op<-option() on.exit(options(op)) options(abc = newvalue) ... some calculation ... on.exit()There are several problems with this approach:
mechanism applies to
a function as a whole.
An alternative approach is to adapt the mechanism used in MzScheme. They call their dynamic variables parameters, but that is clearly not a good choice for R. I will call them dynamic variables.
This note presents a prototype implementation of dynamic variables. It could easily be merged into the internal R context mechanism to make it more efficient, and I do not think it would be too hard to implement in S-plus. The implementation is available as a package.
The interface consists of three functions, dynamic.variable
, and dynamic.bind.list
. dynamic.variable
creates a new dynamic variable and gives it an initial binding with
the single argument to dynamic.variable
as its value. For
v <- dynamic.variable(1)creates a dynamic variable with initial value 1.
Dynamic variable are in fact functions. Their current values are obtained by calling them with no argument, and the value of their current binding is changed by calling them with the new value as a an argument:
> v() [1] 1 > v(2) > v() [1] 2
is called as
dynamic.bind(expr, dv1 = a1, dv2 = a2, ...)It evaluates
and returns the result. During the evaluation,
the dynamic variable dv1
is bound to the value of a1
, dv2
to a2
, and so on. After the evaluation of expr
and before
returning the result, the previous bindings of the dynamic variables
are restored. For example,
> v() [1] 2 > dynamic.bind(v(), v = 3) [1] 3 > v() [1] 2
Changing the value of a dynamic variable within a dynamic.bind
only changes the current binding, not any enclosing bindings:
> v() [1] 2 > dynamic.bind({cat("v =", v(),"\n"); v(4); cat("v =", v(), "\n")}, v = 3) v = 3 v = 4 > v() [1] 2
is a lower level version of dynamic.bind
that allows the variables to use to be computed. It is called as
dynamic.bind.list(expr, list.of.variables, lits.of values)For example,
> v() [1] 2 > dynamic.bind.list(v(), list(v), list(3)) [1] 3 > v() [1] 2
is most useful for implementing higher level
functions like dynamic.bind
By default, dynamic variables are created with a unique identifier that should insure that saving a variable in two different workspaces and restoring it again will produce the same variable from both workspaces. There may be times however, when we want to be able to create the same variable by evaluating two separate expressions. To achieve this, we can give the variable a name when we create it:
w <- dynamic.variable(1, name = "fred")evaluating the constructor expression again will create the same variable:
> u <- dynamic.variable(1, name = "fred") Warning message: dynamic variable "fred" already exists in: dynamic.variable(1, name = "fred") > w() [1] 1 > u() [1] 1 > u(2) > u() [1] 2 > w() [1] 2
This should be useful for dynamic variables defined in packages. It
does raise a problem of possible name conflicts. It may be useful to
provide some explicit support for dynamic variables as part of the
namespace system; I need to think about that a bit. Until that is
resolved, a useful convention would be to define a dynamic variable
in package bar
to have name bar::foo
foo <- dynamic.variable(name = "bar::foo")
The .First.lib
package initialization routine is given two
arguments, libname
and pkgname
. Occasionally it is useful to
also have the environment frame the package is being loaded into.
This information can be computed, but this is awkward and would not
work with the name space mechanism I proposed.
An alternative would be to provide a dynamic variable, perhaps
loading.package.frame <- dynamic.variable()and then change the code in
for running the .First.lib
function to
if (exists(".First.lib", envir = env, inherits = FALSE)) { firstlib <- get(".First.lib", envir = env, inherits = FALSE) tt <- try(dynamic.bind(firstlib(which.lib.loc, package), loading.package.frame = env)) ...A
function can then be defined as
.First.lib <- function(lib, pkg) { frame <- loading.package.frame() ... }
user.callback = dynamic.variable() do.callback <- function(x) { fun <- user.callback() fun(x) } myopt <- function(fun, x) x <- as.double(x) n <- as.integer(length(x)) dynamic.bind(.C("myopt", x, n), user.callback = fun)with the C code
double callback(double *x, int n) { /* call R function do.callback with argument vector x */ ... } void myopt(double *x, int *n) { ... Copt(callback, x, *n) ... }
setting to insure that the options are properly reset on error.
One way to deal with this would be to represent options as dynamic
variables. Thus options(foo=x)
would create a new dynamic
variable if the option does not exist and set it if one does exist.
and getOption
would retrieve the values of the
dynamic variables.
Suppose we used this approach and had a function getOptionDynvar
for retrieving the variable. Then we could, for example, use
showerr <- getOptionDynvar("show.error.messages") dynamic.bind(try(expr), showerr = FALSE)to evaluate a
expression with error printing turned off.
