class: center, middle, title-slide .title[ # Density Estimation and Smoothing ] .author[ ### Luke Tierney ] .institute[ ### University of Iowa ] .date[ ### 2023-05-19 ] --- layout: true <link rel="stylesheet" href="stat7400.css" type="text/css" /> ## Density Estimation --- $$ \newcommand{\MLE}[1]{\widehat{#1}} \renewcommand{\Var}{\text{Var}} $$ Suppose we have a random sample `\(X_1,\dots,X_n\)` from a population with density `\(f\)`. -- Nonparametric density estimation is useful if we want -- * to explore the data without a specific parametric model; -- * to assess the fit of a parametric model; -- * a compromise between a parametric and a fully non-parametric approach. -- A simple method for estimating `\(f\)` at a point `\(x\)`: <!-- `\begin{equation*} \widehat{f}_n(x) = \frac{\text{no. of `\(X_i\)` in `\([x-h,x+h]\)`}}{2hn} \end{equation*}` --> `\begin{equation*} \widehat{f}_n(x) = \frac{\#\{X_i \in [x-h,x+h]\}}{2hn} \end{equation*}` for some small value of `\(h\)`. --- .pull-left[ This estimator has bias `\begin{equation*} \text{Bias}(\widehat{f}_n(x)) = \frac{1}{2h}p_h(x) - f(x) \end{equation*}` {{content}} ] -- and variance $$ \Var(\widehat{f}_n(x)) = \frac{p_h(x)(1-p_h(x))}{4h^2n} $$ {{content}} -- with `\begin{equation*} p_h(x) = \int_{x-h}^{x+h}f(u)du \end{equation*}` -- .pull-right[ If `\(f\)` is continuous at `\(x\)` and `\(f(x) > 0\)`, then as `\(h \to 0\)` * the bias tends to zero; * the variance tends to infinity. {{content}} ] -- Choosing a good value of `\(h\)` involves a _variance-bias tradeoff_. --- ### Kernel Density Estimation .pull-left[ The estimator `\(\widehat{f}_n(x)\)` can be written as `\begin{equation*} \widehat{f}_n(x) = \frac{1}{nh}\sum_{i=1}^n K\left(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\right) \end{equation*}` {{content}} ] -- with <!-- `\begin{equation*} K(u) = \begin{cases} 1/2 & \text{if `\(|u| < 1\)`}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{equation*}` --> `\begin{equation*} K(u) = \begin{cases} 1/2 & |u| < 1\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{equation*}` -- .pull-right[ Other _kernel functions_ `\(K\)` can be used; usually * `\(K\)` is a density function * `\(K\)` has mean zero * `\(K\)` has positive, finite variance `\(\sigma_K^2\)` Often `\(K\)` is symmetric. ] --- Common choices of `\(K\)`: | `\(K(u)\)` | Range | Name | | :--------------------------------- | :------------------ | :-------------- | | `\(1/2\)` | `\(\text{abs}(u)\)` < 1 | Uniform, Boxcar | | `\(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} e^{-u^2/2}\)` | | Gaussian | | 1 - `\(\text{abs}(u)\)` | `\(\text{abs}(u)\)` < 1 | Triangular | | `\(\frac{3}{4}(1-u^2)\)` | `\(\text{abs}(u)\)` < 1 | Epanechnikov | | `\(\frac{15}{16}(1-u^2)^2\)` | `\(\text{abs}(u)\)` < 1 | Biweight | --- ### Mean Square Error for Kernel Density Estimators .pull-left[ The bias and variance of a kernel density estimator are of the form `\begin{align*} \text{Bias}(\widehat{f}_n(x)) &= \frac{h^2\sigma_K^2 f''(x)}{2} + O(h^4)\\ \Var(\widehat{f}_n(x)) &= \frac{f(x) R(K)}{nh} + o\left(\frac{1}{nh}\right) \end{align*}` with `\begin{equation*} R(g) = \int g(x)^2 dx \end{equation*}` if `\(h \to 0\)` and `\(nh \to \infty\)` and `\(f\)` is reasonable. ] -- .pull-right[ The pointwise asymptotic mean square error is `\begin{equation*} \text{AMSE}(\widehat{f}_n(x)) = \frac{f(x) R(K)}{nh} + \frac{h^4\sigma_K^4 f''(x)^2}{4} \end{equation*}` {{content}} ] -- and the asymptotic mean integrated square error is `\begin{equation*} \text{AMISE}(\widehat{f}_n) = \frac{R(K)}{nh} + \frac{h^4\sigma_K^4 R(f'')}{4} \end{equation*}` --- The resulting asymptotically optimal bandwidths `\(h\)` are `\begin{align*} h_0(x) &= \left(\frac{f(x) R(K)}{\sigma_K^4 f''(x)^2}\right)^{1/5} n^{-1/5}\\ h_0 &= \left(\frac{R(K)}{\sigma_K^4 R(f'')}\right)^{1/5} n^{-1/5} \end{align*}` -- with optimal AMSE and AMISE `\begin{align*} \text{AMSE}_0(\widehat{f}_n(x)) &= \frac{5}{4}(\sigma_K f(x) R(K))^{4/5} f''(x)^{2/5} n^{-4/5}\\ \text{AMISE}_0(\widehat{f}_n) &= \frac{5}{4}(\sigma_K R(K))^{4/5} R(f'')^{1/5} n^{-4/5} \end{align*}` --- ### Choosing a Bandwidth .pull-left[ One way to chose a bandwidth is to target a particular family, such as a Gaussian `\(f\)`: {{content}} ] -- * The optimal bandwidth for minimizing AMISE when `\(f\)` is Gaussian and `\(K\)` is Gaussian `$$h_0 = 1.059 \sigma n^{-1/5}$$` {{content}} -- * `\(\sigma\)` can be estimated using `\(S\)` or the interquartile range -- .pull-right[ The default