This is a full reproduction of DEC's pocket reference card dated 4/67. No copyright notice appears on the original card, but nonetheless the original copyright for this material belongs to Digital Equipment Corporation and this copy was made in 1994 with permission by Douglas W. Jones at the University of Iowa Department of Computer Science
An index has been appended at the end of this document, along with notes on the transcription.
F-86 4/67![]()
Mnemonic Code Operation Cycles
AND 0000 logical AND 2 TAD 1000 2's complement add 2 ISZ 2000 increment and skip if zero 2 DCA 3000 deposit and clear AC 2 JMS 4000 jump to subroutine 2 JMP 5000 jump 1 IOT 6000 in-out transfer 2 1/2 OPR 7000 operate 1
Event Time NOP 7000 no operation 1 CLA 7200 clear AC 1 CLL 7100 clear link 1 CMA 7040 complement AC 1 CML 7020 complement link 1 RAR 7010 rotate AC and link right one 2 RAL 7004 rotate AC and link left one 2 RTR 7012 rotate AC and link right two 2 RTL 7006 rotate AC and link left two 2 IAC 7001 increment AC 2
Event Time SMA 7500 skip on minus AC 1 SZA 7440 skip on zero AC 1 SPA 7510 skip on plus AC 1 SNA 7450 skip on non zero AC 1 SNL 7420 skip on non-zero link 1 SZL 7430 skip on zero link 1 SKP 7410 skip unconditionally 1 OSR 7404 inclusive OR, switch register with AC 2 HLT 7402 halts the program 1 CLA 7600 clear AC 1
Mnemonic Code Operation Cycles
CIA 7041 complement and increment AC 1 LAS 7604 load AC with switch register 1 STL 7120 set link (to 1) 1 GLK 7204 get link (put link in AC bit 11) 1 CLA CLL 7300 clear AC and link 1 CLA IAC 7201 set AC = 1 1 CLA CMA 7240 set AC = -1 1 CLL RAR 7110 shift positive number one right 1 CLL RAL 7104 shift positive number one left 1 CLL RTL 7106 clear link, rotate 2 left 1 CLL RTR 7112 clear link, rotate 2 right 1 SZA CLA 7640 skip if AC = 0, then clear AC 1 SZA SNL 7460 skip if AC = 0, or link is 1, or both 1 SNA CLA 7650 skip if AC /= 0, then clear AC 1 SMA CLA 7700 skip if AC < 0, then clear AC 1 SMA SZA 7540 skip if AC <= 0 1 SMA SNL 7520 skip if AC < 0 or line is 1 or both 1 SPA SNA 7550 skip if AC > 0 1 SPA SZL 7530 skip if AC >= 0 and if the link is 0 1 SPA CLA 7710 skip of AC >= 0, then clear AC 1 SNA SZL 7470 skip if AC /= 0 and link = 0 1 Mnemonic Code Operation Time ( usec.)
DVI 7407 divide <35 NMI 7411 normalize 3.0+0.5n SHL 7413 shift left 3.0+0.5n ASR 7415 arithmetic shift right 3.0+0.5n LSR 7417 logical shift right 3.0+0.5n MQL 7421 load AC into MQ, clear AC 1.5 MUY 7405 multiply 9-21 MQA 7501 inclusive OR, MA with AC 1.5 CAM 7621 clear AC and MQ 1.5 SCA 7441 read SC into AC 1.5 MQA 7501 read MQ into AC 1.5 Mnemonic Code Operation Cycles
ION 6001 turn interrupt on 1 IOF 6002 turn interrupt off 1
ADC 6004 convert A to D
KSF 6031 skip if keyboard/reader flag = 1 2 1/2 KCC 6032 clear AC and keyboard/reader 2 1/2 flag KRS 6034 read keyboard/reader buffer, 2 1/2 static KRB 6036 clear AC, read keyboard buffer 2 1/2 clear keyboard flag
Mnemonic Code Operation Cycles
TSF 6041 skip if teleprinter/punch 2 1/2 flag = 1 TCF 6042 clear teleprinter/punch flag 2 1/2 TPC 6044 load teleprinter/punch 2 1/2 buffer, select and print TLS 6046 load teleprinter/punch buffer, 2 1/2 select and print, and clear teleprinter/punch flag
RSF 6011 skip if reader flag = 1 2 1/2 RRB 6012 read reader buffer, 2 1/2 and clear flag RFC 6014 clear flag and buffer and 2 1/2 fetch character
PSF 6021 skip if punch flag = 1 2 1/2 PCF 6022 clear flag and buffer 2 1/2 PPC 6024 load buffer and punch 2 1/2 character PLS 6026 clear flag and buffer; 2 1/2 load and punch
DXL 6053 clear and load x buffer 2 1/2 DYL 6063 clear and load y buffer 2 1/2 DXS 6057 combined dxl and dix 2 1/2 DYS 6067 combined dyl and diy 2 1/2 DIY 6064 intensify point 2 1/2 DIX 6054 intensify point 2 1/2 DCY 6061 clear y buffer 2 1/2 DCX 6051 clear x buffer 2 1/2
