Borland Together

Borland together is a sophisticated CASE tool implemented as an Eclipse plug-in. We will use it mostly to write UML class diagrams and related OCL constraints.

How to run Together 2007 on DIVMS Lab Computers l-lnx*

Accessing Together remotely

If you want to run Together from homw you must access a lab workstation remotely. For that, use the NoMachine NX client, available from the CSG pages:

Generating a simple UML diagram in Together

The first time you run Together, you will first see a popup window asking for the location of a working directory. We recommend that you specify a new location such as, for instance, Together-workspace.

Similarly you will probably see an "Welcome/overview" window introducing you to Together. Feel free to look around; once you are done, close the window (using the "x" on the tab), then...

Adding a class:

Adding an attribute or operation to a class:

Adding an association (generalization, etc) link:

Adding OCL invariant to classes:

Adding OCL preconditions and postoconditions to operations:

Importing a Together projet into your workspace from a zip file

Exporting a Together projet from your workspace to a zip file

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