for `density` in R is `$$0.9 \times \min(S, \text{IQR}/1.34)n^{-1/5}$$` based on a suggestion of Silverman (1986, pp 45--47). {{content}} ] -- This can often serve as a reasonable starting point. {{content}} -- It does not adapt to information in the data that suggests departures from normality. --- .pull-left[ So-called _plug-in_ methods estimate `\(R(f'')\)` to obtain `\begin{equation*} \widehat{h} = \left(\frac{R(K)}{\sigma_K^4 \widehat{R(f'')}}\right)^{1/5} n^{-1/5} \end{equation*}` {{content}} ] -- The Sheather-Jones method uses a different bandwidth (and kernel?) to estimate `\(\widehat{f}\)` and then estimates `\(R(f'')\)` by `\(R(\widehat{f}'')\)`. {{content}} -- Specifying `bw="SJ"` in R's `density` uses the Sheather-Jones method. -- .pull-right[ There are two variants: * `SJ-dpi`: direct plug-in * `SJ-ste`: solve the equation {{content}} ] -- The default for `bw="SJ"` is `ste`. {{content}} -- Other approaches based on leave-one-out cross-validation are available. {{content}} -- Many of these are available as options in R's `density` and/or other density estimation functions available in R packages. {{content}} -- Variable bandwidth approaches can be based on pilot estimates of the density produced with simpler fixed bandwidth rules. --- ### Example: Durations of Eruptions of Old Faithful -- .pull-left.small-code.smaller[ Based on an example in Venables and Ripley (2002). {{content}} ] -- Durations, in minutes, of 299 consecutive eruptions of Old Faithful were recorded. {{content}} -- The data are available as data set `geyser` in package `MASS`. {{content}} -- Some density estimates are produced by ```r library(MASS) data(geyser) truehist(geyser$duration, nbin = 25, col = "lightgrey") lines(density(geyser$duration)) lines(density(geyser$duration, bw = "SJ"), col = "red") lines(density(geyser$duration, bw = "SJ-dpi"), col = "blue") ``` -- .pull-right[ <img src="smooth_files/figure-html/geyser-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- Animation can be a useful way of understanding the effect of smoothing parameter choice. -- See files `tkdens.R`, `shinydens.R`, and `geyser.R` in the [class examples directory](../examples/). -- More examples are in the same directory in [`smoothex.Rmd`](../examples/smoothex.Rmd). --- ### Issues and Notes Kernel methods do not work well at boundaries of bounded regions. -- Transforming to unbounded regions is often a good alternative. -- Variability can be assessed by asymptotic methods or by bootstrapping. -- A crude MCMC bootstrap animation: ```r data(geyser, package = "MASS") g <- geyser$duration for (i in 1:1000) { g[sample(299, 1)] <- geyser$duration[sample(299, 1)] plot(density(g, bw = "SJ"), ylim = c(0, 1.2), xlim = c(0, 6)) Sys.sleep(1 / 30) } ``` --- Computation is often done with equally spaced bins and fast Fourier transforms. -- Methods that adjust bandwidth locally can be used. -- Some of these methods are based on nearest-neighbor fits and local polynomial fits. -- Spline based methods can be used on the log scale; the `logspline` package implements one approach. --- ### Density Estimation in Higher Dimensions .pull-left[ Kernel density estimation can in principle be used in any number of dimensions. {{content}} ] -- Usually a `\(d\)`-dimensional kernel `\(K_d\)` of the product form `\begin{equation*} K_d(u) = \prod_{i=1}^d K_1(u_i) \end{equation*}` is used. -- .pull-right[ The kernel density estimate is then `\begin{equation*} \widehat{f}_n(x) = \frac{1}{n\det(H)}\sum_{i=1}^n K(H^{-1}(x-x_i)) \end{equation*}` for some matrix `\(H\)`. ] --- Suppose `\(H = hA\)` where `\(\det(A)=1\)`. -- The asymptotic mean integrated square error is of the form `\begin{equation*} \text{AMISE} = \frac{R(K)}{nh^d} + \frac{h^4}{4}\int (\text{trace}(AA^T \nabla^2f(x)))^2dx \end{equation*}` -- and therefore the optimal bandwidth and AMISE are of the form `\begin{align*} h_0 &= O(n^{-1/(d+4)})\\ \text{AMISE}_0 &= O(n^{-4/(d+4)}) \end{align*}` -- Convergence is very slow if `\(d\)` is more than 2 or 3 since most of higher dimensional space will be empty. -- This is known as the _curse of dimensionality_. --- Density estimates in two dimensions can be visualized using perspective plots, surface plots, image plots, and contour plots. -- Higher dimensional estimates can often only be visualized by conditioning, or slicing. -- The `kde2d` function in package `MASS` provides two-dimensional kernel density estimates; an alternative is `bkde2D` in package `KernSmooth`. -- The `kde3d` function in the `misc3d` package provides three-dimensional kernel density estimates. --- ### Example: Eruptions of Old Faithful In addition to duration times, waiting times, in minutes, until the following eruption were recorded. -- The duration of an eruption can be used to predict the waiting time until the next eruption. -- A modified data frame containing the previous duration is constructed by ```r geyser2 <- data.frame([-1, ]), pduration = geyser$duration[-299]) ``` <!