A static graph is two-dimensional.
Showing a third dimension is a challenge.
For statistical data three dimensions is not particularly special.
But we can take advantage of our ability to perceive three-dimensional structure.
Data from Cleveland’s Visualizing Data book contains measurements of soil resistivity of an agricultural field along a roughly rectangular grid.
Using functions from the lattice
package we can view the locations at which measurements were taken and a perspective plot of the 3D point cloud:
soil <- read.table("soil.dat")
p <- cloud(resistivity ~ easting * northing, pch = ".", data = soil)
s <- xyplot(northing ~ easting, pch = ".", aspect = 2.44, data = soil)
print(s, split = c(1, 1, 2, 1), more = TRUE)
print(p, split = c(2, 1, 2, 1))
The data is quite noisy but there is some structure.
The viewing angle and distance for the point cloud can be adjusted.
One way to try to get a handle on higher dimensional data is to try to fix values of some variables and visualize the values of others in 2D.
This can be done with
interactive tools;
small multiples with trellis displays or faceting.
A conditioning plot, or coplot:
Shows a collection of plots of two variables for different settings of one or more additional variables, the conditioning variables.
For ordered conditioning variables the plots are arranged in a way that reflects the order.
When a conditioning variable is numeric, or ordered categorical with many levels, the values of the conditioning variable are grouped into bins.
A useful strategy is to allow the bins to overlap somewhat.
.A lattice plot of resistivity
against northing
conditioned on easting
xyplot(resistivity ~ northing | equal.count(easting), data = soil)
produces a shingle:
## 'shingle' num [1:8641] 0.016 0.0252 0.0345 0.0437 0.0529 0.0621 0.0714 0.0806 0.0898 0.0991 ...
## - attr(*, "levels")=List of 6
## ..$ : num [1:2] -0.00405 0.39615
## ..$ : num [1:2] 0.235 0.584
## ..$ : num [1:2] 0.396 0.795
## ..$ : num [1:2] 0.584 1.027
## ..$ : num [1:2] 0.795 1.273
## ..$ : num [1:2] 1.03 1.56
## ..- attr(*, "class")= chr "shingleLevel"
; the amount of overlap is controlled by the overlap
argument.Using smaller points to reduce over-plotting:
xyplot(resistivity ~ northing | equal.count(easting), data = soil, cex = 0.2)
A larger number of intervals can be specified as a second argument to equal.bins
xyplot(resistivity ~ northing | equal.count(easting, 12), data = soil,
cex = 0.2)
To help see the signal we can add a smooth, by default computed using the loess
smoother. This can be done with a type
specification that includes the string "smooth"
xyplot(resistivity ~ northing | equal.count(easting, 12), data = soil,
cex = 0.2, type = c("p", "smooth"))
The smooth is hard to see. Some options:
Color adjustments can be accomplished with the col
and col.line
arguments; the line width can be adjusted with lwd
. For a thicker red line:
xyplot(resistivity ~ northing | equal.count(easting, 12), data = soil,
cex = 0.2, type = c("p", "smooth"), col.line = "red", lwd = 2)
For gray points and a red smooth:
xyplot(resistivity ~ northing | equal.count(easting, 12), data = soil,
cex = 0.2, type = c("p", "smooth"),
col.line = "red", col = "gray", lwd = 2)
The xyplot
function supports an alpha
argument, but it affects both points and lines.
One option for changing only the alpha level for points is to use a panel function:
xyplot(resistivity ~ northing | equal.count(easting, 12), data = soil,
cex = 0.2,
panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.xyplot(x, y, ...)
panel.loess(x, y, col = "red", lwd = 2)
Another option is to create a color for the points with the desired alpha level included in its encoding:
blue_w_alpha <- rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.1)
## [1] "#0000FF1A"
This can then be used with the col
xyplot(resistivity ~ northing | equal.count(easting, 12), data = soil,
cex = 0.2, type = c("p", "smooth"),
col.line = "red", col = blue_w_alpha, lwd = 2)
After conditioning on one of two explanatory variables it is useful to also consider conditioning on the other:
xyplot(resistivity ~ easting | equal.count(northing, 12), data = soil,
cex = 0.2, type = c("p", "smooth"),
col.line = "red", col = blue_w_alpha, lwd = 2)
faceting is analogous to trellis/lattice conditioning.
The basic coplot:
p <- ggplot(soil, aes(northing, resistivity))
p + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~ cut_number(easting, 6))
is used to form non-overlapping groups with approximately equal numbers of observations.cut_interval
can be used to divide the range in equal intervals.Using 12 facets and smaller points:
p + geom_point(size = 0.5) + facet_wrap(~ cut_number(easting, 12))
The default smoothing method is currently “loess” for less than 1000 points:
p + geom_point(size = 0.5) + geom_smooth(color = "red") +
facet_wrap(~ cut_number(easting, 12))
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula = 'y ~ x'
For larger data sets method = "gam"
would be used:
p + geom_point(size = 0.5) + facet_wrap(~ cut_number(easting, 12)) +
geom_smooth(method = "gam", color = "red", formula = y ~ s(x))
The loess
local polynomial smoother can be used to estimate a smooth signal surface as a function of the two location variables.
