\documentclass{article} \textheight = 10in \textwidth = 6.5in \parskip 10pt \parindent 0 pt \topmargin = -1in \hoffset -1in \SweaveOpts{echo=FALSE} % do NOT display R code %\SweaveOpts{echo=true} % display R code \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{concordance=TRUE} % needed on PC?? a.) Where did you get your data? The data set trefoilknot.txt was created using the software knotplot (available at knotplot.com) b.) Briefly describe your data The data consists of points from a trefoil knot. Each line in the file contains 3 numbers separated by spaces: x y z. These three numbers are the 3-dimensional coordinates (x, y, z) of a point on the trefoil knot. c.) What format is your data in (eg excel, text, etc.)? Text file d.) How many data points are in your data set? <>= knotdata <- read.csv("../Data/trefoilknot.txt", sep = " ", header = FALSE) # use R to read in data set nrow(knotdata) # output number of rows in knotdata library("scatterplot3d") library("rgl") @ e.) Does your data live in a fixed dimension and if so, what is that dimension? The data consists of points in $R^\Sexpr{ncol(knotdata)}$. That is, they live in dimension $\Sexpr{ncol(knotdata)}$. \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{center} <>= plot(knotdata) library(graphics) @ \caption{Projection of trefoil knot data onto 2 coordinates.} \end{center} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{center} <>= scatterplot3d(knotdata, highlight.3d=TRUE, col.axis="blue", scttr3col.grid="lightblue", main="scatterplot3d - 1", pch=20) @ \caption{Projection of trefoil knot data onto 2 coordinates.} \end{center} \end{figure} \end{document}