To make this sort of thing more convenient we could use
to define a function with.options
to allow
the previous example to use
with.options(try(expr), show.error.messages = FALSE)Assuming a function
that returns the dynamic
variables corresponding to a vector of opitons names, we could define
something like
with.options <- function(expr, ...) {
values <- list(...)
variables <- get.options.variables(names(values))
dynamic.bind.list(expr, variables, values)
(links are to index).
Switching to using dynamic variables for options would require us to
get rid of the .Options
vector or to make it a sort of special
object that prints like a vector and has its [
, [[
, $
, and
the corresponding assignment mechods defined to use the dynamic
variables. I don't think this would be too hard to do, but I have not
thought it through completely.
One trick for preserving the .Options
variable would be to define
it something like this:
<possible .Options
.Options <- local({
optfun <- function() {
assign(".Options", delay(optfun()), env=NULL)
(links are to index).
This installs a promise which reinstalls itself before returning the
result of options()
function redirects output to a specified connection. In
a threaded environment this should only be done for the current
thread; similarly for an event handler this should only affect the
event handler context.
One way to manage the context where output is redirected would be to have dynamic variables representing the standard connections, say
input.connection <- dynamic.variable(getConnection(0)) output.connection <- dynamic.variable(getConnection(1)) error.connection <- dynamic.variable(getConnection(2))
would then internally do the equivalent of
output.connection(file)to change the dynamic binding of the output connection. Code writing output would get the connection to use by
con <- output.connection() ... write to con ...
also manages a stack of redirections. This could again be
handled with a dynamic variable, since it would usually make sense for
the redirection stack to be specific to a single thread or execution
In a threaded context, the intent is that dynamic bindings created
with dynamic.bind
should only be visible in the current thread.
It might be useful to be able to mark a dynamic variable as bind-only.
That is, changing the value with v(x)
is not allowed but creating
a new binding for v
with dynamic.bind
is permitted.
When a dynamic variable is stored in a workspace, the value saved is the initial global value. I'm not sure if it would be more appropriate to save the current value, or maybe have a mechanism for choosing, but at the moment this would be difficult to implement.
There is also a small possibility that restoring a dynamic variable from a saved workspace will fail.
<dynvars.R>= <global variables> <internal functions> <public functions>
The corresponding NAMESPACE
file would be
<NAMESPACE>= export(dynamic.variable, dynamic.bind, dynamic.bind.list)
The bindings of dynamic variables are stored in environments. Every
dynamic variable has a global binding in the environment
. This environment is created with
to insure that it is hashed.
<global variables>= (<-U) dynvars.database <- local({ env <- attach(NULL); detach(2); env})
(links are to index).
Dynamic bindings are created using deep binding by adding new environment frames onto an existing dynamic environment.
<internal functions>= (<-U) [D->] new.dynamic.env <- function() eval(quote((function() environment())()), env=get.dynamic.env())
(links are to index).
When dynamic.bind
creates a new dynamic environment, it stores it
in a variable with a reasonably unique name in its frame. The current
dynamic environment is thus either the value of the first variable by
this name found on the frame stack or the global dynamic environment:
<internal functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] get.dynamic.env <- function() { name <- "__DYNVAR_ENV__" n <- sys.nframe() if (n > 1) for (i in (n-1):1) { env <- sys.frame(i) if (exists(name, env = env)) return(get(name, env = env)) } dynvars.database }
(links are to index).
first forces the evaluation of the ...
to insure that its expressions are evaluated in the calling dynamic
environment. Next, it creates and installs a new dynamic binding
frame. It then gets the dynamic variables specified by the names in
the ...
argument and binds them in the new dynamic environment to
the specified values. Then expr
is evaluated and its result is
returned. On return the new dynamic environment goes out of scope and
thus the previous environment is restored. The mechanism for creating
new bindings for dynamic variables is explained below.
<public functions>= (<-U) [D->] dynamic.bind <- function(expr, ...) { values <- list(...) "__DYNVAR_ENV__" <- denv <- new.dynamic.env() penv <- parent.frame() names <- names(values) for (i in seq(along = names)) get(names[[i]], env = penv)(values[[i]], dynamic.environment = denv) expr }
(links are to index).
differs from dynamic.bind
only in the way
the variables and values are supplied.
<public functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] dynamic.bind.list <- function(expr, variables, values) { variables <- as.list(variables) # forces evaluation in the values <- as.list(values) # caller's dynamic context "__DYNVAR_ENV__" <- denv <- new.dynamic.env() for (i in seq(along = variables)) variables[[i]](values[[i]], dynamic.environment = denv) expr }
(links are to index).
can be defined in terms of dynamic.bind.list
this requires allocating a list of variables. An internal
implementation should avoid this.
