program { logicsim.p } logicsim( input, output, f1, f2, f3, f4 ); { The Iowa Logic Simulator, version 10 a digital logic simulation system taking input in the Iowa Logic Specification Language. } { ----------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 1988, Douglas Jones. Permission is hereby granted to make copies of this program for research and personal use so long as this copyright notice is included in the copy. Neither this software nor any software derived from it may be sold or incorporated into a product which is sold without explicit permission from the copyright holder. ----------------------------------------------------------------- } { ----------------------------------------------------------------- Warrantee: This software is distributed without any warrantee. I hope it will be useful, but it may not work at all. You get what you pay for. ----------------------------------------------------------------- } { Version 1: started May 26, 1983; released for student use, fall 83; Douglas W. Jones -- buildmodel Wun-Chin Kao -- simulate } { Version 2: started Feb 11, 1984; released for student use, fall 84; George S. Singer -- add subcircuit mechanism to simulate } { Version 3: started Fall, 1984; not released; George S. Singer -- add use statement, major changes to buildmodel See Univ. of Iowa, Dept. of Comp. Sci, TR 85-03 } { Version 4: started Jan 4, 1985; released for student use, spring 85; Douglas W. Jones -- eliminate command mode from simulate } { Version 5: started June, 1985; released for student use, fall 85; Work on Version 5 was supported, in part, by the University of Iowa Weeg Computing Center in the form of salary support for Daniela Rus. Daniela Rus -- move most lexical work to firstpass, fast event set Douglas W. Jones -- structural changes in simulate to increase speed } { Version 6: started Sept., 1986; Jing Jan -- structural changes in buildmodel to increase clarity Douglas W. Jones -- ditto, and changes in buildmodel for increased speed } { Version 7: started Apr., 1987; released for student use, summer 87; Jing Jan -- implemented exprs, arrays, iterators and parameterized subcircuits } { Version 8: started June, 1987; released for student use, jan 1988; Jing Jan -- implemented conditional parts & wire lists, as well as free mixing of constant and subcirc declarations Douglas W. Jones -- added pulse input to simulator, latch gates, changed simulation header to accomodate arrays. } { Version 9: started April, 1988; Douglas W. Jones -- bug fixes, faster pass 1, changed boolean operators to &, |, \.} { Version 10: started Nov, 1998; Douglas W. Jones -- bug fixes, line nums from preprocessor, range comparison, range or, assert construct, fix tristate bitcount function. } { Bugs: The official grammar lists very specific details of where commas and semicolons are allowed. The simulator enforces none of these rules. If two different source files include the same source file, the result is that the text is included twice in pactext; this should be avoided. Now that file names are in the symbol table, it might be possible to search for a previous use of a file and, in that case, avoid rereading files, but instead, simply duplicate the needed parts of the data structure, specifically, the subcircuit description nodes for the root level subcircuits found in the file in question. Procedure readline depends on the ASCII colating sequence. The symbol table implements dynamic scope rules; it should implement static scope rules! Procedure displayheader is a mess, resulting from shotgun debugging and patching over the years. Should not rely on the characters # $ @ [ \ ] ^ | ~ to remain same from one language to another in ISO character set; curly braces also change from one language to another. This means use of | and \ for or and not in expressions should have an alternative, possibly ! and -. } label 9999 { for goto from procedure fatalerror to end of main program }; const { constants governing limits on circuits which can be simulated } strpoollim = 8000 { size of strpool, identifier and string table }; pactextlim = 16000 { size of pactext, packed input copy (see textradix) }; tabsize = 2303 { number of entries in symtab (see textradix) }; niltabindex = tabsize { last entry used for nil ptr to symtab }; pooldel = '@' { delimiter character used strpool (illegal in input) }; linelen = 120 { input line length limit (intentionally generous) }; filestklength = 4 { length of file stack (see f1, f2, f3, f4) }; maxparams = 20 { suc(maximum param count) for gates and subcircuits }; undefined = -maxint { constant for undefined parameter or array index }; { definitions of fundamental time units, in nanoseconds } second = 1.0e9; millisecond = 1.0e6; microsecond = 1.0e3; nanosecond = 1.0; defgdel = 10.0 { default gate delay in nanoseconds; common TTL }; defwdel = 0.7 { default wire delay in nanoseconds; 8-inch wire }; type { names of logic levels used in simulation } logiclevel = (low { 0, false }, high { 1, true }, open {tristate} ); strpoolindex = 0 .. strpoollim { index type for strpool }; tabindex = 0 .. tabsize { index type for symbol table in buildmodel }; lineindex = 1..linelen { index type for lines of text }; line = packed array [lineindex] of char; eventkinds = (lateinit, showoutput, getinput, logicchange, outchange); eventref = ^event; gateref = ^gate; event = record { of one event in simulate, used also to pass a list of gates from buildmodel to simulate } kind: eventkinds; old, new: logiclevel; time: real; gateid: gateref; inputval: integer; { link fields for event list management } downlink: eventref; leftlink: eventref; end { record }; { data structures used to represent the circuit being tested } wireref = ^wirelist; instdescrref = ^instdescr; tieptref = ^tiept; gatekind = ( { symmetric (all inputs have equal meanings) } andg, nandg, org, norg, xorg, equg { tristate drivers (have data and control inputs) } , trig, ntrig { memory element (d latch) (has data and control inputs) } , latchg { tristate bus (a named wire between bus drivers) } , trbg { input/output interface to simulator, unused in buildmodel } , iogate { not gate; changed to 1-input nand prior to gate allocation } , notg ); gate = packed record { fields used for gate naming and error reporting } name: strpoolindex { name of gate }; inst: instdescrref { circuit instance it is part of }; { fields used for arrays of gates } index: integer { index of gate }; nextgate: gateref { next gate in array (circularly linked) }; {10} { nextgate not needed after model is built } {10} { fields used in fixtristate after model is built } {10} { nextgate: if non-nil, gate where outputs were relocated to } { fields used for gate semantics } lastout: logiclevel; outto: wireref; delay: real; request: eventref; case kind:gatekind of andg, nandg, org, norg, xorg, equg, trbg: ( { symmetrical logic gates are all the same } fanin: integer; instates: array [ logiclevel ] of integer; ); ntrig, trig, latchg: ( inp, control: logiclevel; ); iogate: ( next: gateref; state: logiclevel; changecount: integer; ); notg: ( { this variant is never allocated! } ); end { record }; instdescr = record { describes one subcircuit instance } { fields used for error reporting } name: strpoolindex { name of gate }; inst: instdescrref { circuit instance it is part of }; { fields used if instance is a member of an array } index: integer { index of instance }; nextinst: instdescrref { next instance in sequence }; { fields used during construction of circuit only } inputlist, outputlist: tieptref; end { record }; wirelist = packed record g: gateref { gate this wire connects to }; inputval: integer { pin number of gate connected }; delay: real { delay of wire }; next: wireref { next wire in this chain }; end { record }; { types for Tie point management, used only in secondpass but declared here because they hook onto the symbol table and inst records } tiept = record { input or output nodes of subs } slot: tabindex { name of this tiepoint }; index: integer { subscript of this tiepoint }; nexttiept: tieptref { successor of this in tiepoint list }; nextelem: tieptref { used to circularly link tiepoint arrays }; isinput: boolean { if false, this must be an output tiepoint }; { if tiepoint has unknown source, following may be non-nil } destlist: wireref { pointer to wirelist }; { if tiepoint has known source, following will be non-nil } srcgate: gateref { source (if a gate) }; srctiept: tieptref { source (if a tiepoint) }; delay: real { delay from source to this tiepoint }; end; var { data structures for description of the model, built by second pass } inputs, outputs: gateref { global input and output gate lists }; hiwire, lowire: wireref { global input constant sources }; gatelist: eventref { master list of gates in model, used for initialization in simulate }; { data structures used for symbolic information about model; note, these are built by firstpass, but used everywhere } strpool: packed array [strpoolindex] of char; circuitinst: instdescrref { the main circuit instance }; waserror: boolean { is circuit correctly defined }; { data structures used for input processing } f1, f2, f3, f4: text { stack of input files }; { private data for random number generation } seed: integer; { random number generation package } function random: real; { returns a random number between 0 and 1 } const modulus=65536; mul=25173; inc=13849; begin seed :=((mul * seed) + inc) mod modulus; random :=seed / modulus; end { random }; function jitter( r: real ): real; { returns a multiplier approximately equal to 1, but with a random variation constrained by the given range(which must be less than 1 if negative results are to be avoided) } begin jitter := 1 + r * (1 - (random + random)); end { jitter }; { print name management } procedure printname( r: strpoolindex ; var len:integer; limit: integer); { print a name from the strpool, report printed length in len, but never print more than limit chars } begin len := 0; while (strpool[r] <> pooldel) and (len < limit) do begin write( strpool[r] ); r := r + 1; len := len + 1; end; end { printname }; procedure printprefix( inst: instdescrref; length: integer ); { print the prefix path name of a circuit instance } var i: integer; begin if (inst <> nil) and (length > 0) then begin printprefix( inst^.inst, length - 1 ); printname( inst^.name, i, 80 ); if inst^.index <> undefined then write( '(', inst^.index:1, ')' ); write( '.' ); end; end { printprefix }; procedure printgatename( gate: gateref ); { print the full path name of a gate (through all instances) } var i: integer; begin { printgatename } printprefix( gate^.inst, maxint ); printname( gate^.name, i, 80 ); if gate^.index <> undefined then write( '(', gate^.index:3, ')' ); end { printgatename }; { basic line management package } procedure readline( var f: text; var l: line; var len: integer ); { read an input line from f ( cleanly ); will strip all pooldel and control characters out of input; on end file, returns a line holding pooldel in column 1; l[len+1] is guaranteed to be blank; len < linelen always holds! WARNING: This code depends on the ASCII colating sequence. } var ch: char; i: 0..linelen; begin i := 0; if not eof( f ) then begin while not eoln( f ) do begin read( f, ch ); if ch = pooldel then begin { ignore the string pool delimiter } end else if (ch >= ' ') and (ch <= '~') then begin { printing } { the above line of code detects ASCII printing chars } if i < (linelen - 1) then begin i := i + 1; l[i] := ch; end; end else if ch = chr(8) then begin { ASCII backspace } if i > 0 then i := i - 1; end else if ch = chr(9) then begin { ASCII tab } if i < (linelen - 1) then begin { convert to blank } i := i + 1; l[i] := ' '; end; end else begin { ignore everything else } end; end { end while }; readln( f ); end else begin { at eof } i := 1; l[i] := pooldel; end; { assert 0 <= i < linelen } l[i+1] := ' '; len := i; end { readline }; procedure writeoutput( var l:line; len: integer ); { write a line cleanly to the terminal, minus trailing blanks; the line is passed by reference to avoid copying! } var i: lineindex; begin for i := 1 to len do write( l[i] ); writeln; end { writeoutput }; { main procedure to compile circuit specification } procedure buildmodel; { build the data structures for simulating a logic circuit } const textradix = 64 { radix used for integers encoded in pactext; this must be bigger than root2( tabsize ), also bigger than root3( pactextlim ), and less than ord(maxchar); we assume that chr(0) is legal }; undeflevel = 0 { nesting level of undefined ids }; type fileref = 0..filestklength { ref to a file in the file stack }; pactextindex = 0 .. pactextlim { index type for pactext }; paramindex = 0 .. maxparams { parameter list index type }; { structure describing nesting relations between (sub)circuits } subref = ^subdef; subdef = record { description of circuit header, including name } headpos: pactextindex { points to text after name }; slot: tabindex { name of the subcircuit }; parsed: boolean { were errors reported in this circuit }; instcount: integer { number of instances created }; { fields for structure itself } son: subref { head of list of sons of this circuit }; brother: subref { link in list of sons }; end; { types of symbols and keywords } lextyp = { type of a lexeme; see arrays lextoch and chtolex, initialized in initlexpack; changes here go there too! the bounds will always be assumed to be id .. junk } ( { complex lexeme types with other attributes, always in the bounds id .. res } id, inum, rnum, hop, res, { simple cases such as punctuation follow } colon, dot, plus, minus, star, slash, equal, dotdot, starstar, bpar, epar, eofile, less, lesseq, noteq, greateq, great, andop, orop, notop, kin { used in gotbutwant to flag 'in' is missing }, junk { not classifiable as a lexeme, also used between the time a new symbol is put in the symbol table and the time it is given appropriate attributes } ); keytyp = { type of a keyword; note: the bounds of keytyp will always be assumed to be keycirc .. notkey; the order of these determines which of a set of expected keywords will be used in an error message when one is not found } (keycirc ,keyint, keyreal, keytime, keyrange, keybool {10} ,keyassert ,keyuse ,keyinp, keyoutp, keypart, keywire, keyend ,keyfor, keyto, keydo, keyendf ,keyif, keythen, keyelse, keyendif ,keymod ,notkey { not a keyword } ); iduse = { the use to which an indentifier has been put } (inuse, outuse, gateuse, typeuse, subuse, instuse ,decluse, unuse { use not yet determined } ); symref = ^symbol; { types used for storing the value of an expression } exprtyp = ( { type of an expression } inttyp, realtyp, timetyp, rangetyp, circtyp, booltyp, undef { indicates the expression was in error }, noexpr { in a parameter list, indicates the end } ); valtyp = record case typ: exprtyp of inttyp: (ival: integer); realtyp, timetyp: (rval: real); rangetyp: (first, last: integer); booltyp: (bval: boolean); circtyp: (subptr: symref); undef, noexpr: (); end { record }; { types used for storing a subcircuit } symbol = record name: strpoolindex; case typ: lextyp of res: ( restyp: char { one letter code for it } ); id: ( level: integer {nesting level}; stkptr: symref { previous definition }; nextsym: tabindex { next symbol, same level }; { next 2 line applies only when use in [inuse, outuse, gateuse, instuse] if it is not an array, both equal undefined } first, last: integer { array bounds if array }; case use: iduse of inuse: (inputdef: tieptref); outuse: (outputdef: tieptref); gateuse: (g: gateref); typeuse: (t: gatekind; max, min: paramindex; typecount: integer); subuse: (s: subref); instuse: (inst: instdescrref ); decluse: (valu: valtyp); unuse: () ); inum: ( ival: integer ); rnum: ( rval: real ); hop, colon, dot, plus, minus, star, slash, equal, dotdot, starstar, bpar, epar, eofile, less, lesseq, noteq, greateq, great, andop, orop, notop, kin, junk : (); end { record }; var { pseudo constants used in building and reading pactext } rescode: array[ char ] of keytyp { used to unpack keywords }; lextoch: array[ lextyp ] of char { used to pack lexemes }; chtolex: array[ char ] of lextyp { used to unpack lexemes }; { pseudo constant pointers to predefined idents (not keywords!) } symin, symout: tabindex; symctl, symdata: tabindex; symsize, symfirst, symlast: tabindex; symodd, symonebits: tabindex; symhi, symlo: tabindex; symtally: tabindex; { the primary data items passed from firstpass to secondpass } pactext: packed array [pactextindex] of char {encoded text}; { the data format used in pactext is most clearly documented in firstpass.copy. } symtab: array [tabindex] of symref { the symbol table }; subhead: subref { root of the tree of subcircuits }; tally: boolean { does user want tally of subcircuit and gate use? }; procedure printsym( s: tabindex ); { print a symbol; used inside error message packages of both passes } var xx: integer; begin write( '"' ); if symtab[s] <> nil then printname( symtab[s]^.name, xx, 80 ) else write( '-- error --' ); write( '"' ); end { printsym }; procedure firstpass; { has to read from several files the definitions of circuits and of the main program and put them in the strpool. Also create the subcircuit structure, which is hanging from headSub } type errtype = ( errstrpoolovf, errsymtabovf, errunexpeof, errcuioexp, errfilenest, errcirexp, erridexp, erreofexp, erreparexp, {10} errjunk, errbadnum, errpactextovf ); filerec = record level: fileref; name: tabindex { of file name }; currentline: line; lineno: integer; linepos: lineindex; end; var { logical constants, legal characters, legal chars in idents } validch, idchars: set of char; currentfile: fileref { file currently reading from }; srcfile: tabindex { index of name of current file in symtab }; srcline: line { current line, read from }; srclen: integer { number of characters in srcline }; srclno: integer { line number of srcline }; srcpos: lineindex { lexical scanner position in the srcline }; srcchar: char { the character at srcpos in srcline }; lexstart: lineindex { position where lexeme starts }; lexend: lineindex { position where lexeme ends }; lexemetyp: lextyp { type of lexeme }; lexkeytyp: keytyp { more info for lexemetyp = res }; lexslot: tabindex { more info if lexemetyp in [id,num] }; strpos: strpoolindex { current position in strpool }; symcount: tabindex { count of symbols defined in symtab }; textpos: pactextindex { current position in pactext }; textfile: tabindex { of most recent token copied to pactext }; textlno: integer { of most recent token copied to pactext }; procedure initializations; { initialize for firstpass } procedure initsymtab; { enter the reserved words in the symbol table } const strlen = 8; type string8 = packed array [1..strlen] of char; { misspell string to avoid collisions with the reserved word string used in some extended compilers; this type is used only in define, and quoted strings passed as parameters to define must coerce to this type. } var i, entry: integer; procedure define( s: string8 ); { enter s in strpool and put it in the symbol table at a position returned in the global variable entry; This code computes a hash value of s; NOTE: it must use the same hash function as is used for hashing in lookup } var start: strpoolindex; j: integer; begin { put the string in strpool } start := strpos { save the beginning }; for j := 1 to strlen do if s[j] <> ' ' then begin strpool[ strpos ] := s[j]; strpos := strpos + 1; end; strpool[ strpos ] := pooldel; strpos := strpos + 1; { compute hash function as hash(s) = (ord car(s) + 5*hash(cdr(s))) mod tabsize } entry := 0; for j := (strpos - start) - 1 downto 1 do entry := (entry*5 + ord(s[j])) mod tabsize; { resolve collisions; note that this code assumes that all definitions are new ones and thus that a search for an empty slot suffices } while symtab[ entry ] <> nil do entry := (entry + 1) mod tabsize; { begin building symtab entry; others end job } new( symtab[ entry ] ); symtab[entry]^.name := start; symcount := symcount + 1; end { define }; procedure makeid; { make symbol at symtab[entry] into an identifier } begin symtab[entry]^.typ := id; symtab[entry]^.use := unuse; symtab[entry]^.level := undeflevel; end { makeid }; procedure maketime( t: real ); { make symbol at symtab[entry] into a time interval name } begin symtab[entry]^.typ := id; symtab[entry]^.level := undeflevel; symtab[entry]^.use := decluse; symtab[entry]^.valu.typ := timetyp; symtab[entry]^.valu.rval := t; end { maketime }; procedure makebool( b: boolean ); { make symbol at symtab[entry] into a boolean constant } begin symtab[entry]^.typ := id; symtab[entry]^.level := undeflevel; symtab[entry]^.use := decluse; symtab[entry]^.valu.typ := booltyp; symtab[entry]^.valu.bval := b; end { makebool }; procedure makekey( k: keytyp; c: char ); { make symbol at symtab[entry] into a reserved word } begin symtab[entry]^.typ := res; symtab[entry]^.restyp := c; rescode[c] := k; chtolex[c] := res; end { makekey }; procedure makegate( gk: gatekind; lowp, highp: paramindex ); { make symbol at symtab[entry] into a gate of type g } begin with symtab[entry]^ do begin typ := id; level := undeflevel; use := typeuse; t := gk; max := highp; min := lowp; typecount := 0; end; end; begin { initsymtab } for i := 0 to tabsize do symtab[i] := nil; { the following nonsense assignment is included to suppress error messages from compilers that think entry is undefined and don't notice that define defines it as a side effect. } entry := 0; define('in '); makeid; symin := entry; define('out '); makeid; symout := entry; define('control '); makeid; symctl := entry; define('data '); makeid; symdata := entry; define('size '); makeid; symsize := entry; define('first '); makeid; symfirst := entry; define('last '); makeid; symlast := entry; define('odd '); makeid; symodd := entry; define('onebits '); makeid; symonebits := entry; define('high '); makeid; symhi := entry; define('low '); makeid; symlo := entry; define('tally '); makeid; symtally := entry; define('true '); makebool( true ); define('false '); makebool( false ); define('s '); maketime( second ); define('ms '); maketime( millisecond ); define('us '); maketime( microsecond ); define('ns '); maketime( nanosecond ); define('not '); makegate( notg, 0, 1 ); define('equ '); makegate( equg, 0, 1 ); define('and '); makegate( andg, 1, 2 ); define('nand '); makegate( nandg, 1, 2 ); define('or '); makegate( org, 1, 2 ); define('nor '); makegate( norg, 1, 2 ); define('xor '); makegate( xorg, 0, 1 ); define('bus '); makegate( trbg, 0, 0 ); define('tsgate '); makegate( trig, 0, 1 ); define('ntsgate '); makegate( ntrig, 0, 1 ); define('latch '); makegate( latchg, 0, 1 ); { the one letter codes listed for each keyword must not conflict with the codes used in lextoch (see below) } define('circuit '); makekey( keycirc, 'C' ); define('inputs '); makekey( keyinp, 'I' ); define('outputs '); makekey( keyoutp, 'O' ); define('parts '); makekey( keypart, 'P' ); define('wires '); makekey( keywire, 'W' ); define('end '); makekey( keyend, 'E' ); define('to '); makekey( keyto, 'T' ); {10} define('assert '); makekey( keyassert, 'S' ); define('use '); makekey( keyuse, 'U' ); define('for '); makekey( keyfor, 'F' ); define('mod '); makekey( keymod, 'M' ); define('do '); makekey( keydo, 'D' ); define('endfor '); makekey( keyendf, 'N' ); define('integer '); makekey( keyint, 'G' ); define('real '); makekey( keyreal, 'R' ); define('time '); makekey( keytime, 'V' ); define('range '); makekey( keyrange, 'A' ); define('boolean '); makekey( keybool, 'B' ); define('if '); makekey( keyif, 'J' ); define('then '); makekey( keythen, 'H' ); define('else '); makekey( keyelse, 'L' ); define('endif '); makekey( keyendif, 'K' ); end { initsymtab }; procedure initlexpack; { the one letter codes assigned here must differ from those used above for keywords (as the second parameter to makekey) and they must not include the digits used for line counting in firstpass.copy and in secondpass.nextlex or blank, used as a prefix on filenames in firstpass.fixhop and secondpass.nextlex, or cedilla, used to negate line numbers } var lex: lextyp; begin lextoch[id] := 'i'; lextoch[inum] := 'n'; lextoch[rnum] := 'r'; lextoch[hop] := 'h' { see planthop, secondpass.nextlex }; lextoch[res] := 's' { substitute rescode for this }; lextoch[colon] := ':'; lextoch[dot] := '.'; lextoch[plus] := '+'; lextoch[minus] := '-'; lextoch[star] := '*'; lextoch[slash] := '/'; lextoch[equal] := '='; lextoch[dotdot] := 'd'; lextoch[starstar] := 's'; lextoch[bpar] := '('; lextoch[epar] := ')'; lextoch[eofile] := 'e' { never sent! }; lextoch[less] := '<'; lextoch[lesseq] := 'l'; lextoch[noteq] := 'x'; lextoch[greateq] := 'g'; lextoch[great] := '>'; lextoch[andop] := '&'; lextoch[orop] := '!'; lextoch[notop] := '\'; lextoch[kin] := 'k' { never sent!}; lextoch[junk] := 'j' { never sent! }; for lex := id to junk do chtolex[lextoch[lex]] := lex; end { initlexpack }; begin { initializations } strpos := 0; textpos := 0; currentfile := 0; symcount := 0; tally := false; { The following should be constants; note that the alphabet is broken in such a way that this should work equally well for EBCDIC and ASCII representations } idchars := ['A'..'I', 'J'..'R', 'S'..'Z', 'a'..'i', 'j'..'r', 's'..'z', '0'..'9' ]; validch := idchars + [':', '.', ',', ';', '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/', '=', '<', '>', '&', '|', '\']; initsymtab; initlexpack; end { initializations }; procedure fatalerror; begin writeln; writeln ( 'Compilation aborted; fatal error.' ); writeln; goto 9999 { transfer to end of program }; { if nonlocal gotos are not available, a call to a nonstandard halt procedure will be needed here }; end {fatalerror}; procedure error( errcode: errtype ); begin waserror := true; writeln; write( 'ERROR on line ', srclno:1, ' of file ' ); printsym(srcfile); writeln; write( ' ---> ' ); case errcode of errstrpoolovf: write('string pool overflow'); errpactextovf: write('packed text overflow'); errsymtabovf: write('symbol table overflow'); errunexpeof: write('unexpected EOF'); errcuioexp: write('"circuit" or "inputs" expected'); erridexp: write('identifier expected'); errfilenest: write('too many use levels; limit = 4'); errcirexp: write('"circuit" expected'); erreofexp: write('EOF expected'); {10} errjunk: write('unindentifiable lexeme'); errbadnum: write('bad number'); erreparexp: write('")" expected in parameter list'); end { case }; write( ' ' ); if errcode in [ errstrpoolovf, errsymtabovf, errunexpeof , errfilenest, errpactextovf ] then fatalerror; end {error}; { first pass lexical analysis package } procedure readfile; { read an input line from one file( cleanly ) } begin case currentfile of 1: readline( f1, srcline, srclen ); 2: readline( f2, srcline, srclen ); 3: readline( f3, srcline, srclen ); 4: readline( f4, srcline, srclen ); end {case}; end { readfile }; procedure bumppos; { advance the lexical analysis process one character, possibly advancing to the next line in the process; keep srcchar holding a copy of this character. For speed, the body of this is expanded as a macro in common cases (skipping comments, identifiers, numbers) } begin if srcpos > srclen then begin readfile; srclno := srclno + 1; srcpos := 1; end else begin srcpos := srcpos + 1; end; srcchar := srcline[srcpos]; end { bumppos }; procedure skipcomments; { scan over current character(s) if they're delimiters; delimeters include spaces, Pascal style comments, PL/I style comments, and Ada style comments } var del: boolean; {10} num: integer; begin del := true; while del do begin while (srcchar = ' ') do begin { bumppos } if srcpos > srclen then begin readfile; srclno := srclno + 1; srcpos := 1; end else begin srcpos := srcpos + 1; end; srcchar := srcline[srcpos]; end { bumppos }; if srcchar in [ '{', '(', '-', '/', ',', ';' ] then case srcchar of ';', { note that this code implies that } ',':begin { semicolons and commas never appear } bumppos; { as lexemes! } end; '{':begin {10} if srcline[srcpos+1] = '=' then begin {10} { line number fix provided by preprocessor } {10} bumppos; {10} bumppos; {10} num := 0; {10} while srcchar in ['0'..'9'] do begin {10} num := num*10 + (ord(srcchar)-ord('0')); {10} bumppos; {10} end; {10} if (srcchar = '=') {10} and (srcline[srcpos + 1] = '}') {10} then srclno := num; {10} end else begin {10} bumppos; {10} end; {10} while (srcchar <> '}') {10} and (srcchar <> pooldel) do begin { bumppos } if srcpos > srclen then begin readfile; srclno := srclno + 1; srcpos := 1; end else begin srcpos := srcpos + 1; end; srcchar := srcline[srcpos]; { end bumppos } {10} end; if srcchar <> pooldel then bumppos; end; '-':if srcline[srcpos+1] = '-' then begin srcpos := linelen { force newline }; bumppos; end else begin del := false; end; '(':if srcline[srcpos+1] = '*' then begin repeat repeat bumppos until (srcchar = '*') or (srcchar = pooldel); until (srcline[srcpos+1] = ')') or (srcchar = pooldel); if srcchar <> pooldel then begin bumppos; bumppos; end; end else begin del := false; end; '/':if srcline[srcpos+1] = '*' then begin repeat repeat bumppos until (srcchar = '*') or (srcchar = pooldel); until (srcline[srcpos+1] = '/') or (srcchar = pooldel); if srcchar <> pooldel then begin bumppos; bumppos; end; end else begin del := false; end; end { case } else begin del := false; end { if }; end { while }; end { skipcomments }; function lookup: tabindex; { This function returns the index of the current lexeme in symtab, it may have to put it there first, in which case, it declares the type of the symbol to be junk (the user must change this after calling lookup if it isn't junk); NOTE: this function must use the same code as is used for hashing in initsymtab.define } var done: boolean; x: strpoolindex; y: lineindex; i,initial: tabindex; begin { lookup } { compute the hash code for the lexeme as hash(s) = (ord car(s) + 5*hash(cdr(s))) mod tabsize } i := 0; for y := lexend - 1 downto lexstart do i := (i * 5 + ord( srcline[y] )) mod tabsize; { note that the above intentionally avoids using symtab[tabsize]; this is used as a nil entry in lists of symbols } { resolve collisions } done := false; initial := i; while (symtab[i] <> nil) and not done do begin x := symtab[i]^.name; y := lexstart; { note that pooldel will not be in the lexeme } while (strpool[x] = srcline[y]) do begin y := y + 1; x := x + 1; end; done := (strpool[ x ] = pooldel) and (y = lexend); if not done then begin i := (i + 1) mod tabsize; if i = initial then error( errsymtabovf ); end; end; { put the symbol in the table if needed } if not done then begin { must define the symbol } new( symtab[i] ); symtab[i]^.name := strpos; if (strpos +(lexend - lexstart)+ 2) > strpoollim then begin error( errstrpoolovf ); end else begin { put it in the stringpool } for y := lexstart to lexend - 1 do begin strpool[strpos] := srcline[ y ]; strpos := strpos + 1; end; strpool[strpos] := pooldel; strpos := strpos + 1; end { if }; symtab[i]^.typ := junk; symcount := symcount + 1; end; lookup := i; end { lookup }; procedure nextlex; { get the next lexeme from the input file; uses bumppos and skipcomments to advance through input; returns information about lexeme in lexstart and lexend (the position of the lexeme in linebuf) } function number( base: integer ): real; { parse a floating point number } var err: boolean; val: integer; scale: real; y: lineindex; procedure onedigit; { compute value of the current digit and accumulate it in number.val } var d: integer; begin d := ord( srcline[y] ) - ord( '0' ); if d >= base then err := true else if val > ((maxint - d ) div base) then err := true else val := val * base + d; y := y + 1; end { onedigit }; begin { number } val := 0; err := false; y := lexstart; while srcline[y] in ['0'..'9'] do onedigit; if srcline[y] = '.' then begin scale := 1; y := y + 1; while srcline[y] in ['0'..'9'] do begin onedigit; scale := scale * base; end; number := val / scale; end else number := val; if err then error( errbadnum ); end { number }; begin { nextlex } { assume that srcchar = srcline[srcpos] ready to examine } skipcomments; lexkeytyp := notkey { default assumption }; lexslot := niltabindex { default }; lexstart := srcpos; if srcchar = pooldel then begin { at end of file } lexemetyp := eofile; end else if srcchar in validch then case srcchar of ':': begin lexemetyp := colon; bumppos; end; '(': begin lexemetyp := bpar; bumppos; end; ')': begin lexemetyp := epar; bumppos; end; '+': begin lexemetyp := plus; bumppos; end; '-': begin lexemetyp := minus; bumppos; end; '=': begin lexemetyp := equal; bumppos; end; '/': begin lexemetyp := slash; bumppos; end; '&': begin lexemetyp := andop; bumppos; end; '|': begin lexemetyp := orop; bumppos; end; '\': begin lexemetyp := notop; bumppos; end; '.': begin lexemetyp := dot; bumppos; if srcchar = '.' then begin lexemetyp := dotdot; bumppos; end; end; '*': begin lexemetyp := star; bumppos; if srcchar = '*' then begin lexemetyp := starstar; bumppos; end; end; '<': begin lexemetyp := less; bumppos; if srcchar = '>' then begin lexemetyp := noteq; bumppos; end else if srcchar = '=' then begin lexemetyp := lesseq; bumppos; end; end; '>': begin lexemetyp := great; bumppos; if srcchar = '=' then begin lexemetyp := greateq; bumppos; end; end; 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z': begin { identifier or reserved word } repeat { bumppos } if srcpos > srclen then begin readfile; srclno := srclno + 1; srcpos := 1; end else begin srcpos := srcpos + 1; end; srcchar := srcline[srcpos]; { end bumppos } until not( srcchar in idchars ); lexend := srcpos; lexslot := lookup; with symtab[lexslot]^ do begin if typ = junk then begin typ := id; use := unuse; level := undeflevel; end; lexemetyp := typ; if lexemetyp = res then lexkeytyp := rescode[restyp]; end; end; '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9': begin { number } repeat { bumppos } if srcpos > srclen then begin readfile; srclno := srclno + 1; srcpos := 1; end else begin srcpos := srcpos + 1; end; srcchar := srcline[srcpos]; { end bumppos } until not( srcchar in ['0'..'9'] ); if (srcchar = '.') and (srcline[srcpos+1] <> '.') then begin repeat bumppos until not( srcchar in ['0'..'9'] ); lexemetyp := rnum; lexend := srcpos; lexslot := lookup; with symtab[lexslot]^ do if typ = junk then begin typ := rnum; rval := number( 10 ); end; end else begin; lexemetyp := inum; lexend := srcpos; lexslot := lookup; with symtab[lexslot]^ do if typ = junk then begin typ := inum; ival := round( number( 10 ) ); end; end; end; end { case } else begin { any other character } lexemetyp := junk; repeat bumppos until srcchar in validch + [pooldel]; lexend := srcpos; end { if }; end { nextlex }; procedure getfname( var n: tabindex ); { get a file name into the current lexeme; note that file names do not obey the usual lexical rules; they may have characters which would normally separate lexemes; nonetheless, they end up occupying a space in the symbol table, but their use as file names does not involve any of the normal semantic information stored in the symbol table } begin skipcomments; lexstart := srcpos; lexkeytyp := notkey; if srcchar <> pooldel then begin lexemetyp := junk; repeat { search for end of file name } bumppos; until srcchar in [' ',';']; lexend := srcpos; n := lookup; end else begin { eof occured } lexemetyp := eofile; end; end { getfname }; procedure savelex( var f: filerec ); { save the state of the lexical analysis system } begin f.level := currentfile; := srcfile; f.currentline := srcline; f.lineno := srclno; f.linepos := srcpos; end { savelex }; procedure restorelex( var f: filerec ); { recover the state of the lexical analysis system } begin currentfile := f.level; srcfile :=; srcline := f.currentline; srclno := f.lineno; srcpos := f.linepos; srcchar := srcline[srcpos]; lexemetyp := junk { not saved, but was a file name, aka junk! }; end { restorelex }; procedure openlex( f: tabindex ); { open lexical analysis from f, a file name indexed in symtab } var fname: line; i: strpoolindex; j: lineindex; begin if currentfile >= filestklength then begin error( errfilenest ); end else begin { there are enough nesting levels } currentfile := currentfile + 1; { copy f into fname } i := symtab[f]^.name; j := 1; while strpool[i] <> pooldel do begin fname[j] := strpool[i]; i := i + 1; j := j + 1; end; for j := j to linelen do fname[j] := ' '; { open the file } case currentfile of 1: