Maintenance Manual, we found that the direct set and clear inputs for these flipblops have thresholds of -1.2V, assuming 0.6V drop for each forward biased silicon junction.

For completeness, we also checked the switching threshold for the strobe input to the sense amplifiers. Looking at drawing RS-B-G007 Sense Amplifier, on page 10-9 of the Maintenance Manual, we found that this threshold should be about -0.8V, assuming 0.6V for a forward biased junction plus about 0.2V for a saturated transistor.

Our conclusion from this effort is that the data path to the MB register should work. Therefore, our problem is in the core memory or in the sense amplifiers.

Nov 20, 2024, Find marginal sense amplifier

Following the instructions on page 9 of the PDP-8 Memory Tuning Procedure (also available here), we adjusted the second stage clamp voltage output from the G008 Master Slice Control in slot MB31. After doing this, we checked the static balance as instructed on the same page, and found things were a bit out of whack. We got the following voltages, measuring from the two differential outputs to ground:

25 26 27 28 29 30

The next step was to measure the voltage between pins E and F of each sense amplifier on the most sensitive scale of the voltmeter while using the potentiometer on each sense amplifier to try to get the difference to zero. Our result was:

25 26 27 28 29 30

You are supposed to be able to get the voltages within 25 millivolts of each other and differences of 75 millivolts are considered problematic. We were unable to get the sense amplifier in MB27 closer than 70 millivolts. This suggests that this sense amplifier may be marginal, creating Bug 66.

Dec 9, 2024, Find memory bug

  thumbnail image of scope output  
Sense amp. and slicer outputs
Bug 64: Continuing to follow the instructions on page 12 of the PDP-8 Memory Tuning Procedure (also available here), we looked at the outputs of two sense amplifiers, in slots MA25 and MA26. with the computer running. We thought that it wouldn't matter Which sense amplifier we measured, since we were getting zeros from all of them. The outputs shown on the scope display to the right are:

the two sides of the second stage of the differential amplifier.
MA25J and MA26J
the output of the slicer that takes the max of E and F.

It is clear from the above measurements that the sense amplifier we checked was well balanced, and that the slicer is working. This leaves us at a loss as to why we get no data.

  thumbnail image of scope output  
Sense and slicer when reading 0
  thumbnail image of scope output  
Sense and slicer when reading 1
The obvious suggestion was that perhaps the strobe mechanism is not working, so we examined the strobe signal on MA25L and the slicer output. We did this twice, once with zero being written to memory, and once using the advice on the bottom of page 12 of the Memory Tuning Procedure for forcing a one to be written. The two scope plots to the right show the result.

The first obvious observation from these plots is that writing 0 and writing 1 to memory are different. The big difference between these is that one involves an inhibit pulse and one does not. Apparently, the 0 case involves an inhibit pulse, and the 1 case does not. Furthermore, it appears that all of the signals we observed on the sense line are noise from this inhibit pulse.

The second observation is that the strobe pulse arrives when there is no activity in memory, as if there was no read pulse at all! The actual switching of the read pulses is complex, involving an array of 8 G209 Memory Selector boards, which drive 8 G603 Memory Selector Matrix boards which drive the 64 X and 64 Y select lines of the core memory.

  thumbnail image of scope output  
MA11 and its inverse?
On October 30 we looked at the READ and WRITE signals. Drawing BS-D-8M-0-12 X Axis Selection on pages 10-47 and 10-48 of the Maintenance Manual (F-87 2-66) shows that, aside from READ and WRITE, the other signals to the G209 memory selector boards are address lines, so we looked at the data on MA11, the least significant bit of the memory address. This is delivered as MA11(0) and MA11(1), signals that ought to be strict inverses of each other. We measured these signals as delivered to the selector boards.

The scope trace here shows expected data on MA11(1), but MA11(0) is corrupted by extreme noise, with an amplitude close to the signal amplitude. Something is seriously wrong here, creating Bug 67.

Dec 11, 2024, Identify G209s as noise source

  thumbnail image of scope output
MA11 with no G209 boards.
Bug 67: We repeated the final measurement of MA11(0) and MA11(1) from Dec. 9 and got the same result. The obvious question was, did the noise come from the Memory Address Register in the CPU or was it fed back into the address line from somewhere? To answer this, we pulled the G209 memory selector boards from slots MD12 through MD15. The result shows that one or more of these boards was indeed the primary noise source, although there is still noise.

  thumbnail image of scope output
MA11 with just G209 in MD13.
Putting back the G209 board that was in slot MD12 restored the situation to as bad as it was on Dec. 9. Therefore, that G209 board is bad. Replacing just the board in MD13, however, although the noise amplitude increased, the signal was still basicaly correct, as shown to the right. Replacing the board in MD14 increased the noise amplitude even more, but not nearly as bad as on Dec. 9.

  thumbnail image of scope output
MA11 with G209s in MD13-15.
Putting back the G209 board that was in slot MD15 made things definitely worse. Comparing the result with the final scope plot on Dec. 9, it it is clear that some kind of square wave has been superimposed on MA11(0), but it is not nearly as distorted as it was when the board in MD12 was present. Therefore, we have identified a second bad board.

Dec 16, 2024, Reverse engineer G209, start repair

  G209 board layout
MA11 with no G209 boards.
Bug 67: The schematic for the G209 board is given in Drawing RS-C-G209 Memory Selector on pages 10-11 of the Maintenance Manual (F-87 2-66). Working from photos of the two sides of the board plus this schematic, we reverse engineered the layout of the board in order to relate the part numbers on the schematic to the physical component locations on the board. The result is shown to the right.

Using an ohm-meter on the 10Ω scale to check the board removed from backplane slot MD12, we found that D1, D2, D3, D7, D9, D33, D35, D49, D50 and D51 all showed non-infinite reverse resistance. In contrast, on working boards, these all show infinite reverse resistance. D2 and D17 were completely shorted. We replaced all of them.

All of the bad diodes were in the bottom (or B-side) column of diodes on the board (the left side as shown to the right); these are all part of and gates used for address decoding on the B side of the G209. This leads us to suspect something systematic has damaged them.

Note that drawing BS-D-8M-0-12 X Axis Selection on pages 10-47 and 10-48 of the maintenance manual shows that the A side of the G209 (plugged into a slot in row C of the backplane) is used to switch the positive side of the read/write pulse, while the B side (in row D) switches the negative side. Did something odd happen on the negative side? We will have to check the diodes on all the G209 boards to assess this.