The course meets 3.30--4.20 am Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 140 Schaeffer Hall (SH). Each student is also registered for and will attend a weekly discussion section conducted by one of our TAs.
Kasturi Varadarajan, 101D MacLean Hall, Phone: 335-0732,
Programs, in the course of performing computation, often need to store, query, and update large, or somewhat large, amounts of information. There are usually different ways in which the program can be designed to do this information processing. Some of these ways are good, and others not so good. In several contexts, this distinction is crucial -- it can determine whether an application is useful or completely useless. In brief, then, the goal of this course is to learn that there are usually these different ways of doing the information processing, which are called data structures, and to learn to be increasingly sensitive to the distinction between the good and the bad ways.
That is a lofty goal, but we will begin in a modest way, by first acquiring familiarity with the constructs in Java, the programming language we will use. We will then learn some rather neat things to do, like solving problems using recursion and building linked lists.
We will then dive into several data structures, such as stacks, queues, lists, trees, priority queues, hash tables, and binary search trees. Each of these is a good way of processing information in some contexts, as we will see. Finally, assuming time permits, we will finish off by discussing graphs and basic algorithms on graphs, which illustrate quite well the idea of a good data structure.
For our textbook, we will use "Data Structures and Algorithms in Java", by Goodrich and Tamassia, ISBN 978-0-470-38326-1.
Computer Science I (22C:016). Discrete Structures (22C:019) is a corequisite if not taken as a prerequisite.
The grading will be based on several homeworks (25 percent), two in-class midterms (25 percent each), and the final (25 percent).
Roughly speaking, there will be a homework every week, and I will try to make these due on Monday. This way, you may make greater use of the TA discussion sections on Thursday. Most of the homeworks will involve programming in Java.
The policy on late homeworks is that you have a quota of three days for the entire semester that you may use for late submissions. So for example, there will be no penalty if you submit the fifth homework a day late, the seventh two days late, and the rest of the homeworks on time. Once you use up your quota of three days, any homework submitted late will not be accepted and you will get 0 points for that homework.
When you submit a homework X days late, your quota gets decreased by X irrevocably. You can only be late by an integer number of days -- if you submit 10 hours after the deadline, for example, your quota is depleted by one day.
The first midterm will in class, during class hours, on Wednesday, Oct 2. The second midterm will be in class, during class hours, on Wednesday, Nov 6. The final will be on Monday, December 16, from 3:00--5:00 pm, in room 40 SH (Schaeffer Hall)
Section Time Location TA A01 9:30-10:20 Th 27 MH Santanu A02 12:30-1:20 Th 110 MLH Matt A03 2:00-2:50 Th 15 SH Matt
Office hours are below. Note that you can also meet any of us at times other than those listed below by appointment.
Name Time Location Kasturi 10.30--12.00 Mon, 10.30--12.00 Wed. 101D MLH Matt 11.30--12.30 Mon, 11.30--12.30 Tue, 11.00--12.00 Thu 301 MLH Santanu 2.45--4.15 Thu, 1.30--3.00 Fri 101C MLH