Final Exam
Part of
materials for 22C:50, Fall 2003
Name: ______________________________________________ ID Number: ___________________
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This exam is open-book, open-notes, closed neighbor! This exam has
20 points; spend about 5 minutes per point.
a) __________ The identity of the device on which the file is stored.
b) __________ The buffer from which successive characters are unpacked.
c) __________ The current position in the buffer mentioned in part b.
d) __________ The mapping from sector-in-file to sector-on-device.
e) __________ Information about the encoding of end-of-line for this file (eg: DOS or Unix).
f) __________ The sector number of the next buffer to read from the file.
g) __________ The open file number.
a) __________ Merger of free blocks is as lazy as possible; being deferred until no free blocks are available that would satisfy the current request.
b) __________ Very eager merger of free blocks; merger happens as the block is deallocated if it happens to be adjacent to another free block.
c) __________ Moderately lazy merger of free blocks; merger happens whenever a scan of the free-list during the allocate operation finds a free-block adjacent to another free block.
d) __________ Deallocated blocks are always placed at the head of the free-list.
e) __________ The free list is circular, and the starting point of each search is the block after wherever the previous search ended.
f) __________ The free list is maintained in sorted order, by block size, with all searches starting from the smallest free block.
g) __________ The free list is circular, searches for a big enough
free block move clockwise around the list, while the starting point of each
search moves one step counterclockwise from the previous search.
conventional_interrupt_service_routine: save_registers; temp = input_data_register; byte_serial_queue.enqueue(temp); if (!byte_serial_queue.full()) input_status_register &= ~interrupt_enable_bit; restore_registers; return_from_interrupt; process_model_interrupt_service_routine: save_registers; byte_serial_semaphore.signal(); restore_registers; return_from_interrupt;
a) Give the code, under the process_model, for the proces that does the rest of the work done by the conventional interrupt service routine (2 points).
process_model_interrupt_service_process: loop { byte_serial_semaphore.wait(); ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ }
b) Aside from a bit of added complexity and a bit of scheduling overhead, why might the process model for interrupt service fail? Hint: Consider the assumptions you have to make in order to make it work (1 point).
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c) Assuming the problem(s) identified above are solved, what is the potential major advantage of using the process model for interrupt service? Hint: Consider more complex interrupt service routines, for example, a disk interrupt service routine with disk scheduling (1 point).
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d) Here, we have assumed that an interrupt service routine can evoke the signal operation on a semaphore. If this is true, is it equally realistic for an interrupt service routine to evoke the wait operation on semaphore? Briefly explain your answer (1 point).
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e) It is likely that the signal operation on a semaphore, as evoked from within an interrupt service routine, will differ from the signal operation on the same semaphore, as evoked from a regular process. Briefly explain the difference (1 point).
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a) What is the constraint? (1 point)
b) What is the enforcement rule? (1 point)
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a) In what order should we pack the fields of the disk address in order to get the best performance from performing disk operations using a simple in-order traversal of the search tree. The fields are (T) track in cylinder, (S) sector, and (C) cylinder. Make sure you give the most significant field first, and the least significant field last (1 point).
b) What abstract operations on the binary search tree does the disk interrupt driver need to perform? Typical tree operations include inserting an item with a given key, finding the item with a particular key, finding the successor or predecessor of an item, deleting an item from the tree, duplicating an item in the tree, and so on (1 point).
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c) If a user writes code that guarantees that there will always be at least one disk request enqueued for some cylinder, some naive versions of the elevator algorithm will lock up, preventing the heads from moving to service requests for input or output to other cylinders. If you construct the search-tree-based disk scheduler described here, does this suffer from this defect? Explain why or why not (2 points).
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