class: center, middle, title-slide .title[ # Statistical Learning ] .author[ ### Luke Tierney ] .institute[ ### University of Iowa ] .date[ ### 2023-05-19 ] --- layout: true <link rel="stylesheet" href="stat7400.css" type="text/css" /> <style type="text/css"> .remark-code { font-size: 75%; } </style> <!-- $ -- get emacs sane again --> ## Some Machine Learning Terminology --- Two forms of learning: -- * _supervised learning_: _features_ and responses are available for a _training set_, and a way of predicting response from features of new data is to be _learned_. -- * _unsupervised learning_: no distinguished responses are available; the goal is to discover patterns and associations among features. -- Classification and regression are supervised learning methods. -- Clustering, multi-dimensional scaling, and principal curves are unsupervised learning methods. -- _Data mining_ involves extracting information from large (many cases and/or many variables), messy (many missing values, many different kinds of variables and measurement scales) data bases. -- Machine learning often emphasizes methods that are sufficiently fast and automated for use in data mining. -- Machine learning is now often considered a branch of _Artificial Intelligence (AI)_. --- Tree models are popular in machine learning * supervised: as predictors in classification and regression settings -- * unsupervised: for describing clustering results. -- Some other methods often associated with machine learning: -- * Bagging -- * Boosting -- * Random Forests -- * Support Vector Machines -- * Neural Networks --- References: > T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman (2009). _The Elements of > Statistical Learning, 2nd Ed._. > G. James, D. Witten, T. Hastie, and R. Tibshirani (2021). _An > Introduction to Statistical Learning, with Applications in R, 2nd > Ed._. > D. Hand, H, Mannila, and P. Smyth (2001). _Principles of Data > Mining_. > C. M. Bishop (2006). _Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning_. > M. Shu (2008). Kernels and ensembles: perspectives on statistical > learning, _The American Statistician_ 62(2), 97--109. -- Some examples are available on line [on line](../examples/learning.Rmd). --- layout: true ## Tree Models --- Tree models were popularized by a book and software named CART, for _Classification and Regression Trees_. -- The name CART was trademarked and could not be used by other implementations. -- Tree models partition the predictor space based on a series of binary splits. -- Leaf nodes predict a response: * a category for _classification trees_; -- * a numerical value for _regression trees_. -- Regression trees may also use a simple linear model within leaf nodes of the partition. --- .pull-left[ Using `rpart` a tree model for predicting union membership can be constructed by ```r data(trade.union, package = "SemiPar") library(rpart) trade.union$member.fac <- as.factor(ifelse(trade.union$union.member, "yes", "no")) fit <- rpart(member.fac ~ wage + age + years.educ, data = trade.union) plot(fit) text(fit, use.n = TRUE) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="learning_files/figure-html/rpart-unions-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- .pull-left[ Regression trees use a constant fit by default. A regression tree for the California air pollution data: ```r data(calif.air.poll, package = "SemiPar") library(rpart) fit2 <- rpart(ozone.level ~ daggett.pressure.gradient + inversion.base.height + inversion.base.temp, data = calif.air.poll) plot(fit2) text(fit2) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="learning_files/figure-html/rpart-calpol-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- Tree models are flexible but simple; results are easy to explain to non-specialists. -- Small changes in data -- * can change tree structure substantially; -- * usually do not change predictive performance much. -- Fitting procedures usually consist of two phases: -- * growing a large tree; -- * pruning back the tree to reduce