-- $ -- make emacs happy --> --- .pull-left.small-code[ Estimates of the joint density of previous eruption duration and waiting time are computed by ```r kd1 <- with(geyser2, kde2d(pduration, waiting, n = 50, lims = c(0.5, 6, 40, 110))) with(geyser2, plot(pduration, waiting, col = "blue", xlab = "Previous Duration", ylab = "Waiting")) contour(kd1, col = "grey10", add = TRUE) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="smooth_files/figure-html/geyser-2-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- .pull-left.small-code[ ```r kd2 <- with(geyser2, kde2d(pduration, waiting, n = 50, lims = c(0.5, 6, 40, 110), h = c(width.SJ(pduration), width.SJ(waiting)))) with(geyser2, plot(pduration, waiting, col = "blue", xlab = "Previous Duration", ylab = "Waiting")) contour(kd2, col = "grey10", add = TRUE) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="smooth_files/figure-html/geyser-3-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Rounding of some durations to 2 and 4 minutes can be seen. ] --- ### Visualizing Density Estimates Some examples are given in `geyser.R` and `kd3.R` in in the [class examples directory](../examples/). -- Animation can be a useful way of understanding the effect of smoothing parameter choice. -- Bootstrap animation can help in visualizing uncertainty. -- For 2D estimates, options include * perspective plots -- * contour plots -- * image plots, with or without contours -- For 3D estimates contour plots are the main option --- <!-- --> Example: Data and contours for mixture of three trivariate normals and two bandwidths .pull-left[ <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="img/kd3-1.png" alt="BW = 0.2" width="60%" /> <p class="caption">BW = 0.2</p> </div> ] .pull-right[ <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="img/kd3-2.png" alt="BW = 0.5" width="60%" /> <p class="caption">BW = 0.5</p> </div> ] -- .pull-left[ An example of using 3D density estimates with the `quakes` data is [available](../examples/quakes.R). ] --- layout: true ## Smoothing --- ### Kernel Smoothing and Local Regression A simple non-parametric regression model is `\begin{equation*} Y_i = m(x_i) + \epsilon_i \end{equation*}` with `\(m\)` a smooth mean function. -- A kernel density estimator of the conditional density `\(f(y|x)\)` is `\begin{equation*} \widehat{f}_n(y|x) = \frac{\frac{1}{nh^2} \sum K\left(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\right)K\left(\frac{y-y_i}{h}\right)} {\frac{1}{nh}\sum K\left(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\right)} = \frac{1}{h} \frac{\sum K\left(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\right)K\left(\frac{y-y_i}{h}\right)} {\sum K\left(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\right)} \end{equation*}` --- Assuming `\(K\)` has mean zero, an estimate of the conditional mean is `\begin{align*} \widehat{m}_n(x) &= \int y \widehat{f}_n(y|x) dy = \frac{\sum K\left(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\right) \int y \frac{1}{h}K\left(\frac{y-y_i}{h}\right)dy} {\sum K\left(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\right)}\\ &= \frac{\sum K\left(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\right) y_i} {\sum K\left(\frac{x-x_i}{h}\right)} = \sum w_i(x) y_i \end{align*}` -- This is the _Nadaraya-Watson_ estimator. -- This estimator can also be viewed as the result of a _locally constant_ fit: `\(\widehat{m}_n(x)\)` is the value `\(\beta_0\)` that minimizes `\begin{equation*} \sum w_i(x) (y_i - \beta_0)^2 \end{equation*}` --- Higher degree local polynomial estimators estimate `\(m(x)\)` by minimizing `\begin{equation*} \sum w_i(x) (y_i - \beta_0 - \beta_1 (x-x_i) - \dots - \beta_p (x-x_i)^p)^2 \end{equation*}` -- Odd values of `\(p\)` have advantages, and `\(p=1\)`, local linear fitting, generally works well. -- Local cubic fits, `\(p=3\)`, are also used. -- Problems exist near the boundary; these tend to be worse for higher degree fits. -- Bandwidth can be