open util/ordering [Key] as KO sig Key {} sig Room { keys: set Key, var currentKey: Key } sig Guest { var gkeys: set Key } one sig FrontDesk { var lastKey: Room -> lone Key, var occupant: Room -> Guest } fact { all k: Key | lone keys.k always all r:Room | r.currentKey in r.keys } fun nextKey [k: Key, ks: set Key]: set Key { KO/min [KO/nexts[k] & ks] } pred init [] { -- no guests have keys no Guest.gkeys -- the roster at the front desk shows -- no room as occupied no FrontDesk.occupant -- the record of each room’s key at the -- front desk is synchronized with the -- current combination of the lock itself all r: Room | r.(FrontDesk.lastKey) = r.currentKey } pred entry [ g: Guest, r: Room, k: Key ] { -- the key used to open the lock is one of -- the key the guest holding k in g.gkeys -- pre and post conditions let ck = r.currentKey | -- not a new guest (k = ck and ck' = ck) or -- new guest (k = nextKey [ck, r.keys] and ck' = k) -- frame conditions noRoomChangeExcept [r] noGuestChangeExcept [none] noFrontDeskChange } pred noFrontDeskChange [] { FrontDesk.lastKey' = FrontDesk.lastKey FrontDesk.occupant' = FrontDesk.occupant } pred noRoomChangeExcept [rs: set Room] { all r: Room - rs | r.currentKey' = r.currentKey } pred noGuestChangeExcept [gs: set Guest] { all g: Guest - gs | g.gkeys' = g.gkeys } pred checkout [g: Guest] { let occ = FrontDesk.occupant | { -- the guest occupies one or more rooms some occ.g -- the guest’s room become available occ' = occ - (Room -> g) } -- frame condition FrontDesk.lastKey' = FrontDesk.lastKey noRoomChangeExcept [none] noGuestChangeExcept [none] } pred checkin [ g: Guest, r: Room, k: Key ] { -- the guest holds the input key g.gkeys' = g.gkeys + k let occ = FrontDesk.occupant | { -- the room has no current occupant no r.occ -- the guest becomes the new occupant of the room occ' = occ + r->g } let lk = FrontDesk.lastKey | { -- the input key becomes the room’s current key lk' = lk ++ r->k -- the input key is the successor of the last key in -- the sequence associated to the room k = nextKey [, r.keys] } noRoomChangeExcept [none] noGuestChangeExcept [g] } fact Traces { init always some g: Guest, r: Room, k: Key | entry [g, r, k] or checkin [g, r, k] or checkout [g] } assert noBadEntry { always all r: Room, g: Guest, k: Key | let o = r.(FrontDesk.occupant) | (entry [g, r, k] and some o) implies g in o } check noBadEntry for 3 but 2 Room, 2 Guest, 5 Time