over-fitting. -- Tree growing usually uses a greedy approach. Pruning usually minimizes a penalized goodness of fit measure `\begin{equation*} R(\mathcal{T}) + \lambda \text{size}(\mathcal{T}) \end{equation*}` with `\(R\)` a raw measure of goodness of fit. -- The parameter `\(\lambda\)` can be chosen by some form of cross-validation. --- For regression trees, mean square prediction error is usually used for both growing and pruning. -- For classification trees * growing usually uses a loss function that rewards class purity, e.g. a Gini index `$$G_m = \sum_{k=1}^K \widehat{p}_{mk}(1 - \widehat{p}_{mk})$$` or a cross-entropy `$$D_m = - \sum_{k=1}^K \widehat{p}_{mk}\log \widehat{p}_{mk}$$` with `\(\widehat{p}_{mk}\)` the proportion of training observations in region `\(m\)` that are in class `\(k\)`. -- * Pruning usually focuses on minimizing classification error rates. -- The `rpart` package provides one implementation; the `tree` and `party` packages are also available, among others. --- layout: true ## Bagging, Boosting, and Random Forests --- All three are _ensemble methods_: They combine weaker predictors, or _learners_, to form a stronger one. -- A related idea is _Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA)_. --- ### Bagging: Bootstrap AGGregation Bootstrapping in prediction models produces a sample of predictors `\begin{equation*} T_1^*(x),\dots,T_R^*(x). \end{equation*}` -- Usually bootstrapping is viewed as a way of assessing the variability of the predictor `\(T(x)\)` based on the original sample. -- For predictors that are not linear in the data an aggregated estimator such as `\begin{equation*} T_\text{BAG}(x) = \frac{1}{R}\sum_{i=1}^R T_i^*(x) \end{equation*}` may be an improvement. -- Other aggregations are possible; for classification trees two options are * averaging probabilities; * majority vote. --- Bagging can be particularly effective for tree models. -- Less pruning, or even no pruning, is needed since variance is reduced by averaging. -- Each bootstrap sample will use about 2/3 of the observations; about 1/3 will be _out of bag_, or OOB. The OOB observations can be used to construct an error estimate. -- For tree methods: -- * The resulting predictors are more accurate than simple trees, but lose the simple interpretability. -- * The total reduction in RSS or the Gini index due to splits on a particular variable can be used as a measure of variable importance. -- _Bumping_ (Bootstrap umbrella of model parameters) is another approach: -- * Given a bootstrap sample of predictors `\(T_1^*(x),\dots,T_R^*(x)\)` choose the one that best fits the original data. -- * The original sample is included in the bootstrap sample so the original predictor can be chosen if it is best. --- ### Random Forests Introduced by Breiman (2001). -- Also covered by a trademark. -- Similar to bagging for regression or classification trees. -- Draws `\(n_\text{tree}\)` bootstrap samples. For each sample a tree is grown _without_ pruning. * At each node `\(m_\text{try}\)` out of `\(p\)` available predictors are sampled at random. -- * A common choice is `\(m_\text{try} \approx \sqrt{p}\)`. -- * The best split among the sampled predictors is used. -- Form an ensemble predictor by aggregating the trees. -- Error rates are measured by -- * at each bootstrap iteration predict data not in the sample (out-of-bag, OOB, data); -- * combine the OOB error measures across samples. --- Bagging without pruning for tree models is equivalent to a random forest with `\(m_\text{try} = p\)`. -- A motivation is to reduce correlation among the bootstrap trees and so increase the benefit of averaging. -- The R package `randomForest` provides an interface to FORTRAN code of Breiman and Cutler. -- The software provides measures of -- * "importance" of each predictor variable; -- * similarity of observations. -- Some details are available in A. Liaw and M. Wiener (2002). "Classification and Regression by randomForest," _R News_. -- [Other packages]( implementing random forests are a available as well. -- A recent addition is the [`ranger`]( package. --- ## Boosting Boosting is a way of improving on a weak supervised learner. -- The basic learner needs to be able to work with weighted data. -- The simplest version applies to binary classification with responses `\(y_i = \pm 1\)`. -- A binary classifier produced from a set of weighted training data is a function `\begin{equation*} G(x): \mathcal{X} \to \{-1,+1\} \end{equation*}` --- The _AdaBoost.M1_ (adaptive boosting) algorithm: -- 1. Initialize observation weights `\(w_i = 1/n, i = 1,\dots,n\)`. 