chosen globally or locally. -- A common local choice uses a fraction of nearest neighbors in the `\(x\)` direction. -- Automatic choices can use estimates of `\(\sigma\)` and function roughness and plug in to asymptotic approximate mean square errors. -- Cross-validation can also be used; it often undersmooths. -- Autocorrelation creates an identifiability problem. --- Software available in R includes -- * `ksmooth` for compatibility with S (but much faster). -- * `locpoly` for fitting and `dpill` for bandwidth selection in package `KernSmooth`. -- * `lowess` and `loess` for nearest neighbor based methods; also try to robustify. -- * `supsmu`, Friedman's _super smoother_, a very fast smoother. -- * package `locfit` on CRAN -- Some are also available as stand-alone code. --- ### Spline Smoothing Given data `\((x_1, y_1),\dots,(x_n,y_n)\)` with `\(x_i \in [a,b]\)` one way to fit a smooth mean function is to choose `\(m\)` to minimize `\begin{equation*} S(m,\lambda) = \sum (y_i - m(x_i))^2 + \lambda \int_a^b m''(u)^2 du \end{equation*}` -- The term `\(\lambda \int_a^b m''(u)^2 du\)` is a _roughness penalty_. -- Among all twice continuously differentiable functions on `\([a,b]\)` this is minimized by a _natural cubic spline_ with _knots_ at the `\(x_i\)`. -- This minimizer is called a _smoothing spline_. --- A _cubic spline_ is a function `\(g\)` on an interval `\([a,b]\)` such that for some _knots_ `\(t_i\)` with `\(a = t_0 < t_1 < \dots < t_{n+1} = b\)` -- * on `\((t_{i-1}, t_i)\)` the function `\(g\)` is a cubic polynomial -- * at `\(t_1,\dots,t_n\)` the function values, first and second derivatives are continuous. -- A cubic spline is _natural_ if the second and third derivatives are zero at `\(a\)` and `\(b\)`. -- A natural cubic spline is linear on `\([a,t_1]\)` and `\([t_n,b]\)`. -- For a given `\(\lambda\)` the smoothing spline is a linear estimator. -- The set of equations to be solved is large but banded. -- The fitted values `\(\widehat{m}_n(x_i,\lambda)\)` can be viewed as `\begin{equation*} \widehat{m}_n(x,\lambda) = A(\lambda) y \end{equation*}` -- where `\(A(\lambda)\)` is the _smoothing matrix_ or _hat matrix_ for the linear fit. -- The function `smooth.spline` implements smoothing splines in R. --- .pull-left.small-code[ ### Example: Old Faithful Eruptions {{content}} ] -- A nonparametric fit of waiting time to previous duration may be useful in predicting the time of the next eruption. {{content}} -- The different smoothing methods considered produce the following: ```r with(geyser2, { plot(pduration, waiting) lines(lowess(pduration, waiting), col = "red") lines(supsmu(pduration, waiting), col = "blue") lines(ksmooth(pduration, waiting), col = "green") lines(smooth.spline(pduration, waiting), col = "orange") }) ``` -- .pull-right[ <img src="smooth_files/figure-html/geyser-smooth-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> {{content}} ] -- An animated version of the smoothing spline [available on line](../examples/geyser.R) shows the effect of varying the smoothing parameter. --- ### Degrees of Freedom of a Linear Smoother For a linear regression fit with hat matrix `\begin{equation*} H = X (X^TX)^{-1}X^T \end{equation*}` and full rank regressor matrix `\(X\)` `\begin{equation*} \text{tr}(H) = \text{number of fitted parameters} = \text{degrees of freedom of fit} \end{equation*}` -- By analogy define the degrees of freedom of a linear smoother as `\begin{equation*} \text{df}_\text{fit} = \text{tr}(A(\lambda)) \end{equation*}` -- .pull-left.width-40[ For the geyser data, the degrees of freedom of a smoothing spline fit with the default bandwidth selection rule are ] .pull-right.width-55.small-code[ ```r with(geyser2, sum(smooth.spline(pduration, waiting)$lev)) ## [1] 4.169841 with(geyser2, smooth.spline(pduration, waiting))$df ## [1] 4.169841 ``` ] --- For residual degrees of freedom the definition usually used is `\begin{equation*} \text{df}_\text{res} = n - 2 \text{tr}(A(\lambda)) + \text{tr}(A(\lambda)A(\lambda)^T) \end{equation*}` -- Assuming constant error variance, a possible estimate is `\begin{equation*} \widehat{\sigma}_\epsilon^2 = \frac{\sum (y_i-\widehat{m}_n(x_i,\lambda))^2}{\text{df}_\text{res}(\lambda)} = \frac{\text{RSS}(\lambda)}{\text{df}_\text{res}(\lambda)} \end{equation*}` -- The simpler estimator `\begin{equation*} \widehat{\sigma}_\epsilon^2 = \frac{\text{RSS}(\lambda)}{\text{tr}(I-A(\lambda))} = \frac{\text{RSS}(\lambda)}{n - \text{df}_\text{fit}} \end{equation*}` is