Assignment 5 solutions
Part of
the homework for 22C:50, Summer 2004
12) Modify the parser shown in Figure 5.9 so it generates output in this assembly language.
procedure expression; var more: boolean; op: char; {--added--} begin op = ' '; {initially, no operator } {--added--} repeat if lex = '(' then begin lex_scan; expression; if lex = ')' then lex_scan else error; end else begin value; end; case operator of {--added--} ' ': {no operation!}; {--added--} '+': writeln(' ADD'); {--added--} '-': writeln(' SUB'); {--added--} '*': writeln(' MUL'); {--added--} '/': writeln(' DIV'); {--added--} end; {--added--} more := lex in ['+','-','*','/']; op = lex; {--added--} if more then lex_scan; until not more; end {expression};
#define assign(var,val) var = (val) #define times(v1,v2) ((v1) * (v2)) #define add(v1,v2) ((v1) + (v2))
MOVE src,dst
The result should be identical to having written this:
W src W dstWrite a macro, using the macro notation presented in Chapter 6, that will produce this result.
MACRO MOV,src,dst W src W dst ENDMAC