The estimated surface level can be computed on a grid of points using the predict
method of the fit.
eastseq <- seq(.15, 1.410, by = .015)
northseq <- seq(.150, 3.645, by = .015)
soi.grid <- expand.grid(easting = eastseq, northing = northseq)
## easting northing
## 1 0.150 0.15
## 2 0.165 0.15
## 3 0.180 0.15
## 4 0.195 0.15
## 5 0.210 0.15
## 6 0.225 0.15
m <- loess(resistivity ~ easting * northing, span = 0.25,
degree = 2, data = soil)
soi.fit <- predict(m, soi.grid)
Contour plots are one approach to visualizing a surface based on values on a grid.
Contour plots compute contours, or level curves, as polygons at a set of levels.
Contour plots draw the level curves, often with a level annotation.
Contour plots can also have their polygons filled in with colors representing the levels.
A lattice
contour plot for the fitted surface:
asp <- diff(range(soi.grid$n)) / diff(range(soi.grid$e))
contourplot(soi.fit ~ soi.grid$easting * soi.grid$northing,
cuts = 9, aspect = asp,
xlab = "Easting (km)",
ylab = "Northing (km)")
A basic contour plot in ggplot
using geom_contour
p <- ggplot(mutate(soi.grid, fit = as.numeric(soi.fit)),
aes(x = easting, y = northing, z = fit)) +
p + geom_contour()
Neither lattice
nor ggplot
seem to make it easy to fill in the contours.
The base function filled.contour
is available for this:
cm.rev <- function(...) rev(cm.colors(...))
filled.contour(eastseq, northseq, soi.fit, asp = 1, color.palette = cm.rev)
A level plot colors a grid spanned by two variables by the color of a third variable.
Level plots are also called image plots
The term heat map is also used, in particular with a specific color scheme. But heat map often means a more complex visualization with an image plot at its core.
Superimposing contours on a level plot is often helpful.
The lattice
package provides the function levelplot
A basic level plot:
levelplot(soi.fit ~ soi.grid$easting * soi.grid$northing,
cuts = 9, aspect = asp,
xlab = "Easting (km)",
ylab = "Northing (km)")
A level plot with superimposed contours:
lv <- levelplot(soi.fit ~ soi.grid$easting * soi.grid$northing,
cuts = 9, aspect = asp, contour = TRUE,
xlab = "Easting (km)",
ylab = "Northing (km)")
provides geom_tile
that can be used for a level plot:
p + geom_tile(aes(fill = fit)) + geom_contour() +
scale_fill_gradientn(colors = rev(cm.colors(100)))
Level plots do not require computing contours, but are not not as smooth as filled contour plots.
Visually, image plots and filled contour plots are very similar for fine grids, but image plots are less smooth for coarse ones.
Lack of smoothness is less of an issue when the data values themselves are noisy.
The grid for the volcano
data set is coarser and illustrates the lack of smoothness.
vd <- expand.grid(x = seq_len(nrow(volcano)), y = seq_len(ncol(volcano)))
vd$z <- as.numeric(volcano)
levelplot(z ~ x * y, data = vd, cuts = 10)
A filled.contour
plot looks like this:
filled.contour(volcano, nlevels = 10, color.palette = cm.rev)
A coarse grid can be interpolated to a finer grid.
Irregularly spaced data can also be interpolated to a grid.
The interp
function in the akima
package is useful for this kind of interpolation.
A surface can also be visualized using a wire frame plot showing a 3D view of the surface from a particular viewpoint.
A simple wire frame plot is often sufficient.
Lighting and shading can be used to enhance the 3D effect.
A basic wire frame plot for the volcano data:
wireframe(z ~ x * y, data = vd, aspect = c(61 / 89, 0.3))
Wire frame is a bit of a misnomer since surface panels in front occlude lines behind them.
For a fine grid, as in the soil surface, the lines are too dense.
The use of shading for the surfaces can help.
wireframe(z ~ x * y, data = vd, aspect = c(61 / 89, 0.3), shade = TRUE)
A wire frame plot with shading for the soil resistivity data:
wf <- wireframe(soi.fit ~ soi.grid$easting * soi.grid$northing,
aspect = asp, shade = TRUE,
xlab = "Easting (km)",
ylab = "Northing (km)")
Both ways of looking at a surface are useful:
print(lv, split = c(1, 1, 2, 1), more = TRUE)
print(wf, split = c(2, 1, 2, 1))
OpenGL is a standardized framework for high performance graphics.
The rgl
package provides an R interface to some of OpenGL’s capabilities.
WebGL is a JavaScript framework for using OpenGL within a browser window.
Most desktop browsers support WebGL; some mobile browsers do as well.