also used. -- To reduce bias it may make sense to use a rougher smooth for variance estimation than for mean function estimation. --- ### Choosing Smoothing Parameters for Linear Smoothers .pull-left[ Many smoothing methods are linear for a given value of a smoothing parameter `\(\lambda\)`. {{content}} ] -- Choice of the smoothing parameter `\(\lambda\)` can be based on leave-one-out cross-validation, i.e. minimizing the _cross-validation score_ `\begin{equation*} \text{CV}(\lambda) = \frac{1}{n} \sum (y_i - \widehat{m}_n^{(-i)}(x_i, \lambda))^2 \end{equation*}` -- .pull-right[ If the smoother satisfies (at least approximately) `\begin{equation*} \widehat{m}_n^{(-i)}(x_i, \lambda) = \frac{\sum_{j \neq i} A(\lambda)_{ij} y_j}{\sum_{j \neq i} A(\lambda)_{ij}} \end{equation*}` {{content}} ] -- and for all `\(i\)` `\begin{equation*} \sum_{j=1}^n A(\lambda)_{ij} = 1 \end{equation*}` {{content}} -- then the cross-validation score can be computed as `\begin{equation*} \text{CV}(\lambda) = \frac{1}{n}\sum \left(\frac{y_i - \widehat{m}_n(x_i, \lambda)}{1-A_{ii}(\lambda)}\right)^2 \end{equation*}` --- .pull-left[ The _generalized cross-validation criterion_, or GCV, uses average leverage values: `\begin{equation*} \text{GCV}(\lambda) = \frac{1}{n}\sum \left(\frac{y_i - \widehat{m}_n(x_i, \lambda)} {1-n^{-1}\text{trace}(A(\lambda))}\right)^2 \end{equation*}` {{content}} ] -- The original motivation for GCV was computational; with better algorithms this is no longer an issue. -- .pull-right[ An alternative motivation for GCV: {{content}} ] -- * For an orthogonal transformation `\(Q\)` one can consider fitting `\(y_Q=QY\)` with `\(A_Q(\lambda) = Q A(\lambda) Q^T\)`. {{content}} -- * Coefficient estimates and `\(SS_\text{res}\)` are the same for all `\(Q\)`, but the CV score is not. {{content}} -- * One can choose an orthogonal transformation such that the diagonal elements of `\(A_Q(\lambda)\)` are constant. {{content}} -- * For any such `\(Q\)` we have `$$A_Q(\lambda)_{ii} = n^{-1} \text{trace}(A_Q(\lambda)) = n^{-1} \text{trace}(A(\lambda))$$` {{content}} -- Despite the name, GCV does not generalize CV. {{content}} -- Both CV and GCV have a tendency to undersmooth. --- For the geyser data this code extracts and plots GCV and CV values: .pull-left.small-code[ ```r with(geyser2, { lambda <- seq(0.5, 2, len = 30) f <- function(s, cv = FALSE) smooth.spline(pduration, waiting, spar = s, cv = cv)$cv.crit gcv <- sapply(lambda, f) cv <- sapply(lambda, f, TRUE) plot(lambda, gcv, type = "l") lines(lambda, cv, col = "blue") }) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="smooth_files/figure-html/geyser-cv-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> {{content}} ] -- <!-- $ -- make emacs happy --> Both criteria select a value of `\(\lambda\)` close to 1. --- Other smoothing parameter selection criteria include -- * Mallows `\(C_p\)`, `$$C_p = \text{RSS}(\lambda) + 2 \widehat{\sigma}_\epsilon^2\text{df}_\text{fit}(\lambda)$$` -- * Akaike's information criterion (AIC) `$$\text{AIC}(\lambda) = \log\{\text{RSS}(\lambda)\} + 2\text{df}_\text{fit}(\lambda)/n$$` -- * Corrected AIC of Hurvich, Simonoff, and Tsai (1998) `$$\text{AIC}_C(\lambda) = \log\{\text{RSS}(\lambda)\} + \frac{2(\text{df}_\text{fit}(\lambda)+1)}{n-\text{df}_\text{fit}(\lambda)-2}$$` --- ### Spline Representations Splines can be written in terms of many different bases: -- * B-splines; -- * truncated power basis; -- * radial or thin plate basis. -- Some are more useful numerically, others have interpretational advantages. -- One useful basis for a cubic spline with knots `\(\{\kappa_1,\dots,\kappa_K\}\)` is the _radial basis_ or _thin plate basis_ `\begin{equation*} 1, x, |x-\kappa_1|^3, \dots, |x-\kappa_K|^3 \end{equation*}` --- More generally, a basis for splines of order `\(2m-1\)` is `\begin{equation*} 1, x, \dots,x^{m-1},|x-\kappa_1|^{2m-1}, \dots, |x-\kappa_K|^{2m-1} \end{equation*}` for `\(m = 1, 2, 3, \dots\)`. -- * `\(m = 2\)` produces cubic splines -- * `\(m = 1\)` produces linear splines -- In terms of this basis a spline is a function of the form `\begin{equation*} f(x) = \sum_{j=0}^{m-1} \beta_j x^j + \sum_{k=1}^K \delta_k |x-\kappa_k|^{2m-1} \end{equation*}` --- References: > P. J. Green and B. W. Silverman (1994). _Nonparametric Regression > and Generalied Linear Models_ > D. Ruppert, M. P. Wand, and R. J. Carroll (2003). _Semiparametric > Regression_. `SemiPar` is an R package implementing the methods of > this book. > G. Wahba (1990). _Spline Models for Observational Data_. > S. Wood (2017). _Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with > R, 2nd Ed._. This is related to the `mgcv` package. --- A generic form for the fitted values is `\begin{equation*} \widehat{y} = X_0 \beta + X_1 \delta. \end{equation*}` -- _Regression splines_ refers to models with a small number of knots `\(K\)` fit by ordinary least squares, i.e. by choosing `\(\beta, \delta\)` to minimize `\begin{equation*} \renewcommand{\Norm}[1]{\|{#1}\|} \Norm{y - X_0\beta - X_1\delta}^2 \end{equation*}` -- _Penalized spline smoothing_ fits models with a larger number of knots subject to a quadratic constraint `$$\delta^T D \delta \le C$$` for a positive definite `\(D\)` and some `\(C\)`. -- Equivalently, by a Lagrange multiplier argument, the solution minimizes the penalized least squares criterion `$$\Norm{y - X_0\beta - X_1\delta}^2 + \lambda \delta^T D \delta$$` for some `\(\lambda > 0\)`. --- A common form of `\(D\)`, that is not positive definite, is `$$D = \underset{1 \le i,j \le K}{\left[|\kappa_i-\kappa_j|^{2m-1}\right]}$$` -- A variant uses `$$D = \Omega^{1/2} (\Omega^{1/2})^T$$` -- with `$$\Omega = \underset{1 \le i,j \le K}{\left[|\kappa_i-\kappa_j|^{2m-1}\right]}$$` -- where the _principal square root_ `\(M^{1/2}\)` of a matrix `\(M\)` with SVD `$$M = U \text{diag}(d) V^T$$` -- is defined as `$$M^{1/2} = U \text{diag}(\sqrt{d}) V^T$$` --- This form ensures that `\(D\)` is at least positive semi-definite. -- Smoothing splines are penalized splines of degree `\(2m-1=3\)` with knots `\(\kappa_i = x_i\)` and -- `$$D = \underset{1 \le i,j \le n}{\left[|\kappa_i-\kappa_j|^3\right]}$$` -- and the added natural boundary constraint $$ X_0^T \delta = 0 $$ -- For a natural cubic spline $$ \int g''(t)^2 dt = \delta^T D \delta $$ -- The quadratic form `\(\delta^T D \delta\)` is strictly positive definite on the subspace defined by `\(X_0^T\delta = 0\)`. --- Penalized splines can often approximate smoothing splines well using far fewer knots. -- The detailed placement of knots and their number is usually not critical as long as there are enough. -- Simple default rules that often work well (Ruppert, Wand, and Carroll 2003): -- * knot locations: $$ \kappa_k = \left(\frac{k+1}{K+2}\right)\text{th sample quantile of unique `\(x_i\)`}$$ <!-- \begin{equation*} \kappa_k = \left(\frac{k+1}{K+2}\right)\text{th sample quantile of unique `\(x_i\)`} \end{equation*} --> -- * number of knots: $$K = \min\left(\text{$\frac{1}{4} \times$ number of unique `\(x_i\)`, 35}\right)$$ -- The `SemiPar` package actually seems to use the default $$K = \max\left(\text{$\frac{1}{4} \times$ number of unique `\(x_i\)`, 20}\right)$$ --- More sophisticated methods for choosing number and location of knots are possible but not emphasized in the penalized spline literature at this point. --- ### A Useful Computational Device To minimize $$ \Norm{Y - X_0\beta - X_1\delta}^2 + \lambda \delta^T D \delta $$ -- for a given `\(\lambda\)`, -- suppose `\(B\)` satisties $$ \lambda D = B^T B $$ -- and `\begin{align*} Y^* &= \begin{bmatrix} Y\\ 0 \end{bmatrix} & X^* &= \begin{bmatrix} X_0 & X_1\\ 0 & B \end{bmatrix} & \beta^* = \begin{bmatrix} \beta\\ \delta \end{bmatrix} \end{align*}` -- Then `$$\Norm{Y^* - X^*\beta^*}^2 = \Norm{Y - X_0\beta - X_1\delta}^2 + \lambda \delta^T D \delta$$` -- So `\(\MLE{\beta}\)` and `\(\MLE{\delta}\)` can be computed by finding the OLS coefficients for the regression of `\(Y^*\)` on `\(X^*\)`. --- ### Penalized Splines and Mixed Models For strictly positive definite `\(D\)` and a given `\(\lambda\)`, minimizing the objective function $$ \Norm{y - X_0\beta - X_1\delta}^2 + \lambda \delta^T D \delta $$ -- is equivalent to maximizing the log likelihood for the mixed model $$ Y = X_0\beta + X_1\delta + \epsilon $$ -- with fixed effects parameters `\(\beta\)` and `\begin{align*} \epsilon &\sim \text{N}(0, \sigma_\epsilon^2 I)\\ \delta &\sim \text{N}(0, \sigma_\delta^2 D^{-1})\\ \lambda &= \sigma_\epsilon^2 / \sigma_\delta^2 \end{align*}` with `\(\lambda\)` known. --- Some consequences: -- * The penalized spline fit at `\(x\)` is the BLUP for the mixed model with known mixed effects covariance structure. -- * Linear mixed model software can be used to fit penalized spline models (the R package `SemiPar` does this). -- * The smoothing parameter `\(\lambda\)` can be estimated using ML or REML estimates of `\(\sigma_\epsilon^2\)` and `\(\sigma_\delta^2\)` from