Home> mph.fit documentation
Author: Joseph B. Lang, Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 USA
Document Description: Herein, you will find supporting documentation for the R program mph.fit. The program mph.fit computes maximum likelihood estimates and model assessment statistics for the broad class of multinomial-Poisson homogeneous (MPH) contingency table models. This document includes, or provides links to, the following information:
primary references | software availability | implementation instructions | program description |
Lang, J.B (2004). "Multinomial-Poisson Homogeneous Models for Contingency Tables," Annals of Statistics, 32, 340-383 .
Lang, J.B. (2005). "Homogeneous Linear Predictor Models for Contingency Tables," JASA, 100, 121-134
To receive a free copy of the R programs referred to in this document, contact me (Joseph B. Lang) at joseph-lang@uiowa.edu. [Note: The statistical package R is freeware that is available at http://cran.r-project.org; its syntax is very similar to that of the commercial software S-plus.]
IMPLEMENTATION of mph.fit and accompanying R programs
In response to your email request, you should receive the file, "mph.Rcode.txt", which can be directly sourced into R, e.g. R> source("mph.Rcode.txt").
Sourcing "mph.Rcode.txt" results in the creation of 9 functions:
mph.fit (version 3.1)
The main maximum-likelihood fitting program, mph.fit, uses num.deriv.fct, create.U, create.Z.ZF, check.homog, and check.HLP.
The program mph.summary is used to create a useful summary of the object created by mph.fit.
The remaining functions, block.fct and M.fct, are useful for MPH and HLP modeling, but are not essential for using mph.fit and mph.summary.
The following lines are the comments found at the top of the file mph.Rcode.txt . These comments currently serve as user documentation. See also the basic numerical examples, numerical examples , and the primary references above.
# # Sourcing this R file (> source("mph.Rcode.txt") ) results in the creation # of the following 9 functions: # # mph.fit, mph.summary, num.deriv.fct, create.U, create.Z.ZF, check.homog, check.HLP # block.fct, M.fct # # ###################### Begin mph.fit ########################################## mph.fit <- function(y, h.fct=constraint,constraint=NULL, h.mean=F, L.fct=link, link=NULL, L.mean=F, X=NULL, strata=rep(1,length(y)),fixed.strata="all", check.homog.tol=1e-9, check.HLP.tol=1e-9, print.iter=F, maxiter=100, step=1, change.step.after=0.25*maxiter, y.eps=0, iter.orig=5, m.initial=y, norm.diff.conv=1e-6,norm.score.conv=1e-6, max.score.diff.iter=10, derht.fct=NULL,derLt.fct=NULL) { # mph.fit, version 3.1 # # Originally Created: August 25, 2000 (last revised: 2/12/07, 4/23/09, 5/20/09) # # Author: Joseph B. Lang, # Dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science # Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242 # joseph-lang@uiowa.edu # # References: Lang, J.B. (2004). "Multinomial-Poisson Homogeneous # Models for Contingency Tables," Annals of Statistics, # 32, 340-383. # # Lang, J.B. (2005). "Homogeneous Linear Predictor Models # for Contingency Tables," JASA, 100, 121-134 # # DESCRIPTION: # # This program computes maximum likelihood estimates and fit statistics for # multinomial-Poisson homogeneous (MPH) and homogeneous linear # predictor (HLP) models for contingency tables (see Lang 2004, 2005). # # In the following, let y be the vector of c table counts, p be the # unknown vector of c table probabilities, s be a vector of c strata identifiers, # and F be the set of strata with a priori fixed sample sizes. # # Although mph.fit can fit more general models (see below), two important special # cases include: # # MPH (Special-Case): y <- Y ~ MP(nu, p | strata=s, fixed=F), h(p) = 0. # # HLP (Special-Case): y <- Y ~ MP(nu, p | strata=s, fixed=F), L(p) = X beta. # # Here, h(.) is a smooth constraint function and L(.) is a smooth link function. # It is assumed that the constraints in h(p) = 0 are non-redundant so that # the Jacobian, d h(p)'/d p, is full column rank. # # The link L(.) is allowed to be many-to-one and row-rank deficient, so # this HLP model is quite general. It is only required that the implied # constraints, U'L(p) = 0, where null(U') = span(X), are non-redundant. # # Here, MP stands for the Multinomial-Poisson distribution. The parameters # are nu, the vector of expected sample sizes, and p, the vector of # table probabilities. # # The