2. For `\(m = 1, \dots, M\)` do a. Fit a classifier `\(G_m(x)\)` to the training data with weights `\(w_i\)`. b. Compute the weighted error rate `$$\text{err}_m = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n w_i 1_{\{y_i \neq G_m(x_i)\}}}{\sum_{i=1}^n w_i}.$$` c. Compute `\(\alpha_m = \log((1 - \text{err}_m) / \text{err}_m)\)`. d. Set `\(w_i \leftarrow w_i \exp(\alpha_m 1_{\{y_i \neq G_m(x_i)\}})\)` 3. Output `\(G(x) = \text{sign}\left(\sum_{i=1}^M \alpha_m G_m(x)\right)\)` -- The weights are adjusted to put more weight on points that were classified incorrectly. --- These ideas extend to multiple categories and to continuous responses. -- Empirical evidence suggests boosting is successful in a range of problems. -- Theoretical investigations support this. -- The resulting classifiers are closely related to additive models constructed from a set of elementary basis functions. -- The number of steps `\(M\)` plays the role of a model selection parameter * too small a value produces a poor fit -- * too large a value fits the training data too well -- Some form of regularization, e.g. based on a validation sample, is needed. -- Other forms of regularization, e.g. variants of shrinkage, are possible as well. --- .pull-left.smaller.width-60[ A variant for boosting regression trees: <!-- from James, Witten, Hastie, and Tibshirani book --> 1. Set `\(\widehat{f}(x) = 0\)` and `\(r_i = y_i\)` for all `\(i\)` in the training set. 2. For `\(m = 1, \dots, M\)`: a. Fit a tree `\(\widehat{f}^m(x)\)` with `\(d\)` splits to the training data `\(X, r\)`. b. Update `\(\widehat{f}\)` by adding a shrunken version of `\(\widehat{f}^m(x)\)`, `$$\widehat{f}(x) \leftarrow \widehat{f}(x) + \lambda \widehat{f}^m(x).$$` c. Update the residuals `$$r_i \leftarrow r_i - \lambda \widehat{f}^m(x)$$` 3. Return the boosted model `$$\widehat{f}(x) = \sum_{m = 1}^{M} \lambda \widehat{f}^m(x)$$` ] -- .pull-right.smaller.width-40[ Using a fairly small `\(d\)` often works well. {{content}} ] -- With `\(d = 1\)` this fits an additive model. {{content}} -- Small values of `\(\lambda\)`, e.g. 0.01 or 0.001, often work well. {{content}} -- `\(M\)` is generally chosen by cross-validation. --- ### References on Boosting P. Buehlmann and T. Hothorn (2007). "Boosting algorithms: regularization, prediction and model fitting (with discussion)," _Statistical Science_, 22(4),477--522. Andreas Mayr, Harald Binder, Olaf Gefeller, Matthias Schmid (2014). "The evolution of boosting algorithms - from machine learning to statistical modelling," _Methods of Information in Medicine_ 53(6), [arXiv:1403.1452]( Tianqi Chen and Carlos Guestrin (2016). XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System. In 22nd SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, [arXiv:1603.02754]( --- ### California Air Pollution Data Load data and split out a training sample: ```r data(calif.air.poll, package = "SemiPar") library(mgcv) train <- sample(nrow(calif.air.poll), nrow(calif.air.poll) / 2) ``` -- Fit the additive linear model to the training data and compute the mean square prediction error for the test data: ```r fit <- gam(ozone.level ~ s(daggett.pressure.gradient) + s(inversion.base.height) + s(inversion.base.temp), data = calif.air.poll[train, ]) (gam.mse <- mean((calif.air.poll$ozone.level[-train] - predict(fit, calif.air.poll[-train, ]))^2)) ## [1] 19.52757 ``` <!