Office location: B20F MLH
Office hours: Mon, Wed, Thu 9:00-10:20
Prerequisites for MATH 4210: MATH 3770 or Graduate standing
Catalog Description of the course: Introduction to fundamental ideas of analysis;
emphasis on understanding and constructing definitions, theorems, and proofs;
real and complex numbers, set theory in metric spaces, compactness and
connectedness, sequences, Cauchy sequences, series, and continuity; elements of
differential and integral calculus; sequences and series of functions; modes of
convergence; equicontinuity; serves as a bridge between MATH:3770 and
Objectives and Goals of the course: Strong emphasis on formal reasoning,
understanding and constructing definitions, theorems, and proofs
Real and Complex Numbers: Development of the real numbers from the
rationals. Extended real numbers. Complex Numbers. Euclidean Spaces.
Set Theory: Countable/Uncountable Sets. Metric Spaces. Open and closed sets in metric spaces. Compactness with finite subcovers.
Weierstrass theorem. Cantor Set. Connectedness.
Sequences: Convergence, subsequences, and Cauchy
sequences in R and in general metric spaces.
Limsup and liminf.
Completeness. Series, partial
sums, convergence and absolute convergence.
Power series and radius of convergence.
Continuity, relationship of continuity and compactness, relationship of
continuity and connectedness.
Calculus: Derivatives. Mean value theorem. Taylor's theorem. Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Fundamental
Theorem. Functions of bounded
Sequences and Series of Functions: Modes of
convergence: Pointwise, Uniform, Lp.
Relationship of modes of convergence and continuity, integration and
differentiation. Stone-Weierstrass Theorem. Equicontinuity and Arzela-Ascoli theorem.
As much as time permits, Functions of several
variables, Implicit and Inverse function Theorems
Textbook: Principles of Mathematical Analysis, by Walter
Rudin ISBN 978-0-0415-42356 McGraw Hill.