This workshop introduces students to basic concepts of fractals and fractal geometry through exploration of the history and geometric properties of fractals. Students will develop a key understanding of self-similarity, recursion, and fractal dimension.
Students will learn basics of programming using Scratch. They will learn about variables, loops, and conditions by creating fun, visual programs. Returning students will create maze games and a binary number converter as a new challenge.
The workshop introduces students to tessellations and tiling patterns. Tessellations are geometric patterns created by repeated design without gaps or overlapping motifs. Students will learn to recognize different types of tessellations.
Students will learn basics of cryptography. Encrypt and decrypt messages using Caesar, Rail Fence, Polybius ciphers and much more.
Nao is a humanoid robot students get to interact with. Returning students will learn to program EV3 LEGO puppies and third year returners will program Nao!
This workshop introduces students to 3D geometry. Students will learn about isometric drawings and a variety of 3D techniques, like scaling and rotating.