Wildflowers of Berry Springs Park & Preserve


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Acanthus Crowfoots Mallows Plantains Spurges
Amaranth Evening Primroses Milkweeds Pokeweeds Stickleafs
Arum, Calla Figworts Mints Poppies Sunflowers, Asters
Barberries Four-O'Clocks Mistletoes Portulacas Vervains
Bedstraws, Coffees Forget-me-nots Morning Glories Potatoes, Tomatoes Waterleafs
Bellflowers Geraniums Mustards Primroses Water Lilies
Buckwheats Gourds Nettles Ratanies Water Plantains
Cacti Grapes Olives Roses Wood Sorrels
Caltrops Grasses Peas, Beans Sesames  
Capers Honeysuckles Phlox Sedges  
Carrots Lillies Pineapples Soapberries  
Century Plants Mahoganies Pinks, Carnations Spiderworts  

Angiosperms - Nymphaeales

Nymphaeaceae - Water Lilies

Yellow Pond-lily

Nuphar lutea - Naturalized Perennial

Nuphar lutea

Nuphar lutea

Monocots - Alismatales

Alismataceae - Water Plantains

Upright Burhead, Cellophane Sword

Echinodorus berteroi - Native Annual

Echinodorus berteroi

Echinodorus berteroi

Araceae - Arum, Calla

Elephant-ear, Taro, Cocoyam, Dasheen, Chembu, Champadhumpa, and Eddoe

Colocasia esculenta - Texas Invasive Perennial

Colocasia esculenta

Colocasia esculenta

Monocots - Asparagales

Agavaceae - Century Plants

Twistleaf yucca, Twisted-leaf yucca, Texas yucca

Yucca rupicola - Native Shrub

Yucca rupicola Yucca rupicola

Monocots - Commelinales

Commelinaceae - Spiderworts

White-mouth Dayflower

Commelina erecta angustifolia - Native Perennial

Commelina erecta angustifolia
Commelina erecta angustifolia

White-mouth Dayflower, Slender Dayflower

Commelina erecta erecta - Native Perennial

Commelina erecta

Commelina erecta

Widow’s Tears, False Dayflower

Tinantia anomala - Native Annual

Tinantia anomala
Tinantia anomala

Texas Spiderwort

Tradescantia gigantea - Native Perennial

Tradescantia gigantea Tradescantia gigantea

Western Spiderwort, Prairie Spiderwort

Tradescantia occidentalis - Native Perennial

Tradescantia occidentalis

Tradescantia occidentalis

Monocots - Liliales

Liliaceae - Lillies

Meadow garlic, Wild garlic, Wild onion

Allium canadense var. canadense - Native Perennial

Allium canadense

Allium canadense

Wild Garlic

Allium drummondii - Native Perennial

Allium drummondii

Allium drummondii

Evening rain lily, Evening star rain lily

Cooperia drummondii - Native Perennial

Cooperia drummondii
Cooperia drummondii

Hill Country rain lily, Prairie lily, Rain lily

Cooperia pedunculata - Native Perennial

Cooperia pedunculata
Cooperia pedunculata

Crowpoison, False Garlic

Nothoscordum bivalve - Native Perennial

Nothoscordum bivalve Nothoscordum bivalve

Monocots - Poales

Bromeliaceae - Pineapples

Ball Moss

Tillandsia recurvata - Native Perennial

Tillandsia recurvata

Tillandsia recurvata

Cyperaceae - Sedges

Starrush Whitetop, White Star Sedge, White-topped Sedge

Rhynchospora colorata - Native Perennial

Rhynchospora colorata

Rhynchospora colorata

Poaceae - Grasses

Bushy Bluestem

Andropogon glomeratus - Native Perennial

Photo by C. Newsom

Photo by C. Newsom

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Note: I am not a biologist and so there may be some species naming or typographical errors! I will correct these as I become aware of them. I have tried to use the latest naming schemes and when there is a question I default to the USDA names. Photos shown are chosen to try to show the flower and parts of the plant which may help people in IDing their own material.