notation y <- Y ~ MP(nu, p| strata=s, fixed=F) means that # y is a realization of random vector Y, which is composed of # independent blocks of multinomial and/or Poisson random variables. # The strata vector s determines the blocks and F determines which blocks # are multinomial and which blocks comprise independent Poisson random variables. # More specifically, suppose there are K strata, so s contains K distinct strata # identifiers. The components in Y corresponding to s=identifier[k] # make up a block. If identifier[k] is included in F, then this block has a # multinomial distribution and nu[k] is the a priori known, i.e. fixed, sample size. # If identifier[k] is not in F, then this block comprises independent Poisson random # variables and nu[k] is an unknown expected sample size. # # Note: Given the observed counts y, the pair (strata,fixed)=(s, F) # contains the same information as the sampling plan triple (Z,ZF,nF) # described in Lang (2004,2005). Specifically, # # Z=Z(s), the strata/population matrix, is determined by s. # ZF = ZF(s,F), the sampling constraint matrix, is determined by s and F. # nF = ZF'y is the vector of a priori fixed sample sizes. # # Special case MP distributions include... # # Full Multinomial: MP(nu,p| strata=1, fixed="all") # A simple random sample of fixed size nu is taken # from a single strata (population). # # Product Multinomial: MP(nu,p| strata=s, fixed="all") # A stratified random sample of fixed sample sizes # nu=(nu[1],...,nu[K]) is taken from the K strata # determined by s. # # Full Poisson: MP(nu,p| strata=1, fixed="none") # A simple random sample is taken from a single # strata (population). The sample size is random and # follows a Poisson distribution with unknown mean nu. # # Product Poisson: MP(nu,p| strata=s, fixed="none") # A stratified random sample is taken from K strata. # The sample sizes are all random and distributed # as Poissons with unknown means in nu=(nu[1],...,nu[K]). # # Specifying the MP distribution in 'mph.fit'... # # In older versions of mph.fit (2.1 and lower), the user # had to enter the sampling plan triple (Z,ZF,n). # In 'mph.fit', version 3.0 and higher, the user need only # enter ('strata', 'fixed.strata'), the input variables # corresponding to (s, F). Keywords, fixed.strata="all" ["none"] # means that all [none] of the strata have a priori fixed sample sizes. # # To fit MPH (Special Case), the user must enter the counts 'y', the # constraint function 'h.fct' (alias 'constraint'), and the sampling plan # variables, 'strata' and 'fixed.strata'. Note: The user can omit the sampling plan # variables if the default, multinomial sampling (strata=1,fixed="all"), can be assumed. # # To fit HLP (Special Case), the user must enter the counts 'y', the # link function 'L.fct' (alias 'link'), the model matrix 'X', and the sampling # plan variables, 'strata' and 'fixed.strata'. Note: The user can omit the # sampling plan variables if the default, multinomial sampling, can be assumed. # # IMPORTANT: When specifying the model and creating the input objects for 'mph.fit', # keep in mind that the interpretation of the table probabilities p depends on the # sampling plan! # # Specifically, if the i^{th} count y[i] is in block k (i.e. corresponds with # strata identifier[k]), then the i^{th} table probability p[i] is the conditional # probability defined as # p[i] = probability of a Type i outcome GIVEN that the outcome is one # of the types in stratum k. # # For example, in an IxJ table with row variable A and column variable B, # if row-stratified sampling is used, the table probabilities have the interpretation, # p[i,j] = prob of a Type (i,j) outcome GIVEN that the outcome is one # of the types in stratum i (i.e. one of (i,1),...,(i,J)). # = P(A=i,B=j|A=i) # = P(B=j|A=i). # For column-stratified sampling, p[i,j] = P(A=i|B=j). And for non-stratified # sampling, p[i,j] = P(A=i,B=j). # # Log-Linear Models: Log-Linear models specified as log(p) = X beta, are HLP models. # # As with any HLP model, log(p) = X beta can be restated as a collection of # constraints; specifically, log(p) = X beta is equivalent to h(p) = U'log(p) = 0, # where null(U') = span(X). Noting that Z'p = 1, we see that to avoid redundant # constraints, span(X) should contain span(Z). Loosely, fixed-by-sampling-design # parameters should be included. # # Log-Linear models of the form log(p) = X beta are simple to fit using 'mph.fit'. # For