In some cases support may be available but not enabled by default. You may be able to get help at https://get.webgl.org/.
and rgl
provide support for embedding OpenGL images in web pages.
It is also possible to embed OpenGL images in PDF files, but not all PDF viewers support this.
This code run in R will open a new window containing an interactive 3D scene (but this currently fails on FastX):
bg3d(color = "white")
par3d(mouseMode = "trackball")
surface3d(eastseq, northseq,
soi.fit / 100, color = rep("red", length(soi.fit)))
To embed an image in an HTML, document first set the webgl
hook with a code chunk like this:
knitr::knit_hooks$set(webgl = rgl::hook_webgl)
options(rgl.useNULL = TRUE)
Then a chunk with the option webgl = TRUE
can produce an embedded OpenGL image:
bg3d(color = "white")
par3d(mouseMode = "trackball")
surface3d(eastseq, northseq,
soi.fit / 100, color = rep("red", length(soi.fit)))
A view that includes the points and uses alpha blending to make the surface translucent:
points3d(soil$easting, soil$northing, soil$resistivity / 100,
col = rep("black", nrow(soil)))
surface3d(eastseq, northseq,
soi.fit / 100, col = rep("red", length(soi.fit)),
alpha = 0.9, front = "fill", back = "fill")
The WebGL vignette in the rgl
package shows some more examples.
The embedded graphs show properly for me on most browser/OS combinations I have tried.
To include a static view of an rgl scene you can use the rgl.snapshot
To use the view found interactively with rgl for creating a lattice
view, you can use the rglToLattice
wireframe(soi.fit ~ soi.grid$easting * soi.grid$northing,
aspect = c(asp, 0.7), shade = TRUE,
xlab = "Easting (km)",
ylab = "Northing (km)", screen = rglToLattice())
We can also use the idea of a coplot for examining a surface a few slices at a time.
Choosing 12 approximately equally spaced slices along easting
sf <- soi.grid
sf$fit <- as.numeric(soi.fit)
sube <- eastseq[seq_len(length(eastseq)) %% 7 == 0]
sube <- eastseq[round(seq(1, length(eastseq), length.out = 12))]
ssf <- filter(sf, easting %in% sube)
xyplot(fit ~ northing | easting, data = ssf, type = "l")
Using ggplot
ggplot(ssf, aes(x = northing, y = fit)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~ easting)
For examining a surface this way we fix one variable at a specific value.
For examining data it is also sometimes useful to choose a narrow window.
A narrow window minimizes the variation within the variable we are conditioning on.
Too narrow a window contains to few observations to see a signal.
Choosing a few narrow windows means we won’t show all the data.
Shingles like equal.count
make this easy in lattice
, using a negative overlap
xyplot(resistivity ~ northing | equal.count(easting, 6, overlap = -0.8),
data = soil, cex = 0.2)
It is a bit more work in ggolot
; it can be done by
np <- 6
ns <- 5
s <- mutate(soil, slice = cut_number(easting, np * ns))
s <- filter(s, slice %in% levels(slice)[(1 : np) * ns])
ggplot(s, aes(x = northing, y = resistivity)) +
geom_point(size = 0.5) + facet_wrap(~ slice)
It is possible to show conditioning in a single plot using an identity channel to distinguish the conditions.
Using lattice
sf <- soi.grid
sf$fit <- as.numeric(soi.fit)
sube4 <- eastseq[round(seq(1, length(eastseq), length.out = 4))]
ssf4 <- filter(sf, easting %in% sube4)
xyplot(fit ~ northing, group = easting, data = ssf4,
type = "l", auto.key = TRUE)
Using ggplot
ggplot(mutate(ssf4, easting = factor(easting)),
aes(x = northing, y = fit, color = easting, group = easting)) +
This is most useful when the effect of the conditioning variable is a level shift.
The number of different levels that can be used effectively is lower.
Over-plotting becomes an issue when used with data points.
A scatterplot matrix is a useful overview that shows all pairwise scatterplots.
There are many options; a few are:
in base graphics;
in lattice
in GGally
pairs(soil[1 : 3], cex = 0.1)
splom(soil[1 : 3], cex = 0.1)
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
## method from
## +.gg ggplot2
ggpairs(soil[1 : 3], lower = list(continuous = wrap("points", size = 0.1)))
Some variations:
diagonal left-top to right-bottom or left-bottom to right-top;
how to use the panels in the two triangles;
how to use the panels on the diagonal.
Some things to look for in the panels:
clusters or separation of groups
strong relationships
outliers, rounding, clumping
Cleveland recommends using the full version displaying both triangles of plots to facilitate visual linking.
If you do use only one triangle, and one variable is a response, then it is a good idea to arrange for that variable to be shown on the vertical axis against all other variables.
The symmetry in the plot with the diagonal running from bottom-left to top-tight as produced by splom
is simpler than the symmetry in the plot with the diagonal running from top-left t bottom-right produced by pairs