-- $ make emacs sane --> --- Fit a tree to the training data using all pedictors: ```r library(rpart) <- rpart(ozone.level ~ ., data = calif.air.poll[train, ]) (tree.mse <- mean((calif.air.poll$ozone.level[-train] - predict(, calif.air.poll[-train, ]))^2)) ## [1] 23.40834 ``` <!-- $ make emacs sane --> -- Use bagging on the training set: ```r library(randomForest) <- randomForest(ozone.level ~ ., data = calif.air.poll[train, ], mtry = ncol(calif.air.poll) - 1) (bag.mse <- mean((calif.air.poll$ozone.level[-train] - predict(, calif.air.poll[-train, ]))^2)) ## [1] 21.31767 ``` <!-- $ make emacs sane --> --- Fit a random forest: ```r <- randomForest(ozone.level ~ ., data = calif.air.poll[train, ]) (rf.mse <- mean((calif.air.poll$ozone.level[-train] - predict(, calif.air.poll[-train, ]))^2)) ## [1] 20.87033 ``` <!-- $ make emacs sane --> --- Use `gbm` from the `gbm` package to fit boosted regression trees: ```r library(gbm) <- gbm(ozone.level ~ ., data = calif.air.poll[train, ], n.trees = 100) ## Distribution not specified, assuming gaussian ... (gbm1.mse <- mean((calif.air.poll$ozone.level[-train] - predict(, calif.air.poll[-train, ], n.trees = 100))^2)) ## [1] 21.46409 boost.ca2 <- gbm(ozone.level ~ ., data = calif.air.poll[train, ], n.trees = 100, interaction.depth = 2) ## Distribution not specified, assuming gaussian ... (gbm2.mse <- mean((calif.air.poll$ozone.level[-train] - predict(boost.ca2, calif.air.poll[-train, ], n.trees = 100))^2)) ## [1] 20.73196 ``` <!-- $ make emacs sane --> --- Results: | Method | MSE | | | :---------- | ------------------: | --------------- | |gam | 19.53 | | |tree | 23.41 | | |bagged | 21.32 | | |randomForest | 20.87 | | |boosted | 21.46 | `\(M = 100\)` | | | 20.73 | `\(M = 100, d = 2\)`| These results were obtained without first re-scaling the predictors. -- Some examples are available on line [on line](../examples/learning.Rmd). --- layout: true ## Support Vector Machines --- Support vector machines are a method of classification. -- The simplest form is for binary classification with training data `\((x_1,y_1),\dots,(x_n,y_n)\)` with `\begin{align*} \renewcommand{\Real}{\mathbb{R}} x_i &\in \Real^p\\ y_i &\in \{-1,+1\} \end{align*}` -- Various extensions to multiple classes are available; one uses a form of majority vote among all pairwise classifiers. -- Extensions to continuous resposes are also available. -- An R implementation is `svm` in package `e1071`. --- ### Support Vector Classifiers A linear binary classifier is of the form `\begin{equation*} G(x) = \text{sign}(x^T\beta + \beta_0) \end{equation*}` -- One way to choose a classifier is to minimize a penalized measure of misclassification `\begin{equation*} \renewcommand{\Norm}[1]{\|{#1}\|} \min_{\beta,\beta_0} \sum_{i=1}^n(1 - y_i f(x))_+ + \lambda \Norm{\beta}^2 \end{equation*}` with `\(f(x) = x^T\beta + \beta_0\)`. -- * The misclassification cost is zero for correctly classified points far from the bundary -- * The cost increases for misclassified points farther from the boundary. --- The misclassification cost is qualitatively similar to the negative log-likelihood for a logistic regression model, $$ \rho(y_i, f(x)) = - y_i f(x) + \log\left(1 + e^{y_i f(x)}\right) = \log\left(1 + e^{-y_i f(x)}\right) $$ -- <img src="learning_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- The support vector classifier loss function is sometimes called _hinge loss_. --- Via rewriting in terms of equivalent convex optimization problems it can be shown that the minimizer `\(\widehat{\beta}\)` has the form `\begin{equation*} \widehat{\beta} = \sum_{i=1}^n \widehat{\alpha}_i y_i x_i \end{equation*}` for some values `\(\widehat{\alpha}_i \in [0,1/(2\lambda)]\)`. -- Therefore `\begin{equation*} \newcommand{\ip}[2]{\langle{#1},{#2}\rangle} \widehat{f}(x) = x^T\widehat{\beta} + \widehat{\beta_0} = \widehat{\beta_0} + \sum_{i=1}^n \widehat{\alpha}_i y_i x^T x_i = \widehat{\beta_0} + \sum_{i=1}^n \widehat{\alpha}_i y_i \ip{x}{x_i} \end{equation*}` -- The values of `\(\widehat{\alpha_i}\)` are only non-zero for `\(x_i\)` close to the plane `\(f(x) = 0\)`. -- These `\(x_i\)` are called _support