The math tutorial center will host a review Monday, November 7 from 7:30 – 8:30 p.m., W207 Pappajohn Business Building, led by Ethan Rooke.
To study for exam 2:
1.) If you can do all the review problems, you should be in good shape:
Review problems (does not include 6.3) + answers 6.3 Review problems + answers 2.) If you have difficulty with factoring, check out Solving higher order linear homogeneous DE and the answers to quiz 4 as well as roots of 1 and -1.
3.) If you have difficulty with the LaPlace transform, check out Intro to Ch 6: LaPlace Transform. Note to perform the inverse transform requires only a few specific operations as described on page 2 of table of LaPlace transforms.
4.) To see various different wordings for mechanical vibration problems, see Mechanical Vibration review.
To determine amplitude, period, frequency, and phase, convert to Rcos(wt - d).
Note (R, d) can be found by converting (c1, c2) to polar coordinates per Some review problems including answers. These old quiz problems with answers are also good review problems.
See MV slides for a review of damping (critical, under, over) as well as resonance, etc.