Frauke M. Bleher

Professor of Mathematics at the University of Iowa

Office: 225J MLH
Department of Mathematics
14 MacLean Hall
University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1419
Email address:
frauke-bleher AT
Phone Number:
(319) 335-1514

Conference Organization


My research is in abstract algebra and combines representation theory, number theory and arithmetic geometry.


Selected Talks

Grants and Awards

Ph.D. Students


Fall 2023 Courses:

MATH:6010 - Commutative Algebra and Representation Theory (Spring 2024) (ICON)

Previous Courses:

MATH:6000 - Categories and Modules (Fall 2023)

MATH:7030 - Topics in Algebra: Mathematical Cryptography (Fall 2023)

MATH:6010 - Commutative Algebra and Representation Theory (Spring 2023)

MATH:6000 - Categories and Modules (Fall 2022)

MATH:7030 - Topics in Algebra: Arithmetic geometry, with an emphasis on smooth projective curves (Fall 2022)

MATH:5010 (Abstract Algebra II) and MATH:4095 (A Rigorous Intro to Module and Galois Theory) - Coexisting Courses (Spring 2021)

MATH:5000 (Abstract Algebra I) and MATH:4090 (A Rigorous Intro to Abstract Algebra) - Coexisting Courses (Fall 2020)

MATH:1340 - Mathematics for Business (Fall 2019)

MATH:6010 - Introduction to Algebra II (Spring 2019)

MATH:6000 - Introduction to Algebra I (Fall 2018)

MATH:1340 - Mathematics for Business (Fall 2018)

MATH:7000 - Homological Algebra (Spring 2018)

MATH:3720 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra I (Spring 2018)

MATH:2550 - Engineering Math III - Lectures 0001 & 0121 (Fall 2017)

MATH:7030 - Topics in Algebra: An introduction to algebraic number theory, with an emphasis on cyclotomic fields (Spring 2017)

MATH:5010 - Abstract Algebra II (Spring 2017)

MATH:5000 - Abstract Algebra I (Fall 2016)

MATH:3550 - Engineering Math V - Lecture 0102 (Fall 2016)

22M:206 - Introduction to Algebra II (Spring 2015)

22M:037 - Engineering Math V - Lecture 091 (Spring 2015)

22M:205 - Introduction to Algebra I (Fall 2014)

22M:037 - Engineering Math V - Lecture 121 (Fall 2014)

22M:340 - Homological Algebra (Spring 2014)

22M:026 - Calculus II - Lecture BBB (Spring 2014)

22M:033 - Engineering Math III - Lectures 001 & 121 (Fall 2013)

22M:206 - Introduction to Algebra II (Spring 2013)

22M:026 - Calculus II - Lecture BBB (Spring 2013)

22M:205 - Introduction to Algebra I (Fall 2012)

22M:050 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra I (Fall 2012)

22M:340 - Homological Algebra (Spring 2012)

22M:015 - Mathematics for the Biological Sciences (Fall 2011)

22M:330 - Topics in Algebra: Ordinary and modular representation theory of finite groups (Spring 2011)

22M:121 - Abstract Algebra II (Spring 2011)

22M:120 - Abstract Algebra I (Fall 2010)

22M:026 - Calculus II - Lecture CCC (Fall 2010)

22M:206 - Introduction to Algebra II (Spring 2010)

22M:205 - Introduction to Algebra I (Fall 2009)

22M:050 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra I (Fall 2009)

22M:330 - Topics in Algebra: An introduction to arithmetic geometry (Spring 2009)

22M:026 - Calculus II - Lecture DDD (Spring 2009)

22M:206 - Introduction to Algebra II (Spring 2008)

22M:031 - Engineering Math I: Single Variable Calculus - Lectures 00A and 00B (Fall 2007)

22M:330 - Topics in Algebra: Group representations and deformations (Fall 2006)

22M:050 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra I (Fall 2006)

22M:340 - Homological Algebra (Spring 2006)

22M:034 - Engineering Math IV: Differential Equations (Spring 2006)

22M:340 - Homological Algebra (Spring 2004)

22M:121 - Abstract Algebra II (Spring 2004)

22M:120 - Abstract Algebra I (Fall 2003)

22M:025 - Calculus I - Lecture FFF (Fall 2003)

22M:206 - Introduction to Algebra II (Spring 2003)

22M:026 - Calculus II - Lecture CCC (Spring 2003)

22M:205 - Introduction to Algebra I (Fall 2002)

22M:026 - Calculus II - Honors Section (Fall 2002)

22M:126 - Elementary Theory of Numbers (Spring 2002)

22M:050 - Introduction to Abstract Algebra I (Fall 2001)

Curriculum Vitae

Copyright Frauke M. Bleher August 03 2001