reset( f1, fname ); 2: reset( f2, fname ); 3: reset( f3, fname ); 4: reset( f4, fname ); end {case}; readfile { read the first line }; srcfile := f; srclno := 1; srcpos := 1; srcchar := srcline[srcpos]; nextlex; end; end { openlex }; { first pass code used to build pactext for second pass } procedure copy; { Copies the current lexeme to pactext in packed form. } var d: integer; begin { copy } if textfile <> srcfile then begin { new file since last copy! } if textpos > (pactextlim - 3) then error( errpactextovf ); pactext[textpos ] := ' '; pactext[textpos + 1] := chr(srcfile mod textradix); pactext[textpos + 2] := chr(srcfile div textradix); textpos := textpos + 3; textfile := srcfile; textlno := 0; end; {10} if textlno <> srclno then begin { new line since last copy } d := srclno - textlno; {10} if d < 0 then begin { handle backward steps } {10} { backsteps occur when preprocessor resets line num } {10} if textpos > (pactextlim - 1) {10} then error( errpactextovf ); {10} pactext[ textpos ] := '~'; {10} textpos := textpos + 1; {10} d := -d; {10} end; while d > 0 do begin if textpos > (pactextlim - 1) then error( errpactextovf ); pactext[ textpos ] := chr( (d mod 10) + ord('0') ); textpos := textpos + 1; d := d div 10; end { while }; textlno := srclno; end { if }; case lexemetyp of { copy the lexeme into pactext } colon, dot, bpar, epar, plus, minus, star, slash, equal, less, great, andop, orop, notop, dotdot, starstar, lesseq, greateq, noteq: begin if textpos > (pactextlim - 1) then error( errpactextovf ); { enter separators as themselves } pactext[textpos] := lextoch[lexemetyp]; textpos := textpos + 1; end; id, inum, rnum: begin if textpos > (pactextlim - 3) then error( errpactextovf ); pactext[textpos] := lextoch[lexemetyp]; pactext[textpos+1] := chr(lexslot mod textradix); pactext[textpos+2] := chr(lexslot div textradix); textpos := textpos + 3; end; res: begin if textpos > (pactextlim - 1) then error( errpactextovf ); pactext[textpos] := symtab[lexslot]^.restyp; textpos := textpos + 1; end; hop { never happens }, eofile { never happens }: { do nothing }; {10} junk { error needs reporting }: {10} error( errjunk ); end { case }; end { copy }; { procedures to parse circuit and subcircuit defintions } procedure readcirc( var s: subref ); { read and copy the definition of one circuit, and set s to point to a record of that circuit; the syntax follows: ::= [ | | ]* ::= circuit [ ] ::= "(" * ")" ::= [ ]* ::= use ::= [ (inputs | outputs | parts | wires) * ] end } var myson: subref { working ref to a son of current circuit }; lasthop: pactextindex { pointer to last text prior to subcirc }; lastfile: tabindex { file reading from at time of hop }; lastline: integer { line reading from at time of hop }; procedure planthop; begin if lasthop = 0 then begin { hop must be planted } if textpos > (pactextlim - 4) then error( errpactextovf ); lasthop := textpos + 1; lastfile := textfile; lastline := textlno; pactext[textpos] := lextoch[hop]; textpos := textpos + 4; end; end { planthop }; procedure fixhop; begin if lasthop <> 0 then begin { a hop to here was planted } pactext[lasthop ] := chr(textpos mod textradix); pactext[lasthop + 1] := chr((textpos div textradix) mod textradix); pactext[lasthop + 2] := chr(textpos div (textradix * textradix)); lasthop := 0; textfile := lastfile; textlno := lastline; end; end { fixhop }; procedure copydefs; { copy definitions in circuit body or use file } procedure readuse; { handle use file insertions } var f: filerec { save location for previous input source }; newf: tabindex { the text of a file name }; begin getfname( newf ); if lexemetyp <> eofile then begin { have file name } savelex( f ); openlex( newf ); copydefs; if lexemetyp = dot then nextlex; if lexemetyp <> eofile then error( erreofexp ); restorelex( f ); nextlex { get the lexeme after the file name }; end { else someone else will complain about eof }; end { readuse }; begin { copydefs } repeat { find the next keyword } if (lexemetyp <> eofile) and not(lexkeytyp in [keyuse, {10} keyassert, keycirc, keyint, keyreal, keytime, keyrange, keybool, keypart, keyinp, keyoutp, keywire, keyend]) then begin error( errcuioexp ); repeat nextlex until (lexemetyp = eofile) or (lexkeytyp in [keyuse, {10} keyassert, keycirc, keyint, keyreal, keytime, keyrange, keybool, keypart, keyinp, keyoutp, keywire, keyend]); end; if lexkeytyp = keyuse then begin readuse; end else if lexkeytyp = keycirc then begin planthop; readcirc( myson ); { add myson to son list } myson^.brother := s^.son; s^.son := myson; end else if lexkeytyp in [keyint, keyreal, keytime, {10} keyassert, keyrange, keybool] then begin fixhop; repeat copy; nextlex; until (lexemetyp = eofile) or (lexkeytyp in [keyuse, keycirc, keypart, {10} keyassert, keyinp, keyoutp, keywire, keyend]); end { else (lexkeytyp in [part, inp, outp, wire, end]) or (lexemetyp = eofile) }; until (lexemetyp in [dot, eofile]) or (lexkeytyp in [keypart, keyinp, keyoutp, keywire, keyend ]); end { copydefs }; begin { readcirc }; { first, create a record of the circuit } new(s); with s^ do begin son := nil { default, changes when sons are found }; brother := nil { the caller may tack sons on here }; parsed := false { default needed by secondpass }; instcount := 0 { number of instances is initially zero }; end { with }; { start parsing by looking for the keyword circuit } if lexkeytyp <> keycirc then begin { hunt for keyword } error( errcirexp ); repeat nextlex until (lexkeytyp = keycirc) or (lexemetyp = eofile); end; if lexkeytyp = keycirc then nextlex; lasthop := 0; textlno := 0; textfile := niltabindex; if lexemetyp <> id then begin error( erridexp ); end else begin { read circuit name and record position } s^.headpos := textpos; s^.slot := lexslot; nextlex { skip circuit name }; end; { put formal param list in pactext (if any) } if lexemetyp = bpar then begin repeat copy; nextlex; until (lexemetyp in [epar,eofile]) or (lexkeytyp in {10} [keyuse,keyinp,keyoutp,keypart,keywire,keyend]); if lexemetyp = epar then begin copy; nextlex; end else begin error( erreparexp ); end; end; { put local definitions in pactext and subcirc's in symtab } copydefs; { put body of circuit in pactext } fixhop; while (lexemetyp <> eofile)and(lexkeytyp <> keyend) do begin copy; nextlex; end; if lexemetyp = eofile then begin error( errunexpeof ); end else { assert lexkeytyp = keyend } begin copy; nextlex; end; end { readcirc }; begin { firstpass } initializations; write( 'Source file name: '); readline(input, srcline, srclen); { put file name in symbol table, then open it } srcpos := 1; srcchar := srcline[srcpos]; getfname(srcfile); openlex(srcfile); if lexslot = symtally then begin tally := true; nextlex; end; readcirc( subhead ); if lexemetyp = dot then nextlex; if lexemetyp <> eofile then error( erreofexp ); if waserror then fatalerror { halt }; if tally or (strpos > (0.85 * strpoollim)) then writeln( 'String pool occupies ', strpos:1, ' bytes out of ', strpoollim:1, ' available.'); if tally or (textpos > (0.85 * pactextlim)) then writeln( 'Packed text occupies ', textpos:1, ' bytes out of ', pactextlim:1, ' available.'); if tally or (symcount > (0.85 * tabsize)) then writeln( 'Symbol table holds ', symcount:1, ' entries out of ', tabsize:1, ' available.'); { replace [] in begin and end lines to get debug dump of pactext } { begin debug ] for srclno := 0 to textpos do begin if (srclno mod 16) = 0 then begin writeln; write( srclno:8, ': ' ) end; if pactext[srclno] < ' ' then write( '^', chr(ord(pactext[srclno])+ord('@')), ' ' ) else if ord(pactext[srclno]) >= 127 then write( 'DEL ' ) else write( ' ', pactext[srclno], ' ' ); end; writeln; [ end debug } end { firstpass }; procedure secondpass; type errtype = ( errredefine, errmanyparam, errfewparam, errivdname, errpinname, errpartname, errmodifier, errreused, errnodest, errnotsource, errnotdest, errnosrc, errrelop, erridundef, errwrongtyp, errplus, errminus, errstar, errslash, errbool, {10} errassert, errinteger, errposint, errnonzero, errpostime, errillconn, errrange, erroutofbnd, errindexreq, errnotarray, errbadparam ); lexeme = record key: keytyp { always notkey unless typ = res }; case typ: lextyp of id: (slot: tabindex); inum: (ival: integer); rnum: (rval: real); hop, res, colon, dot, plus, minus, star, slash, equal, dotdot, starstar, bpar, epar, eofile, less, lesseq, noteq, greateq, great, andop, orop, notop, kin, junk : (); end { record }; textrec = record pos: pactextindex { position in packed text }; lno: integer { the line number of current line }; fil: tabindex { file name from which line came }; lex: lexeme { the last lexeme }; err: boolean { should errors be shown }; end { record }; keyset = set of keytyp; lexset = set of lextyp; dirpossible = ( indir, outdir, unkdir ); pinrec = record { record of one pin of one device } partname: symref; partslot: tabindex; partnum: integer; pinslot: tabindex; pinnum: integer; pindir: dirpossible; tiept: tieptref; gate: gateref; lno: integer end; { data type used for parameters to a circuit instance } parampool = array [paramindex] of valtyp; { by convention, if x is of type parampool, and there are y actual parameters, x[y + 1].typ = noexpr, and x[0].typ = rangetyp, x[0].first = x[0].last = } var { lexical analysis state } textpos: pactextindex { position in packed text }; lex: lexeme { current lexeme }; { error reporting information (an extension of lexical state) } srclno: integer { line number of current line }; srcfname: tabindex { name of file from which line originally came }; showerror: boolean { should errors be reported? }; errlno: integer { srclno of last error }; currentlevel: integer; symfreelist: symref { symbol free list }; tieptfreelist: tieptref { tie point free list }; i: integer; nilparms: parampool; { error message format code (tightly coupled to lexical analysis) } procedure error( errcode: errtype ); begin if showerror then begin case errcode of errredefine: write( ' illegal redefinition' ); errmanyparam: write( ' too many (actual)parms' ); errfewparam: write( ' too few (actual)parms' ); errivdname: write( ' invalid gate/circuit name' ); errpinname: write( ' invalid pin name' ); errpartname: write( ' invalid part name' ); errmodifier: write( ' unmodifiable name' ); errreused: write( ' is illegally reused' ); errnodest: write( ' no destination given' ); errnotsource: write( ' is not a source' ); errnotdest: write( ' is not a destination' ); errnosrc: write( ' has an open source connection' ); erridundef: write( ' undeclared' ); errwrongtyp: write( ' value is of wrong type' ); errplus: write( ' operands of "+" incompatible' ); errminus: write( ' operands of "-" incompatible' ); errstar: write( ' operands of "*" incompatible' ); errslash: write( ' operands of "/" incompatible' ); errrelop: write( ' incomparable operands' ); errbool: write( ' boolean expected' ); {10} errassert: write( ' assertion failure' ); errinteger: write( ' integer expected' ); errposint: write( ' positive integer expected' ); errnonzero: write( ' nonzero real expected' ); errpostime: write( ' positive time expected' ); errrange: write( ' range expected' ); erroutofbnd: write( ' index out of bounds' ); errnotarray: write( ' not an array name' ); errbadparam: write( ' unmatched parameter types' ); errillconn: write( ' unmatched bounds' ); errindexreq: write( ' index required for this part' ); end { case }; writeln; end { if }; end { error }; procedure errorprefix( lno: integer ); { This procedure writes the prefix for an error message } begin waserror := true; if showerror then begin if errlno <> lno then begin writeln; write( 'ERROR on line ', lno:1, ' of file ' ); printsym( srcfname ); writeln; errlno := lno; end; write( ' ---> '); end; end { errorprefix }; procedure pinerror( var pin: pinrec; errcode: errtype ); { print out name of current pin as part of an error msg } var i: integer; begin if showerror then begin errorprefix( pin.lno ); write( 'pin "' ); printname( pin.partname^.name, i, 80 ); if pin.partnum <> undefined then write( '(', pin.partnum:1, ')' ); if pin.pinslot <> niltabindex then begin write('.'); printname( symtab[pin.pinslot]^.name, i, 80 ); if pin.pinnum <> undefined then write('(', pin.pinnum:1, ')'); end; write( '"' ); error( errcode ); end; end { pinerror }; procedure gotbutwant( var got: lexeme; wantt: lextyp; wantk: keytyp ); { This procedure invokes the error reporting routine to indicate that some particular kind of token is expected from the input; got is passed by reference only to avoid copying, and must not be modified } var templex: lexeme; procedure putlex( var lx:lexeme ); { print the lexeme; lx is passed by reference only to avoid copying, and must not be modified } begin case lx.typ of colon: write( '":"' ); dot: write( '"."' ); bpar: write( '"("' ); epar: write( '")"' ); plus: write( '"+"' ); minus: write( '"-"' ); star: write( '"*"' ); slash: write( '"/"' ); equal: write( '"="' ); dotdot: write( '".."' ); starstar: write( '"**"' ); less: write( '"<"' ); lesseq: write( '"<="' ); noteq: write( '"<>"' ); greateq: write( '">="' ); great: write( '">"' ); andop: write( '"&"' ); orop: write( '"|"' ); notop: write( '"\"' ); junk: ; inum: write( 'number "', lx.ival:1, '"' ); rnum: write( 'number "', lx.rval:9:3, '"' ); hop: write( '"circuit"' { this init's a hop } ); res: case lx.key of keycirc: write( '"circuit"' ); keyinp: write( '"inputs"' ); keyoutp: write( '"outputs"' ); keypart: write( '"parts"' ); keywire: write( '"wires"' ); keyend: write( '"end"' ); keyto: write( '"to"' ); keyfor: write( '"for"' ); keymod: write( '"mod"' ); keydo: write( '"do"' ); keyendf: write( '"endfor"' ); keyint: write( '"integer"' ); keyreal: write( '"real"' ); keytime: write( '"time"' ); keyrange: write( '"range"' ); keybool: write( '"boolean"' ); keyif: write( '"if"' ); keythen: write( '"then"' ); keyelse: write( '"else"' ); keyendif: write( '"endif"' ); notkey: ; end { res }; id: printsym( lx.slot ); end { case }; end { putlex }; begin { gotbutwant }; if showerror then begin errorprefix( srclno ); templex.typ := wantt; templex.key := wantk; putlex( got ); write( ' found; ' ); if wantt = id then write( 'identifier' ) else if wantt = kin then write( '"in"' ) else putlex( templex ); writeln( ' expected.' ); end; end { gotbutwant }; procedure badname( name: tabindex; errcode: errtype ); { This procedure invokes the error reporting routine to indicate that the current identifier in the source file is illegal } begin if showerror then begin errorprefix( srclno ); printsym( name ); write( ':' ); error( errcode ); end; end { badname }; procedure badnum( name: tabindex; num: valtyp; errcode: errtype ); { report a bad number or other kind of value } var xx: integer; begin if showerror then begin if name <> niltabindex then badname( name, errcode ) else begin errorprefix( srclno ); error( errcode ) end; write( ' ' ); write( 'the value found is: '); case num.typ of inttyp: if num.ival <> undefined then write( num.ival:1 ) else write( 'undefined' ); realtyp: write( num.rval:9:3 ); timetyp: if (num.rval < microsecond) and (num.rval > -microsecond) then write((num.rval/nanosecond):9:3,'ns') else if (num.rval < millisecond) and (num.rval > -millisecond) then write((num.rval/microsecond):9:3,'us') else if (num.rval < second) and (num.rval > -second) then write((num.rval/millisecond):9:3,'ms') else write((num.rval/second):9:3,'s'); rangetyp: write( num.first:1, ' .. ', num.last:1 ); booltyp: write( num.bval ); circtyp: begin write( '"' ); printname( num.subptr^.name, xx, 80 ); write( '"' ); end; noexpr, undef: write( 'undefined' ); end; writeln; end; end { badnum }; procedure badgate( g: gateref; errcode: errtype ); var xx: integer; begin if showerror then begin errorprefix( srclno ); write( '"' ); printname( g^.name, xx, 80 ); if g^.index <> undefined then write( '(', g^.index:1, ')' ); write( '":' ); error( errcode ); end; end { badgate }; procedure semanticerror( errcode: errtype; line: integer ); { report that an operator has operands with incompatible types } begin if showerror then begin errorprefix( line ); error( errcode ); end; end { semanticerror }; { Lexical analysis package } procedure nextlex; { get the next lexeme from pactext into lex } var i: tabindex; d: integer; ch: char; begin { first skip file and newline markers } ch := pactext[ textpos ]; if ch = ' ' then begin { file name } srcfname := ord(pactext[textpos + 1]) + ord(pactext[textpos + 2]) * textradix; srclno := 0; textpos := textpos + 3; ch := pactext[ textpos ]; end { if }; {10} if ((ch >= '0') and (ch <= '9')) or (ch = '~') then begin { line number } {10} if ch = '~' then begin {10} d := -1; {10} textpos := textpos + 1; {10} ch := pactext[ textpos ]; {10} { assert that firstpass.copy guarantees ch is digit! } {10} end else begin d := 1; {10} end { if }; repeat srclno := srclno + ((ord(ch) - ord('0')) * d); d := d * 10; textpos := textpos + 1; ch := pactext[ textpos ]; until (ch < '0') or (ch > '9'); end { if }; lex.key := notkey { default assumption }; { note: no error checks are needed here statement because firstpass.copy guarantees that pactext contains only legal sequences } lex.typ := chtolex[ch]; if (lex.typ >= id) and (lex.typ <= res) then begin { more info } if lex.typ = res then begin { reserved word codes } lex.key := rescode[ch]; textpos := textpos + 1; end else if lex.typ = hop then begin { hop over subcircuit } textpos := ord(pactext[textpos + 1]) + ord(pactext[textpos + 2]) * textradix + ord(pactext[textpos + 3]) * textradix * textradix; end else begin { lex.typ in [id, inum, rnum], get value } i := ord(pactext[textpos + 1]) + ord(pactext[textpos + 2]) * textradix; textpos := textpos + 3; if lex.typ = id then begin lex.slot := i end else if lex.typ = inum then begin lex.ival := symtab[ i ]^.ival end else { lex.typ = rnum } begin lex.rval := symtab[ i ]^.rval end; end; end else begin textpos := textpos + 1; end { if }; end { nextlex }; procedure savelex( var t: textrec ); { save the state of the lexical analysis system } begin t.pos := textpos; t.lno := srclno; t.fil := srcfname; t.lex := lex; t.err := showerror; end { savelex }; procedure restorelex( var t: textrec ); { restore the state of the lexical analysis system } begin textpos := t.pos; srclno := t.lno; srcfname := t.fil; lex := t.lex; showerror := t.err; errlno := -1 { if errors are printed, force new line header }; end { restorelex }; procedure openlex( err: boolean; pos: pactextindex ); { start lexical analysis from copy in pactext } begin showerror := not err; textpos := pos; srclno := 0; srcfname := niltabindex; errlno := -1 { if errors are printed, force new line header }; nextlex; end { openlex }; { Procedures for handling free lists } procedure putsymbol( s: symref ); { put a new symbol in the free list } begin s^.stkptr := symfreelist; symfreelist := s; end { putsymbol }; procedure getsymbol( var s: symref ); { get a symbol from the free list } begin if symfreelist = nil then begin new( s ); end else begin s := symfreelist; symfreelist := s^.stkptr; end; end { getsymbol }; procedure puttiept( t: tieptref ); { put a new tiepoint in the free list } begin t^.nexttiept := tieptfreelist; tieptfreelist := t; end { puttiept }; procedure gettiept( var t: tieptref ); { get a tiepoint from the freelist } begin if tieptfreelist = nil then begin new( t ); end else begin t := tieptfreelist; tieptfreelist := t^.nexttiept; end; end { gettiept }; procedure dumpfreelists; var s: symref; t: tieptref; begin while symfreelist <> nil do begin s := symfreelist; symfreelist := s^.stkptr; dispose( s ); end; while tieptfreelist <> nil do begin t := tieptfreelist; tieptfreelist := t^.nexttiept; dispose( t ); end; end { dumpfreelists }; { procedures for disposing of other data structures } procedure dumpsymtable; { dumps the main symbol table } var i: tabindex { index of entry being dumped }; len: integer { length of name in printed report }; num: integer { number of names on current line }; begin if tally then begin writeln; writeln( 'Tally of parts used to build circuit:' ); end; num := 0; for i := 0 to tabsize do begin if symtab[i] <> nil then begin with symtab[i]^ do begin if tally then if typ = id then if use = typeuse then if typecount > 0 then begin if num >= 5 then begin writeln; num := 0; end; write( typecount:5, ' ' ); printname( name, len, 9 ); write( ' ':(9 - len) ); num := num + 1; end; putsymbol( symtab[i] ); end { with }; symtab[i] := nil; end { if }; end { for }; if tally then writeln; end { dumpsymtable }; procedure dumpsubtable; procedure dumpsub( s: subref; level: integer ); { dumps the subcircuit symble table } var son, brother: subref; len: integer { length of name printed on line, also temp }; num: integer { number of spaces used on this line }; begin num := 6; while s <> nil do begin son := s^.son; brother := s^.brother; if tally then if level > 0 then begin if num >= 5 then begin writeln; for len := 1 to level - 1 do write( ' ':5 ); num := (level + 1) div 3; end; write( s^.instcount:5, ' ' ); printname( symtab[s^.slot]^.name, len, 9 ); if len < 9 then write( ' ':(9 - len) ); num := num + 1; end; dispose( s ); if son <> nil then begin if level < 9 then dumpsub(son, level + 1) else dumpsub(son, level); if brother <> nil then num := 6; end; s := brother; end; end { dumpsub }; begin { dumpsubtable } if tally then begin writeln; write( 'Tally of subcircuits:' ); end; dumpsub( subhead, 0 ); if tally then writeln; end { dumpsubtable }; { main procedure to connect wires between gates in model } procedure hookwire( var src, dest: pinrec; newdelay: real ); { stretch wire from srcpin to destpin } var wire, lastwire: wireref; gate: gateref { source gate, if known }; begin { hookwire } if (dest.partname <> nil) and (src.partname <> nil) then begin { have a legal wire, must first get destination wirelist if there is one } if dest.tiept = nil then begin { assert dest.partname^.use = gateuse } { make a wire list entry for destination gate } new( wire ); wire^.delay := 0.0 { delay will be added later }; wire^.g := dest.gate; wire^.inputval := dest.pinnum; wire^.next := nil; with wire^.g^ do case kind of andg, nandg, org, norg, xorg, equg, trbg: begin instates[open] := instates[open] - 1; instates[low] := instates[low] + 1; if instates[low] > fanin then pinerror( dest, errreused ); end; trig, ntrig, latchg: begin if wire^.inputval = 0 then begin if control = open then control := low else pinerror( dest, errreused ); end else begin { wire^.inputval = 1 } if inp = open then inp := low else pinerror( dest, errreused ); end; end; iogate: begin if state = open then state := low else pinerror( dest, errreused ); end; end { with case }; end else begin { destination is a tiepoint } wire := dest.tiept^.destlist; if (dest.tiept^.srcgate <> nil) or (dest.tiept^.srctiept <> nil) then begin { this tiepoint has already been used } pinerror( dest, errreused ); end else begin dest.tiept^.destlist := nil; { values of .srcgate or .srctiept will be changed when the best ultimate source is known } end; end; { assert wire is head of list of destinations which need their delays updated; these can then be put on the wirelist closest to the ultimate source gate; if the destination is a tiepoint, it must be updated to hold a pointer to this approximation } if src.tiept <> nil then begin { source is a tiepoint } while src.tiept^.srctiept <> nil do begin newdelay := newdelay + src.tiept^.delay; src.tiept := src.tiept^.srctiept; end; { src.tiept now points to the tiepoint closest to the ultimate source, and newdelay is the composite delay from that source } gate := src.tiept^.srcgate; if gate <> nil then newdelay := newdelay + src.tiept^.delay end else begin { source is a gate } gate := src.gate; end; { newdelay is now best known composite delay from ultimate source; gate points to the source gate, if known; if not, src.tiept points to the source tiepoint } { update wirelist by composite delay } if wire <> nil then begin lastwire := wire; with lastwire^ do delay := delay + newdelay; while lastwire^.next <> nil do begin lastwire := lastwire^.next; with lastwire^ do delay := delay + newdelay; end; end; { if wire <> nil, lastwire is pointer to end of list } { make connection to source } if gate = nil then begin { source is tiepoint } if wire <> nil then begin { connect the wires } lastwire^.next := src.tiept^.destlist; src.tiept^.destlist := wire; end; if dest.tiept <> nil then begin { put back pointer in destination tiepoint } dest.tiept^.srctiept := src.tiept; dest.tiept^.delay := newdelay; end; end else begin { source is gate } if wire <> nil then begin { connect the wires } lastwire^.next := gate^.outto; gate^.outto := wire; end; if dest.tiept <> nil then begin { put back pointer in destination tiepoint } dest.tiept^.srcgate := gate; dest.tiept^.delay := newdelay; end; end; end; end { hookwire }; procedure hookarrayofwires( var srcpin, destpin: pinrec; timedelay: real; first, last: integer ); { hook up two arrays of pins with bounds 'first .. last' } var i: integer; begin { assert srcpin.tiept, destpin.tiept <> nil } { find head of source array } while srcpin.tiept^.index <> first do srcpin.tiept := srcpin.tiept^.nextelem; { find head of destination array } while destpin.tiept^.index <> first do destpin.tiept := destpin.tiept^.nextelem; for i := first to last do begin { hook them up! } hookwire( srcpin, destpin, timedelay ); srcpin.tiept := srcpin.tiept^.nextelem; destpin.tiept := destpin.tiept^.nextelem; end; end { hookarrayofwires }; { syntax driven parser for the second pass } procedure parsecircuit( cursub: subref; var curinst: instdescrref; var actuals: parampool ); { parse one circuit, an instance of cursub, with params in actuals; put pointer to instance in curinst; actuals are passed by ref only to avoid copying -- they must not be modified! } var save: textrec { saved lexical analysis state for recursion }; symlist: tabindex { list of symbols defined in this circuit }; { procedure for input and output tiepoint list error checks } procedure checktiepts( inst: instdescrref; tp: tieptref; length: integer ); { check that all tiepoints in list tp of circuit instance inst have a source connection; limit name of gate to length components } var xx: integer; begin if showerror then begin { don't check if messages ignored } while tp <> nil do begin { check each tiept in list } if (tp^.srcgate = nil) then if (tp^.srctiept = nil ) then begin { no source, neither a gate nor a tiepoint } errorprefix( srclno ); write( '"' ); printprefix( inst, length ); printname( symtab[tp^.slot]^.name, xx, 80 ); if tp^.index <> undefined then write( '(', tp^.index:1, ')' ); write( '":' ); error( errnosrc ); end; tp := tp^.nexttiept; end { while }; end; end { checktiepts }; { procedures for scope rule management } procedure redefine( slot: tabindex ); { redefine symtab[slot] (assumed to be an indentifier) in the current circuit, if possible; push previous definition, if any, so it will be restored when this circuit ends; only redefine previously defined identifiers from outer nesting levels! } var olds, news: symref; begin { redefine } olds := symtab[slot]; if olds^.level < currentlevel then begin { redefinable } if olds^.use <> unuse then begin { get new symbol record for this identifier } getsymbol( news ); with news^ do begin name := olds^.name; typ := id; use := unuse; level := currentlevel; stkptr := olds; end; symtab[slot] := news; end else begin olds^.level := currentlevel; olds^.stkptr := nil; news := olds; end; { record that this symbol was defined at current level } news^.nextsym := symlist; symlist := slot; end else begin badname( slot, errredefine ); end; end { redefine }; procedure predefinelocals; { get all children of cursub and put them in symtab } var sub: subref {temp used for scanning}; begin sub := cursub^.son; while sub <> nil do begin { march down brother list } { put the subcircuit name in the symboltable } redefine( sub^.slot ); { update the symboltable entry appropriately } with symtab[sub^.slot]^ do begin use := subuse; s := sub; end { with }; sub := sub^.brother; end { while }; end { predefinelocals }; procedure undefinelocals; { undo definitions of local symbols } var sym: symref { symbol being undefined }; slot: tabindex { symbol table slot being undefined }; t, tt: tieptref { tiepoints of instance being undefined }; gate: gateref { gate being undefined }; begin slot := symlist; while ( slot <> niltabindex ) do begin { undo local defs } sym := symtab[slot]; { first do things specific to symbol being undefined } if (sym^.use = instuse) then begin { undefining a circuit instance } if (sym^.inst <> nil) then begin { dump tiepoints } { do input list and check that they were used } t := sym^.inst^.inputlist; checktiepts( sym^.inst, t, 1 ); while t <> nil do begin tt := t; t := t^.nexttiept; puttiept( tt ); end; { do output list } t := sym^.inst^.outputlist; while t <> nil do begin tt := t; t := t^.nexttiept; puttiept( tt ); end; end; end else if (sym^.use = gateuse) then begin { undefining a gate } gate := sym^.g; if (gate <> nil) then repeat { check gate(s in this array) for open inputs } case gate^.kind of andg, nandg, org, norg, xorg, equg: if gate^.instates[open] > 0 then badgate( gate, errnosrc ); trbg: if gate^.instates[low] = 0 then badgate( gate, errnosrc ); trig, ntrig, latchg: if (gate^.inp = open) or (gate^.control = open) then badgate( gate, errnosrc ); end { case }; gate := gate^.nextgate; until gate = sym^.g; end; { then handle removal of symbol from environment } if sym^.stkptr = nil then begin { no previous def } sym^.level := undeflevel; sym^.use := unuse; end else begin { restore previous def } symtab[slot] := sym^.stkptr; putsymbol( sym ); end; slot := sym^.nextsym; end; end { undefinelocals }; { parser service routines for error recovery } procedure findkeyword( k: keyset ); { make sure that the current lexeme is a keyword in the set k; if not, complain and scan for such a keyword } var i: keytyp; begin { assert k <> [] } if not (lex.key in k) then begin i := keycirc; while not (i in k) do i := succ( i ); gotbutwant( lex, res, i ); repeat nextlex until lex.key in k; end; end { findkeyword }; procedure findid( t:lexset ); { verify that the current lexeme is an identifier; if not, complain, and scan for some lexeme in the set t which is assumed to contain identifier as one component } begin if not (lex.typ in t) then begin gotbutwant( lex, id, notkey ); repeat nextlex until lex.typ in t; end; end { findid }; { routines to parse components of a circuit } procedure parseexpr( var v: valtyp; enders: lexset ); { ::= | ..| ::= < | <= | <> | = | > | >= } var v1, v2: valtyp; relop: lextyp; procedure parsesimpexpr( var v: valtyp; enders: lexset ); { ::= [ +|- ] [ (+|-|or) ]* } var v1, v2: valtyp; op: lextyp; procedure parseterm( var v: valtyp; enders: lexset ); { ::= [ (*|/|mod|and) ]* } var v1, v2: valtyp; op: lextyp; procedure parsefact( var v:valtyp; enders:lexset ); { ::= [ ** ] } var v1, v2: valtyp; function bitc(i: integer): integer; { count ones in binary rep of an integer } var j: integer; begin j := 0; if i < 0 then begin i := (i - maxint) - 1; j := j + 1; end; while i > 0 do begin if odd(i) then j := j + 1; i := i div 2; end; bitc := j; end; procedure parsefactor( var v: valtyp; enders: lexset ); { ::= [ ( ) ] | | | ( ) | \ } var v1: valtyp; functyp: tabindex; begin { verify that lex is the start of a factor; if not, gripe and scan for one } if not(lex.typ in[notop,id,inum,rnum,bpar]) then begin gotbutwant( lex, id, notkey ); while not(lex.typ in ([id, inum, rnum, bpar, notop]+enders)) do nextlex; end; if lex.typ = id then begin if symtab[lex.slot]^.use = unuse then begin { error or predefined functions } if (lex.slot = symsize) or (lex.slot = symfirst) or (lex.slot = symlast) then begin v.typ := inttyp; functyp := lex.slot; nextlex; if lex.typ = bpar then begin nextlex; parseexpr(v1,enders+[epar]); if (v1.typ <> rangetyp) and (v1.typ <> undef) then begin v.typ := undef; badnum( functyp, v1, errrange ); end else if v1.typ = undef then begin v.typ := undef; end else if functyp=symsize then begin v.ival := (v1.last - v1.first) + 1; if v.ival < 0 then v.ival := 0; end else if functyp=symfirst then begin v.ival := v1.first; end else if functyp=symlast then begin v.ival := v1.last; end; if lex.typ<>epar then begin gotbutwant( lex, epar, notkey ); repeat nextlex; until lex.typ in enders+[epar]; end; end else begin gotbutwant( lex, bpar, notkey ); v.typ := undef; repeat nextlex; until lex.typ in enders+[epar]; end; end else if (lex.slot = symodd) or (lex.slot = symonebits) then begin functyp := lex.slot; nextlex; if lex.typ = bpar then begin nextlex; parseexpr(v1,enders+[epar]); if (v1.typ <> inttyp) and (v1.typ <> undef) then begin v.typ := undef; badnum( symodd, v1, errinteger ); end else if v1.typ = undef then begin v.typ := undef; end else if functyp = symodd then begin v.typ := booltyp; v.bval := odd(v1.ival); end else begin v.typ := inttyp; v.ival := bitc(v1.ival); end; if lex.typ<>epar then begin gotbutwant( lex, epar, notkey ); repeat nextlex; until lex.typ in enders+[epar]; end; end else begin gotbutwant( lex, bpar, notkey ); v.typ := undef; repeat nextlex; until lex.typ in enders+[epar]; end; end else begin v.typ := undef; badname( lex.slot, erridundef ); end; nextlex; end else if symtab[lex.slot]^.use = decluse then begin v := symtab[lex.slot]^.valu; nextlex; end else if symtab[lex.slot]^.use in [typeuse, subuse] then begin v.typ := circtyp; v.subptr := symtab[lex.slot]; nextlex; end else begin { defined but illegal } { instuse, gateuse, inuse, outuse } v.typ := undef; badname( lex.slot, errwrongtyp ); nextlex; end; end else if lex.typ = inum then begin v.typ := inttyp; v.ival := lex.ival; nextlex; end else if lex.typ = rnum then begin v.typ := realtyp; v.rval := lex.rval; nextlex; end else if lex.typ = bpar then begin nextlex; parseexpr( v1, enders+[epar] ); v := v1; if lex.typ = epar then nextlex else gotbutwant( lex, epar, notkey ); end else if lex.typ = notop then begin nextlex; parsefactor( v1, enders ); if v1.typ = booltyp then begin v.typ := booltyp; v.bval := not v1.bval; end else begin v.typ := undef; badnum( niltabindex, v, errbool ); end; end else begin { syntax err already done } v.typ := undef; end; if not (lex.typ in enders) then begin gotbutwant( lex, plus, notkey ); repeat nextlex; until lex.typ in (enders + [bpar]); end; end { parsefactor }; function power( x, n: integer ): integer; { compute x ** n } var result: integer; begin result := 1; while n > 0 do if odd(n) then begin result := x * result; n := n - 1; end else begin x := x * x; n := n div 2; end; power := result; end { power }; begin { parsefact } parsefactor( v1, enders+[starstar] ); if lex.typ = starstar then begin nextlex; parsefactor( v2, enders ); if v1.typ <> inttyp then begin if v1.typ <> undef then badnum( niltabindex, v1, errinteger ); v1.typ := undef; end else if v2.typ <> inttyp then begin if v2.typ <> undef then badnum( niltabindex, v2, errposint ); v1.typ := undef; end else if v2.ival < 0 then begin badnum( niltabindex, v2, errposint ); v1.typ := undef; end else if (v1.ival = 0) and (v2.ival = 0) then begin badnum( niltabindex, v2, errposint ); v1.typ := undef; end else begin v1.ival := power( v1.ival, v2.ival ) end; end; v := v1; end { parsefact }; begin { parseterm } parsefact( v1, enders+[star,slash,andop] ); op := lex.typ; while (op in [star, slash, andop]) or ((lex.typ = res) and (lex.key = keymod)) do begin nextlex; parsefact( v2, enders+[star,slash,andop] ); if op = star then begin if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then begin v1.ival := v1.ival * v2.ival end else if (v1.typ = realtyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval * v2.ival; end else if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = realtyp) then begin v2.rval := v1.ival * v2.rval; v1 := v2; end else if (v1.typ = realtyp) and (v2.typ = realtyp) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval * v2.rval; end else if ((v1.typ = timetyp) and (v2.typ = realtyp)) or ((v1.typ = realtyp) and (v2.typ = timetyp)) then begin v1.typ := timetyp; v1.rval := v1.rval * v2.rval; end else if (v1.typ = timetyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval * v2.ival; end else if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = timetyp) then begin v2.rval := v1.ival * v2.rval; v1 := v2; end else if (v1.typ <> undef) and (v2.typ <> undef) then begin semanticerror( errstar, srclno ); v1.typ := undef; end else begin v1.typ := undef; end; end else if op = slash then begin if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then begin if (v1.ival >= 0) and (v2.ival > 0) then begin v1.ival := v1.ival div v2.ival; end else begin if v1.ival < 0 then badnum( niltabindex, v1, errposint ); if v2.ival <= 0 then badnum( niltabindex, v2, errposint ); v1.typ := undef; end; end else if ((v1.typ = realtyp) and (v2.typ = realtyp)) or ((v1.typ = timetyp) and (v2.typ = timetyp)) then begin if (v2.rval <> 0) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval / v2.rval; v1.typ := realtyp; end else begin badnum( niltabindex, v2, errnonzero ); v1.typ := undef; end; end else if ((v1.typ = realtyp) or (v1.typ = timetyp)) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then begin if (v2.ival <> 0) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval / v2.ival; end else begin badnum( niltabindex, v2, errposint ); v1.typ := undef; end; end else if (v1.typ = timetyp) and (v2.typ = realtyp) then begin if (v2.rval <> 0) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval / v2.rval; end else begin badnum( niltabindex, v2, errnonzero ); v1.typ := undef; end; end else if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = realtyp) then begin if (v2.ival <> 0) then begin v2.rval := v1.ival / v2.rval; v1 := v2; end else begin badnum( niltabindex, v2, errnonzero ); v1.typ := undef; end; end else if (v1.typ <> undef) and (v2.typ <> undef) then begin semanticerror( errslash, srclno ); v1.typ := undef; end else begin v1.typ := undef; end; end else if op = res then begin { must be mod } if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then begin if (v1.ival >= 0) and (v2.ival > 0) then begin v1.ival := v1.ival mod v2.ival; end else if v1.ival < 0 then begin badnum( niltabindex, v1, errposint ); v1.typ := undef; end else if v2.ival <= 0 then begin badnum( niltabindex, v2, errposint ); v1.typ := undef; end; end else if (v1.typ <> undef) and (v1.typ <> inttyp) then begin badnum( niltabindex, v1, errinteger ); v1.typ := undef; end else if (v2.typ <> undef) and (v2.typ <> inttyp) then begin badnum( niltabindex, v2, errinteger ); v1.typ := undef; end else begin v1.typ := undef; end; end else begin { must be and } if (v1.typ = booltyp) and (v2.typ = booltyp) then begin v1.bval := v1.bval and v2.bval; end else if (v1.typ <> undef) and (v1.typ <> booltyp) then begin badnum( niltabindex, v1, errbool ); v1.typ := undef; end else if (v2.typ <> undef) and (v2.typ <> booltyp) then begin badnum( niltabindex, v2, errbool ); v1.typ := undef; end else begin v1.typ := undef; end; end; op := lex.typ; end { while }; v := v1; end { parseterm }; begin { parsesimpexpr } if lex.typ in [plus, minus] then begin op := lex.typ; nextlex; parseterm( v1, enders+[plus,minus] ); if op = minus then begin case v1.typ of inttyp: v1.ival := -v1.ival; realtyp, timetyp: v1.rval := -v1.rval; rangetyp: semanticerror( errminus, srclno ); noexpr, undef: ; end; end; end else begin parseterm( v1, enders+[plus,minus,orop] ); end; op := lex.typ; while (op in [plus, minus, orop]) do begin nextlex; parseterm( v2, enders+[plus,minus,orop] ); if op = plus then begin if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then begin v1.ival := v1.ival + v2.ival; end else if (v1.typ = realtyp) and (v2.typ = realtyp) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval + v2.rval; end else if (v1.typ = realtyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval + v2.ival; end else if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = realtyp) then begin v2.rval := v1.ival + v2.rval; v1 := v2; end else if (v1.typ = timetyp) and (v2.typ = timetyp) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval + v2.rval; end else if (v1.typ <> undef) and (v2.typ <> undef) then begin semanticerror( errplus, srclno ); v1.typ := undef; end else begin v1.typ := undef; end; end else if op = minus then begin if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then begin v1.ival := v1.ival - v2.ival; end else if (v1.typ = realtyp) and (v2.typ = realtyp) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval - v2.rval; end else if (v1.typ = realtyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval - v2.ival; end else if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = realtyp) then begin v2.rval := v1.ival - v2.rval; v1 := v2; end else if (v1.typ = timetyp) and (v2.typ = timetyp) then begin v1.rval := v1.rval - v2.rval; end else if (v1.typ <> undef) and (v2.typ <> undef) then begin semanticerror( errminus, srclno ); v1.typ := undef; end else begin v1.typ := undef; end; end else begin { must be or } if (v1.typ = booltyp) and (v2.typ = booltyp) then begin v1.bval := v1.bval or v2.bval; {10} end else if (v1.typ = rangetyp) {10} and (v2.typ = rangetyp) then begin {10} if v1.last = (v2.first - 1) {10} then v1.last := v2.last {10} else if v2.last = (v1.first - 1) {10} then v1.first := v2.first {10} else badnum(niltabindex, v2, errillconn); end else if (v1.typ <> booltyp) and (v1.typ <> undef) then begin badnum( niltabindex, v1, errbool ); v1.typ := undef; end else if (v2.typ <> booltyp) and (v2.typ <> undef) then begin badnum( niltabindex, v2, errbool ); v1.typ := undef; end else begin v1.typ := undef; end; end; op := lex.typ; end { while }; v := v1; end { parsesimpexpr }; begin { parseexpr } parsesimpexpr( v1, enders+[dotdot, less, lesseq, equal, noteq, great, greateq] ); if lex.typ in [dotdot, less, lesseq, equal, noteq, great, greateq ] then begin relop := lex.typ; nextlex; parsesimpexpr( v2, enders ); if relop = dotdot then begin { range expression } if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then begin v.typ := rangetyp; v.first := v1.ival; v.last := v2.ival; end else if v1.typ <> undef then begin badnum( niltabindex, v1, errinteger ); v.typ := undef; end else if (v2.typ <> undef) then begin badnum( niltabindex, v2, errinteger ); v.typ := undef; end else begin v.typ := undef; end; end else begin { not a range, must be compare or error } v.typ := booltyp; if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then case relop of less: v.bval := v1.ival < v2.ival; lesseq: v.bval := v1.ival <= v2.ival; noteq: v.bval := v1.ival <> v2.ival; equal: v.bval := v1.ival = v2.ival; great: v.bval := v1.ival > v2.ival; greateq: v.bval := v1.ival >= v2.ival; end else if (v1.typ = inttyp) and (v2.typ = realtyp) then case relop of less: v.bval := v1.ival < v2.rval; lesseq: v.bval := v1.ival <= v2.rval; noteq: v.bval := v1.ival <> v2.rval; equal: v.bval := v1.ival = v2.rval; great: v.bval := v1.ival > v2.rval; greateq: v.bval := v1.ival >= v2.rval; end else if (v1.typ = realtyp) and (v2.typ = inttyp) then case relop of less: v.bval := v1.rval < v2.ival; lesseq: v.bval := v1.rval <= v2.ival; noteq: v.bval := v1.rval <> v2.ival; equal: v.bval := v1.rval = v2.ival; great: v.bval := v1.rval > v2.ival; greateq: v.bval := v1.rval >= v2.ival; end else if ((v1.typ=realtyp) and (v2.typ=realtyp)) or ((v1.typ = timetyp) and (v2.typ = timetyp)) then case relop of less: v.bval := v1.rval < v2.rval; lesseq: v.bval := v1.rval <= v2.rval; noteq: v.bval := v1.rval <> v2.rval; equal: v.bval := v1.rval = v2.rval; great: v.bval := v1.rval > v2.rval; greateq: v.bval := v1.rval >= v2.rval; {10} end else if (v1.typ=rangetyp) {10} and (v2.typ=rangetyp) then case relop of {10} less, lesseq, great, greateq: begin {10} semanticerror( errrelop, srclno ); {10} v.typ := undef; {10} end; {10} equal: v.bval := (v1.first = v2.first) {10} and (v1.last = v2.last); {10} noteq: v.bval := (v1.first <> v2.first) {10} or (v1.last <> v2.last); end else if (v1.typ <> undef) and (v2.typ <> undef) then begin semanticerror( errrelop, srclno ); v.typ := undef; end else v.typ := undef; end; end else begin v := v1; end; end { parseexpr }; procedure parseparamlist; { ::= ( [ ]* ) ::= [ ]* ::= integer | real | time | range | boolean | circuit } var param: symref; keytype: exprtyp; i: integer { index into parameter list }; templno: integer { save location for srclno }; tempfname: tabindex { save location for srcfname }; begin { assert lex.typ = bpar } nextlex { skip over '(' }; i := 1; findkeyword( [ { desired keywords at start of formal decl } keyint, keyreal, keyrange, keytime, keybool, keycirc, { undesirable stoppers } {10} keyassert, keyinp, keyoutp, keypart, keywire, keyend, notkey ] ); while (lex.key in [keyint, keyreal, keyrange, keytime, keybool, keycirc]) or (lex.typ = id) do begin case lex.key of { classify parameter type } keycirc: keytype := circtyp; keyint: keytype := inttyp; keyreal: keytype := realtyp; keytime: keytype := timetyp; keyrange:keytype := rangetyp; keybool: keytype := booltyp; notkey: begin gotbutwant( lex, res, keyint ); keytype := noexpr; end; end { case }; nextlex { skip over declaration keyword }; findid( [id, res, epar] ); while lex.typ = id do begin redefine( lex.slot ); param := symtab[lex.slot]; if param^.use = unuse then begin param^.use := decluse; if i > maxparams then begin { too many formal parameters } semanticerror( errfewparam, srclno ); param^.valu.typ := undef; end else if (actuals[i].typ <> keytype) and (actuals[i].typ <> undef) then begin { flag unmatched types } templno := srclno; tempfname := srcfname; srclno := actuals[0].last; srcfname := actuals[0].first; badnum( lex.slot, actuals[i], errbadparam ); srclno := templno; srcfname := tempfname; param^.valu.typ := undef; end else if actuals[i].typ = noexpr then begin { too few actual params } tempfname := srcfname; srcfname := actuals[0].first; semanticerror( errfewparam,actuals[0].last); srcfname := tempfname; end else if (keytype = realtyp) and (actuals[i].typ = inttyp) then begin { coerce integer into real } param^.valu.typ := realtyp; param^.valu.rval := actuals[i].ival; end else if keytype = circtyp then begin { get gate/circuit info } if actuals[i].subptr^.use = subuse then begin param^.use := subuse; param^.s := actuals[i].subptr^.s; end else begin param^.use := typeuse; param^.t := actuals[i].subptr^.t; param^.max := actuals[i].subptr^.max; param^.min := actuals[i].subptr^.min; end; end else if keytype = noexpr then begin { first sym of paramlist not decl keyword } param^.valu.typ := undef; end else begin { O.K. } param^.valu := actuals[i]; end; end; nextlex; i := i + 1; findid( [id, res, epar] ); end { while loop picking off identifiers to define }; findkeyword( [ { desired keywords } keyint, keyreal, keyrange, keytime, keybool, keycirc, { undesirable stoppers } {10} keyassert, keyinp, keyoutp, keypart, keywire, keyend, notkey ] ); end { while loop scanning for declaration keywords }; { check if there are too many actual params } if i <= maxparams then if actuals[i].typ <> noexpr then begin tempfname := srcfname; srcfname := actuals[0].first; semanticerror( errmanyparam, actuals[0].last ); srcfname := tempfname; end; if lex.typ = epar then nextlex else gotbutwant( lex, epar, lex.key ); end { parseparamlist }; procedure parsedeclare; { ::= [ | ]* ::= [ = ]* ::= integer | real | time | range | boolean [10] ::= assert } var x: tabindex; constname: symref; val: valtyp; keytype: keytyp; begin while (lex.typ = hop) or (lex.key in [keyint, keyreal, keytime, keyrange, keybool, keyassert]) do begin if lex.typ = hop then begin nextlex; { note that firstpass got the circuit declaration and replaced it with a hop lexeme that hops around the text of the circuit } {10} end else if lex.key = keyassert then begin { assert! } {10} nextlex { skip over decl keyword }; {10} parseexpr( val, [id, res, hop] ); {10} if val.typ <> booltyp {10} then badnum( x, val, errbool ) {10} else if not val.bval {10} then semanticerror( errassert, srclno ); end else begin { process declaration } keytype := lex.key; nextlex { skip over decl keyword }; findid( [id, res, hop] ); while lex.typ = id do begin redefine( lex.slot ); x := lex.slot; constname := symtab[lex.slot]; nextlex; if lex.typ <> equal then gotbutwant( lex, equal, notkey ) else nextlex; parseexpr( val, [id, res, hop] ); if constname^.use = unuse then begin { use it } constname^.use := decluse; if ((keytype = keyint) and (val.typ <> inttyp) or (keytype = keyreal) and (val.typ <> realtyp) and (val.typ <> inttyp) or (keytype = keytime) and (val.typ <> timetyp) or (keytype = keybool) and (val.typ <> booltyp) or (keytype = keyrange) and (val.typ <> rangetyp)) and (val.typ <> undef) then begin { flag unmatched types } badnum( x, val, errwrongtyp ); constname^.valu.typ := undef; end else if (keytype = keyreal) and (val.typ = inttyp) then begin { coerce integer into real } constname^.valu.typ := realtyp; constname^.valu.rval := val.ival; end else begin { O.K. } constname^.valu := val; end { if }; end { if }; findid( [id, res, hop] ); end { while }; end { if }; end { while }; end { parsedeclare }; procedure parseinputs; { ::= inputs [ | ( ) ]* } var tp, y: tieptref; pinslot: tabindex; pinname: symref; i: integer; bounds: valtyp; begin nextlex { skip over keyword 'inputs' }; findid( [id, res] ); if lex.typ <> id then gotbutwant( lex, id, notkey ); while lex.typ = id do begin { try to define input ident } pinslot := lex.slot; redefine( pinslot ); pinname := symtab[pinslot]; if pinname^.use = unuse then begin { legal } pinname^.use := inuse; pinname^.first := undefined; pinname^.last := undefined; nextlex; if lex.typ = bpar then begin { array bounds } nextlex; parseexpr( bounds, [res, epar] ); if lex.typ <> epar then begin gotbutwant( lex, epar, notkey ); while not (lex.typ in [res, epar]) do nextlex; end; if lex.typ = epar then nextlex; if bounds.typ = rangetyp then begin pinname^.first := bounds.first; pinname^.last := bounds.last; end else if bounds.typ <> undef then begin badnum( pinslot, bounds, errrange ); end; end; y := nil; pinname^.inputdef := nil; for i := pinname^.last downto pinname^.first do begin gettiept( tp ); tp^.nexttiept := curinst^.inputlist; curinst^.inputlist := tp; if i = pinname^.last then y := tp else tp^.nextelem := tp^.nexttiept; with tp^ do begin slot := pinslot; isinput := true; index := i; destlist := nil; srcgate := nil; srctiept := nil; delay := 0.0; end; end; if y <> nil then begin pinname^.inputdef := tp; y^.nextelem := tp; end; end else begin { skip an unredefinable identifier } nextlex; end; findid( [id, res] ); end; end { parseinputs }; procedure parseoutputs; { ::= outputs [ | ( ) ]* } var tp, y: tieptref; pinslot: tabindex; pinname: symref; i: integer; bounds: valtyp; begin nextlex { skip over keyword 'outputs' }; findid( [id, res] ); if lex.typ <> id then gotbutwant( lex, id, notkey ); while lex.typ = id do begin { try to define output ident } pinslot := lex.slot; redefine( pinslot ); pinname := symtab[pinslot]; if pinname^.use = unuse then begin { legal } pinname^.use := outuse; pinname^.first := undefined; pinname^.last := undefined; nextlex; if lex.typ = bpar then begin { array of outputs } nextlex; parseexpr( bounds, [res, epar] ); if lex.typ <> epar then begin gotbutwant( lex, epar, notkey ); while not (lex.typ in [res, epar]) do nextlex; end; if lex.typ = epar then nextlex; if bounds.typ = rangetyp then begin pinname^.first := bounds.first; pinname^.last := bounds.last; end else if bounds.typ <> undef then begin badnum( pinslot, bounds, errrange ); end; end; y := nil; pinname^.outputdef := nil; for i := pinname^.last downto pinname^.first do begin gettiept( tp ); tp^.nexttiept := curinst^.outputlist; curinst^.outputlist := tp; if i = pinname^.last then y := tp else tp^.nextelem := tp^.nexttiept; with tp^ do begin slot := pinslot; isinput := false; index := i; destlist := nil; srcgate := nil; srctiept := nil; delay := 0.0; end; end; if y <> nil then begin pinname^.outputdef := tp; y^.nextelem := tp; end; end else begin { skip unredefinable identifier } nextlex; end; findid( [id, res] ); end; end { parseoutputs }; procedure parseparts; { ::= [ ]* } var { the following change value with each new } parttype: symref { type of parts being declared }; partslot: tabindex { slot of type name of part }; partparms: parampool { params to gate/subcircuit }; partpcnt: paramindex { count of parameters }; procedure parsedecl; { ::= [ [ ( ) ] ]* : [ ] } var partname: symref { name of part being decl'd }; nameslot: tabindex; partbounds: valtyp { bounds of array, if needed }; procedure createinstance; { create an instance (or array of instances) of the subcircuit specified by parttype^.s } var newinst, y: instdescrref; i: integer; subcirc: subref; begin partname^.use := instuse; y := nil; partname^.inst := nil; subcirc := parttype^.s; for i := partname^.last downto partname^.first do begin parsecircuit(subcirc, newinst, partparms); if i = partname^.last then y := newinst else newinst^.nextinst := partname^.inst; partname^.inst := newinst; newinst^.name := partname^.name; newinst^.inst := curinst; newinst^.index := i; end; if y <> nil then y^.nextinst := newinst; end { createinstance }; procedure defname; { define partname as a gate (or array of gates) of the predefined gate type parttype as modified by the parameters in partparms, parameters equal to zero are taken as default values, and changed in a device specific manner } var e: eventref { temp used to update main gate list }; y, z: gateref; i: integer; procedure initializegate( var gate: gateref; idx: integer ); { initialize a predefined gate } begin with gate^ do begin kind := parttype^.t; outto := nil; index := idx; name := partname^.name; end; gate^.inst := curinst; case parttype^.t of andg, nandg, org, norg: with gate^ do begin if (partparms[1].typ = inttyp) and (partparms[1].ival >= 0) then fanin := partparms[1].ival else if (partparms[1].typ = undef) or (partparms[1].typ = noexpr) then begin fanin := maxint; end else begin badnum( partslot, partparms[1], errposint ); fanin := maxint; end; if (partparms[2].typ = timetyp) and (partparms[2].rval >= 0.0) then delay := partparms[2].rval else if (partparms[2].typ = undef) or (partparms[2].typ = noexpr) then delay := -1.0 else begin badnum( partslot, partparms[2], errpostime ); delay := -1.0; end; { compute default delay } if delay < 0.0 then delay := jitter( 0.1 ) * (defgdel * nanosecond); instates[low] := 0; instates[high] := 0; instates[open] := fanin; end { with for symmetrical gates }; xorg, equg: with gate^ do begin fanin := 2; if (partparms[1].typ = timetyp) and (partparms[1].rval >= 0.0) then delay := partparms[1].rval else