Mnemonic Code Operation Event Time DTRA 6761 read status register A 1 DTCA 6762 clear status register A 2 DTXA 6764 load status register A 3 DTSF 6771 skip on flags 1 DTRB 6772 read status register B 2 DTLB 6774 load status register B 3
CDF 62n1 change to data field n 1 CIF 62n2 change to instruction field n 1 RDF 6214 read data field into AC 6-8 1 RIF 6224 read instruction field into AC 6-8 1 RMF 6244 restore memory field 1 RIB 6234 read interrupt buffer 1
ROTATE 1 ROTATE IF A 0, OPERATION AC AND L 2 __ CODE 7 _ CLA CMA RIGHT IF A 1 /___ ___ ___\___/___\___/___\___/___\___/___\___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11| |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / CONTAINS CLL CML ROTATE IAC A 0 TO AC AND L SPECIFY LEFT GROUP 1 Group 1 Operate Instruction Bit Assignments
REVERSE SKIP OPERATION SENSING OF __ CODE 7 _ CLA SZA BITS 5,6,7 HLT /___ ___ ___\___/___\___/___\___/___\___/___\___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11| |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / CONTAINS SMA SNL OSR CONTAINS A 1 TO A 0 TO SPECIFY SPECIFY GROUP 2 GROUP 2 Group 2 Operate Instruction Bit Assignments
OPERATION MEMORY _CODES 0-5_ PAGE /___ ___ ___\___/___\___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11| |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| \ / \_________ _________/ INDIRECT ADDRESS ADDRESSING Memory Reference Instruction Bit Assignments
GENERATES GENERATES AN IOP 4 AN IOP 1 PULSE AT PULSE AT OPERATION EVENT TIME 3 EVENT TIME 1 IF A 1 IF A 1 _ CODE 6 _ /___ ___ ___\___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___/___\___/___\ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11| |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| \________ _______/ \ / DEVICE GENERATES SELECTION AN IOP 2 PULSE AT EVENT TIME 2 IF A 1 IOT Instruction Bit Assignments
2=MUY 3=DVI OPERATION 4=NMI 5=SHL _ CODE 7 _ CLA SCA 6=ASR 7=LSR /___ ___ ___\___/___\___/___\___/___ ___ ___\___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10| 11| |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___| \ / \ / \ / \ / CONTAINS MQA MQL CONTAINS A 1 TO A 1 TO SPECIFY SPECIFY EAE GROUP EAE GROUP EAE Microinstruction Bit Assignments
Character Code Character Code --------- ---- --------- --- A 301 ! 241 B 302 " 242 C 303 # 243 D 304 $ 244 E 305 % 245 F 306 & 246 G 307 ' 247 H 310 ( 250 I 311 ) 251 J 312 * 252 K 313 + 253 L 314 , 254 M 315 - 255 N 316 . 256 O 317 / 257 P 320 : 272 Q 321 ; 273 R 322 < 274 S 323 = 275 T 324 > 276 U 325 ? 277 V 326 @ 300 W 327 [ 333 X 330 \ 334 Y 331 ] 335 Z 332 ^ 336 0 260 <- 337 1 261 EOT 204 2 262 W RU 205 3 263 RU 206 4 264 BELL 207 5 265 Line Feed 212 6 266 Return 215 7 267 Space 240 8 270 ALT MODE 375 9 271 Rub Out 377![]()
PRINTED IN U.S.A. 25-4/67
In this reproduction, every effort has been made to preserve the typography of the original, but the results you see may vary depending on your WWW brouser. Page breaks in the original are marked here with horizontal rules, and the original was printed in blue-green on white cardstock, using what might have ben 6 point News Gothic Light (a small light sans-serif font), with all titles and subtitles centered. Each page was 3.25" by 5.5" (8.3 by 13.3 cm), with a horizontal fanfold presentation.
The 1967 edition corrected typos from the 1965 edition, added 2 pages of figures showing the layouts of the various instruction formats, and replaced material on old PDP-5 peripherals with material on the more modern peripherals that were developed for the PDP-8 in the two years after the original release.