class: center, middle, title-slide .title[ # Introduction ] .author[ ### Luke Tierney ] .institute[ ### University of Iowa ] .date[ ### 2023-05-19 ] --- layout: true <link rel="stylesheet" href="stat7400.css" type="text/css" /> ## Syllabus and Background --- ### Basics Review the [course syllabus]( -- Collect some info on you: - name - field - statistics background - computing background Please put this information in your GitLab repo's `README` file. --- ### Homework Some problems will cover ideas not covered in class. -- Working together is OK. -- Try to work on your own. -- Your write-up must be your own. -- Do not use solutions from previous years. -- Submission will be by [_Icon_]( or by [_UI GitLab_]( --- ### Project Find a topic you are interested in. <!--* I may post suggestions for general areas.--> -- Written report plus possibly some form of presentation. -- ### Ask Questions Ask questions if you are confused or think a point needs more discussion. -- Questions can lead to interesting discussions. --- layout: true ## Computational Tools --- ### Computers and Operating Systems We will use software available on the Linux workstations in the Mathematical Sciences labs (Schaeffer 346 in particular). -- Most things we will do can be done remotely by using `ssh` to log into one of the machines in Schaeffer 346 using `ssh`. -- These machines are `l-lnx2<xy>` with `<xy>` = 00, 01, 02, ..., 19. --- You can also access the CLAS Linux systems using a browser at <> -- This connects you to one of several servers. * It is OK to run small jobs on these servers. -- * For larger jobs you should log into one of the lab machines. -- Most of the software we will use is available free for installing on any Linux, Mac OS X, or Windows computer. -- You are free to use any computer you like, but I will be more likely to be able to help you resolve problems you run into if you are using the lab computers. --- ### Git and GitLab Git is a _version control system_ that is very useful for keeping track of revision history and for collaboration. -- We will be using the University's GitLab server. -- **_Today_** you should log into the page <> with your HawkID. -- I will then create a repository for you to use within the [class group]( -- A brief introduction to Git is [available]( --- ### What You Will Need You will need to know how to * run R * Compile and run C programs -- Other Tools you may need: * text editor * command shell * `make`, `grep`, etc. -- Many people like to use [RStudio]( for working with R as well as C. --- ### Class Web Pages The [class web page]( contains some pointers to available tools and documentation. It will be updated throughout the semester. -- Reading assignments and homework will be posted on the class web pages. -- ### Computing Account Setup: Do This Today! Make sure you are able to log into the CLAS Linux systems with your HawkID and password. -- The [resources page]( provides some pointers on how to do this. **If you cannot, please let me know immediately.** -- If you have not done so already, log into the page <> with your HawkID to activate your GitLab account. --- layout:false ## Computational Statistics, Statistical Computing, and Data Science .pull-left[ **Computational Statistics:** Statistical procedures that depend heavily on computation. * Statistical graphics * Bootstrap * MCMC * Smoothing * Machine lerning * ... {{content}} ] -- **Statistical Computing:** Computational tools for data analysis. * Numerical analysis * Optimization * Design of statistical languages * Graphical tools and methods * ... -- .pull-right[ **Data Science:** A more recent term, covering areas like * Accessing and cleaning data * Working with big data * Working with complex and non-standard data * Machine learning methods * Graphics and visualization * ... {{content}} ] -- **Overlap:** The division is not sharp; some consider the these terms to be equivalent. --- layout: true ## Course Topics --- The course will cover, in varying levels of detail, a selection from these topics in _Computational Statistics_, _Statistical Computing_, and _Data Science_: * basics of computer organization * data technologies * graphical methods and visualization * random variate generation * design and analysis of simulation experiments * bootstrap * Markov chain Monte Carlo * basics of computer arithmetic * numerical linear algebra * optimization algorithms for model fitting * smoothing * machine learning and data mining * parallel computing in statistics * symbolic computation * use and design of high level languages -- Some topics will be explored in class, some in homework