if (partparms[1].typ = undef) or (partparms[1].typ = noexpr) then delay := -1.0 else begin badnum( partslot, partparms[1], errpostime ); delay := -1.0; end; { compute default delay } if delay < 0.0 then delay := jitter( 0.1 ) * (defgdel * nanosecond); instates[low] := 0; instates[high] := 0; instates[open] := fanin; end { with for xor and equ gates }; notg: with gate^ do begin { use a 1 input nand gate for not } kind := nandg; fanin := 1; if (partparms[1].typ = timetyp) and (partparms[1].rval >= 0.0) then delay := partparms[1].rval else if (partparms[1].typ = undef) or (partparms[1].typ = noexpr) then delay := -1.0 else begin badnum( partslot, partparms[1], errpostime ); delay := -1.0; end; { compute default delay } if delay < 0.0 then delay := jitter( 0.1 ) * (defgdel * nanosecond); instates[low] := 0; instates[high] := 0; instates[open] := fanin; end { with for notg }; trbg: with gate^ do begin fanin := maxint; delay := 0.0; instates[low] := 0; instates[high] := 0; instates[open] := fanin; end { with for trbg }; trig, ntrig, latchg: with gate^ do begin if (partparms[1].typ = timetyp) and (partparms[1].rval >= 0.0) then delay := partparms[1].rval else if (partparms[1].typ = undef) or (partparms[1].typ = noexpr) then delay := -1.0 else begin badnum( partslot, partparms[1], errpostime ); delay := -1.0; end; { compute default delay } if delay < 0.0 then begin delay := jitter( 0.1 ) * (defgdel * nanosecond); if parttype^.t = latchg then delay := delay * 1.5; end; inp := open; control := open; end { with for tristate and latchg }; end { case }; { add the gate to the master gate list } new( e ); e^.gateid := gate; e^.downlink := gatelist; gatelist := e; { count instances of this part type } with parttype^ do typecount := typecount + 1; end { initializegate }; begin { defname } y := nil; partname^.g := nil; for i := partname^.last downto partname^.first do begin new( z ); if i = partname^.last then y := z else z^.nextgate := partname^.g; partname^.g := z; initializegate( z, i ); end; if y <> nil then y^.nextgate := z; end { defname }; procedure parsepart; { parse ' [ ( [ ]* ) ]', record the identifier in partname, partslot; record parameters in parsedecl.partparms, check the parameter count for predefined gates } var param: valtyp { temp value of one parameter }; i: paramindex; begin { parsepart } { assert lex.typ = colon } nextlex; findid( [id, res] ); if lex.typ = id then begin { possible type name } parttype := symtab[lex.slot]; partslot := lex.slot; if parttype <> nil then if not (parttype^.use in [subuse,typeuse]) then begin { complain } badname( lex.slot, errivdname ); parttype := nil; end; { get parameters } partpcnt := 0; partparms[0].typ := rangetyp; partparms[0].last := srclno; partparms[0].first := srcfname; nextlex { skip over identifier, look for '(' }; if lex.typ = bpar then begin { param list } nextlex { skip begin paren }; while not (lex.typ in [epar, res]) do begin { get one parameter } parseexpr( param, [id, inum, rnum, res, epar] ); partpcnt := partpcnt + 1; if partpcnt <= maxparams then begin partparms[partpcnt] := param; end else begin badnum( partslot, param, errmanyparam ); end; end { while }; if lex.typ = epar then nextlex else gotbutwant( lex, epar, notkey ); end { if parsing actual param list }; { mark all remaining slots as empty } for i := partpcnt + 1 to maxparams do partparms[i].typ := noexpr; if parttype <> nil then if parttype^.use = typeuse then begin { check parameter count } if partpcnt > parttype^.max then begin badname( partslot, errmanyparam ); partpcnt := parttype^.max; end else if partpcnt < parttype^.min then begin badname( partslot, errfewparam ); end; end { else parttype = nil }; end { else it is a reserved word }; end { parsepart }; begin { parsedecl } { assert lex.typ = id } { set aside name being declared } redefine( lex.slot ); partname := symtab[lex.slot]; nameslot := lex.slot; { preliminary definition; suppresses later error messages if parttype turns out to be illdefined } partname^.use := gateuse; partname^.g := nil; partname^.first := undefined; partname^.last := undefined; { advance to next lexeme } nextlex; findid( [id, res, colon, bpar] ); if lex.typ = bpar then begin { optional array bounds } nextlex; parseexpr( partbounds, [res,epar,colon] ); if lex.typ <> epar then begin gotbutwant( lex, epar, notkey ); while not (lex.typ in[res,epar,id,colon])do nextlex; end; if lex.typ = epar then nextlex; if partbounds.typ = rangetyp then begin partname^.first := partbounds.first; partname^.last := partbounds.last; end else if partbounds.typ <> undef then begin badnum( nameslot, partbounds, errrange ); end; findid( [id, colon, res] ); end { done with array bounds }; if lex.typ = colon then begin { get parttype } parsepart end else if lex.typ = id then begin { another partname} parsedecl; end else begin { a keyword } parttype := nil; gotbutwant( lex, colon, notkey ); end; if parttype<>nil then begin { define this sym } if parttype^.use = subuse then createinstance { define a subcircuit } else if parttype^.use = typeuse then defname { define a simple gate }; end { else do nothing, error is already reported }; end { parsedecl }; procedure parseconditional; { ::= if then [ ]* [ else if then [ ]* ]* [ else [ ]* ] endif } var condval: valtyp; procedure skiptoelse; { skip to the next 'else' or 'endif' corresponding to the current 'if' } var count: integer; lastlex: keytyp; begin count := 1; repeat lastlex := lex.key; nextlex; if (lex.key = keyif) and (lastlex <> keyelse) then count := count + 1 else if lex.key = keyendif then count := count - 1; until (count = 0) or (count = 1) and (lex.key = keyelse) or (lex.key = keyend) or (lex.key = keywire); if (lex.key = keyend) or (lex.key = keywire) then gotbutwant( lex, res, keyendif ); end { skiptoelse }; procedure skiptoendif; { this is the same as 'skiptoelse' except that it must skip to 'endif' that ends the current 'if' } var count: integer; lastlex: keytyp; begin count := 1; repeat lastlex := lex.key; nextlex; if (lex.key = keyif) and (lastlex <> keyelse) then count := count + 1 else if lex.key = keyendif then count := count - 1; until (count = 0) or (lex.key = keyend) or (lex.key = keywire); if (lex.key = keyend) or (lex.key = keywire) then gotbutwant( lex, res, keyendif ); end { skiptoendif }; begin { parseconditional } nextlex { skip over keyword 'if' }; parseexpr( condval, [id, res] ); if condval.typ = booltyp then begin if lex.key = keythen then nextlex else gotbutwant( lex, res, keythen ); if condval.bval then begin parseparts; if lex.key = keyelse then skiptoendif; end else begin skiptoelse; end; while lex.key = keyelse do begin nextlex { skip over 'else' }; if lex.key = keyif then begin nextlex { skip over keyword 'if' }; parseexpr( condval, [id, res] ); if condval.typ = booltyp then begin if lex.key = keythen then nextlex else gotbutwant( lex, res, keythen ); if condval.bval then begin parseparts; if lex.key=keyelse then skiptoendif; end else begin skiptoelse; end; end else begin if condval.typ <> undef then badnum(niltabindex,condval,errbool); skiptoendif; end; end else begin parseparts; end; end; if lex.key = keyendif then nextlex else gotbutwant( lex, res, keyendif ); end else begin if condval.typ <> undef then badnum(niltabindex,condval,errbool); skiptoendif; end; end { parseconditional }; begin { parseparts } findid( [id, res] ); while (lex.typ = id) or (lex.key = keyif) do begin if lex.typ = id then parsedecl else parseconditional; findid( [id, res] ); end; end { parseparts }; procedure parsewires( enders: keyset ); { ::= wires [ ]* ::= | } procedure parsepin ( var pin: pinrec; var first, last: integer ); { ::= [ ( ) ][ . [ ( ) ]] } var y: tieptref; u: gateref; v: instdescrref; subscript: valtyp { temp holder for subscript }; procedure checkpinname; { check to see that pinname of part is valid } begin { checkpinname } case pin.partname^.g^.kind of andg, nandg, org, norg, xorg, equg, trbg: if (pin.pinslot <> symin) and (pin.pinslot <> symout) then begin badname( pin.pinslot, errpinname ); pin.partname := nil; end; trig, ntrig, latchg: if (pin.pinslot <> symdata) and (pin.pinslot <> symctl) and (pin.pinslot <> symout) then begin badname( pin.pinslot, errpinname ); pin.partname := nil; end; end { case }; end { checkpinname }; procedure findsubsinout; { find tiepoint of a subcircuit } var tp: tieptref; begin { findsubsinout } tp := pin.partname^.inst^.inputlist; while (pin.tiept = nil) and (tp <> nil) do begin if tp^.slot = lex.slot then pin.tiept := tp else tp := tp^.nexttiept; end; if pin.tiept = nil then begin tp := pin.partname^.inst^.outputlist; while (pin.tiept = nil)and(tp <> nil) do begin if tp^.slot = lex.slot then pin.tiept := tp else tp := tp^.nexttiept; end; end; if pin.tiept = nil then begin badname( lex.slot, errpinname ); pin.partname := nil; end; end { findsubsinout }; procedure badpinnum( i: integer ); { report a bad pin number error } var temp: valtyp; begin temp.typ := inttyp; temp.ival := i; badnum( pin.pinslot, temp, erroutofbnd ); pin.partname := nil; end { badpin }; procedure checkgatenum; { check to see that pin number provided for a gate is valid; fake up pin numbers for such things as inputs of 1 input gates and tristate gates } begin { checkgatenum } case pin.partname^.g^.kind of andg, nandg, org, norg, xorg, equg: begin if pin.pinslot = symout then begin if pin.pinnum <> undefined then badpinnum( pin.pinnum ); end else if pin.partname^.g^.fanin = 1 then begin if pin.pinnum <> undefined then badpinnum( pin.pinnum ); pin.pinnum := 1; end else begin if (pin.pinnum>pin.partname^.g^.fanin) or (pin.pinnum < 1) then badpinnum( pin.pinnum ); end; end; trig, ntrig, latchg: begin if pin.pinnum <> undefined then begin badpinnum( pin.pinnum ); end else begin if pin.pinslot = symdata then pin.pinnum := 1 else pin.pinnum := 0; end; end; trbg: begin if pin.pinnum <> undefined then badpinnum( pin.pinnum ); end; end { case }; end { checkgatenum }; procedure checkinstnum; { check to see if index to a subcircuit is valid } var tp, head: tieptref; begin { assert pin.tiept <> nil } if pin.tiept^.index <> undefined then begin tp := pin.tiept; head := tp; if tp^.index <> pin.pinnum then repeat tp := tp^.nextelem; until (tp^.index = pin.pinnum) or (tp = head); if tp^.index = pin.pinnum then pin.tiept := tp else begin badpinnum( pin.pinnum ); pin.partname := nil; end; end else begin badname( pin.tiept^.slot, errnotarray ); pin.partname := nil; end; end { checkinstnum }; begin { parsepin } pin.partname := nil; pin.partnum := undefined; pin.tiept := nil; pin.pinslot := niltabindex; pin.pinnum := undefined; first := undefined; last := undefined; if lex.typ = id then begin if (symtab[lex.slot] <> nil) and (symtab[lex.slot]^.use in [inuse, outuse, gateuse, instuse]) then begin pin.partname := symtab[lex.slot]; pin.partslot := lex.slot; if pin.partname^.use = gateuse then begin if pin.partname^.g = nil then pin.partname := nil else pin.gate := pin.partname^.g; end else if pin.partname^.use = instuse then begin if pin.partname^.inst = nil then pin.partname := nil; end else if pin.partname^.use = inuse then begin pin.tiept := pin.partname^.inputdef; end else begin pin.tiept := pin.partname^.outputdef; end; end else begin badname( lex.slot, errpartname ); pin.partname := nil; end; pin.lno := srclno { save lineno for errors }; nextlex; if lex.typ = bpar then begin nextlex; parseexpr( subscript, [res, epar] ); if lex.typ <> epar then begin gotbutwant( lex, epar, notkey ); while not (lex.typ in [epar, res]) do nextlex; end; if lex.typ = epar then nextlex; if (subscript.typ <> inttyp) and (subscript.typ <> undef ) then begin badnum( pin.partslot,subscript,errinteger ); pin.partname := nil; end else if subscript.typ = undef then pin.partname := nil else pin.partnum := subscript.ival; if pin.partname <> nil then begin { check array bounds } if not (pin.partname^.first = undefined) then begin if (pin.partnum >= pin.partname^.first) and (pin.partnum <= pin.partname^.last) then begin if pin.partname^.use = inuse then begin y := pin.tiept; while y^.index <> pin.partnum do y := y^.nextelem; pin.tiept := y; symtab[pin.partslot]^.inputdef := y; end else if pin.partname^.use = outuse then begin y := pin.tiept; while y^.index <> pin.partnum do y := y^.nextelem; pin.tiept := y; symtab[pin.partslot]^.outputdef := y; end else if pin.partname^.use = gateuse then begin u := pin.partname^.g; while u^.index <> pin.partnum do u := u^.nextgate; pin.gate := u; symtab[pin.partslot]^.g := u; end else begin v := pin.partname^.inst; while v^.index <> pin.partnum do v := v^.nextinst; pin.partname^.inst := v; symtab[pin.partslot]^.inst := v; end; end else begin badnum( pin.partslot, subscript, erroutofbnd ); pin.partname := nil; end; end else begin badname( pin.partslot, errnotarray ); pin.partname := nil; end; end; end else begin { no index, see if it is required } if pin.partname <> nil then if pin.partname^.use in [gateuse, instuse] then if not (pin.partname^.first = undefined) then begin badname( lex.slot, errindexreq ); pin.partname := nil; end; end; if lex.typ = dot then begin nextlex; findid( [id, res] ); if lex.typ = id then begin if pin.partname <> nil then begin if pin.partname^.use = gateuse then begin pin.pinslot := lex.slot; checkpinname; end else if pin.partname^.use = instuse then begin pin.pinslot := lex.slot; findsubsinout; end else begin badname( pin.partslot,errmodifier ); pin.partname := nil; end; end; nextlex; if pin.partname<>nil then begin if pin.partname^.use in [gateuse, instuse] then begin if lex.typ = bpar then begin nextlex; parseexpr(subscript,[epar,res]); if subscript.typ <> inttyp then begin badnum( pin.pinslot, subscript, erroutofbnd ); pin.partname := nil; end else if pin.partname^.use = gateuse then begin pin.pinnum :=subscript.ival; checkgatenum; end else begin pin.pinnum :=subscript.ival; checkinstnum; end; if lex.typ <> epar then begin gotbutwant(lex,epar,notkey); while not(lex.typ in [epar,res]) do nextlex; end; if lex.typ = epar then nextlex; end else if pin.partname <> nil then begin if pin.partname^.use = instuse then begin if pin.tiept^.index <> undefined then begin y := pin.tiept; first := pin.tiept^.index; while y <> nil do begin last := y^.index; y := y^.nexttiept; if y <> nil then if y^.slot <>pin.pinslot then y := nil; end; end; end else checkgatenum; end; end; end else begin { get rest of invalid def } if lex.typ = bpar then begin while not(lex.typ in [epar, res]) do nextlex; if lex.typ=epar then nextlex; end; end; end; end else begin { lex.typ <> dot, no modifier } if pin.partname <> nil then begin if pin.partname^.use in [gateuse, instuse] then begin gotbutwant( lex, dot, notkey ); pin.partname := nil; end else if (pin.partnum = undefined) and (pin.partname^.first <> undefined) then begin first := pin.partname^.first; last := pin.partname^.last; end; end; end; end; if pin.partname = nil then begin pin.pindir := unkdir; end else if pin.partname^.use = inuse then begin pin.pindir := outdir; end else if pin.partname^.use = outuse then begin pin.pindir := indir; end else begin if pin.tiept = nil then begin { ..^.use = gateuse } if pin.pinslot = symout then pin.pindir := outdir else pin.pindir := indir; end else begin { pin.partname^.use = instuse } if pin.tiept^.isinput then begin pin.pindir := indir; end else begin pin.pindir := outdir; end; end; end; end { parsepin }; procedure parsewire; { ::= to [ ] [ ]* } var srcpin: pinrec; destpin: pinrec; timedelay: real; dfirst, dlast, sfirst, slast: integer; procedure parsedelay; { parse '[ ( ) ]' } var delayval: valtyp; begin if lex.typ = bpar then begin nextlex { skip open paren }; parseexpr( delayval, [res, epar] ); if (delayval.typ = timetyp) and (delayval.rval >= 0.0) then timedelay := delayval.rval else begin badnum( srcpin.partslot, delayval, errpostime ); timedelay := 0.0; end; if lex.typ <> epar then begin gotbutwant( lex, epar, notkey ); while not( lex.typ in [epar,res] ) do nextlex; end; if lex.typ = epar then nextlex; end else begin timedelay := defwdel * (0.5+random)*nanosecond; end; end { parsedelay }; begin { parsewire } parsepin( destpin, dfirst, dlast ); findkeyword( enders+[keyto,keyfor,keyif] ); if lex.key <> keyto then begin errorprefix( srclno ); error( errnodest ); end else begin repeat if destpin.pindir = indir then begin pinerror( destpin, errnotsource ); destpin.partname := nil; end; srcpin := destpin; sfirst := dfirst; slast := dlast; nextlex { scan over 'to' }; parsedelay; findid( [id, res] ); parsepin( destpin, dfirst, dlast ); findid( [id, res] ); while lex.typ = id do begin if destpin.pindir = outdir then begin pinerror( destpin, errnotdest ); end else if srcpin.partname = nil then begin { don't bother with old errors } end else if (sfirst <> undefined) and (dfirst <> undefined) then begin { two possible arrays of pins } if (sfirst = dfirst) and (slast = dlast) then begin hookarrayofwires( srcpin, destpin, timedelay, sfirst, slast ) end else begin semanticerror( errillconn, destpin.lno ); end; end else if (sfirst = undefined) and (dfirst = undefined) then begin { hook up two single pins } hookwire( srcpin, destpin, timedelay ); end else begin { attempt to hook pin to array } semanticerror( errillconn, destpin.lno ); end; parsepin( destpin, dfirst, dlast ); findid( [id, res] ); end { while }; findkeyword( enders+[keyto,keyfor,keyif] ); until lex.key <> keyto; if destpin.pindir = outdir then begin pinerror( destpin, errnotdest ); end else if srcpin.partname = nil then begin { don't bother with old errors } end else if (sfirst <> undefined) and (dfirst <> undefined) then begin if (sfirst = dfirst) and (slast = dlast) then begin hookarrayofwires( srcpin, destpin, timedelay, sfirst, slast ) end else begin semanticerror( errillconn, destpin.lno ); end; end else if (sfirst = undefined) and (dfirst = undefined) then begin hookwire( srcpin, destpin, timedelay ); end else begin semanticerror( errillconn, destpin.lno ); end; end; end { parsewire }; procedure parseloop( enders: keyset ); { ::= for in do [ ]* endfor } var loopcount: integer { value of loop counter }; index: symref { loop counter identifier reference }; slot: tabindex { slot for loop counter in symtab }; indexval: valtyp { range of values for index in loop }; looplno: integer { line number of