Always, on every assignment, please write your name legibly as it appears
on your University ID and on the class list! All assignments will be due
at the start of class on the day indicated, and unless there is what
insurance companies call "an act of Godt" (something outside your
control), the only exceptions to this rule will be by advance arrangement.
What is your E-mail address? (If you have more than one, give the address
you'd prefer used for class purposes.)
Survey Questions
What high level programming languages have you used to write even small
What high level programming languages have you used to write programs that you
considered large?
Have you previously used Unix or Linux systems?
What machine architectures or assembly languages have you studied?
Real Homework!
- This quesiton is one you should be able to answer based entirely on
courses that are prerequisites to this course: Given a complete binary
tree with n leaves, how many edges does it have?
- This quesiton is one you should be able to answer based entirely on
courses that are prerequisites to this course: Given an array of n items,
where each item consists of a pair of integers and a fixed size character
string of k ASCII characters, what is the minimum memory required
to hold this data, in bytes, on a typical modern 32-bit machine?
Explain, in a very few sentences, the meaning of the term
fetch-execute cycle.