the linear mixed model. -- * Interval estimation/testing formulations from mixed models can be used. -- Additional consequences: -- * The criterion has a Bayesian interpretation. -- * Extension to models containing smoothing and mixed effects are immediate. -- * Extension to generalized linear models can use GLMM methodology. --- ### Example: Old Faithful Eruptions Using the function `spm` from `SemiPar` a penalized spline model can be fit with ```r library(SemiPar) attach(geyser2) # needed because of flaws in spm implementation summary(spm(waiting ~ f(pduration))) ## ## ## Summary for non-linear components: ## ## df spar knots ## f(pduration) 4.573 2.9 28 ## ## Note this includes 1 df for the intercept. ``` --- The plot method for the `spm` result produces a plot with pointwise error bars: ```r plot(spm(waiting ~ f(pduration)), ylim = range(waiting)) points(pduration, waiting) ``` <img src="smooth_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- A fit using `mgcv`: .tiny-code[ ```r library(mgcv) <- gam(waiting ~ s(pduration), data = geyser2) summary( ## ## Family: gaussian ## Link function: identity ## ## Formula: ## waiting ~ s(pduration) ## ## Parametric coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 72.2886 0.3594 201.1 <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: ## 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Approximate significance of smooth terms: ## edf Ref.df F p-value ## s(pduration) 3.149 3.987 299.8 <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: ## 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## R-sq.(adj) = 0.801 Deviance explained = 80.3% ## GCV = 39.046 Scale est. = 38.503 n = 298 ``` ] --- A plot of the smooth component with the mean-adjusted waiting times is produced by ```r plot( with(geyser2, points(pduration, waiting - mean(waiting))) ``` <img src="smooth_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Smoothing with Multiple Predictors Many methods have natural generalizations -- All suffer from the _curse of dimensionality_. -- Generalizations to two or three variables can work reasonably. -- Local polynomial fits can be generalized to `\(p\)` predictors. -- `loess` is designed to handle multiple predictors, in principle at least. -- Spline methods can be generalized in two ways: -- * _tensor product splines_ use all possible products of single variable spline bases. -- * _thin plate splines_ generalize the radial basis representation. --- A thin plate spline of order `\(m\)` in `\(d\)` dimensions is of the form `\begin{equation*} f(x) = \sum_{i=1}^M \beta_i \phi_i(x) + \sum_{k=1}^K\delta_k r(x-\kappa_k) \end{equation*}` -- with <!-- $$ r(u) = \begin{cases} \Norm{u}^{2m-d} & \text{for `\(d\)` odd}\\ \Norm{u}^{2m-d}\log\Norm{u} & \text{for `\(d\)` even}\\ \end{cases} $$ --> $$ r(u) = `\begin{cases} \Norm{u}^{2m-d} & \text{for odd d}\\ \Norm{u}^{2m-d}\log\Norm{u} & \text{for even d}\\ \end{cases}` $$ -- and where the `\(\phi_i\)` are a basis for the space of polynomials of total degree `\(\le m - 1\)` in `\(d\)` variables. -- The dimension of this space is $$ M = \binom{d+m-1}{d} $$ -- If `\(d = 2, m = 2\)` then `\(M = 3\)` and a basis is $$ \phi_1(x) = 1, \phi_2(x) = x_1, \phi_3(x) = x_2 $$ --- ### Penalized Thin Plate Splines Penalized thin plate splines usually use a penalty with `\begin{equation*} D = \Omega^{1/2} (\Omega^{1/2})^T \end{equation*}` -- where `\begin{equation*} \Omega = \underset{1 \le i,j \le K}{\left[r(\kappa_i-\kappa_j)\right]} \end{equation*}` -- This corresponds at least approximately to using a squared derivative penalty. -- Simple knot selection rules are harder for `\(d > 1\)`. -- Some approaches: * space-filling designs (Nychka and Saltzman, 1998); -- * clustering algorithms, such as `clara`. --- ### Multivariate Smoothing Splines The bivariate smoothing spline objective of minimizing `\begin{equation*} \sum (y_i - g(x_i))^2 + \lambda J(g) \end{equation*}` -- with `\begin{equation*} J(g) = \int \int \left(\frac{\partial^2 g}{\partial x_1^2}\right)^2 + 2 \left(\frac{\partial^2 g}{\partial x_1\partial x_2}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{\partial^2 g}{\partial x_2^2}\right)^2 dx_1 dx_2 \end{equation*}` -- is minimized by a thin plate spline with knots at the `\(x_i\)` and a constraint on the `\(\delta_k\)` analogous to the natural spline constraint. -- Scaling of variables needs to be addressed. -- Thin-plate spline smoothing is closely related to _kriging_. --- The general smoothing spline uses `\begin{equation*} D = X_1 = [r(\kappa_i - \kappa_i)] \end{equation*}` with the constraint `\(X_0^T\delta = 0\)`. -- <!