example, # # mph.fit(y, link="logp",X=model.matrix(~A+B)) # or, equivalently, # mph.fit(y, link=function(p){log(p)},X=model.matrix(~A+B)) # # # # # DESCRIPTION (continued): MORE GENERAL MPH and HLP MODELS... # # Instead of (nu, p), the MP distribution can alternatively be parameterized in terms of # the vector of expected table counts, m = E(Y). Formally, (nu, p) and m # are in one-to-one correspondence and satisfy: # # m = D(Z nu)p and nu= Z'm, p = D^{-1}(ZZ'm)m. # # Here, Z = Z(s) is the cxK strata/population matrix determined by strata vector s. # Specifically, Z[i,k] = 1(s[i] = identifier[k]). # # The MPH (Special-Case) Model given above is a special case because it constrains the # expected counts m only through the table probabilities p. # Similarly, the HLP (Special-Case) Model given above is a special case because # it uses a link function that depends on m only through the table probabilities p. # # More generally, 'mph.fit' computes maximum likelihood estimates and fit statistics for # MPH and HLP models of the form... # # MPH. y <- Y ~ MP(nu, p | strata=s, fixed=F), h(m) = 0. # HLP: y <- Y ~ MP(nu, p | strata=s, fixed=F), L(m) = X beta. # # Here, h(.) is a smooth constraint function that must also be Z (i.e. strata s) # homogeneous. L(.) is a smooth link function that must also satisfy the # HLP conditions with respect to Z (i.e. strata s) and X. # That is, # (1) L(.) has HLP link status wrt Z AND # (2) The implied constraint function h(m)=U'L(m) is Z homogeneous. # Here, null(U') = span(X). # # L(.) has HLP link status wrt Z if, for m = D(Z nu)p, # # (1)(a) L(m) = a(nu) + L(p), where a(nu1/nu2)-a(1) = a(nu1) - a(nu2), # i.e. a(nu) has the form C log nu + constant. # OR # # (b) L(m) = G(nu)L(p), where G(nu) is a diagonal matrix with diagonal # elements that are powers of the nu elements, # i.e. L(.) is Z homogeneous (see Lang 2004). # OR # # (c) The components of L(.) are a mixture of types (a) and (b): # L[j](m) = a[j](nu) + L[j](p) or L[j](m) = G[j](nu)L[j](p), # j=1,...,l. # # Lang (2005) described HLP models that satisfied (1)(a) and (2), but # the definition of HLP models can be broadened to include those models # satisfying (1) and (2). That is, HLP models can be defined so # they also include models that satisfy (1)(b) and (2) or (1)(c) and (2). # Version 3.1+ of mph.fit uses this broader definition of HLP Model. # # Note: The input variable 'h.mean' must be set to TRUE to fit this more general MPH # model. Similarly, the input variable 'L.mean' must be set to TRUE to fit # this more general HLP model. (An exception: If the link function # is specified using the keyword "logm" then 'L.mean' is automatically # set to TRUE.) # # Note: 'mph.fit', version 3.0 and above, carries out "necessary-condition" checks # of Z homogeneity of h(.) and HLP link status of L(.) for these general models. # # Log-Linear Models: Log-Linear models of the form log(m) = X beta are HLP models # provided the span(X) contains the span(Z). Loosely, provided fixed-by-design # parameters are included, the log-linear model is a special case HLP model. # # Log-Linear models of the form log(m) = X beta are simple to fit using 'mph.fit'. # For example, # # mph.fit(y, link="logm",X=model.matrix(~A+B)) # or, equivalently, # mph.fit(y, link=function(m){log(m)}, L.mean=T, X=model.matrix(~A+B)) # # Note: Most reasonable generalized loglinear models, which have the form # L(m) = C log Mm = X beta, are also HLP models (see Lang 2005). # # SUBROUTINES and COMPLEMENTARY FUNCTIONS: # # Subroutines: 'mph.fit' uses 5 other short subroutines: # 'num.deriv.fct', 'create.U', 'create.Z.ZF', # 'check.homog', and 'check.HLP'. # # Complementary Function: # 'mph.summary' summarizes and displays the results from 'mph.fit'. # # # INPUT: # # Required Input: # y = vector (not matrix) of table counts # # Optional Input: # h.fct = function object that defines the constraint function h(.). # It must return a column vector. # h.fct can also be set to 0, in which case h(.) is viewed as the # 0 function, so no constraints are imposed. # # By default, h(.) is viewed as a function of the # table probabilities p. If h.mean is set to h.mean=T, # then h(.) is viewed as a function of the expected counts m. # Default: h.fct = NULL (If both h.fct=NULL and L.fct = NULL, # then h.fct is set to 0 and no constraints are imposed. # If h.fct = NULL and L.fct is not= NULL then # h.fct will be computed as U'L.fct.) # # constraint is an alias for the