/* CS:5810 Formal Methods in Software Engineering Fall 2020 The University of Iowa Instructor: Cesare Tinelli */ // Parametric linked lists // Traditional (acyclic) linked list implementation with a node containing // the list element and a reference to the rest of the list. // Empty lists are represented simply by value null. // Hence values of type Node represent non-empty lists. class Node { // abstract variable storing (in the same order) the list of elements // in the sequence headed by 'this' ghost var list: seq; // Heap frame, // Consists of the set of nodes in the list headed by 'this' ghost var nodes: set>; // element stored in the node var elem: T; // next node in the list, if any var next: Node?; // The invariant predicate provides a definition of 'list' and 'nodes' // by induction of the length of the list predicate Valid() decreases nodes; reads this, nodes; { this in nodes && (next == null ==> nodes == {this} && list == [elem] ) && (next != null ==> next in nodes && nodes == {this} + next.nodes && this !in next.nodes // acyclity condition && list == [elem] + next.list && next.Valid() ) } // Makes 'this' the head of a sigleton list containg element 'e' constructor (e: T) ensures Valid(); ensures list == [e]; { elem := e; next := null; list := [e]; nodes := {this}; } // Makes 'this' the head of a non-sigleton list containg element 'e' // and continuing with the list headed by 'n' constructor insert(e: T, n: Node) requires n.Valid(); //requires this !in n.nodes; ensures Valid(); ensures list == [e] + n.list; ensures nodes == {this} + n.nodes; { elem := e; next := n; list := [e] + n.list; nodes := {this} + n.nodes; } // Returns the (possibly empty) tail of the list headed by 'this' method tail() returns (t: Node?) requires Valid(); ensures Valid(); ensures t != null ==> t.Valid() && t.nodes == nodes - {this} && t.list == list[1..]; { t := next; } // Returns the element stored in the head of the list method head() returns (e: T) requires Valid(); ensures Valid(); ensures e == list[0]; { e := elem; } } method main() { var l1 := new Node(3); var l2 := new Node.insert(4, l1); var l3 := new Node.insert(5, l2); assert l1.list == [3]; assert l2.list == [4,3]; assert l3.list == [5,4,3]; }