-- --> Challenge: The linear system to be solved for each `\(\lambda\)` value to fit a smoothing spline is large and not sparse. --- ### Thin Plate Regression Splines Wood (2017) advocates an approach called _thin plate regression splines_ that is implemented in the `mgcv` package. -- The approach uses the spectral decomposition of `\(X_1\)` `\begin{equation*} X_1 = U E U^T \end{equation*}` with `\(E\)` the diagonal matrix of eigen values, and the columns of `\(U\)` the corresponding eigen vectors. -- The eigen values are ordered so that `\(|E_{ii}| \ge |E_{jj}|\)` for `\(i \le j\)`. -- The approach replaces `\(X_1\)` with a lower rank approximation `\begin{equation*} X_{1,k} = U_k E_k U_k^T \end{equation*}` using the `\(k\)` largest eigen values in magnitude. --- The implementation uses an iterative algorithm (_Lanczos iteration_) for computing the largest `\(k\)` eigenvalues/singular values and vectors. -- The `\(k\)` leading eigenvectors form the basis for the fit. -- The matrix `\(X_{1,k}\)` does not need to be formed explicitly; it is enough to be able to compute `\(X_{1,k} v\)` for any `\(v\)`. -- `\(k\)` could be increased until the change in estimates is small or a specified limit is reached. -- As long as `\(k\)` is large enough results are not very sensitive to the particular value of `\(k\)`. -- `mgcv` by default uses `\(k = 10 \times 3^{d - 1}\)` for a `\(d\)`-dimensional smooth. --- This approach seems to be very effective in practice and avoids the need to specify a set of knots. -- The main drawback is that the choice of `\(k\)` and its impact on the basis used are less interpretable. -- With this approach the computational cost is reduced from `\(O(n^3)\)` to `\(O(n^2 k)\)`. -- For large `\(n\)` Wood (2017) recommends using a random sample of `\(n_r\)` rows to reduce the computation cost to `\(O(n_r^2 k)\)`. -- (From the help files the approach in `mgcv` looks more like `\(O(n \times n_r \times k)\)` to me). --- ### Example: Scallop Catches Data records location and size of scallop catches off Long Island. -- A bivariate penalized spline fit is computed by ```r data(scallop) attach(scallop) log.catch <- log(tot.catch + 1) out <- capture.output(fit <- spm(log.catch ~ f(longitude, latitude))) summary(fit) ## ## ## Summary for non-linear components: ## ## df spar knots ## f(longitude,latitude) 25.12 0.2904 37 ``` -- Default knot locations are determined using `clara`. --- Knot locations and fit: <img src="smooth_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- A fit using `mgcv` would use .tiny-code[ ```r scallop.gam <- gam(log.catch ~ s(longitude, latitude), data = scallop) summary(scallop.gam) ## ## Family: gaussian ## Link function: identity ## ## Formula: ## log.catch ~ s(longitude, latitude) ## ## Parametric coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 3.4826 0.1096 31.77 <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: ## 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Approximate significance of smooth terms: ## edf Ref.df F p-value ## s(longitude,latitude) 26.23 28.53 8.823 <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: ## 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## R-sq.(adj) = 0.623 Deviance explained = 69% ## GCV = 2.1793 Scale est. = 1.7784 n = 148 ``` ] --- Plot of the fit: ```r plot(scallop.gam, se = FALSE) ``` <img src="smooth_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-13-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ### Computational Issues Algorithms that select the smoothing parameter typically need to compute smooths for many parameter values. -- Smoothing splines require solving an `\(n \times n\)` system. -- * For a single variable the fitting system can be made tri-diagonal. -- * For thin plate splines of two or more variables the equations are not sparse. -- Penalized splines reduce the computational burden by choosing fewer knots, but then need to select knot locations. -- Thin plate regression splines (implemented in the `mgcv` package) use a rank `\(k\)` approximation for a user-specified `\(k\)`. -- As long as the number of knots or the number of terms `\(k\)` is large enough results are not very sensitive to the particular value of `\(k\)`. -- Examples are [available on line](../examples/smoothex.Rmd).
//adapted from Emi Tanaka's gist at //