argument 'h.fct'. # Argument 'constraint' is secondary to the primary argument 'h.fct' # in the following senses: # If 'constraint' and 'h.fct' are not equal, 'h.fct' is used. # # h.mean = logical argument. If h.mean=F (the default), h.fct is treated as # a function of p. If h.mean=T then h.fct is treated as a function of m. # # L.fct = function object that defines the link L(.) in the HLP model; # it must return a column vector. # # Or... L.fct = keyword, where # candidate keywords include "logp" and "logm". # # Entering L.fct="logp" tells the program to create the # function object as L.fct <- function(p){log(p)}. # L.fct="logm" tells the program to (i) create the # function object as L.fct <- function(m){log(m)} and # (ii) set L.mean = T. # # By default, L.fct is treated as a function of the # table probabilities p (even if the argument in the # L.fct function object is "m"). If L.mean is set to L.mean=T, # then L.fct is treated as a function of the expected counts m. # Default: L.fct = NULL means no constraints of the form L(p)=X beta # are imposed. # # link is an alias for the argument 'L.fct'. # Argument 'link' is secondary to the primary argument 'L.fct' # in the following senses: # If 'link' and 'L.fct' are not equal, 'L.fct' is used. # # L.mean = logical argument. If L.mean=F (the default), L.fct is treated # as a function of p. If L.mean=T, L.fct is treated # as a function of m. # # # X = HLP model design matrix, assumed to be full rank. # (default: X = NULL; i.e., it is left unspecified and unused.) # # strata = vector of the same length as y that gives the stratum # membership identifier. Default: strata = rep(1,length(y)); # i.e. the default is the single stratum (non-stratified) setting. # Examples, strata=A or strata=c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3) or # strata=paste(sep="","A=",A,",B=",B) # # fixed.strata = the object that gives information on which stratum have # fixed sample sizes. It can equal one of the keywords, # fixed.strata = "all" or fixed.strata = "none", or it can # be a vector of stratum membership identifiers, e.g. # fixed.strata=c(1,3) or fixed.strata=c("pop1","pop5"). # (default: fixed.strata="all") # # check.homog.tol = round-off tolerance for Z homogeneity check # (default: check.homog.tol=1e-9) # check.HLP.tol= round-off tolerance for HLP Link status check # (default: check.HLP.tol=1e-9) # # print.iter = F, Do not print out iteration information. If print.iter=T # then iteration information is printed out. # # maxiter = maximum number of iterations (default: maxiter=100) # step = step-size value (default: step=1) # change.step.after: If the score value increases for more than # change.step.after iterations in a row, then the # initial step size is halved. (default: # change.step.after = 0.25*maxiter) # y.eps = non-negative constant to be temporarily added # to the original counts in y (default: y.eps=0) # iter.orig = iteration at which the original counts will # be used (default: iter.orig=5). # m.initial = initial estimate of m (default: m.initial=y) # See Input Note 7 below. # norm.diff.conv = convergence criteria value; see norm.diff # in the Output section # (default: norm.diff.conv=1e-6) # norm.score.conv = convergence criteria value; see norm.score in # the Output section # (default: norm.score.conv = 1e-6) # max.score.diff.iter, The variable score.diff.iter # keeps track of how long norm.score is # smaller than norm.score.conv, but norm.diff is # greater than norm.diff.conv. If this is the # case too long (i.e. score.diff.iter >= max.score.diff.iter), # then stop the iterations because the solution likely # includes at least one ML fitted value of 0. # (default: max.score.diff.iter = 10) # derht.fct = NULL, function object that computes analytic derivative of # the transpose of the constraint function h(.) with # respect to m. # If h(.) maps from Rp to Rq (i.e. there are q # constraints), then derht.fct returns a # pxq matrix of partial derivatives. # (default: derht.fct=NULL. This means that the # derivative is calculated numerically.) # derLt.fct = NULL, function object that computes analytic derivative of # the transpose of the link function L(.) with # respect to m. # If L(.) maps from Rp to Rq (i.e. there are q # link components), then derLt.fct returns a # pxq matrix of partial derivatives. # (default: derLt.fct =NULL, i.e. by default this # derivative is calculated numerically.) # # Input Notes: # # 