vectors_. --- ### The "Kernel Trick" To allow for non-linear decision boundaries, we can use an extended feature set $$ h(x_i) = (h_1(x_i),\dots,h_M(x_i)) $$ -- A linear boundary in `\(\Real^M\)` maps down to a nonlinear boundary in `\(\Real^p\)`. -- For example, for `\(p=2\)` and $$ h(x) = (x_1, x_2, x_1 x_2, x_1^2, x_2^2) $$ then `\(M=5\)` and a linear boundary in `\(\Real^5\)` maps down to a quadratic boundary in `\(\Real^2\)`. --- The estimated classification function will be of the form `\begin{equation*} \widehat{f}(x) = \widehat{\beta}_0 + \sum_{i=1}^n \widehat{\alpha}_i y_i \ip{h(x)}{h(x_i)} = \widehat{\beta}_0 + \sum_{i=1}^n \widehat{\alpha}_i y_i K(x,x_i) \end{equation*}` where the _kernel function_ `\(K\)` is $$ K(x, x') = \ip{h(x)}{h(x')} $$ -- The kernel function is symmetric and positive semi-definite. -- We do not need to specify `\(h\)` explicitly, only `\(K\)` is needed. -- Any symmetric, positive semi-definite function can be used. --- Some common choices: `\begin{align*} \renewcommand{\ip}[2]{\langle{#1},{#2}\rangle} \renewcommand{\Norm}[1]{\|{#1}\|} \text{$d$th degree polynimial:} & \qquad K(x,x') = (1+\ip{x}{x'})^d\\ \text{radial basis:} & \qquad K(x,x') = \exp(-\Norm{x-x'}^2/c)\\ \text{neural network:}& \qquad K(x,x') = \text{tanh}(a\ip{x}{x'}+b) \end{align*}` -- The parameter `\(\lambda\)` in the optimization criterion is a regularization parameter. It can be chosen by cross-validation. -- Particular kernels and their parameters also need to be chosen. -- This is analogous/equivalent to choosing sets of basis functions. -- Smoothing splines can be expressed in terms of kernels as well. -- * This leads to _reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces_. -- * This does not lead to the sparseness of the SVM approach. --- ### An Artificial Example .pull-left[ Classify random data as above or below a parabola: ```r x1 <- runif(100) x2 <- runif(100) z <- ifelse(x2 > 2 * (x1 - .5)^2 + .5, 1, 0) plot(x1, x2, col = ifelse(z, "red", "blue")) x <- seq(0, 1, len = 101) lines(x, 2 * (x - .5)^2 + .5, lty = 2) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="learning_files/figure-html/svm-example-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- .pull-left[ Fit a support vector classifier using `\(\lambda = \frac{1}{2\text{cost}}\)`: ```r library(e1071) fit <- svm(factor(z) ~ x1 + x2, cost = 10) fit ## ## Call: ## svm(formula = factor(z) ~ x1 + x2, cost = 10) ## ## ## Parameters: ## SVM-Type: C-classification ## SVM-Kernel: radial ## cost: 10 ## ## Number of Support Vectors: 15 ``` ```r plot(fit, data.frame(z = z, x1 = x1, x2 = x2), formula = x2 ~ x1, grid = 100) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="learning_files/figure-html/svm-fit-plot-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- layout: true ## Neural Networks --- .pull-left[ Neural networks are flexible nonlinear models. {{content}} ] -- They are motivated by simple models for the working of neurons. {{content}} -- They connect _input nodes_ to _output nodes_ through one or more layers of _hidden nodes_ {{content}} -- The simplest form is the feed-forward network with one hidden layer, inputs `\(x_1,\dots,x_p\)` and outputs `\(y_1,\dots,y_k\)`. {{content}} -- A graphical representation: -- .pull-right[ <img src="img/nnfig.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- Mathematical form: `\begin{align*} z_m &= h(\alpha_{0m} + x^T \alpha_m)\\ t_k &= \beta_{0k} + z^T \beta_k\\ f_k(x) &= g_k(T) \end{align*}` -- The _activation function_ `\(h\)` is often a _sigmoidal_ function, like the logistic CDF `\begin{equation*} h(x) = 1 / (1 + e^{-x}) \end{equation*}` -- For regression there is usually one output with `\(g_1(t)\)` the identity function. -- For binary classification there is usually one output with `\(g_1(t) = 1 / (1 + e^{-t})\)` -- For `\(k\)`-class classification with `\(k > 2\)` usually there are `\(k\)` outputs, corresponding to binary class indicator data, with `\begin{equation*} g_k(t) = \frac{e^{t_k}}{\sum_j e^{t_j}} \end{equation*}` -- This is