There are four problems in this homework. The first two are based on our discussion of Recursion (Section 3.5), and the next two are based on our discussion of
Chapter 4 (Analysis Tools).
Problem A
Given an array arr of integers, we want to rearrange its entries
so that all even integers come before the odd ones. The method
arrange(int [] arr) from here does
this by invoking a recursive method recArrange(int [] arr, int left, int right) that rearranges the sub-array arr[left..right] so that
all even integers occur before the odd ones. Complete the method
recArrange by supplying the arguments to its two recursive calls.
(2 points)
Problem B
We say that a string is a palindrome if it is the same when reversed. For
example, racecar is a palindrome, while abdaba is not.
The method isPalindrome(String s) from
here checks is s is a palindrome by invoking a recursive
method isPalindrome(String s, int left, int right). The method
isPalindrome(String s, int left, int right) checks if the
substring s[left..right] of s is a palindrome.
Complete the method isPalindrome(String s, int left, int right)
by filling in a suitable base case and supplying the arguments for
a recursive call that it makes. (1 point)
Problem C
This question has five parts. They correspond to reinforcement problems
R-4.35, R-4.36, R-4.37, R-4.38, and R-4.39 of Chapter 4. The problems
are reprocuced here for your convenicence. Each of them is worth 1
point, for a total of 5.
- Algorithm A executes an O(log n)-time computation for each
entry of an n-element array. What is the worst-case running time of
Algorithm A?
- Given an n-element array X, Algorithm B chooses log n
elements in X at random and executes an O(n)-time calculation for each.
What is the worst-case running time of Algorithm B?
- Given an n-element array X of integers, Algorithm
C executes an O(n)-time computation for each even number in
X, and an O(log n)-time computation for each odd number in
X. What is the worst-case running time of Algorithm C? What about
the best-case running time? (Even though we didn't define "best-case running
time" in class, interpret it in the way you think is most appropriate.)
- Given an n-element array X, Algorithm D calls Algorithm E on each element X[i]. Algorithm E runs in O(i) time when it is called on element X[i]. What is the worst-case running time
of Algorithm D?
- Al and Bob are arguing about their algorithms. Al claims his O(n log n)
-time method is always faster than Bob's O(n*n)-time (n-squared time) method. To settle the issue, they perform a set of experiments. To Al's dismay, they find that Bob's method runs faster if n is smaller than 100, and
only when n is larger than 100 is Al's method faster. Explain how this is possible.
Problem D
An Array A of length n contains integers from the range
[0,..,n-1]. However, it only contains n-1 distinct numbers. So
one of the numbers is missing and another number is duplicated. Write a
Java method that takes A as an input argument and returns the
missing number; the method should run in O(n). Program this as the oddOneOut(int [] A) method
by filling in the body of the oddOneOut method
from here. (2 points)
For example, when A = [0,2,1,2,4], oddOneOut should
return 3; when A = [3,0,0,4,2,1], oddOneOut should
return 5.
Submission Instructions
For problems A, B, and D it suffices to submit the appropriately
modified version of the file from here. For problem C, submit a text file with your answers in the same dropbox
Homework4 on ICON.