--- title: "More Markov Chain Monte Carlo Examples" author: "Luke Tierney" output: html_document --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(size = "footnotesize", message = FALSE, collapse = TRUE, fig.align = "center") set.seed(1234) ``` ## Gibbs Sampler for Pump Failure Data The data: ```{r} fail <- c(5, 1, 5, 14, 3, 19, 1, 1, 4, 22) time <- c(94.32, 15.72, 62.88, 125.76, 5.24, 31.44, 1.05, 1.05, 2.10, 10.48) ``` Hyper-parameters for the prior distribution: ```{r} alpha <- 1.8 gamma <- 0.01 delta <- 1 ``` Generator for the full conditional for $\lambda_i, i = 1, \dots, 10$: ```{r} genLambda <- function(alpha, beta) rgamma(10, fail + alpha, rate = time + beta) ``` Generator for the full conditional for $\beta$: ```{r} genBeta <- function(alpha, lambda) rgamma(1, 10 * alpha + gamma, rate = delta + sum(lambda)) ``` Metropolis-Hastings sampler for the full conditional for $\alpha$ (for `K = 0` the value of `alpha` is unchanged): ```{r} genAlpha <- function(alpha, beta, lambda, K, d) { b <- (10 * log(beta) + sum(log(lambda)) - 1) for (j in seq_len(K)) { newAlpha <- exp(rnorm(1, log(alpha), d)) logDensRatio <- ((newAlpha - alpha) * b + log(newAlpha) - log(alpha) + 10 * (lgamma(alpha) - lgamma(newAlpha))) if (is.finite(logDensRatio) && log(runif(1)) < logDensRatio) alpha <- newAlpha } alpha } ``` Driver for running the sampler: ```{r} pump <- function(alpha, beta, N, d = 1, K = 1) { v <- matrix(0, ncol=12, nrow=N) for (i in 1:N) { lambda <- genLambda(alpha, beta) beta <- genBeta(alpha, lambda) alpha <- genAlpha(alpha, beta, lambda, K, d) v[i,1:10] <- lambda v[i,11] <- beta v[i,12] <- alpha } v } ``` The joint marginal posterior density of $\alpha$ and $\beta$ is \begin{equation*} f(\alpha, \beta | t_i, x_i) \propto \frac{\prod_{i=1}^{10} \Gamma(x_i + \alpha)} {\Gamma(\alpha)^{10}\prod_{i=1}^{10} (t_i + \beta)^{x_i + \alpha}} \beta^{10 \alpha + \gamma - 1} e^{-\delta\beta}e^{-\alpha} \end{equation*} Parallel and simulated tempering can be used to improve on the basic sampler implemented in the `pump` function. ## Parallel Tempering A function to evaluate the logarithm of the joint marginal density: ```{r} lab <- function(alpha, beta, gamma = 0.01, delta = 1) sum(lgamma(fail + alpha)) + (10 * alpha + gamma - 1) * log(beta) - delta * beta - alpha - 10* lgamma(alpha) - sum((fail + alpha) * log(time + beta)) labV <- function(ab) lab(ab[1], ab[2]) ``` Use `optim` to find the mode and the Hessian at the mode: ```{r} opt <- optim(c(0.5, 0.5), labV, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE, control = list(fnscale = -1)) ``` A function to generate from a normal approximation to the posterior density: ```{r} R <- chol(solve(-opt$hessian)) m <- opt$par genN <- function() as.numeric(rnorm(2) %*% R + m) ``` A function to evaluate the log density of this approximation: ```{r} labnV <- function(ab) { z <- solve(t(R), ab - m) - 0.5 * sum(z * z) } labn <- function(a, b) labnV(c(a, b)) ``` The approximation is not bad; a somewhat better approximation could be obtained by taking logarithms of the parameters and approximating on the log scale. ```{r, echo = FALSE} g <- expand.grid(a = seq(0, 1.5, len = 30), b = seq(0, 2, len = 30)) g$z1 <- mapply(lab, g$a, g$b) - lab(m[1], m[2]) g$z2 <- mapply(labn, g$a, g$b) library(lattice) contourplot(exp(z1) + exp(z2) ~ a * b, data = g, strip = strip.custom(factor.levels = c("Posterior Density", "Normal Approximation"))) ``` I will use parallel tempering with two chains. * The target distributions are the posterior density as $f_1$, and the normal approximation as $f_2$. * The `pump` sampler is used for sampling $f_1$. The approximation $f_2$ is sampled independently; this is the _hot_ chain. * A switch is attempted at each iteration. An equivalent formulation: * At each iteration generate a new value from the `pump` chain and an independent draw from the normal approximation. * Compute the M-H acceptance probability for swapping the two values and swap or not with that probability. The probability for accepting a swap $(\theta_2, \theta_1)$ or keeping the original pair $(\theta_1, \theta_2)$ is $$ \min\left\{\frac{f_1(\theta_2) f_2(\theta_1)}{f_1(\theta_1) f_2(\theta_2)}, 1\right\} $$ A function for computing this probability is: ```{r} aprob <- function(v1, v2) { if (min(v1, v2) > 0) { lr <- (labV(v2) + labnV(v1)) - (labV(v1) + labnV(v2)) if (is.finite(lr)) exp(min(lr, 0)) else 0 } else 0 } ``` The following function implements the sampler. The result also records the acceptance probabilities and whether a swap occurred. ```{r} pumpPT <- function(alpha, beta, N, d = 1, K = 1) { v <- matrix(0, ncol = 4, nrow = N) for (i in 1:N) { ab1 <- pump(alpha, beta, 1, d, K)[12:11] ab2 <- genN() p <- aprob(ab1, ab2) U <- runif(1) if (U < p) ab <- ab2 else ab <- ab1 alpha <- ab[1] beta <- ab[2] v[i, 1] <- alpha v[i, 2] <- beta v[i, 3] <- p v[i, 4] <- U < p } v } ``` Runs with the standard sampler and the parallel tempering verison: ```{r} N <- 10000 st <- system.time(v <- pump(0.5, 0, N)[,12:11]) st2 <- system.time(v2 <- pumpPT(0.5, 0.5, N)) ``` Some plots: ```{r, echo = FALSE, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 8} opar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 2)) plot(density(v[, 1]), main = expression(alpha)) lines(density(v2[, 1]), col = "red") plot(density(v[, 2]), main = expression(beta)) lines(density(v2[, 2]), col = "red") acf(v[, 1], main = expression(paste(bold("Original "), alpha))) acf(v[, 2], main = expression(paste(bold("Original "), beta))) acf(v2[, 1],main = expression(paste(bold("Simulated Tempering "), alpha))) acf(v2[, 2], main = expression(paste(bold("Simulated Tempering "), beta))) par(opar) ``` ```{r, echo = FALSE} ## lag-1 auto-correlations r <- acf(v[, 1], plot = FALSE)$acf[2] r2 <- acf(v2[, 1], plot = FALSE)$acf[2] ## efficiencies based on a simple AR(1) model e <-(1 - r ^ 2) / (1 + r ^ 2) e2 <-(1 - r2 ^ 2) / (1 + r2 ^ 2) ``` Based on a simple AR(1) model, the parallel tempering sampler is about `r round(e2 / e, 1)` times more efficient, in terms of the number of effective observations produced per iteration, than the original sampler. But in the current implementation it is also about `r round(st2[1] / st[1], 1)` times slower. The distribution of the number of iterations until the next accepted swap: ```{r, echo = FALSE} s <- diff(which(v2[,4] == 1)) plot(prop.table(table(s))) ``` ## Simulated Tempering Simulated tempering can also be used with a _hot_ cnain independently sampling