Research Articles
2012 Optic Flow with Fixation, with Mark Nawrot, in preparation
2012 Modeling perceived depth from motion parallax with the motion/pursuit ratio, with Mark Nawrot, in preparation
2010 Motion Parallax is Asymptotic to Binocular Disparity, submitted,
2007 Calculus with Infinitesimals, in the volume, The Strength of Nonstandard Analysis, van den Berg & Neves, eds., SpringerWienNewYork, ISBN-10 3-211-49904-0
1996 A Discrete Condition for Higher-Order Smoothness, with Vitor Neves, Boletim da Sociedade Portugesa de Matematica, n.35, Outtubro de 1996, p. 81-94
1995 The Infinitesimal Rule of Three, in the vol, (refereed), Developments in nonstandard analysis, Cutland, Neves, et al, editors, Pitman Research Notes in Math Sci. 336, pp. 1 22
1989 Superinfinitesimals in Topology and Functional Analysis, (with B. Benninghofen and M. Richter), Proc. London Math Soc. (3) 59 (1989), 153 181
1987 Syntactical Methods in Infinitesimal Analysis (co author F. Deiner), in vol., Nonstandard Analysis and its Applications, N. Cutland, ed., London Math. Soc. vol.10, 258 281
1987 Superinfinitesimals and Inductive Limits, ibid 1987a, 298 320
1987 Previsible Sets for Hyperfinite Filtrations, Prob. Theory and Related Fields (formerly Zeit. f. Whar.) vol. 73, 183 195
1983 Locally Convex Infinitesimal Calculus 2: Computations on Mackey(l-infinity) J. Funct. Anal., vol. 53, 1 15
1983 Myopic Utility Functions on Sequential Economies, J. of Math Econ., vol. 11, 267 276
1983 Infinitesimal Analysis of in its Mackey Topology, in vol., Nonstandard Analysis Recent Developments, A. Hurd, ed., Springer Verlag Lect. Notes in Math, vol. 983, New York, 204 213
1978 Infinitesimal Calculus on Locally Convex Spaces: 1. Fundamentals, Trans A M S, vol. 240, 363 383
1977Infinitesimal Analyis of Curves and Surfaces, in vol., The Handbook of Mathematical Logic, K. J. Barwise, ed., North Holland Publ., 197 231
1974A Nonstandard Characterization of Mixed Uniformities, in vol., Proc. of the University of Victoria Symposium on Nonstandard Analysis, A. Hurd and P. Loeb, ed.s, Springer Verlag Lect. Notes in Math, vol. 369, New York, 261 271
1973 The Mackey Uniformity for Finite Measures, Pacific J. Math., vol 49, nr. 1, 223 228
1972 Rates of Growth of Meromorphic Functions, in vol., Contributions to Non Standard Analysis, Luxemburg & A. Robinson, ed.s, North Holland Publ., Amsterdam, 47 64
1972 Additional Remarks on the Theory of Monds, ibid. 1972a, 245 260
1971 Applications of Model Theory to Complex Analysis, Ph. D. Thesis, Caltech (not published elsewhere)