assignments. -- Many could fill an entire course; we will only scratch the surface. --- Your project is an opportunity to go into more depth on one or more of these areas. -- The course will interleave statistical computing with computational statistics and data science; progression through the topics covered will not be linear. -- Working computer assignments and working on the project are the most important part. -- Class discussions of issues that arise in working problems can be very valuable, so raise issues for discussion. -- Class objectives: * Become familiar with some ideas from computational statistics, statistical computing, and data science. * Develop skills and experience in using the computer as a research tool. --- layout: true ## Thumbnail Sketch of R --- R is a language for statistical computing and graphics. -- R is related to the S language developed at Bell Labs. -- R is a _high level language_: * somewhat functional in nature; -- * has some object-oriented features; -- * interactive; -- * can use compiled C or FORTRAN code. -- R has many built-in features and tools -- R has a well developed extension mechanism (packages): * tools for writing packages; -- * many contributed packages are available. --- ### Some examples .pull-left[ Fitting a linear regression to simulated data: ```r x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1) y <- rnorm(length(x), x + 2, 0.2) lm(y ~ x) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = y ~ x) ## ## Coefficients: ## (Intercept) x ## 2.237 0.909 ``` ] -- .pull-right[ A function to sum the values in a vector ```r mysum <- function(x) { s <- 0 for (y in x) s <- s + y s } mysum(1:10) ## [1] 55 ``` ] --- layout: true ## Thumbnail Sketch of C --- C is a low level language originally developed for systems programming. -- Originally developed at Bell Labs for programming UNIX. -- Can be used to write very efficient code. -- Can call libraries written in C, FORTRAN, etc. on most systems. -- A reasonable book on C is [_Practical C Programming, 3rd Edition_](, by Steve Oualline. There are many other good books available. -- A simple example program is available [at the class web site]( --- ### Example: Summing the Numbers in a Vector .pull-left.small-code[ ```C #include <stdio.h> #define N 1000000 #define REPS 1000 double x[N]; double sum(int n, double *x) { double s; int i; s = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { s = s + x[i]; } return s; } ``` ] -- .pull-right.small-code[ A `main` program: ```C int main() { double s; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < N; i++) x[i] = i + 1; for (j = 0; j < REPS; j++) s = sum(N, x); printf("sum = %f\n", s); return 0; } ``` ] --- layout: true ## Speed Comparisons --- Consider two simple problems: * computing the sum of a vector of numbers * computing the dot product of two vectors -- Code for these problems in C, Lisp-Stat, and R is available [here]( -- Timings are obtained with commands like ```shell time ddot ``` for the C versions, -- and ```r x <- as.double(1:1000000) system.time(for (i in 1:1000) ddot(x, x)) ``` for R. --- The results for sum: |Sum | Time (sec)| base = C| base = C -O2| |:----------|----------:|--------:|------------:| |C sum | 2.33| 1.00| 2.21| |C sum -O2 | 1.05| 0.45| 1.00| |R sum | 0.81| 0.35| 0.77| |R mysum | 21.42| 9.21| 20.40| |C sumk | 7.92| 3.41| 7.54| |C sumk -O2 | 4.20| 1.81| 4.00| |R mysumk | 83.15| 35.76| 79.19| -- <!-- -->Notes: * R sum means built-in `sum`. * `sumk` and `mysumk` use [_Kahan summation_]( --- The results for dot product: |Dot Product | Time (sec)| base = C| base = C -O2| |:-----------|----------:|--------:|------------:| |C ddot | 2.34| 1.00| 2.25| |C ddot -O2 | 1.04| 0.44| 1.00| |R ddot | 47.85| 20.45| 46.01| |R crossp | 1.46| 0.62| 1.40| <!-- Dot Product & Time (sec) & base = C & base = C -O2 \\ C ddot & 2.34 & 1.00 & 2.25 \\ C ddot -O2 & 1.04 & 0.45 & 1.00 \\ R ddot & 47.85 & 20.47 & 46.01 \\ R crossp & 1.46 & 0.63 & 1.40 \\ --> <!-- -->Notes: * R crossp means `crossprod`. --- Some conclusions and comments: * Low level languages like C _can_ produce much faster code. -- * It is much easier to develop code in an interactive, high level language. -- * Usually the difference is _much_ less. -- * Improvements in high level language runtime systems (e.g. byte compilation, runtime code generation) can make a big difference. -- * Using the right high level language function (e.g. `sum`) can eliminate the difference. -- * High level language functions may be able to take advantage of multiple cores. -- * Speed isn't everything: accuracy is most important!
//adapted from Emi Tanaka's gist at //