from the normal approximation and a cold chain sampling with `pump`. Suppose the hot target density $f_2$ and the cold target density $f_1$ are both normalized to equal one at their common mode. The probability of accepting a move from the cold chain at $\theta$ to the hot chain at $\theta$ is $$ \min\left\{\frac{a f_2(\theta)}{f_1(\theta)}, 1\right\}. $$ The probability of accepting a move from hot chain to the cold chain is the inverse of this value. The parameter $a$ governs how much time is spent in the hot chain relative to the cold chain; larger values of $a$ mean more time spent in the hot chain. The following function accumulates a fixed number of steps from the cold chain. Steps from the hot chain are discarded, but the number of steps spent in the hot chain before each cold chain draw is recorded. The argument `off` corresponds to the logarithm of $a$. ```{r} pumpST <- function(alpha, beta, N, d = 1, K = 1, off = 0) { v <- matrix(0, ncol = 3, nrow = N) for (i in 1:N) { ab <- pump(alpha, beta, 1, d, K)[12:11] lr <- labnV(ab) + off - (labV(ab) - labV(m)) k <- 0 if (is.finite(lr) && runif(1) < exp(lr)) { repeat { k <- k + 1 ab <- genN() if (min(ab) <= 0) next lr <- (labV(ab) - labV(m)) - labnV(ab) - off if (is.finite(lr) && runif(1) < exp(lr)) break } } alpha <- ab[1] beta <- ab[2] v[i, 1] <- alpha v[i, 2] <- beta v[i, 3] <- k } v } ``` Run the samplers: ```{r} st <- system.time(v3_0 <- pump(0.5, 0.5, N)) st_0 <- system.time(v3_0 <- pumpST(0.5, 0.5, N, off = 0)) st_1 <- system.time(v3_1 <- pumpST(0.5, 0.5, N, off = 1)) st_2 <- system.time(v3_2 <- pumpST(0.5, 0.5, N, off = 2)) ``` The estimated distributions: ```{r, echo = FALSE, fig.with = 8, fig.height = 4} opar <- par(mfrow = c(1, 2)) plot(density(v[, 1]), main = expression(alpha)) lines(density(v3_0[, 1]), col = "red") lines(density(v3_1[, 1]), col = "green") lines(density(v3_2[, 1]), col = "blue") plot(density(v[, 2]), main = expression(beta)) lines(density(v3_0[, 2]), col = "red") lines(density(v3_1[, 2]), col = "green") lines(density(v3_2[, 2]), col = "blue") par(opar) ``` Auto-correlation functions for $\alpha$: ```{r, echo = FALSE} opar <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) acf(v[,1], main = "Original, K = 1") acf(v3_0[,1], main = "Simulated Tempering, off = 0") acf(v3_1[,1], main = "Simulated Tempering, off = 1") acf(v3_2[,1], main = "Simulated Tempering, off = 2") par(opar) ``` ```{r, echo = FALSE} ra <- c(acf(v[, 1], plot = FALSE)$acf[2], acf(v3_0[, 1], plot = FALSE)$acf[2], acf(v3_1[, 1], plot = FALSE)$acf[2], acf(v3_2[, 1], plot = FALSE)$acf[2]) rb <- c(acf(v[, 2], plot = FALSE)$acf[2], acf(v3_0[, 2], plot = FALSE)$acf[2], acf(v3_1[, 2], plot = FALSE)$acf[2], acf(v3_2[, 2], plot = FALSE)$acf[2]) d <- data.frame(tm = c(st[[1]], st_0[[1]], st_1[[1]], st_2[[1]]), nm = c("Original, K = 1", paste("Simulated Tempering, off =", 0:2)), th = c(0, 1 - nrow(v3_0) / (nrow(v3_0) + sum(v3_0[, 3])), 1 - nrow(v3_1) / (nrow(v3_1) + sum(v3_0[, 3])), 1 - nrow(v3_2) / (nrow(v3_2) + sum(v3_2[, 3]))), ra = ra, ea = (1 - ra ^ 2) / (1 + ra ^ 2), eb = (1 - rb ^ 2) / (1 + rb ^ 2)) d <- transform(d, ne_cpu_a = ea / tm, ne_cpu_b = eb / tm) ``` Some performance measures: ```{r, echo = FALSE, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 