often called a _softmax_ criterion. --- By increasing the size of the hidden layer `\(M\)` a neural network can uniformly approximate any continuous function on a compact set arbitrarily well. -- Some examples, fit to `\(n = 101\)` data points using function `neuralnet` from package `neuralnet` with a hidden layer with `\(M=5\)` nodes: <img src="learning_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-12-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- Fitting is done by maximizing a log likelihood `\(L(\alpha,\beta)\)` assuming -- * normal errors for regression -- * a logistic model for classification The likelihood is highly multimodal and the parameters are not identified -- * relabeling hidden nodes does not change the model, for example -- * random starting values are usually used -- * parameters are not interpretable -- If `\(M\)` is large enough to allow flexible fitting then over-fitting is a risk. --- Regularization is used to control overfitting: a penalized log likelihood of the form `\begin{equation*} L(\alpha,\beta) - \lambda(\sum_m \|\alpha_m\|^2 + \sum_k \|\beta_k\|^2) \end{equation*}` is maximized. -- * For this to make sense it is important to center and scale the features to have comparable units. -- * This approach is referred to as _weight decay_ and `\(\lambda\)` is the decay parameter. -- As long as `\(M\)` is large enough and regularization is used, the specific value of `\(M\)` seems to matter little. -- The weight decay parameter is often determined by `\(N\)`-fold cross validation, often with `\(N=10\)` -- Because of the random starting points, results in repeated runs can differ. * one option is to make several runs and pick the best fit -- * another is to combine results from several runs by averaging or majority voting. --- Fitting a neural net to the artificial data example: ```r library(neuralnet) d <- data.frame(x1, x2, z) fit <- neuralnet(z ~ x1 + x2, d, linear.output = FALSE, hidden = 10) ``` <img src="learning_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-15-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- .pull-left[ ### Example: Recognizing Handwritten Digits {{content}} ] -- Data consists of scanned ZIP code digist from the U.S. postal service. {{content}} -- Data is available at <> as a binary file. {{content}} -- Training data consist of a small number of original images, around 300, and additional images generated by random shifts. {{content}} -- Data are `\(28 \times 28\)` gray-scale images, along with labels. -- .pull-right[ <img src="img/digits.png" width="80%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- .pull-left[ This has become a standard machine learning test example. ] -- .pull-right[ Data can be read into R using `readBin`. ] --- The fit, using 6000 observations and `\(M=100\)` nodes in the hidden layer took 11.5 hours on `r-lnx400`: ```r library(nnet) fit <- nnet(X, class.ind(lab), size = 100, MaxNWts = 100000, softmax = TRUE) ``` -- It produced a training misclassification rate of about 8% and a test misclassification rate of about 12%. -- Other implementations are faster and better for large problems. --- layout: true ## Deep Learning --- Deep learning models are multi-level non-linear models -- A supervised model with observed responses `\(Y\)` and features `\(X\)` with `\(M\)` layers would be `\begin{equation*} Y \sim f_1(y|Z_1), Z_1 \sim f_2(z_1| Z_2), \dots, Z_M \sim f_M(z_M|X) \end{equation*}` with `\(Z_1, \dots, Z_M\)` unobserved latent values. -- An unsupervised model with observed features `\(X\)` would be `\begin{equation*} X \sim f_1(x|Z_1), Z_1 \sim f_2(z_1| Z_2), \dots, Z_M \sim f_M(z_M) \end{equation*}` -- These need to be nonlinear so they don't collapse into one big linear model. --- The layers are often viewed as capturing features at different levels of granularity. -- For image classification these might be * `\(X\)`: pixel intensities -- * `\(Z_1\)`: edges -- * `\(Z_2\)`: object parts (e.g. eyes, noses) -- * `\(Z_3\)`: whole objects (e.g. faces) -- Multi-layer, or deep, neural networks are one approach, that has become very successful. <!