1. CONSTRAINT FUNCTION. # # 'constraint' is an alias for 'h.fct'. # # If h.fct is a function object, it must return a column vector. # # By default, h.fct is treated as a function of the table # probabilities p. To treat h.fct as a function of the expected # counts m, you must set h.mean=T (by default, h.mean=F). # # The fitting algorithm will fail if the constraints in h.fct=0 # are redundant. (The redundancy results in a rank-deficient # Jacobian, d h'/d m.) # # 2. MODEL WITH NO CONSTRAINTS. # # The model with no constraints can be specifed using # h.fct = 0. The no-constraint model is the default # when neither h.fct nor L.fct are input (i.e. when # h.fct=NULL and L.fct=NULL). # # 3. HLP MODEL SPECIFICATION. # # 'link' is an alias for 'L.fct'. # # For HLP models, both L.fct and X must be specified. # # The design matrix X must be of full column rank. # # 'mph.fit' recognizes two keywords for link specification, # 'logp' and 'logm'. These are convenient for log-linear modeling. # # If L.fct is a function object, it must return a column vector. # # By default, L.fct is treated as a function of the table # probabilities p. To treat L.fct as a function of the expected # counts m, you must set L.mean=T (by default, L.mean=F). # # The constraint function h.fct is typically left # unspecified for HLP models, but it need not be. # # If h.fct is left unspecified, it is created within the program as # h.fct(m) <- function(m){ t(U)%*%L.fct(m)}, where matrix # U is an orthogonal complement of X. # # If h.fct is specified, the constraints implied by # L.fct(p) =X beta, or L.fct(m)=X beta, are ignored. # # Note: Although the HLP constraints are ignored when # h.fct is specified, estimates of beta and the link are # computed under the model with constraints # h.fct(p)=0 or h.fct(m)=0. # # The fitting algorithm will fail to converge if the implied # constraints, U'L.fct = 0, include redundancies. # # 4. EXTENDED ML ESTIMATES. # When ML estimates are non-existent owing to # zero counts, norm.diff will not converge to # zero, instead it tends to level off at some constant # positive value. This is because at least one ML # fitted value is 0, which on the log scale is # log(0)=-Inf, and the log-scale iterates slowly # move toward -Inf. One solution to this problem is # to set the convergence value norm.diff.conv # to some large number so only the score convergence # criterion is used. In this case, the algorithm # often converges to a solution that can be viewed # as an extended ML estimate, for which 0 estimates # are allowed. Versions 2.0 and higher automates the # detection of such problems. See the description of the # input variable 'max.score.diff.iter' above and the # MISC COMPUTATIONAL NOTES below. # # 5. CONVERGENCE PROBLEMS / FINE TUNING ITERATIONS. # # First check to make sure that the model is correctly # specified and redundant constraints are avoided. # # When ML estimates exist, but there are # non-convergence problems (perhaps caused by zero # counts), a modification to the tuning # parameters `step', 'change.step.after', `y.eps', # and/or `iter.orig' will often lead to convergence. # # With zero counts, it might help to set # y.eps = 0.1 (or some other positive number) # and iter.orig=5 (the default). This tells # the program to initially use y+y.eps rather than # the original counts y. At iteration 5=iter.orig, # after the algorithm has had time to move toward a # non-boundary solution, the original counts are again # used. # # To further mitigate non-convergence problems, # the parameter `step' can be set to a smaller value # (default: step=1) so the iterates do not change as much. # # 6. The initial estimate of m is actually # m.initial + y.eps + 0.01*((m.initial+y.eps)==0) # The program defaults are m.initial=y and y.eps=0. # Note: If m.initial > 0 and y.eps=0, then the # initial estimate of m is simply m.initial. # # # OUTPUT # y = vector of counts used in the algorithm # for ML estimation. Usually, this vector # is identical to the observed table counts # m = vector of ML fitted values # covm = approximate covariance matrix of fitted values # p = vector of cell probability ML estimates # covp = approximate covariance matrix of cell probability estimators # lambda = vector of Lagrange multiplier ML estimates # covlambda = approximate covariance matrix of multiplier estimators # resid = vector of raw residuals (i.e. observed minus fitted counts) # presid = vector of Pearson residuals # adjresid = vector of adjusted residuals # covresid = approximate covariance matrix of raw residuals # Gsq = likelihood ratio stat for testing Ho: h(m)=0 vs. Ha:not Ho # Xsq = Pearson's score stat (same as Lagrange multiplier stat) # for testing Ho: h(m)=0 vs. Ha: not H0. # Wsq = Generalized Wald stat for testing Ho: h(m)=0 vs. # Ha: not H0. # df = degrees of freedom associated with Gsq and Xsq (df= dim(h)) # beta = vector of HLP model parameter ML estimates # covbeta = approximate covariance matrix of HLP # model parameter estimators # L = vector of HLP model link ML estimates # Lobs = vector of HLP model observed link values, L(y). # covL = approximate covariance matrix of HLP model # link estimators # Lresid = vector of adjusted link residuals of the form # (L(obs) – L(fitted))/ase(L(obs)-L(fitted)). # iter = number of update iterations performed # norm.diff = distance between last and second last `theta' iterates # (`theta' is the vector of log fitted values and # Lagrange multipliers) # norm.score= distance between the score vector and zero # h.fct = constraint function used in algorithm # h.input.fct = constraint function as originally input # h.mean = logical variable (h.mean=F, h.fct treated as function of p, # h.mean=T, h.fct treated as function of m) # derht.fct = analytic function used in algorithm that computes # derivative of transpose of constraint function h # L.fct = link function used in algorithm # L.input.fct = link function as originally input # L.mean = logical variable (L.mean=F, L.fct treated as function of p, # L.mean=T, L.fct treated as function of m) # derLt.fct = analytic function used in algorithm that computes # derivative of transpose of link function L # X = HLP model design matrix used in algorithm # U = orthogonal complement of design matrix X # triple = a list object containing the sampling plan triple (Z,ZF,n), # where Z is the population (or strata) matrix, # ZF is the sampling constraint matrix, # and n is the collection of fixed sample sizes. # strata = strata variable used as input # fixed.strata = strata corresponding to fixed sample sizes # version = `mph.fit' version number # warn.message = message stating whether or not the original # counts were used. # warn.message.score = message stating whether or not the norm score # convergence criterion was met. # warn.message.diff = message stating whether or not the norm diff # convergence criterion was met. # # Output Notes # 1. ITERATION HISTORY. # An iteration history is printed out when 'print.iter' is set # equal to TRUE. A single line of the history looks like the following: # "iter= 18[0] norm.diff= 3.574936e-08 norm.score= 1.901705e-15" # Here, iter is the number of update iterations performed. # The number in [] gives the number of step size searches # required within each iteration. # norm.diff and norm.score are defined above. # Finally, the time elapsed is output. # Note: For the model with no restrictions (h.fct = 0) # there are no step size changes. # # 2. STORING and VIEWING RESULTS. # To store the results of mph.fit, issue a command # like the following example # > results <- mph.fit(y, h.fct=h.fct) # Use program "mph.summary" to view the results # of mph.fit. Specifically, if the results of mph.fit # are saved in object "results", submit the command # mph.summary(results) [or mph.summary(results,T) or # mph.summary(results,T,T) depending on how much of # the output you need to see.] # # 3. The output objects beta, covbeta, L, covL, and # Lresid will be set to "NA" unless an HLP model is # specified (i.e. L.fct and X are input) # # MISC COMPUTATIONAL NOTES: # # For computational efficiency (in particular, to speed up # multiplications involving diagonal matrices), the expression # (A*c(x)) is used in place of diag(c(x))%*%A # # Version 1.2 Major Updates: # 1. "<-" replaces "_" to reflect changes in R, version 1.8.1 # 2. Input variable "chscore.criterion" added. This variable # is used to restrict the updating move so that the # norm of the score changes by no more than a specified # amount. This restriction is used to fine tune the # iterative algorithm so that convergence is more likely. # Version 1.3 Update: # 1. Allows user to input initial estimates of m. See input # variate m.initial. # 2. 