start of loop body }; looppos: pactextindex { start of loop body }; showsave: boolean { saved showerror value }; procedure skiploop; { skip over a loop } var count: integer; begin count := 1; repeat nextlex; if lex.key = keyfor then count := count + 1 else if lex.key = keyendf then count := count - 1; until (count = 0) or (lex.key = keyend); if lex.key = keyend then gotbutwant( lex, res, keyendf ) else nextlex; end { skiploop }; procedure undefineindex; { undefine current loop index so can be reused in the same circuit body in future } var k: tabindex; begin k := symlist; while k <> slot do k := symtab[k]^.nextsym; if k = symlist then symlist := symtab[symlist]^.nextsym else symtab[k]^.nextsym := symtab[symtab[k]^.nextsym]^.nextsym; if index^.stkptr = nil then begin index^.level := undeflevel; index^.use := unuse; end else begin symtab[slot] := index^.stkptr; putsymbol( index ); end; end { undefineindex }; begin nextlex { skip over keyword 'for' }; if lex.typ = id then begin { have index identifier } redefine( lex.slot ); slot := lex.slot; index := symtab[lex.slot]; if index^.use = unuse then begin { can define it } index^.use := decluse; nextlex; if (lex.typ = id) and (lex.slot = symin) then nextlex else gotbutwant( lex, kin, notkey ); parseexpr( indexval, [res, epar] ); if indexval.typ = undef then begin skiploop; end else if (indexval.typ <> rangetyp) and (indexval.typ <> undef) then begin badnum( slot, indexval, errrange ); skiploop; end else begin if lex.key <> keydo then gotbutwant( lex, res, keydo ); if indexval.first > indexval.last then skiploop else begin { ready to iterate ! } looplno := srclno { remember loop top }; looppos := textpos; showsave := showerror; index^.valu.typ := inttyp; for loopcount := indexval.first to indexval.last do begin index^.valu.ival := loopcount; srclno := looplno { back to top }; textpos := looppos; nextlex; parsewires( enders ); { don't show errors if previous iteration had an error } showerror := not waserror; end; showerror := showsave; if lex.key = keyendf then nextlex else gotbutwant( lex, res, keyendf ); end; end; undefineindex; end else begin { index variable already used } skiploop; end; end else begin { no loop index identifier } gotbutwant( lex, id, notkey ); skiploop; end; end { parseloop }; procedure parseconditional( enders: keyset ); { ::= if then [ ]* [ else if then [ ]* ]* [ else [ ]* ] endif } var condval: valtyp; procedure skiptoelse; { skip to the next 'else' or 'endif' corresponding to the current 'if' } var count: integer; lastlex: keytyp; begin count := 1; repeat lastlex := lex.key; nextlex; if (lex.key = keyif) and (lastlex <> keyelse) then count := count + 1 else if lex.key = keyendif then count := count - 1; until (count = 0) or (count = 1) and (lex.key = keyelse) or (lex.key = keyend); if lex.key = keyend then gotbutwant( lex, res, keyendif ); end { skiptoelse }; procedure skiptoendif; { this is the same as 'skiptoelse' except that it must skip to 'endif' that ends the current 'if' } var count: integer; lastlex: keytyp; begin count := 1; repeat lastlex := lex.key; nextlex; if (lex.key = keyif) and (lastlex <> keyelse) then count := count + 1 else if lex.key = keyendif then count := count - 1; until (count = 0) or (lex.key = keyend); if lex.key = keyend then gotbutwant( lex, res, keyendif ); end { skiptoendif }; begin { parseconditional } nextlex { skip over keyword 'if' }; parseexpr( condval, [id, res] ); if condval.typ = booltyp then begin if lex.key = keythen then nextlex else gotbutwant( lex, res, keythen ); if condval.bval then begin parsewires( enders ); if lex.key = keyelse then skiptoendif; end else begin skiptoelse; end; while lex.key = keyelse do begin nextlex { skip over 'else' }; if lex.key = keyif then begin nextlex { skip over keyword 'if' }; parseexpr( condval, [id, res] ); if condval.typ = booltyp then begin if lex.key = keythen then nextlex else gotbutwant( lex, res, keythen ); if condval.bval then begin parsewires( enders ); if lex.key = keyelse then skiptoendif; end else begin skiptoelse; end; end else begin if condval.typ <> undef then badnum(niltabindex,condval,errbool); skiptoendif; end; end else begin parsewires( enders ); end; end; if lex.key = keyendif then nextlex else gotbutwant( lex, res, keyendif ); end else begin if condval.typ <> undef then badnum(niltabindex,condval,errbool); skiptoendif; end; end { parseconditional }; begin { parsewires } repeat { demand a non-empty wire list } if lex.typ = id then parsewire else if lex.key = keyfor then parseloop( enders+[keyendf] ) else if lex.key = keyif then parseconditional( enders+[keyelse, keyendif] ) else begin gotbutwant( lex, id, notkey ); while (lex.typ <> id) and not (lex.key in enders+[keyfor, keyif]) do nextlex; end; until lex.key in enders; end { parsewires }; begin { parsecircuit } savelex( save ); symlist := niltabindex { no symbols have yet been defined }; currentlevel := currentlevel + 1; { fire up lexical analysis right after circuit identifier } with cursub^ do begin openlex( parsed, headpos ); instcount := instcount + 1; end; new( curinst ); with curinst^ do begin { initialize the instance record } name := symtab[cursub^.slot]^.name; index := undefined; inputlist := nil; outputlist := nil; end; { process subcircuit definitions } predefinelocals; { process formal parameter list, if any } if lex.typ = bpar then parseparamlist else if actuals[1].typ <> noexpr then gotbutwant( lex, bpar, notkey ); { parse declarations } parsedeclare; {10} findkeyword( [keyinp, keyoutp, keypart, keywire, keyend] ); if lex.key = keyinp then parseinputs; {10} findkeyword( [keyoutp, keypart, keywire, keyend] ); if lex.key = keyoutp then parseoutputs; findkeyword( [keypart, keywire, keyend] ); if lex.key = keypart then begin nextlex { skip over 'parts' (parseparts calls itself) }; parseparts; end; findkeyword( [keywire, keyend] ); if lex.key = keywire then begin nextlex { skip over 'wires' (parsewires calls itself) }; parsewires( [keyend] ); end; { needed only if no wire list, but that's possible! } {10} findkeyword( [keyend] ); { note: firstpass won't let a circuit get through which has a missing end, so that is not checked here } checktiepts( curinst, curinst^.outputlist, 0 ); { note that input tiepoint list must be checked later } undefinelocals; cursub^.parsed := waserror; currentlevel := currentlevel - 1; restorelex( save ); end { parsecircuit }; procedure makehighlo( highlo: tabindex ); { make dummy input tiepoints for constants high and low } begin with symtab[highlo]^ do begin first := undefined; last := undefined; use := inuse { it is a tiepoint, not part of an array }; new( inputdef ); with inputdef^ do begin slot := highlo; index := undefined; nexttiept := nil; nextelem := inputdef; isinput := true; destlist := nil; srcgate := nil; srctiept := nil; delay := 0.0; end; end; end { makehighlo }; procedure makeio; { make dummy input/output gates and hook them to the tiepoints of the main circuit } var newgate: gateref; scanner: tieptref; dumspin, dumdpin: pinrec; begin new( dumspin.partname ); new( dumdpin.partname ); inputs := nil; dumspin.partname^.use := gateuse; dumdpin.partname^.use := inuse; scanner := circuitinst^.inputlist; while (scanner<>nil) do begin { do input list first } new( newgate ); with newgate^ do begin { initialize input gate } name := symtab[scanner^.slot]^.name; outto := nil; delay := 0.0; request := nil; kind := iogate; next := inputs; index := scanner^.index; state := open; end { with }; inputs := newgate; dumspin.tiept := nil; dumspin.gate := newgate; dumdpin.tiept := scanner; dumdpin.lno := -7777 { this should never be used }; hookwire( dumspin, dumdpin, 0.0 ); scanner := scanner^.nexttiept; end { while }; outputs := nil; dumspin.partname^.use := outuse; dumdpin.partname^.use := gateuse; scanner := circuitinst^.outputlist; while (scanner<>nil) do begin { do output list second } new( newgate ); with newgate^ do begin { initialize output gate } name := symtab[ scanner^.slot ]^.name; outto := nil; delay := 0.0; request := nil; kind := iogate; next := outputs; index := scanner^.index; state := open; end { with }; outputs := newgate; dumspin.tiept := scanner; dumdpin.gate := newgate; dumdpin.pinnum := 0; dumdpin.tiept := nil; dumdpin.lno := -7777 { this should never be used }; hookwire( dumspin, dumdpin, 0.0 ); scanner := scanner^.nexttiept; end { while }; end { makeio }; begin { secondpass } gatelist := nil; symfreelist := nil; tieptfreelist := nil; currentlevel := undeflevel; { setup dummy inputs for the constants zero and one } makehighlo( symhi ); makehighlo( symlo ); { create an initial nonsense lexical analysis state so that checks for undefined variables won't bother us about this } textpos := 0; srclno := -1; errlno := -2; lex.key := notkey; lex.typ := res; showerror := true; srcfname := niltabindex; { the main circuit has no parameters } for i := 1 to maxparams do nilparms[i].typ := noexpr; nilparms[0].typ := inttyp; nilparms[0].ival := -1; parsecircuit( subhead, circuitinst, nilparms ); circuitinst^.inst := nil; { make what is needed to communicate with simulate } if not waserror then makeio; hiwire := symtab[symhi]^.inputdef^.destlist; lowire := symtab[symlo]^.inputdef^.destlist; dumpsubtable; dumpsymtable; dumpfreelists; end { secondpass }; {10} procedure fixtristate; {10} { fix so gates driven directly by bus driver are driven by bus } {10} { also detects some errors in wiring tristate busses } {10} var w: eventref; {10} g, g1: gateref; {10} o, o1: wireref; {10} drivests: integer; { number of tristates driven by g } {10} tsdcount: integer; { count of gates that drive tristate busses } {10} fixcount: integer; { count of wires moved down bus chains } {10} wircount: integer; { count of wires moved during fixup } {10} bugcount: integer; { count of potential problems } {10} circount: integer; { count of circular linkages } {10} begin { fixtristate }; {10} w := gatelist; {10} { note; nextgate field of all gates gets new use here } {10} while w <> nil do begin { preset nextgate field on all gates } {10} { initially, no output relocation; nextgate point to self } {10} g := w^.gateid; {10} g^.nextgate := g; {10} w := w^.downlink; {10} end { while w <> nil }; {10} tsdcount := 0; {10} fixcount := 0; {10} bugcount := 0; {10} circount := 0; {10} w := gatelist; {10} while w <> nil do begin { for each gate in the model } {10} drivests := 0; {10} g := w^.gateid; {10} o := g^.outto; {10} g1 := nil; {10} while o <> nil do begin { for each driven wire } {10} if o^.g^.kind = trbg then begin {10} drivests := drivests + 1; {10} g1 := o^.g; { gate g drives tristate g1 } {10} o1 := o; {10} end; {10} o := o^.next; {10} end; {10} { gate g drives tristate g1, and possibly others } {10} if drivests >= 1 then begin { g drives at least one bus } {10} { drivests > 1 implies tristates driven in parallel } {10} { this algorithm corrects some of these, not all! } {10} if drivests > 1 then begin {10} bugcount := bugcount + 1; {10} writeln; {10} write('Warning: "'); {10} printgatename( g ); {10} writeln('"'); {10} write(' drives more than one tristate bus in', {10} ' parallel; results may be inaccurate.'); {10} end; {10} { account for possible relocation of g1's outputs } {10} g1 := g1^.nextgate; {10} { check for and count circular relocations } {10} if g1 = g then begin {10} bugcount := bugcount + 1; {10} writeln; {10} write('Error: "'); {10} printgatename( g ); {10} writeln('"'); {10} write(' is involved in a circular', {10} ' interconnection of tristate busses.'); {10} waserror := true; {10} end; {10} if (g1 <> g) then begin {10} { no circular wiring, relocate other wires } {10} { move other gates driven by g to output of g1! } {10} tsdcount := tsdcount + 1; {10} { first, relocate all gates before g1 in list } {10} while g^.outto <> o1 do begin {10} fixcount := fixcount + 1; {10} { snip wire wire from list of driver } {10} o := g^.outto; {10} g^.outto := o^.next; {10} { pop wire into list of driven bus } {10} o^.next := g1^.outto; {10} g1^.outto := o; {10} fixcount := fixcount + 1; {10} end; {10} { second, relocate all gates after g1 in list } {10} while o1^.next <> nil do begin {10} fixcount := fixcount + 1; {10} { snip wire wire from list following g1 } {10} o := o1^.next; {10} o1^.next := o^.next; {10} { pop wire into list of driven bus } {10} o^.next := g1^.outto; {10} g1^.outto := o; {10} end; {10} { record the change that has been made } {10} g^.nextgate := g1^.nextgate; {10} end; {10} end; {10} w := w^.downlink; {10} end { while w <> nil }; {10} if tally and (tsdcount > 0) then begin {10} writeln; {10} write( 'Tally gates that drive busses: ', tsdcount:1 ); {10} writeln; {10} write( 'Tally wires moved to downstream busses: ', fixcount:1 ); {10} end { if tally }; {10} if (tally and(tsdcount > 0)) or (bugcount > 0) {10} then writeln; {10} end { fixtristate }; begin { buildmodel } firstpass; if not waserror then secondpass; {10} if not waserror then fixtristate; end { buildmodel }; procedure simulate; { run the simulation using the globally provided model } const initialtime = 0.0; type wordlit = packed array [1..12] of char { word literal }; var { variables used by event management package } eventlist: eventref { list of pending events }; sparevents: eventref { list of spare event records }; inxint, outxint: real { input and output display intervals }; { line buffer for simulation commands and input data } cmdline: line { line most recently read by getcmdline }; cmdlen: integer { length of cmdline }; readf: boolean { true if line should come from file }; wordst: integer{ start of word on line set by getword, getnum }; worden: integer{ end of word on line, set by getword, getnum }; done: boolean { used to terminate main simulation loop }; currentevent: eventref { the current event being done }; result: logiclevel; lastio: (show,get) { was last I/O event a show or get }; { inside simulate, event list management package } function newevent( k: eventkinds; t: real ): eventref; { return a new event, ready to initialize and schedule } { note: the logic of newevent is duplicated in foreachwire } var e: eventref; begin { newevent } if sparevents = nil then begin new(e); end else begin e := sparevents; sparevents :=sparevents^.downlink end; e^.kind := k; e^.time := t; newevent := e; end { newevent }; procedure schedule( n: eventref ); { put the event on the event list, uses pairing heap algorithm } begin if eventlist = nil then begin n^.downlink := nil; eventlist := n; end else begin { consider n to be minimal heap, pair it with q } if eventlist^.time < n^.time then begin { q remains the root } n^.downlink := nil; n^.leftlink := eventlist^.downlink; eventlist^.downlink := n; end else begin { n become the new root } eventlist^.leftlink := nil; n^.downlink := eventlist; eventlist := n; end; end; end { schedule }; procedure getcurrent; { get the next event, and make it the current event } var head: eventref; next: eventref; a, b: eventref; begin currentevent := eventlist; if eventlist <> nil then begin { recognize a pair heap } next := eventlist^.downlink; head := nil; while next <> nil do begin { make list of pairs } a := next; next := a^.leftlink; if next <> nil then begin b := next; next := b^.leftlink; { pair up a and b } if a^.time < b^.time then begin b^.leftlink := a^.downlink; a^.downlink := b; a^.leftlink := head; head := a; end else begin a^.leftlink := b^.downlink; b^.downlink := a; b^.leftlink := head; head := b; end; end else begin { put single left over node on pair list } a^.leftlink := head; head := a; end; end; { compute new head of the list } a := head; if a <> nil then begin head := a^.leftlink; while head <> nil do begin { link up entries with a } b := head; head := b^.leftlink; if a^.time < b^.time then begin b^.leftlink := a^.downlink; a^.downlink := b; end else begin a^.leftlink := b^.downlink; b^.downlink := a; a := b; end; end; end; eventlist := a; end; end { getcurrent }; procedure endcurrent; { deallocate the current event in preparation for next } begin { endcurrent } currentevent^.downlink :=sparevents; sparevents :=currentevent end { endcurrent }; procedure foreachwire( r: wireref; o, n: logiclevel; t: real ); { construct and sechedule a logic change for each wire in a wirelist } { note: this duplicates the logic of newevent for speed's sake } var event:eventref; begin while r <> nil do begin if sparevents = nil then begin new(event); end else begin event := sparevents; sparevents :=sparevents^.downlink end; with event^ do begin kind := logicchange; time := t + r^.delay; old := o; new := n; gateid := r^.g; inputval := r^.inputval; end { with }; schedule(event); r := r^.next; end { while }; end { foreachwire }; { inside simulate, initialization } procedure initialize; var w, x: eventref; g: gateref; begin { initialize } { initialization of simulation parameters } inxint :=1.0 * microsecond; outxint :=0.5 * microsecond; readf := false; eventlist :=nil; sparevents :=nil; { begin power on initialization of model } g := outputs; while g <> nil do begin { initialize outputs } g^.changecount := 0; g^.state := low; g^.lastout := low; g := g^.next { march down output list }; end; g := inputs; while g <> nil do begin { initialize inputs } with g^ do begin state := low; lastout := low; end; g := g^.next; end; w := gatelist; while w <> nil do begin { this loop schedules an immediate event for each gate in the gatelist, using the gatelist entries themselves as the entries in the sequencing set } with w^.gateid^ do begin { gate specific initialization } request := nil; lastout := low; case kind of andg,nandg,org,norg,xorg,equg: begin instates[low] := fanin - instates[open]; instates[high] := 0; end; trbg: begin fanin := instates[low]; instates[open] := 0; instates[high] := 0; end; trig,ntrig,latchg: begin inp := low; control := low; end; end { case }; end { with }; with w^ do begin { schedule event to kick gate so it will fix its output } kind := logicchange; old := low; new := low; time := initialtime; { gateid is already set } inputval := 1; end { with }; x := w^.downlink; schedule( w ); w := x; end { while w <> nil }; { set constant inputs after gates are kicked, before user input } schedule( newevent( lateinit, initialtime + (0.05*outxint) )); { setup initial input/output events } schedule( newevent( showoutput, initialtime )); schedule( newevent( getinput, initialtime + (0.25*outxint) )); end { initialize }; { inside simulate, command line management package } procedure getcmdline; { read a line from terminal or file(if file, echo) } begin if readf then begin readline(f1, cmdline, cmdlen); if cmdline[1]=pooldel then begin readf :=false; readline(input, cmdline, cmdlen); end else begin writeoutput(cmdline, cmdlen); end; end else begin readline(input, cmdline, cmdlen); end; wordst := 0; worden := 0; end { getcmdline }; procedure getword; { find a word on the command line } begin wordst := worden + 1 { start after the previous word }; while (cmdline[wordst] = ' ') and (wordst < cmdlen) do wordst := wordst + 1 { skip blanks }; { note that because cmdline[cmdlen+1] is guaranteed to be blank, no checks are required in the following for worden > linelen. } if cmdline[wordst] <> ' ' then begin worden := wordst; while cmdline[worden+1] <> ' ' do worden := worden + 1; end; end { getword }; procedure resetword; { reset the input to read from the file named by this word } var fname: line; i,j: integer; begin j := 1; for i := wordst to worden do begin fname[j] := cmdline[i]; j := j + 1; end; for j := j to linelen do fname[j] := ' '; reset( f1, fname ); readf := true; end { resetword }; function notaword: boolean; { returns true if getword found a word } begin notaword := worden < wordst; end { notaword }; function isword( s: wordlit ): boolean; { returns true if the current word partially matches s } { must be terminated by a blank } var i, j: integer; begin j := wordst; i := 1; while (cmdline[j] = s[i]) and (s[i] <> ' ') do begin i := i + 1; j := j + 1; end; isword := (j > worden) and (i > 1); end { isword }; procedure getnum(var i: real); { get a number from the line into i } var scale: real; begin wordst := worden + 1 { start after previous word }; while (cmdline[wordst] = ' ') and (wordst < cmdlen) do wordst := wordst + 1 { skip blanks }; i := 0; worden := wordst; while cmdline[worden] in ['0'..'9'] do begin i := ( ord(cmdline[worden]) - ord('0') ) + ( i * 10.0 ); worden := worden + 1; end; if cmdline[worden] = '.' then begin scale := 1.0; worden := worden + 1; while cmdline[worden] in ['0'..'9'] do begin i := ( ord(cmdline[worden]) - ord('0') ) + ( i * 10.0 ); worden := worden + 1; scale := scale * 10.0; end; i := i / scale; end; worden := worden - 1 { point it to last char used }; end { getnum }; procedure getinterval( var i: real ); { read an interval ( ) from the current } { and following lines, interacting as needed to get it } begin repeat getnum(i) { try to get the number }; while notaword do begin getword { see if bad number was a word }; if not notaword then begin { help request } writeln(' Use a numeric value.'); end; write(' Enter interval: '); getcmdline; getnum(i); end; getword { try to get the units }; while (not isword('s ')) and (not isword('ms ')) and (not isword('us ')) and (not isword('ns ')) do begin if not notaword then begin { help request } writeln(' Valid units are:'); write(' s - seconds '); writeln; write(' ms - milliseconds '); writeln('(1000ms = 1s)'); write(' us - microseconds '); writeln('(1000us = 1ms)'); write(' ns - nanoseconds '); writeln('(1000ns = 1us)'); end; write(' Enter units: '); getcmdline; getword; end; if isword('s ') then begin i := i * second; end else if isword('ms ') then begin i := i * millisecond; end else if isword('us ') then begin i := i * microsecond; end else { isword('ns ') } begin i := i * nanosecond; end; if (i > 10*second) or (i < 0.1*nanosecond) then begin write(' Interval must be between'); writeln(' 0.1 ns and 10 s.'); write(' Enter interval: '); getcmdline; end; until (i <= 10*second) and (i >= 0.1*nanosecond); end { getinterval }; { inside simulate, general display formats } procedure displayheader; var inno, outno, lastoutno, lng: integer; i: integer; ing, outg: gateref; inpinused, outpinused: integer; procedure showtime( t: real ); { show the time in a 4 column format } procedure show( n: real ); begin n := round(10.0 * n) / 10.0; if n > 10 then write( round(n):4 ) else write( trunc(n):2, '.', round(10.0 * (n - trunc(n))):1 ); end { show }; begin { showtime }; if (t/second) > 0.9995 then begin show(t/second); end else if (t/millisecond) > 0.9995 then begin show(t/millisecond); end else if (t/microsecond) > 0.9995 then begin show(t/microsecond); end else begin show(t/nanosecond); end; end { showtime }; procedure showunit( t: real ); { show the units used by showtime } begin if (t/second) > 0.9995 then begin write('s '); end else if (t/millisecond) > 0.9995 then begin write('ms'); end else if (t/microsecond) > 0.9995 then begin write('us'); end else begin write('ns'); end; end { showunit }; begin { displayheader } inpinused := 0; ing := inputs; while ing <> nil do begin inpinused := inpinused + 1; ing := ing^.next; end; outpinused := 0; outg := outputs; while outg <> nil do begin outpinused := outpinused + 1; outg := outg^.next; end; for i :=1 to 70 do write('='); writeln; write(' circuit name = '); printname( circuitinst^.name, lng, 32 ); writeln; write(' input interval ='); showtime( inxint ); showunit( inxint ); writeln(' If you need help, type h.'); write(' output interval='); showtime( outxint ); showunit( outxint ); writeln; for i := 1 to 70 do write('-'); writeln; write('TIME:OUTPUTS '); for i := 1 to outpinused - 1 do write(' '); write(':INPUTS'); writeln; write('----:------- '); for i := 1 to outpinused - 1 do write(' '); write(':------'); writeln; outno := 1; lastoutno := outno; ing := inputs; inno := 1; outg := outputs; repeat if inno = 1 then begin showtime( outxint ); end else if inno=2 then begin write(' '); showunit( outxint ); write(' '); end else begin write(' '); end; for i := 1 to outno - 1 do write(': | '); lng := 0; while (outno <= outpinused) and (lng < 4) do begin write(':'); printname( outg^.name, lng, 9 + (outpinused-outno)*4 ); lastoutno := outno; if outg^.index <> undefined then begin write( '(', outg^.index:3, ')' ); lng := lng + 5; i := 0 { loop control boolean }; repeat outno := outno + 1; outg := outg^.next; if outg = nil { test terminating conditions } then i := 1 else if outg^.next = nil { test loop terminators } then i := 1 else if outg^.name <> outg^.next^.name then i := 1; until i = 1; end else begin outno := outno + 1; outg := outg^.next; end; for i := 1 to 4 - lng - 1 do write(' '); end; if (outno > outpinused) and (lng < 4) then begin write(' '); end else begin if lng = 0 then lng := 4; for i := (lastoutno-1)*4 + 2 + lng to outpinused*4 + 6 do write(' '); end; write(': '); for i :=1 to inno-1 do write('|'); if inno <= inpinused then begin printname(ing^.name,lng,32); if ing^.index <> undefined then begin write( '(', ing^.index:3, ')' ); i := 0 { loop control boolean }; repeat inno := inno + 1; ing := ing^.next; if ing = nil { test terminator } then i := 1 else if ing^.next = nil then i := 1 else if ing^.name <> ing^.next^.name then i := 1; until i = 1; end else begin; inno := inno + 1; ing := ing^.next; end; end; writeln; until (inno>inpinused) and (outno>outpinused); write(' '); for i :=1 to outpinused do write(': | '); write(': : '); for i :=1 to inpinused do write('|'); writeln; for i :=1 to 70 do write('='); writeln; end { displayheader }; procedure help; { help message for simulation mode } begin getword { get parameter to help }; writeln; if isword('command ') then begin write(' What command or topic do you'); write(' want to know about: '); getcmdline; getword; writeln; end; if notaword then begin write(' At this point, you have the'); writeln(' option of giving'); write(' input values or using the commands:'); writeln(' quit, input, output,'); write(' read or title. More information'); writeln(' about each of these '); write(' are available by typing "h value"'); writeln(' or "h ";'); write(' help is also available on other topics.'); writeln; end else if isword('formats ') or isword('data ') or isword('values ') then begin write(' Input values are specified by giving'); writeln(' one character for each input'); write(' of the circuit being simulated. The'); writeln(' character values are:'); writeln(' H and L -- specific input levels.'); writeln(' 1 and 0 -- synonyms for H and L.'); writeln(' blank or x -- keep old value.'); writeln(' p -- a short pulse.'); writeln; write(' Output values are reported graphically'); writeln(' as follows:'); writeln(':|_ : -- a value of 0 or false'); writeln(': |: -- a value of 1 or true'); end else if isword('input ') then begin write(' The input command sets the interval'); writeln(' between successive input prompts'); write(' in the simulation. For example,'); writeln(' "i 100ns" will set the input'); write(' interval to 100 nanoseconds.'); writeln; write(' Note: the input interval must be'); writeln(' no smaler than the output interval.'); write(' For help with input data formats,'); writeln(' type "h data".'); end else if isword('output ') then begin write(' The output command sets the interval'); writeln(' between successive displays of the'); write(' simulation outputs. For example,'); writeln(' "o 50ns" will set the output'); write(' interval to 50 nanoseconds.'); writeln; write(' Note: the output interval must be'); writeln(' no greater than the input interval.'); write(' For help with output data formats,'); writeln(' type "h data".'); end else if isword('read ') then begin write(' The read command causes the logic'); writeln(' simulator to read all further commands'); write(' from a file, echoing what it reads'); writeln(' on the terminal. For example,'); write(' "r script" will cause the simulator'); writeln(' to read from the file "script".'); end else if isword('title ') then begin write(' The title command reprints the current'); writeln(' simulation title, including'); write(' the circuit name, the current'); writeln(' settings of the input and output'); write(' intervals, and the labels'); writeln(' on the input and output columns.'); end else if isword('quit ') then begin write(' The quit command terminates the'); writeln(' simulation session.'); end else if isword('units ') or isword('seconds ') or isword('ns ') or isword('ms ') or isword('us ') or isword('nanoseconds ') or isword('millisecond ') or isword('miliseconds ') or isword('microsecond ') or isword('time ') then begin write(' Time is measured in terms of the'); writeln(' following units:'); writeln(' s -- seconds'); writeln(' ms -- milliseconds (1000ms = 1s)'); writeln(' us -- microseconds (1000us = 1ms)'); writeln(' ns -- nanoseconds (1000ns = 1us)'); end else if isword('intervals ') or isword('periods ') then begin write(' The input and output intervals'); writeln(' determine how frequently input'); write(' to the simulation is requested,'); writeln(' and how frequently the outputs'); write(' are reported. The input and'); writeln(' output commands may be used'); write(' to set these intervals.'); writeln; end else if isword('topics ') or isword('other ') then begin write(' In addition to help on specific'); writeln(' commands, help is available on'); write(' time units, intervals,'); writeln(' and data formats.'); end else if isword('help ') then begin write(' The help command takes a topic'); writeln(' or command as a parameter.'); end else if isword('iowa ') then begin {silly} write(' Iowa is known as the hawkeye state.'); {silly} writeln; end else begin write(' That was not a command name'); writeln(' and no help is available on that topic.'); end; writeln; end { help }; { inside simulate, primary display formatting routines } procedure showinp; var g:gateref; begin write(': : '); g := inputs; while g <> nil do begin if g^.lastout=low then write('0') else write('1'); g := g^.next; end; writeln; end { showinp }; procedure showout ( time: real ); var g: gateref; begin write(round(time/outxint) mod 10000:4); g := outputs; while g <> nil do begin write(':'); case g^.lastout of low: write('|'); open,high: write(' '); end; if g^.changecount > 3 then begin write('='); end else case g^.changecount of 0: write(' '); 1: write('_'); 2: if g^.lastout= g^.state then write('-') else write('='); 3: write('='); end; case g^.lastout of low: write(' '); open,high: write('|'); end; g^.changecount := 0; g^.lastout := g^.state; g := g^.next; end { while }; end { showout }; procedure getinp ( time: real ); var g: gateref; i: integer; err: boolean {used to flag errors in input data}; needmore: boolean {used to indicate need for more inp}; begin repeat write(':INPUT: '); getcmdline; getword; needmore := true; if isword('help ') then begin help; showout (time); end else if isword('quit ') or isword('stop ') then begin done := true; needmore := false; end else if isword('title ') then begin displayheader; showout (time); end else if isword('read ') then begin getword { get file name }; while notaword do begin writeln(' Read from what file: '); getcmdline; getword; end; resetword; showout (time); end else if isword('input ') then begin getinterval( inxint ); showout (time); end else if isword('output ') then begin getinterval( outxint ); showout (time); end else begin {try to parse line as input data} g := inputs; i := 1; err := false; while (g <> nil) and (i <= cmdlen) do begin if (cmdline[i] in ['0','1','H','L',' ','p','x','X']) then case cmdline[i] of 'L', '0': g^.state := low; 'H', '1': g^.state := high; 'p': g^.state := open { temporarily }; ' ', 'x', 'X': g^.state := g^.lastout; end else err := true; g := g^.next; i := i + 1; end; while (g <> nil) do begin { handle short command line } g^.state := g^.lastout; g := g^.next; end; if err then begin writeln; write(' Invalid simulation input,'); writeln(' type "h" for help.'); writeln; showout (time); end else if cmdline[i] <> ' ' then begin writeln; write(' Too many inputs.'); write(' Only ',i-1:1,' allowed.'); writeln; writeln; showout (time); end else begin {line held valid input data} needmore := false; g := inputs; while g <> nil do begin with g^ do if lastout <> state then begin if state = open then begin if lastout = high then state := low else state := high; foreachwire(outto, lastout, state, time + (inxint*0.23) ); foreachwire(outto, state, lastout, time + (inxint*0.73) ); state := lastout; end else begin foreachwire(outto, lastout, state, time ); lastout := state; end; end; g := g^.next; end; for i :=1 to trunc(inxint/outxint) do schedule( newevent( showoutput, time + (i-0.25)*outxint )); schedule( newevent( getinput, time + inxint )); end { if err or line too long or valid data }; end { if isword ... }; until not needmore; end { getinp }; procedure burnup( gate: gateref ); { report burnt tristate bus } begin write(' Warning, bus "'); printgatename( gate ); writeln('"'); write(' was driven with conflicting inputs.'); writeln; end { burnup }; begin { simulate } initialize; displayheader; lastio := get; done := false; repeat { until done } getcurrent; with currentevent^ do case kind of lateinit: begin { late phase of initialization } foreachwire( hiwire, low, high, time); { no need to do same on lowire since it's already low } end; showoutput: begin if lastio = show then showinp; showout (time); lastio := show; endcurrent; end; getinput: begin if lastio = get then showout (time); getinp (time); lastio := get; endcurrent; end { getinput }; outchange: begin if gateid^.request = currentevent then gateid^.request := nil; if old <> new then foreachwire( gateid^.outto, old, new, time ); endcurrent; end; logicchange: with gateid^ do begin time := time + delay * jitter(0.1); { update gate inputs } case kind of andg, org, nandg, norg, xorg, equg, trbg: begin instates[new] := instates[new] + 1; instates[old] := instates[old] - 1; end; ntrig, trig, latchg: begin if inputval = 1 then inp := new else control := new; end; iogate: ; end { case }; { get new outputs } case kind of iogate: begin if (state <> new) and not ((state in [open,high]) and (new in [open,high])) then changecount :=changecount+1; state := new; end; andg: if (instates[low] = 0) then result := high else result := low; org: if (instates[high] > 0) or (instates[open] > 0) then result := high else result := low; nandg: if (instates[low] = 0) then result := low else result := high; norg: if (instates[high] > 0) or (instates[open] > 0) then result := low else result := high; xorg: if instates[low] = 1 then result := high else result := low; equg: if instates[low] = 1 then result := low else result := high; trig: if control = low then result := open else if inp = low then result := low else result := high; ntrig: if control = low then result := open else if inp = low then result := high else result := low; latchg: if control = low then result := lastout else if inp = low then result := low else result := high; trbg: if instates[low] > 0 then if instates[high] > 0 then burnup( gateid ) else result := low else if instates[high] > 0 then result := high else begin result := open; if lastout = low then time := time + nanosecond; end; end { case kind }; { figure how to send result onwards } case kind of iogate: endcurrent; andg, org, nandg, norg, xorg, equg, trig, ntrig, trbg, latchg: if lastout <> result then begin if request = nil then begin currentevent^.kind := outchange; currentevent^.old := lastout; currentevent^.new := result; { note that time and gateid fields don't need reset } request := currentevent; schedule( currentevent ); end else if time < (request^.time + delay/4) then begin { new output cancels old } request^.new := result; endcurrent; end else begin; currentevent^.kind := outchange; currentevent^.old := lastout; currentevent^.new := result; { note that time and gateid fields don't need reset } request := currentevent; schedule( currentevent ); end; lastout := result; end else begin { lastout = result } endcurrent; end { if lastout <> result }; end { case kind of }; end { logicchange with gateid^ }; end { with currentevent^ case kind }; until done; writeln; writeln(' Simulation ends.'); end { simulate }; begin { logicsim } writeln( 'IOWA Logic Simulator, Ver. 10' ); seed := 329; waserror := false; buildmodel; if waserror then begin writeln; writeln ( 'Simulation aborted due to input error' ); writeln; end else begin simulate; end; 9999: { fatal error }; end { logicsim }.