Assignment 7 Solutions
Part of
the homework for 22C:50, Summer 2004
a) Propose a representation of objects of type FILE as used in the C standard library to represent output data streams, inasmuch as you can infer this from the manual information about the putc and write calls.
typedef struct file { int fd; /* file descriptor of Unix file */ char * buf; /* pointer to the buffer */ int bufsize; /* size of the buffer */ char * pos; /* pointer to the position in the buffer */ } FILE;
b) Propose an implementation of the fputc function in terms of your representation proposed in part a. Ignore any strangeness involved with interactive files.
int fputc( int ch, FILE * stream ) { stream->pos = ch; stream->pos++; if (stream->pos > (stream->buf + stream->bufsize)) { write( stream->fd, stream->buf, stream->bufsize ); stream->pos = stream->buf; } return ch; }
Note that the above solution ignores the possibility that write might fail. That would obscure the essential behavior of this code.
c) Explain why it is useful to have a macro, putc as well as a callable function, fputc to perform the same operation.
The overhead of a function call can be significant, involving several instructions to call the function and return from it. Since the amount of work done in a normal call to fputc is very small, elimination of the overhead of function calls can lead to a significant speedup.
a) What are the methods applicable to the objects of class queue that are required by this driver?
queueinstance.full() queueinstance.empty() queueinstance.enqueue( ch ) ch = queueinstance.dequeue()
b) What variables or data structures must be encapsulated into each queue object (that is, used for the representaton of each queue object)? To answer this question, you will have to select an appropriate queue implementation.
Each queue object would contain a buffer, a head pointer and a tail pointer if we use a bounded buffer implementation.
c) When would you input/output driver allocate (instantiate) new queue objects and what would be the lifetime of these objects?
A pair of queue objects are associated with each input/output device, one queue each for input and output. So, if devices may not be changed while the system is running, these queues can be statically allocated. If devices may be dynamically connected to the system, as with USB devices, then whenever the system detects connection of a new device that uses this driver, a new pair of queue objects would be allocated, and whenever the system detects disconnection, the corresponding queues would be deallocated.