Frauke M. Bleher - Selected Talks

CONFERENCES (since 2012)

Jul 2024      Group Actions, Geometry and Cohomology Workshop
              at the University of Manchester, United Kingdom.  

Apr 2024      Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and 
              International Conference in Woods Hole, MA
              (couldn't go because of family emergency).

Sep 2023      Arithmetic Homotopy & Galois Theory, Oberwolfach 
              MFO-RIMS Kyoto Tandem Workshop at the Mathematisches 
              Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany.

Apr 2023      Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and 
              International Conference in Woods Hole, MA.

Oct 2022      Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and
              International Conference in Woods Hole, MA
              (in person).

Mar 2022      Representations of Algebras and Related Combinatorics,
              fully online at the Florida Atlantic University
              (formerly known as Special Session 24A of the AMS
              Meeting at the University of Viginia)

Nov 2020      4th International Colloquium on Representations
              of Algebras and Its Applications; Alexander
              Zavadskij (ICRAAZ), fully online at the National
              University of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia.

Sep 2020      Meeting on Representation Theory of Algebras,
              fully online at the University of Sherbrooke,

Apr 2020      Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and
              International Conference in Woods Hole, MA
              (canceled because of covid-19 pandemic).

Jun 2019      Iwasawa 2019 Conference at the University of
              Bordeaux, France. (Minicourse of four lectures)

Apr 2019      Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and
              International Conference in Woods Hole, MA.

Apr 2019      AWM Research Symposium at Rice University.

Apr 2019      Workshop on Multivariable Spectral Theory and
              Representation Theory at Banff International
              Research Station, Canada.

Sep 2018      Meeting on Representation Theory of Algebras
              at the University of Sherbrooke, Canada. 

Apr 2018      Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and
              International Conference in Woods Hole, MA.  

Apr 2018      AMS Meeting at Northeastern University.

Jul 2017      Mathematical Congress of the Americas (MCA 2017)
              at the Centre Mont-Royal and McGill University,
              Montreal, Canada.

Apr 2017      Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and
              International Conference in Woods Hole, MA. 

Oct 2016      AMS Meeting at the University of St. Thomas.

Aug 2016      PIMS Workshop on Geometric and Topological
              Aspects of the Representation Theory of Finite
              Groups at the University of British Columbia,
              Vancouver, Canada.

Apr 2015      Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and
              International Conference in Woods Hole, MA.

Sep 2014      Meeting on Representation Theory of Algebras
              at the University of Sherbrooke, Canada.

May 2014      Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and
              International Conference in Woods Hole, MA.

Apr 2014      AMS Meeting at Texas Tech University.

Dec 2013      CMS Winter Meeting at the University of Ottawa, 
              Ottawa, Canada.

Oct 2013      AMS Meeting at Temple University.

Oct 2013      Meeting on Representation Theory of Algebras 
              at Bishop's University, Canada.

Apr 2013      AMS Meeting at Iowa State University.

Apr 2013      Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and
              International Conference in Woods Hole, MA.

Aug 2012      International Conference on Representations of 
              Algebras (ICRA 2012) at the University of
              Bielefeld, Germany.

Jun 2012      Workshop on Group rings and related topics at
              the University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Apr 2012      Maurice Auslander Distinguished Lectures and 
              International Conference in Woods Hole, MA. 



Jun 2024      Number Theory Seminar, Institut de Mathematiques de                                                                                             
              Toulouse, France. 

Mar 2024      Algebra Seminar, Temple University, Philadelphia.

May 2023      Number Theory Seminar, Institut de Mathematiques de                                                                                             
              Toulouse, France. 

Mar 2023      PANTS (Philadelphia Area Number Theory Seminar),
              Temple University, Philadelphia.

Mar 2023      Colloquium, Temple University, Philadelphia (in person).

Feb 2023      Arithmetic & Homotopic Galois Theory Seminar,
              International Research Network, RIMS, Kyoto University,
              Japan (via Zoom).

May 2022      Number Theory Seminar, Institut de Mathematiques de
              Toulouse, France (in person).

Feb 2022      Number Theory Seminar, University of California in Los
              Angeles (in person).

Feb 2022      Algebra Seminar, University of Pennsylvania (via Zoom).

Feb 2021      Galois Seminar, University of Pennsylvania (via Zoom). 

Oct 2020      Representation Theory Seminar, Northeastern University,
              Boston  (via Zoom).

Apr 2020      Algebra Seminar, University of Pennsylvania (via Zoom).

Jan 2020      Number Theory Seminar, Hebrew University, Jerusalem,

May 2018      Oberseminar Algebra - Darstellungstheorie -
              Homologische Methoden, Institut Algebra und
              Zahlentheorie, University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Oct 2017      Kolloquium des Fachbereichs Mathematik, University of
              Stuttgart, Germany.

Jun 2017      Colloquium, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
              Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Mar 2017      Colloquium, Northern Illinois University.

May 2016      Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Seminar,
              Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands.

Jan 2016      Amitsur Algebra Seminar, Hebrew University, Jerusalem,

Dec 2015      Joint Columbia-CUNY-NYU Number Theory Seminar,
              NYU, Courant Institute.

Oct 2015      Algebra Seminar, Norwegian University of Science
              and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.

Jun 2015      Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory Seminar,
              Universiteit Leiden, The Netherlands.

May 2015      Number Theory Seminar, Stellenbosch University,
              South Africa.

Jun 2014      Colloquium, National and Kapodistrian University 
              of Athens, Greece.

Mar 2014      Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania.

Jun/Jul 2012  Invitation to the Institut für Algebra und                                                                                                               
              Zahlentheorie at the University of Stuttgart,                                                                                                                
              Four lectures in the Oberseminar zur Algebra.    

Copyright Frauke M. Bleher, 09/01/2022