Instructor: Dr. Isabel Darcy
Office: Online
319-335- 0770
Email: isabel-darcy AT
Tentative Office Hours: M 10:30am - 11:10am+, 1:30pm - 2:10pm+, WF 11:20 - 11:45am+ , 2:20-2:45pm+ online and by appointment.
Note: + means I will be also available directly after the office hour, normally for as long as needed.
DEO Contact Information Professor Weimin Han, 14 MLH, 319-335-0714,
Some of the policies relating to this course (such as the drop deadline) are governed by its administrative home, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, 120 Schaeffer Hall.
Course WWW site:
Check this for a list of assignments so far, possible changes in the course schedule, and electronic copies of course handouts.
Description of Course: Ordinary differential equations and applications; first-order equations; higher order linear equations; systems of linear equations, Laplace transforms; introduction to nonlinear equations and systems, phase plane, stability. This course covers basic theory and methods of solution for differential equations. The major part of the course deals with linear differential equations and systems of linear differential equations. Laplace transforms are among the tools introduced for the solution of these linear differential equations. There usually are two or three hour-long exams during the semester and a comprehensive final exam. Depending on the instructor, part of the grade also may depend on homework or weekly quizzes. Although the course is part of the engineering mathematics sequence, it is not restricted to engineering students. The course is taught by faculty.
Prerequisites: (MATH:1560 or MATH:1860) and (MATH:2700 or MATH:2550)
Objectives and Goals of the Course:
See course website for a list of sections we will
By the end of this course, you should
1.) have a good understanding of the sections covered in class and via
assigned readings.
2.) Be prepared for more advanced courses.
3.) have developed online skills that may be helpful in the job market.
You should read all sections/handouts/web material corresponding to covered material and/or assigned problems. There may be test questions related to this reading even if not covered in class.
Text: Boyce and DiPrima, "Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems," 11th edition. You do not need WileyPlusGrading system:
HW and Quizzes: 15% | 90% <= A- < 91% <= A |
2 out of best 3 exams: 60% | 80% <= B- < 81% <= B < 89% <= B+ < 90% |
Final: 25% | 70% <= C- < 71% <= C < 79% <= C+ < 80% |
60% <= D- < 61% <= D < 69% <= D+ < 70% | |
F < 60% |
3 exams and a final will be given.
The lowest score of your 3 exams will be dropped, making the other 2 exams worth 30% each. Your final exam score will NOT be dropped. All quizzes and exams are open book and open notes.
Calculators will be allowed. All exams will be cumulative, but some sections may be emphasized over others. These sections will be announced in class.
Exams will be a combination of
Quizzes: We will also have a number of ICON quizzes.
A Word about the Date and Time of the Final Exam:
The final examination date and time will be announced by the Registrar generally by the fifth week of classes. I will announce the final examination date and time for this course at the course ICON site once it is known. Do not plan your end of the semester travel plans until the final exam schedule is made public. It is your responsibility to know the date, time, and place of the final exam.
This course may not be curved, but improvement may be taken into consideration.
Attendance and absences: Your attendance at each scheduled class meeting and problem section is expected. You are responsible for material covered in class and announcements made during class; these may include changes in the syllabus. Absences from exams will require a compelling reason, and must be arranged with your instructor in advance. University regulations require that students be allowed to make up examinations which have been missed due to illness, mandatory religious obligations, or other unavoidable circumstances or University activities
Student Collaboration: You may collaborate with other students on the homework; however, each individual student is responsible for turning in your own homework in your own words. Copying is not collaboration and will be prosecuted under scholastic dishonesty. Any significant collaboration should be acknowledged. You should also cite any sources that you use including online resources.
Note: If you cheat, my lecturing pace may increase as I will think you have a better understanding of the material than you actually do. Whereas if you have difficulty on (part of) a problem, then I know I need to review that material. Also, I will do the paperwork if you are caught cheating.
Resources for Students
Tutor Iowa
Math Tutorial Lab
Engineering Tutoring
Speaking Center
Math Platoon offers free drop in tutoring to all veteran and military connected students.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences: Important Policies and Procedures: