22C:294 Seminar on Systems and Networks
(Distributed Systems)
Spring 2006


Sukumar Ghosh, 201P Maclean Hall, 319-335-0738, ghosh@cs.uiowa.edu
Class meeting time: 1:05-2:20 PM TTh, 321 PH
Semester hours: 3
Office hours: To be decided

Current Plan

The Spring 2005 offering of 22C:294 will focus on the following topics:

1. Self-stabilizing and self-organizing distributed systems
2. Peer-to-peer networks

We will pick a list of research papers. While I will present some of them, each participant is required to present at least two papers, pick a topic of research in consultation with me, write up a research proposal, work on the proposal, review other proposals, and finally write a report. The emphasis is on creativity, presentation skills and writing skills. The goal for everyone should be to write up the report as a paper that can be submitted to a conference. Those of you who will take the Ph.D. qualifier examination soon, will find the experience quite helpful.


A background course in distrubuted systems or operating systems or networking is very helpful. Students not taking 22C:166 or a similar course will be responsible for make-up readings to keep up with the progress in the class.

Class presentation of research papers (35-40%)
Project report/research proposal (40%)
Class participation/assignments (20-25%)

List of Papers

The Chord Paper
Making Gnutella-like P2P Systems Scalable
The Freenet paper
The Pastry paper
Watts and Strogatz: Collective dynamics of `small-world' networks
Jon Kleinberg: The small-world phenomenon: An algorithmic perspective
Altruistic routing in P2P networks
Using small-world model to improve Freenet performance
DHT Routing using Social Links
Skip Graphs
Content-based Publish-Subscribe over Structured P2P Networks
The BitTorrent P2P File Sharing System
Analyzing and Improving BitTorrent Performance
Tribler: A Social-Based Peer-to-Peer System
The SkipWeb paper
The Skip quadtree paper
The Original SkipList Paper
Random graph: Check out: http://www.math.cornell.edu/~durrett/RGD/RGD.html
The Viceroy Paper
Distributed Range Query
Replication Strategies in Unstructured P2P Networks
Search and Replication in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks
Gossip based peer selection in hybrid P2P networks
Recursive skip graphs (brainstorming only)
Searching Social Networks
Koorde: A Simple Degree-Optimal Distributed Hash Table
Graph Theoretic Analysis of Structured P2P Systems: Routing Distance and fault Resilience
(The goal is to understand De Bruijn graphs)
Fair File Swarming with FOX
Fault-tolerance and load balancing in skip graph (Anurag Dasgupta) (materials to be discussed from Gauri Shah's Ph.D. thesis)
High Availability, Scalable Storage, Dynamic Peer Networks: Pick Two
High Availability in DHTs: Erasure Coding vs. Replication

Schedule of presentation 3/21 (Ghosh-Viceroy paper), 3/23 (Amlan), 3/28 (Ransom), 3/30 (Chris Rothfuss) 4/4 (Ghosh), 4/6 (Chris Timko), 4/11 (Ghosh), 4/13 (Amlan), 4/18 (Alina), 4/20 (Anurag), 4/25 (Project-Ransom), 4/27 (Project-Amlan), 5/2 (Project-Chris Timko), 5/4 (Project Chris Rothfuss - also all project reports are due - no exam)