Note on versions

The current official version of UML (and, therefore, OCL) is 2.0. The KeY system supports at the moment OCL 1.5 with certain modifications as explained in the lectures. We will use KeY in conjuntion with Borland Together 7, which supports UML 1.4. The changes between OCL 1.4, 1.5, and even 2.0 are relatively small, and the syntax of the later versions is basically an extension.
In this course, we will stick to the core concepts of UML/OCL, which have been fairly stable between the various versions. This means that you can buy/use books based on UML/OCL 2.0 as long as you are aware that some features might not be implemented. Below are links to UML/OCL 1.5 reference manuals which contain the features that can be expected to work.

We recommend you print out a copy of the OCL 1.5 Specification [OMG03]. The OCL 2.0 Specification is less clearly organized and contains many aspects that are not relevant for this course. We give a link to the UML 2.0 specification [OMG07], but the recommended book [Fowl04] probably better.

Chapter 5 of [Beck07] is a good reference for OCL and its formal semantics.

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