1.3.1. Fixed bug regarding warning message about original # counts NOT being used... # if ((iter < iter.orig) & (y.eps != 0)) changed to # if ((iter <= iter.orig) & (y.eps != 0)) # Version 2.0 Update: # 1. Z = matrix(1,length(y),1) is now the default; i.e. the # "single strata setting" is the default. # 2. Iterations are fine-tuned a bit so the algorithm is # more robust, especially in sparse count settings. # The 'chscore.criterion' has been replaced. # 3. h.fct, L.fct, and X now have NULL as the default value. # is.null checks are now made in the code. # 4. Added max.score.diff.iter criterion to better handle ML # fitted values of 0. score.diff.iter # keeps track of how long norm.score is # smaller than norm.score.conv, but norm.diff is # greater than norm.diff.conv. If this is the # case too long (i.e. score.diff.iter >= max.score.diff.iter), # then stop the iterations because the solution likely # includes at least one ML fitted value of 0. # 5. Added warn.message.score and warn.message.diff to the # output. These messages state whether or not the # norm score and norm diff convergence criteria were met. # 6. Added change.step.after option. Default: # change.step.after=0.25*maxiter. # If score value increases for more than change.step.after # iterations in a row, the initial step size is halved. # # Version 3.0: Substantial changes were made in version 3.0. # # 1. The sampling plan matrices Z and ZF are no longer entered # directly. With version 3.0, the user specifies # a strata variable that gives the stratum membership identifiers # associated with each count in y. The user can specify the stratum # membership identifiers that correspond to fixed sample # sizes using the 'fixed.strata' input variable. # # 2. Specification of model constraints is simplified. # By default constraint function h(.) is viewed as a function # of table probabilities p, rather than expected counts m. # Similarly, by default, the link function L(.) is viewed as a function # of table probabilities rather than expected counts. # In this case, Z homogeneity is guaranteed. That is, h(p)= 0 # and L(p) = X beta are both MPH models. # # 3. The user can override the default of the previous item. # That is, constraints [links] can be specified in terms of # expected counts, rather than table probabilities. The override # is accomplished by changing the default h.mean=F [L.mean=F] to h.mean=T # [L.mean=T]. # # When h.mean=T...Whereas, h(p) is Z homogeneous, there is no # guarantee that h(m) is Z homogeneous. Version 3.0 now runs # a necessary-condition check to make sure the constraint function # h(m) is Z homogeneous. If it is not, a message to that effect # is returned and the model is not fitted. # # When L.mean=T...Whereas, L(p) satisfies the conditions for # being an HLP link, there is no guarantee that L(m) does. # Version 3.0 now runs a necessary-condition check to make # sure L(m) is an HLP link. If it is not, a message to that effect # is returned and the model is not fitted. # # 4. The output from mph.fit has been expanded to include # more information about the sampling plan. When available, # dimension labels are used. Correspondingly, mph.summary # has been modified. # # 5. Aliases for h.fct and L.fct are available. The user can # use 'constraint' instead of 'h.fct' and 'link' instead of 'L.fct'. # # 6. Keywords for log-linear modeling are available: Rather # than creating a function object, the user can enter L.fct="logp" # or L.fct="logm" # # 7. By default (printer.iter=F), iteration information is not printed. # # 8. The iteration process is initiated using the counts y+y.eps, rather # than y. In version 3.0, when y.eps != 0, convergence will not # occur until after the counts are reset to their original values. # This avoids the problem of convergence based on the adjusted # counts y+y.eps. (If the user wants convergence based on # adjusted counts, they will need to enter the adjusted counts # directly into the y input variable.) # On a related note, if iter.orig >= maxiter, it is reset in the # program as: iter.orig <- maxiter - 1. # # Version 3.1: # # 1. The definition of HLP model has been broadened to include # models with links L(.) that are Z homogeneous of any order. # See the relevant discussion above in the section entitled, # "DESCRIPTION (cont'd): MORE GENERAL MPH and HLP MODELS..." # The HLP link status check has been modified accordingly. # # #
Please do not distribute this documentation or the R program files without express permission of author, Joseph B. Lang ( joseph-lang@uiowa.edu)
Page Last Updated: 07/20/2009 10:47 PM -0500, Joseph B. Lang