-- A common approach to supervised learning problems seems to be * use an unsupervised deep learning method to extract a reduced set of features * fit a linear or logistic model for the response to these features. --> -- Deep learning methods have become very successful in recent years due to a combination of increased computing power and algorithm improvements. --- Some key algorithm developments include: -- * Use of _stochastic gradient descent_ for optimization. -- * Backpropagation for efficient gradient evaluation. -- * Using the piece-wise linear _Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU)_ activation function `$$\text{ReLU}(x) = \begin{cases} x & x \ge 0\\ 0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases}$$` <!-- \begin{equation*} \text{ReLU}(x) = \begin{cases} x & \text{if `\(x \ge 0\)`}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases}--> -- * Specialized structures, such as convolutional and recurrent neural networks. -- * Use of dropout, regularization, and early stopping to avoid over-fitting. --- ### Stochastic Gradient Descent _Gradient descent_ for minimizing a function `\(f\)` tries to improve a current guess by taking a step in the direction of the negative gradient: `\begin{equation*} x' = x - \eta \nabla f(x) \end{equation*}` -- The step size `\(\eta\)` is sometimes called the _learning rate_. -- In one dimension the best step size near the minimum is `\(1/f''(x)\)`. -- A step size that is too small converges too slowly; a step size too large may not converge at all. -- Line search is possible but may be expensive. -- Using a fixed step size, with monitoring to avoid divergence, or using a slowly decreasing step size are common choices. --- For a DNN the function to be minimized with respect to parameters `\(A\)` is typically of the form `\begin{equation*} \sum_{i=1}^n L_i(y_i, x_i, A) \end{equation*}` for large `\(n\)`. -- Computing function and gradient values for all `\(n\)` training cases can be very costly. -- _Stochastic gradient descent_ at each step chooses a random _minibatch_ of `\(B\)` of the training cases and computes a new step based on the loss function for the minibatch. -- The minibatch size can be as small as `\(B = 1\)`. -- Stochastic gradient descent optimizations are usually divided into _epochs_, with each epoch expected to use each training case once. --- ### Backpropagation Derivatives of the objective function are computed by the chain rule. -- This is done most efficiently by working backwards; this corresponds to the _reverse mode_ of automatic differentiation. -- A DNN with two hidden layers can be represented as `\begin{equation*} F(x; A) = G(A_3 H_2(A_2 H_1(A_1 x))) \end{equation*}` -- If `\(G\)` is elementwise the identity, and the `\(H_i\)` are elementwise ReLU, then this is a piece-wise linear function of `\(x\)`. -- The computation of `\(w = F(x; A)\)` can be broken down into intermediate steps as `\begin{align*} t_1 &= A_1 x & z_1 &= H_1(t_1)\\ t_2 &= A_2 z_1 & z_2 &= H_2(t_2)\\ t_3 &= A_3 z_2 & w &= G(t_3) \end{align*}` -- This is called _forward propagation_. --- The gradient components are then computed in reverse, by _backpropagation_, as `\begin{align*} B_3 &= \nabla G(t_3) & \frac{\partial w}{\partial A_3} &= \nabla G(t_3) z_2 = B_3 z_2\\ B_2 &= B_3 A_3 \nabla H_2 (t_2) & \frac{\partial w}{\partial A_2} &= \nabla G(t_3) A_3 \nabla H_2 (t_2) z_1 = B_2 z_1\\ B_1 &= B_2 A_2 \nabla H_1 (t_1) & \frac{\partial w}{\partial A_1} &= \nabla G(t_3) A_3 \nabla H_2 (t_2) A_2 \nabla H_1(t_1) x = B_1 x \end{align*}` -- For ReLU activations the elements of `\(\nabla H_i(t_i)\)` will be 0 or 1. -- For `\(n\)` parameters the computation will typically be of order `\(O(n)\)`. -- Many of the computations can be effectively parallelized. --- ### Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks In image processing features (pixel intensities) have a neighborhood structure. -- A _convolutional neural network_ uses one or more hidden layers that are: -- * only locally connected; -- * use the same parameters at each location. -- A simple convolution layer might use a pixel and each of its 4 neighbors with `\begin{equation*} t = (a_1 R + a_2 L + a_3 U + a_4 D) z \end{equation*}` -- where, e.g. <!