10} b1 <- barchart(nm ~ tm, xlim = c(0, max(d$tm) * 1.05), data = d, main = "User Time", xlab = "Time (seconds)") b2 <- barchart(nm ~ th, xlim = c(0, 1), data = d, main = "Proportion of Time in Hot Chain", xlab = "Proportion") br_a <- barchart(nm ~ ra, data = d, xlim = c(0, 1), main = expression(paste(bold("Lag-1 Auto-Correlation for "), alpha))) br_b <- barchart(nm ~ rb, data = d, xlim = c(0, 1), main = expression(paste(bold("Lag-1 Auto-Correlation for "), beta))) be_a <- barchart(nm ~ ea, data = d, xlim = c(0, 1), main = expression(paste(bold("Iteration Efficiency for "), alpha))) be_b <- barchart(nm ~ eb, data = d, xlim = c(0, 1), main = expression(paste(bold("Iteration Efficiency for "), beta))) gridExtra::grid.arrange(b1, b2, br_a, br_b, be_a, be_b, ncol = 2) ``` Number of effective samples per CPU second _for the current implementations_: ```{r, echo = FALSE, fig.width = 10, fig.height = 5} b_ne_cpu_a <-barchart(nm ~ ne_cpu_a, data = d, xlim = c(0, 1.05 * max(d$ne_cpu_a)), main = expression(paste(N[E], bold(" per CPU Second for "), alpha))) b_ne_cpu_b <-barchart(nm ~ ne_cpu_b, data = d, xlim = c(0, 1.05 * max(d$ne_cpu_b)), main = expression(paste(N[E], bold(" per CPU Second for "), beta))) gridExtra::grid.arrange(b_ne_cpu_a, b_ne_cpu_b, ncol = 2) ``` ## Regeneration For the simple simulated tempering scheme used here, each time the process moves to the hot chain is a regeneration time. For the chain returned by `pumpST` this means all entries with a positive hot chain count are regeneration s. Distributions of times until the next regeneration: ```{r, echo = FALSE, fig.height = 8} t0 <-diff(which(v3_0[, 3] > 0)) t1 <- diff(which(v3_1[, 3] > 0)) t2 <- diff(which(v3_2[, 3] > 0)) xlims <- c(1, 1.05 * max(t0, t1, t2)) opar <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1)) plot(prop.table(table(t0)), xlim = xlims, ylim = c(0, 1), main = "off = 0") plot(prop.table(table(t1)), xlim = xlims, ylim = c(0, 1), main = "off = 1") plot(prop.table(table(t2)), xlim = xlims, ylim = c(0, 1), main = "off = 2") par(opar) ``` A function to compute the standard error using regenerations. ```{r} rse <- function(X, regen) { regen[1] <- TRUE # mark the first observation as a tour start T <- which(regen) # tour starts T <- c(T, length(X) + 1) # add end of final, incomplete, tour tour <- cumsum(regen) # index for the tours N <- diff(T) Y <- tapply(X, tour, sum) tau <- mean((Y - mean(X) * N) ^ 2) / mean(N) ^ 2 sqrt(tau / length(X)) } ``` Standard error estimates for the posterior mean of $\alpha$: ```{r, echo = 0} library(coda) ar1se <- function(X) { r <- acf(X, plot = FALSE)$acf[2] sd(X) * sqrt((1 + r ^ 2) / (1 - r ^ 2) / length(X)) } se_ts <- c(spectrum0(v3_0[, 1])[[1]], spectrum0(v3_1[, 1])[[1]], spectrum0(v3_2[, 1])[[1]]) / sqrt(N) se_ar1 <- c(ar1se(v3_0[, 1]), ar1se(v3_1[, 1]), ar1se(v3_2[, 1])) se_regen <- c(rse(v3_0[, 1], v3_0[, 3] > 0), rse(v3_1[, 1], v3_1[, 3] > 0), rse(v3_2[, 1], v3_2[, 3] > 0)) tours <- c(sum(v3_0[, 3] > 0), sum(v3_1[, 3] > 0), sum(v3_2[, 3] > 0)) d <- data.frame("AR(1)" = se_ar1, "Time-series" = se_ts, "Regeneration" = se_regen, Tours = tours, check.names = FALSE, row.names = c("off = 0", "off = 1", "off = 2")) knitr::kable(d, digits = 5) ```