The Midwest Numerical Analysis Day 2024 conference will be held on April 13-14, 2024 on the campus of the University of Iowa. This conference will bring together researchers of all career stages and graduate students, mainly from the Midwestern area, who work or are interested in numerical analysis and applications.
The purposes of the conference:
(1) to provide a forum to exchange new ideas and results related to research and teaching
on numerical analysis, algorithm developments, computer simulation, and their applications
in engineering and sciences, and to motivate interdisciplinary collaborations;
(2) to provide an opportunity for numerical analysts in regional colleges to remain involved
in research activities;
(3) to expose exciting research topics to graduate students and recent doctoral recipients;
(4) to encourage members of under-represented groups participate in the research areas.
Conference registration deadline: Friday, March 1, 2024
Invited Speakers

Professor Susanne Brenner
Louisiana State University

Professor Qiang Du
Columbia University

Professor Chi-Wang Shu
Brown University
Resources & Links
University of Iowa Mathematics Department WebsiteMidwest Numerical Analysis Day