This course is intended primarily for PhD students in Statistics and Biostatistics to provide an introduction to a range of computationally intensive methodology and to the use of computation in statistical research and practice. The primary computing framework we will use is R; if you are not already familiar with R from your other courses it would be a good idea to take some time over break to become familiar with it. The R web site has links to a number of free introductions and to introductory books that are available.
You will also need to write a few simple C programs. If you are not yet familiar with C again it would be a good idea to get up to speed over the break.
You will be working on the Division of Mathematical Sciences Linux computers. If you have not used these before you can find some introductory materials here:
Some other useful resources:
While face-to-face instruction is suspended…
Homework/project submissions will continue as usual via GitLab.
Please use Piazza, available on the navigation bar at the left of the class Icon page, or email to me to ask questions. Public questions to Piazza are best when possible as then other students can benefit from seeing the answers.
If you want help with a particular coding issue please commit and push what you have to GitLab, open an Issue in GitLab, and assign the issue to me and I will respond.
The plan is to post videos of lectures as screen captures with audio to Icon under the UICapture item in the navigation bar. These should each be available by the corresponding class time.