<alternate definition of dynamic.bind
dynamic.bind <- function(expr, ...) {
values <- list(...)
variables <- lapply(names(values), get, env = parent.frame())
dynamic.bind.list(expr, variables, values)
(links are to index).
Dynamic variables store their values under a name. Unless a name is
supplied, a name is chosen that is constructed to be unique. For
save/load to work uniqueness should be guaranteed across processes and
machines. This is of course not perfectly achievable in any
reasonable way, but the accepted way of getting close enough is to use
a DCE universally unique identifier (UUID). Most systems have
a way of generating these; most current UNIX/Linux system seems to
have uuidgen
and the libuuid
library (FreeBSD and Mac OS X
seem to be exceptions, but presumably we could get a libuuid
those). MS Windows may have UUID's directly as well (in fact Cygwin
and the MinGW toolkit we use both seem to contain libuuid
Windows does have globally unique identifiers (GUID) which
serve the same purpose and may actually be exactly the same, i.e. it
may be that a UUID and a GUID are as likely to clash as two UUID's or
two GUID's but I'm not sure. So the right way to do this would be
something along the lines of
<UUID version of make.dynvar.name
make.dynvar.name <- function()
paste("__DYNVAR__UUID__", system("uuidgen", TRUE), sep = "")
(links are to index).
but using a call into libuuid
instead of the system
call. But
all this requires some configuration adjustments and the like, so in
the interim I'll use something less reliable but easier to implement:
<internal functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] make.dynvar.name <- function() { ur <- function() floor(runif(1,max=2^32-1)) repeat { name <- paste("__DYNVAR__",ur(), ur(), ur(), ur(), sep = "") if (! exists.dynvar.name(name)) return(name) } }
(links are to index).
Either as part of this primitive implementation or as part of loading a variable from a saved workspace, we need to check if the name exists in the data base:
<internal functions>+= (<-U) [<-D->] exists.dynvar.name <- function(name) exists(name, env = dynvars.database)
(links are to index).
Creating a dynamic variable involves finding a unique name for it
(unless a name is supplied), initializing its global binding, and
creating its function. A warning is given if a variable by the chosen
name already exists. Users should only call the dynamic variable
function with zero or one arguments. But dynamic.bind
needs a way
of getting the dynamic variable to set the value of its new binding,
and this is done by allowing an environment to be passed with a named
argument. The named argument is placed after ...
to insure it
will only be matched if supplied explicitly with that name.
<public functions>+= (<-U) [<-D]
dynamic.variable <- function(init = NULL, name = make.dynvar.name()) {
if (exists(name, env = dynvars.database))
warning(paste("dynamic variable \"", name, "\" already exists",sep=""))
assign(name, init, env = dynvars.database)
f <- function(newval, ..., dynamic.environment)
do.dynvar(name, newval, init, dynamic.environment)
<hack to work around environment removal in library
(links are to index).
Ideally we could just rely on capturing the name and initial values in
the environment. Unfortunately library
currently eliminates
environments in functions when loading a package, so this will not
work if a dynamic variable is created in a package. To work around
this for now we can replace the body of the function by one where the
appropriate values have been inserted with substitute.
<hack to work around environment removal in library
>= (<-U)
body(f) <-
substitute(do.dynvar(name, newval, quote(init), dynamic.environment),
list(name = name, init = init))
The code portion of a dynamic variable is contained in do.dynvar
If a dynamic variable is restored from a saved workspace then its name
will not be registered in the global dynamic environment. Ideally we
should deal with this by running some de-serialization code at load
time, but we do not yet have a mechanism for this. Instead, every use
checks to make sure that there is a global definition available. If
there is, then either the variable has already been initialized or
there is a clash of the names. I don't think there is currently a
sensible way to distinguish these two cases, so we could get a silent
error here. Using names based on UUID's or GUID's would essentially
eliminate this possibility. If no global definition is available then
the variable has been loaded from a saved workspace but not yet
initialized, so it is initialized with the initial value supplied to
the dynamic.variable
call that created the variable. The
remainder of the code corresponds to the three types of calls that can
be made to the variable:
to initialize the value
of a new dynamic binding.
<internal functions>+= (<-U) [<-D] do.dynvar <- function(name, value, init, dynamic.environment) { if (! exists.dynvar.name(name)) assign(name, init, env = dynvars.database) if (missing(value)) get(name, env = get.dynamic.env()) else if (missing(dynamic.environment)) assign(name, value, env = get.dynamic.env(), inherits = TRUE) else assign(name, value, env = dynamic.environment, inherits = FALSE) }
(links are to index).
>: D1
>: U1, D2
definition>: D1
>: D1
definition>: D1