Final Exam
Part of
materials for 22C:50, Summer 2003
Name: ________________________________________________
ID Number: ___________________
Please write your answers in the space provided! Make sure your name is in the same form as it appears on your University ID card! Illegible and excessively long answers will be penalized! This exam is open-book, open-notes, closed neighbor! This exam is worth 1/5 of the final grade (20 points; allocate 2 minutes per point).
The binding of attributes to names in the original program happens at different stages in this process. For each of the following, identify (by number) the stage or stages that are most likely to be involved in determining the binding of the indicated attribute. (0.5 points each)
a) Binding an integer constant's name with a specific value.
b) Binding a variable name with its type.
c) Binding a local variable to a specific offset from the base of the activation record of a function.
d) Binding a global variable to a specific virtual address.
e) Binding an internal function name to a specific sequence of instructions.
f) Binding an external function name to a specific sequence of instructions.
g) Binding a function name to the virtual address of the first instruction of the receiving sequence of that function.
h) Binding a global variable to a specific physical address.
Answer these questions: (1 point each)
a) Which of these layers can be device independent, used equally by a large number of different devices?
b) What device specific information must be available to the first blocking and deblocking layer for it to perform its primary function?
c) Which of these layers is able to perform some cache functions in order to speed access to a device?
d) Only one of these layers is likely to contain routines that are called both from the layer above and the layer below. Which?
Answer these questions: (1 point each)
a) What is the maximum length of the disk request queue you are likely to observe on system A?
b) What attribute of the application would you expect to set the limit on the maximum observed length of the request queue for system B?
c) If the application is input-output bound, which system would you expect to run faster, and why?
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d) If the application is CPU bound, which system would you expect to run faster, and why?
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Answer the following: (2 points each)
a) Explain why use of the malloc(s) interface could lead to poor performance on a demand-paged virtual memory system.
b) Explain how a heap manager using the second interface given above could attempt to overcome this performance problem by using the additional information passed to the heap manager by its caller.
Answer the following questions: (2 points each)
a) It is impossible to construct a preemptive scheduler on this machine. Why?
b) Assume you have a cooperative thread package for the PIC; what potential for confusion results when a thread calls a function, and that function uses a thread-scheduler operation such as yield or relinquish?