Java/Java Card

Note on versions

The KeY system's target language for verification is not Java, but Java Card. Java Card is Sun's Java dialect intended to run on smart cards and other embedded systems. Its syntax and API are mostly a restriction of Java (the exact differences will be explained in the lectures). This means that Java programs that obey the restrictions of Java Card can be verified with KeY as well. In fact, all the programs discussed in this course are at the same time Java and Java Card programs. The latest version of Java is 1.6, and the latest version of Java Card is 2.2.2.

The KeY system supports Java Card 2.2.1, but the differences between 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 lie only in the API. Java Card has no generic types, therefore, Java Card programs syntactically conform to Java 1.4 (up to the API, of course). In particular, from the Java Card API we will only use java.lang, which is a (very small) subset of all Java SDK2 APIs.

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