-- `\begin{equation*} R_{ij} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if pixel `\(i\)` is immediately to the right of pixel `\(j\)`}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{equation*}` --> `\begin{equation*} R_{ij} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if pixel i is immediately to the right of pixel j}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} \end{equation*}` -- With only a small nunber of parameters per layer it is feasible to add tens of layers. -- Similarly, a _recurrent neural network_ can be designed to handle temporal dependencies for time series or speech recognition. --- ### Avoiding Over-Fitting Both `\(L_1\)` and `\(L_2\)` regularization are used. -- Another strategy is _dropout_: -- * In each epoch keep a node with probability `\(p\)` and drop with probability `\(1-p\)`. -- * In the final fit multiply each node's output by `\(p\)`. -- This simulates an ensemble method fitting many networks, but costs much less. -- Random starts are an important component of fitting networks. -- Stopping early, combined with random starts and randomness from stochastic gradient descent, is also thought to be an effective regularization. -- Cross-validation during training can be used to determine when to stop. --- ### Notes and References Deep learning methods have been very successful in a number of areas, such as: -- * Image classification and face recognition. [_AlexNet_]( is a very successful image classifier. -- * [_Google Translate_]( is now based on a [deep neural network approach]( -- * [Speech recognition]( -- * Playing [Go]( and chess. -- Being able to effectively handle large data sets is an important consideration in this research. -- Highly parallel GPU based and distributed architectures are often needed. --- Some issues: -- * Very large training data sets are often needed. -- * In high dimensional problems having a high signal to noise ratio seems to be needed. -- * Models can be very brittle -- small data perturbations can lead to [very wrong results]( -- * Biases in data will lead to biases in predictions. A [probably harmless example]( deals with evaluating selfies in social media; there are much more serious examples. -- Some R packages for deep learning include `darch`, `deepnet`, `deepr`, `domino`, `h2o`, `keras`. --- Some references: * A nice introduction was provided by Thomas Lumley in a [2019 Ihaka Lecture]( -- * []( web site. -- * Li Deng and Dong Yu (2014), [_Deep Learning: Methods and Applications_]( -- * Charu Aggarwal (2018), _Neural Networks and Deep Learning_. -- * [A Primer on Deep Learning]( -- * A [blog post]( on deep learning software in R. -- * A nice [simulator]( <!-- --> -- Some examples are available [on line](../examples/keras.Rmd). --- layout: true ## Mixture of Experts --- Mixture models for prediction of `\(y\)` based on fearures `\(x\)` produce predictive distributions of the form `\begin{equation*} f(y|x) = \sum_{i=1}^M f_i(y|x) \pi_i \end{equation*}` with `\(f_i\)` depending on parameters that need to be learned from training data. -- A generalization allows the mixing probabilities to depend on the features: `\begin{equation*} f(y|x) = \sum_{i=1}^M f_i(y|x) \pi_i(x) \end{equation*}` with `\(f_i\)` and `\(\pi_i\)` depending on parameters that need to be learned. --- The `\(f_i\)` are referred to as _experts_, with different experts being better informed about different ranges of `\(x\)` values, and `\(f\)` this is called a _mixture of experts_. -- Tree models can be viewed as a special case of a mixture of experts with `\(\pi_i(x) \in \{0,1\}\)`. -- The mixtures `\(\pi_i\)` can themselves be modeled as a mixture of experts. This is the _hierarchical mixture of experts_ (HME) model.
//adapted from Emi Tanaka's gist at //