8/23 |
intro notes or
intro notes large font.
Alexander's Horned Sphere
Classification of surfaces:
p. 1 - 6 of Cameron Gordon
Combinatorial Methods in Low-dimensional Topology 1, MSRI 1996 . Click
here for more lectures by Cameron
Chapter 4, section 2 from Livingston's Knot Theory
8/25 |
8/27 |
8/30 |
Knots in the torus: Rolfsen 2C
9/1 |
9/3 |
Mapping class group of the torus: Rolfsen 2D
9/6 |
9/8 |
Solid tori: Rolfsen 2E
Heegard splitting
9/10 |
Lens Spaces: Rolfsen 9AB
9/13 |
Seifert Fibered Spaces
Lecture's bases mostly on
Seifert's Topology of 3d fibered spaces (see appendix of
Seifert and Threlfall, A textbook of topology )
Jankins and Neumann's Lectures on Seifert manifolds, Brandies Lecutre Notes, 1983.
Other sources
Hatcher, Allen.
Ch 2 of Basic 3-Manifold Topology.
Matt Brin's: Seifert-fibered 3-manifolds (preprint 10).
October |
Prime Decomposition, JSJ decomposition, etc
Lecture's bases mostly on
Hatcher, Allen.
Ch 2 of Basic 3-Manifold Topology.
Casson's notes
Hempel, John, 3-manifolds, Princeton University Press, 1976.
Jaco, William H., Lectures on three-manifold topology, American Mathematical
Society, 1980.
Hemion, Geoffrey, The classification of knots and 3-dimensional spaces, Oxford
Press, 1992.
November |
Real Estate in Hyperbolic Space: Investment Opportunities for
the 90's"
Mel Slugbate (Colin Adams)
Weeks, Jeffrey R., The shape of space, Marcel Dekker, 2002.
Weeks' Geometries on Three-Manifolds II
Weeks' The Universe
Games/Software and/or
The Area of
Triangles in Hyperbolic Geometry
Geometry and the Imagination in Minneapolis, John Conway, Peter Doyle,
Jane Gilman, Bill Thurston
Thurston, William P., Three-dimensional geometry and topology,
Princeton University Press, 1997.
electronic pre-print
Publications -- Volume 31 Flavors of Geometry Edited by Silvio Levy
December |
Hyperbolic Knots
Colin Adams, The Knot Book
Knots, Colin Adams
Computation of
Hyperbolic Structures in Knot Theory, Jeffrey R. Weeks
Poincare homology sphere
Knots and Links, Rolfsen, p. 239 - 251
The best
picture of Poincare's homology sphere, David Gillman
, Cascade
Topology Seminar
JSJ decomposition